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1-4 Progress Test A Imię i nazwisko:


Listening 3 Uzupełnij zdania odpowiednimi wyrazami.

1 Usłyszysz dwukrotnie rozmowę
3.56 Pierwsze litery wyrazów zostały podane.
przyjaciół na temat ich planów wakacyjnych. 1 To t a means to go
Na podstawie informacji zawartych w nagraniu to another country.

uzupełnij luki 1–5 w poniższej notatce.
2 A person who buys something is called
ac .
• Sandy learnt about their family trip to Japan
from 1 . 3 A high-budget, very successful film is called
ab .
• Sandy’s family are going to leave
. 4 A criminal who steals money e.g. from a bank is

• They’re going to travel around Japan by
• Robert’s camp is going to last
called a r
5 To c o

a hotel after paying the bill.

means to leave

• Robert is keen on learning about Grammar
the 5 used

in filmmaking. 4 Wybierz poprawną odpowiedź: A, B albo C
i zakreśl ją.
/5 1 I’ve got a cousin in Los Angeles boyfriend

5m2 is doing a degree in filmmaking.


Vocabulary A which B who C whose

2 Zakreśl wyrazy, które poprawnie uzupełniają 2 They caught the burglar he was breaking
zdania. into the house.
1 We’re going on a long hiking trip A since B while C that
in the mountains tomorrow, so we need to 3 He’s had an accident. He’s hurt himself really
take / set / go off early in the morning. .
2 I can’t understand why the film’s so bad – it has A badly B worse C bad
such a strong cast / director / bargain, full 4 Why don’t you get a second-hand one? They
of famous Hollywood names.

aren’t as expensive brand new ones.

3 After checking in at the hotel, we took A than B like C as
a walk around the old part of town to see
5 My brother’s a really good runner. He can run
the characters / tents / sights.

than me.
4 A hoodie / shoplifter / burglar was stopped
A quick B more quickly C the quickest
by security yesterday while she was trying
to leave the shop without paying. /5
5 This jacket was so cheap! It was 50% out / down /
off the original price!

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1-4 Progress Test A Imię i nazwisko:


5 Uzupełnij dialog, stosując wyrazy podane Functions

w nawiasach w odpowiednich formach czasów 7 Uzupełnij luki w dialogach, tak aby były one
Past simple, Past continuous lub Present spójne i logiczne.
1 X: Excuse me, I’m looking for the post office.

X: What 1 (you/do) last Y: OK, go straight on and turn left into
weekend? Park Road. It’s that large yellow building
Y: I 2 (visit) Mark at his on your right. It’s easy to see, so you can’t
house in the mountains. .
X: Mark? I 3 (not see) him X: Thanks.

He 4
for ages! How’s he doing?
Y: He’s not very well, I’m afraid.

while he and his friend 5

(break) his leg

(climb) in the mountains two weeks ago. Now

2 X: I left my bag on the bus yesterday.
Y: Oh dear. What does
X: It’s a brown leather bag. It’s got an orange
logo on it.
he has to stay at home and he’s really bored. 3 X: Would you like to go to the cinema

/5 tomorrow?
Y: What a good idea! Which film
Use of English watch?
6 Uzupełnij każde zdanie z luką, stosując podane

5m2 X: How about that new Star Wars film?


wyrazy w niezmienionej formie, tak aby

4 X: OK, that’s £11.99 altogether.
zachować sens zdania wyjściowego. W każdą
Y: contactless?
lukę możesz wpisać maksymalnie trzy wyrazy.
X: Sorry, we only take cash.
1 The room is quite small, so it can’t hold 20
people. 5 X: Good morning. I’d like a ticket to Oxford,
LARGE please.
The room is to hold Y: Of course. Do you want
20 people. a ticket?

2 My car broke down during the drive to Germany. X: A return, please.


My car broke down while
to Germany.

3 We arrived here two days ago.

here for two days.
4 If you break the law, you have to face
the consequences.
If you , you have to face
the consequences.
5 No one I know drives as carefully as my dad.
My dad is driver I know.

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1-4 Progress Test A
UNITS Imię i nazwisko:


Reading D Lilly, 16
8 Przeczytaj teksty na temat spędzania czasu Every year there is a festival in my town which
w weekend (A–D) oraz zdania 1–5. Do każdego features a huge street market selling all sorts
zdania dopasuj właściwy tekst. Jeden tekst of goods, many of them hand-made. At the same
time, there are sales on in the local shopping mall,

pasuje do dwóch zdań.
so my friends and I always look forward to this
Did you have an interesting weekend? time of the year. I’d saved most of my pocket
Join our forum and tell us all about it. money for the occasion! On Friday my friends and
A Tony, 14 I bought some clothes at the mall, but we spent
My parents and I stayed at the seaside with some the whole Saturday and most of the Sunday

friends. On Saturday evening there was an open-
air film show on the beach which my parents
wanted to go to. I wasn’t exactly keen on going
with them at first in order to watch some old films.
‘Cinema Classics’, the leaflet said. In the end,
at the street market near the main square.
I bought some old-fashioned decorations for
my room, which I think are lovely.

This person
1 mentions a regular event.
though, I gave it a go. It was surprisingly good.
2 couldn’t do what they planned.

I especially enjoyed one black-and-white science
fiction film called Metropolis. Another surprise was 3 tells us what someone is like.
that there were a lot more young people 4 didn’t want to take part in an event at first.

in the audience than I had expected. 5 had to use a foreign language.

B Agnieszka, 15 /5
Last weekend we had some guests from Canada.
My dad’s friend, Tomek, has been living there for Writing
many years and he’s visiting Poland at the moment, 9 Niedawno obchodziłeś/obchodziłaś urodziny.
along with his wife and their daughter, Janine. Napisz wiadomość e-mail do koleżanki z Irlandii.
They don’t speak much Polish, so we all had
W wiadomości:
to communicate in English, which was OK for me.
Janine is medium height and slim with dark hair and • napisz, jak spędziłeś/spędziłaś urodziny;
she’s really friendly. We had such a good time • opisz prezenty, które dostałeś/dostałaś;
shopping on Saturday. They invited us to visit them

• opisz swoje plany wyjazdu w weekend.

in Canada next summer. I can’t wait!
Podpisz się jako XYZ. Użyj od 50 do 120 słów.
C Ben, 13
My family often goes hiking in the mountains,

so it’s no surprise that we went last weekend.

We chose a long hiking route for Saturday. But
before we left the mountain resort where we were
staying, it started raining really heavily. We walked
round the town a bit, looked at the souvenirs,
hoping the weather might get better. But it didn’t,
so, just before midday, we drove back home,
feeling awfully disappointed.

/ 10

Total: / 50

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1-4 Progress Test A
UNITS Imię i nazwisko:


Extra task
10 Przetłumacz fragmenty zdań podane w nawiasach na język angielski. W każdą lukę możesz
wpisać maksymalnie trzy wyrazy.

1 This film has (interesującą fabułę) and some good special effects.
2 (Czy ty uczyłeś się) for the test when I called you last night?
3 Don’t call John. I can see him through the window, so he (już przyjechał)
4 Brad Pitt is the actor (który zagrał) the main character in the film.

5 The burglar was finally (poszedł do więzienia) .

Total :

/ 55


Photocopiable Brainy klasa 7 © Macmillan Polska 2020 4

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