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Year 9 Ted Talk - Recorded Oral or Written Presentation (Checklist)

*Tick each box once you have completed the section.

1.0 Introduction
Include a brief introduction including your name and the title/focus of your talk
(Start by introducing yourself and explaining what you are going to be talking about)

*Optional sentence starters:

Hello. My name is________________.

Today I’m going to be talking to you about the Religion known as___________.
In my discussion, I will be …… (summarise 4 dot points below)
 Identifying some of the foundational beliefs of Christians related to Easter
 Describing the rituals and ceremonies that express these foundational beliefs
 Explaining how Christians live out these foundational beliefs within society
 Evaluating the importance of these foundational beliefs in the lives of Christians

2.0 Identify the statements that profess what the community believes
Include a brief outline of core beliefs of the Apostles Creed is and why it is important to
Identify which parts of the Apostles Creed are going to be the focus of your Ted Talk
(Life, Death and Resurrection of Jesus)
Explain how this is connected to the Christian festival of Easter

*Optional sentence starters:

(a) Foundational beliefs are an important part of all successful organisations because……..
(b) The Apostles Creed is…………
(c) The Apostles Creed is important to Christians because………
(d) The key part of the Apostles Creed that will be the main focus of my Ted Talk is……..
(e) This foundational Christian belief is connected to the Easter story because……..

3.0 Describe the rituals and ceremonies that express what the community believes and
explain what actions the community undertakes within society to live out their beliefs

Introduce the audience to the 4 main liturgical events (church rituals) that help
Christians prepare for and celebrate the Easter Season (Palm Sunday/Holy
Thursday/Good Friday/Easter Sunday)

Describe the rituals that are linked to Lent and explain why they play an important
role in preparing Christians for the events leading up to Easter

Describe the rituals of Holy Week (Palm Sunday/Holy Thursday/Good

Friday/Easter Sunday) and explain why they are important to Christians

In your description of the events of Lent and Holy Week, explain the actions that
Christians undertake during this time to improve their lives and benefit society.
Some examples would include prayer and going to Mass (improve relationship
with God), giving money to the poor (almsgiving), giving up something for lent
(fasting), period of self-reflection (taking time out to meditate on the meaning of
Easter and to look for opportunities to better our lives by becoming a bit more
like Jesus - loving, compassionate, hopeful and forgiving)

*Optional sentence starters:

(a) The 5 main church events that help Christians prepare for and celebrate Easter are………….

(b) (i) Lent is…….....(write a short explanation about the meaning and purpose of Lent for Christians)
(ii) Some of the key rituals associated with Lent are…… (describe some of the Lenten rituals)
(iii) Christians use Lent as a time to come closer to God, improve their lives and benefit society.
by...........(describe the actions Christians undertake during Lent to become more like Jesus)

(c) ‘Holy Week’ is a very important and sacred time for Christians because ........
Some of the important Christian rituals associated with Holy week are…… (Palm Sunday/Holy
Thursday.... etc.)
(i) A distinct feature of the Palm Sunday ritual includes........ (explain why Palms are
used in the Palm Sunday ritual......What do they symbolize?)
(ii) Some key characteristics of Holy Thursday include.... (describe Last Supper and Feet
Washing rituals and explain their importance for Christians)
(iii) Good Friday is considered one of the holiest days of the year for Christians
because ....... (describe the Good Friday ritual and explain its importance for
(iv) Easter Sunday is a day of hope and celebration for Christians because...........
(describe the Easter Sunday ritual and explain why it is a day of hope and celebration
for Christians)

4.0 Evaluate the significance of foundational beliefs in the lives of believers.

Identify the positive ‘values’ that are being demonstrated through the Easter Story
and promoted by the Easter rituals (e.g. Love, Hope, Compassion,
Explain how these positive ‘values’ motivate Christians to improve themselves and
society as a whole
What is their outlook on life as they face life’s joys and difficulties? How does their
belief in Jesus shape their dealings with people and the environment in which they
live? (How should they treat others?) How do these foundational beliefs empower
Christians to set a good example and be a positive influence on others in the
Determine the strengths of the connection between a person’s belief in the
identity and mission of Jesus (Easter Story) and the ability of the Easter story to
change people’s lives for the better (back up your statements with examples of
people/organisations who have embraced the Easter Message and used it to help
others – Edmund Rice/ Catherine Macauley/ Mary Mackillop/ Mother Theresa/ St
Include an example of how you have been positively influenced by these beliefs by
attending a Catholic school
Determine the weakness/limitation of a person’s faith in the Easter story and how
that may restrict the ability of the Easter message to effect positive change in
people’s lives (without belief in the death and resurrection of Jesus the overall
Easter message loses its meaning and ceases to be a vehicle of change in
people’s lives. As such, the meaning of Easter is reduced to easter bunnies and
Make a judgement about the importance of the foundational beliefs of Easter in the
lives of ordinary Christians by weighing up the strengths and limitations discussed in
previous section.

*Optional sentence starters:

(a) The positive values that are being demonstrated through actions of Jesus in the Easter story
are....................(list values)
(i) The value of Love is demonstrated in...........(link this value to events in Easter and explain
the importance of this value in the lives of everyday Christians)
(ii) The value of Hope is demonstrated in...........(link this value to an event in Easter and explain
the importance of this value in the lives of everyday Christians)
(iii) The value of Compassion is demonstrated in...........(link this value to an event in Easter and
explain the importance of this value in the lives of everyday Christians)
(iv) The value of Forgiveness is demonstrated in...........(link this value to an event in Easter and
explain the importance of this value in the lives of everyday Christians)

(b) The evidence above suggests that one of the major strengths of foundational beliefs in the lives of
Christians is...... (explain how Easter foundational beliefs influence the values of Christians and as
such positively shapes their dealings with other people and the environment)

(c) Other evidence supporting this view is the example of numerous Christian
saints/people/organisations around the world that have lived the Easter message and changed the
world for the better. These include.........(provide 1-2 examples)

(d) As a student at Emmaus College, I have also been positively influenced by the Easter story. This
includes……..(explain how the Easter message of Jesus has positively influenced your life at school)

(e) A limitation or weakness of foundational beliefs in the lives of Christians is.........(explain in your own
words how the Easter Story of Jesus would lose its meaning and therefore would have little impact
on persons who have little or no faith – hence the limitation is Faith must have faith in
person of Jesus to understand its significance and be positively changed by his message)

(f) In conclusion upon weighing up all the strengths and weaknesses according to the criteria I believe
that the foundational belief of Christians in the life, death and resurrection of Jesus (is / isn’t)
relevant in the lives of believers.

5.0 Bibliography
Included a bibliography list that is in alphabetical order
Used a consistent referencing tool to source your

Formatting and Proofreading

Re-read script to identify and correct spelling, grammar and
punctuation errors

Submitted your script on Turnitin – Checkpoint 24th May 2024.

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