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Narrative Text

The Invisible Man

5th Group
Teacher : Meta Liesta A, S. Pd
Member's of group :
1. Aditya Kurniawan
2. Gita Ayu
3. Lulu Hanifah
4. Marcel Yohanes
5. M. Reihan
6. Nur Najmi Laila




The movie follows Cecilia (Elisabeth Moss), a woman who escapes an

abusive relationship only to have her torment continue after her ex Adrian (Oliver
Jackson-Cohen) turns himself invisible. It has garnered critical aclaim for its focus
on the terrors of domestik abuse and gaslighting. It also has a terrific twist ending
where Cecilia — after being stalked, beaten, and harassed by her abusive ex —
steals his invisibility suit and murders him, making it appear like a suicide.
It's an empowering and vengeful way to close a film that spends so much time
focusing on Cecilia's abuse. And although it may have shocked audiences, the
filmmakers cleverly included hints to the explosive finale throughout the movie.
Here are eight details you might have missed that point to the jaw-dropping
conclusion of "The Invisible Man." While it's pretty clear to viewers early on that
Adrian's death was faked, Cecilia has no reason to believe otherwise until later in
the film, when she finally gets a glimpse of Adrian in his invisibility suit thanks to
some well-thrown paint. But before that, she's just trying to move on, which is
why Tom's thinly-veiled comment about Adrian's proximity to her is so
As Cecilia and her sister, Emily, sit in Tom's office to discuss her
inheritance of Adrian's estate, Tom tries to read a letter to Cecilia from Adrian.
Emily abruptly shuts him down, along with his insinuations that Cecilia is a gold-
digger, by remarking that if they had to be "physically near" Adrian, they wouldn't
be there at all. "You are physically near him," Tom remarks to their surprise,
before pointing out the urn of Adrian's "ashes" right behind where they're sitting.
Cecilia breathes a sigh of relief, but given that Adrian wasn't actually dead, Tom's
comment about his nearness has more truth than they realize — and is a pretty
obvious clue to the later events of the film. After hashing out the details of
Adrian's trust, Tom slides a document — along with a gold-plated fountain pen —
over to Cecilia to sign. While it might seem like an innocuous moment, it's later
echoed by Tom's visit to Cecilia while she's imprisoned for Emily's murder. After
announcing that she can no longer be the recipient of Adrian's trust because she
committed a crime, Tom gives Cecilia a document to sign renouncing her share of
the trust, along with the same gold pen.
But Cecilia, desperate to escape and get back at Adrian, pushes the papers
off the table in disgust. As Tom bends over to get them, she steals another one of
the gold pens from his briefcase. Tom explains that he and Adrian both know
Cecilia is pregnant, and that all she has to do is give him a call and he'll make all
of her problems "go away." However, once Tom leaves, Cecilia decides instead
to lure Adrian out of hiding by slitting her wrists with the pen back in her cell.
Unwilling to lose their child, Adrian grabs her wrist, allowing Cecilia to stab him
multiple times with the pen and cause his suit to malfunction, eventually leading
to them both fleeing the facility. Before Adrian makes her life a living hell once
again, Cecilia celebrates her newfound wealth by sharing it with James (Aldis
Hodge), her childhood friend who's taken her in, and Sydney (Storm Reid), his
teenage daughter who desperately wants to attend fashion school.
As the three are celebrating, Cecilia and Sydney playfully hit James with pillows,
causing him to remark that "it's two against one." Even though it was likely just an
off-the-cuff remark, it takes on a whole new meaning later in the film, when both
Adrian and Tom team up to continue their torment of Cecilia by harming Sydney
During a trip to the hospital after she faints at a job interview, Cecilia
notices a man, his face and body covered entirely in bandages, being wheeled out
of a room. The moment quickly passes, but it's very clearly a reference to the
original "Invisible Man" film, which came out in 1933.
In that film, the lead character, a doctor named Jack Griffin, has turned himself
invisible and covers his entire face and body in bandages so he can appear
somewhat normal. The 1933 version concludes with Jack being killed by police
after going on a killing spree, and telling his fiancée Flora, "I meddled in things
that man must leave alone." While the 2020 version of "The Invisible Man"
features a much more empowering ending for Cecilia, the man in bandages is a
subtle nod to the movie's history and an indication that things are going to get a lot
more violent before they can get better.


It's another blink-and-you'll-miss-it moment, but as she's disabling the house

alarms and security cameras in Adrian's lab, Cecilia notices a strange empty room
as she's on her way to freedom. At the time, she brushes it off and continues her
escape, but later, returning to the house, she discovers that the empty space was
actually home to another of Adrian's invisibility suits — meaning that her
suspicions are correct and he is, in fact, alive and continuing to torment her.
While it's eventually explained later on in the movie, this brief glimpse at Adrian's
cutting-edge invention is a hint to viewers that there's more for Cecilia to uncover
than meets the eye. It's likely James is trying to be a supportive friend to Cecilia,
but his advice to forget Adrian and move on from his "haunting" takes on a whole
new meaning when it becomes clear that Adrian is actually haunting her.
Of course, James didn't know that Adrian had faked his own death and was
continuing to torment Cecilia with the help of a high-tech invention, but it's an
uncanny piece of advice regardless, and one that Cecilia clearly takes to heart
when she slits Adrian's throat at the end of the film. Cecilia's job interview at an
architecture firm contains another seemingly innocuous moment that's a clue to
the big finale later in the film. As she exchanges pleasantries with her interviewer,
Cecilia mentions that she studied abroad in Paris and "lived in a broom closet"
since she didn't have much money. The interviewer laughs, and tells Cecilia in
response, "Seems like we both know the value of closet space."
It's a pretty benign comment, but one that takes on a whole new meaning when
you consider as she was planning her escape from Adrian, Cecilia hid her getaway
bag (with clothes, money, and her passport) in a ventilation shaft in their closet.
After she finds Adrian's second invisibility suit later in the film, she stashes it in
the same spot, putting it on later to kill him over dinner. She really does know the
importance of a good closet.


After escaping from the psychiatric facility, saving James and Sydney, and
shooting someone in an invisibility suit who she assumes is Adrian, Cecilia
discovers to her horror that she didn't actually kill her abusive ex — just his
brother, who'd apparently been using the suit, too.
But despite James' pleas for her to accept Tom as the perpetrator and move
on, Cecilia is determined to confront Adrian about his abuse and murders. She
decides to meet him to "reconcile" over dinner at the home they formerly shared.
When she arrives, a nervous Adrian explains that he didn't know what she wanted
to eat, so he ordered sushi, pasta, and steak. Without hesitation, Cecilia selects the
steak and tries to get Adrian to admit that it was really him — not Tom — who
was tormenting her the whole time.
When he doesn't, Cecilia begins to cry and asks to use the bathroom. But
unbeknownst to Adrian, she secretly slips into the extra invisibility suit she'd
stashed in their closet, and returns to the dining room to slit his throat. Cecilia
uses the steak knife he gave her for her meal and puts it in his own hand to make
it seem like a suicide on the security cameras. Steak may seem like an innocuous
choice for dinner, but as with other moments in the movie, it's really a subtle clue
to the movie's conclusion that sets Cecilia free.
1. Cecilia

Personal Identity :
Elisabeth Singleton Moss (born July 24, 1982) is an American actress. She is
known for her work in several television dramas, earning such accolades as
two Primetime Emmy Awards and two Golden Globe Awards, which
led Vulture to name her the "Queen of Peak TV"

Character in the film :

He plays the role of Cecilia. The character in the film is a woman who is clever,
smart to find a way out, patient, emotional and good at speaking French and a
person suffering from depression / trauma.
2. Adrian

Personal Identity :
Oliver Jackson-Cohen was born on October 24, 1986 in London, England as
Oliver Mansour Jackson-Cohen. He is an actor, known for Faster (2010), Going
the Distance (2010) and What's Your Number? (2011)

Character in the film :

He plays the role of Adrian. His character in this film is a scientist, smart, trouble
maker, too protective, rude, cunning, and also has a sociopath narcissist.
3. James

Personal Identity :
Aldis Alexander Basil Hodge (born September 20, 1986) is an American actor,
best known for his portrayal of Alec Hardison on the TNT series Leverage, MC
Ren in the 2015 biopic Straight Outta Compton, Levi Jackson in the 2016
film Hidden Figures, and as Noah in the WGN America series Underground.

Character in the film :

He plays the role of James. His character in this film is a policeman, kind,
merciful, brave, caring and also a giver of calm.

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