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Name the sport:






2. Identify the picture:




e. Name the planet which resembles this picture

f. Identify the Planet

g. Identify the picture

h. Identify the picture It is a source of which non-
renewable energy?

i. What energy is derived from

j. Name the energy derived What is this

energy used for?
k. The imaginary straight line around which our Earth spins
l. Name the equipment used in these sports
i. Hammer throw
ii. Javelin throw
iii. Discus throw
iv. Pole vault
v. Shot Put
m. Hurdles race is also called
n. Sprint is also called
o. 12 sun signs form a constellation
p. Halley’s comet comes every ______- year
q. Athletics is also known as _______________________
r. A place from where we get energy is called __________________

s. Name the fossil fuel

t. Mercury is the ___________ planet of the solar system
u. ____________ is the most popular bird of Antarctica
v. Antarctica is called White continent because
w. Uranus is the _____________ planet of the solar system
x. Antarctica is the __________ continent on this planet
y. Write the significance of the following years:
i. 1820
ii. 1959
iii. 1982
z. Solar panels derive ________ energy from the ________
A. When does Antarctica have sun almost always in the sky?

B. Identify the picture. Define.

C. Jupiter is the __________ planet of the solar system
D. How many of these are there in Antarctica?

E. Antarctica has the driest _______ than any other continent

F. Do you find them in Antarctica?

G. Comet kohoutek is seen after every __________ years

H. Wind energy is the _________________________________________

I. Identify the personality

Which athletics does he play?
J. ___________ is famous for its beautiful rings
K. __________________ is the highest point on Antarctica

L. Identify the personality

M. Identify the picture
N. __________________ are the non renewable energy made from dead and preserved
remains of living organisms and found deep inside the earth

O. Identify the picture How

many planets are a part of this system. This system belongs to which galaxy?
P. Identify the picture. Mention the year it was done

Q. Identify the personality. Which sports does she play

R. Identify the personality. Which sports does she play?

S. What is the mascot and anthem of National Games 2022? Where is it supposed to
take place?
T. Identify the picture

U. Who was the first president of India?

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