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The Grand Confederacy of the Geldheer


Basic History

The area known as the Geldheer Peninsula is inhabited by a people called

the Geldheers, who before the reign of the Empire of Man were a small collection
of coast-faring tribes. The Geldheers are a lizard-like people, who inhabited the
marshy peninsula and had developed little past basic sailing technology before the
Empire of Man’s incursion onto the peninsula. The Empire of Man was
approached by a Geldheer, who told the tale of his people and his ambition to unify
the Geldheer Tribe, by the name of Moreas Bosmen, was able to receive
sponsorship and some expeditionary forces from the Empire of Man, in exchange
for Moreas to swear his fealty. Moreas would go on to unite the Geldheer tribes
under his rule and create the foundation of the modern Geldheer confederacy,
uniting the Lizard tribes under a Despotic Republic. Following the collapse of the
Empire of Man in 1 BCS, a wave of human immigration hit the Geldheer
Confederacy. This was the most dynamic time in the history of the Geldheer
Confederacy. Hundreds of thousands of humans settled in the current capital of
Kushstad. During this time, the modern Geldheer culture formed. Unprecedented
co-operation between the natives and the Geldheer natives were seen across the
confederacy. With the flourishing Geldheer culture, popular Geldheer economist
Vajtek Bosmen, a descendent of Moreas, wrote his magnum opus, “Kushtad – City
of the Stars”, published in 97 ACS about his theory to shape the Geldheer
economy, emphasizing free trade with sponsored and monitored by the Geldheer
government. Over the next centuries, Geldheer economic philosophy developed
and eventually led the government to write the Geldheer Constitution in 592 ACS,
officially founding the Grand Confederacy of the Geldheer Peninsula, a Plutocratic

Territorial Expansion

The Geldheer Confederacy has done little territorial expansion throughout its
lifetime, opting for internal development instead of external expansion. However,
ambitious human groups and some lizard tribes took to colonizing the islands in
the Western Sea.


The Geldheer Confederacy has no official state religion, but are unique in
their religiosity. The native Geldheers worshipped a pantheon of polytheistic gods
before their integration with their humans, and over the years of human culture
blending with the Geldheer culture, the Polythiestic faiths combined and worship a
shared pantheon.

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