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DOI: 10.1111/1471-0528.

12900 Review article

Are we (mis)guided by current guidelines on

intrapartum fetal heart rate monitoring? Case
for a more physiological approach to
A Ugwumadu
St George’s Hospital, London, UK
Correspondence: A Ugwumadu, Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, St George’s Hospital, Blackshaw Road, London SW17 0QT, UK.

Accepted 22 April 2014. Published Online 12 June 2014.

Original interpretations of fetal heart rate (FHR) patterns equated descriptive categories, with no attempt to understand how the
FHR decelerations with ‘fetal distress’, requiring expeditious fetus defends itself and compensates for intrapartum hypoxic
delivery. This simplistic interpretation is still implied in our ischaemic insults, or the patterns that suggest progressive loss of
clinical guidelines despite 40 years of increasing understanding of compensation. Consequently, there is a lack of confidence, marked
the behaviour and regulation of the fetal cardiovascular system variation in FHR interpretation, defensive practices, unnecessary
during labour. The physiological basis of FHR responses and operative interventions, and a failure to recognise abnormal FHR
adaptations to oxygen deprivation is de-emphasised, whilst patterns, resulting in adverse outcomes and expensive litigation.
generations of obstetricians and midwives are trained to focus on, Keywords CTG practice algorithm, deceleration, fetal
and classify, the morphological appearances of decelerations into cardiovascular physiology, intrapartum fetal heart rate monitoring.

Please cite this paper as: Ugwumadu A. Are we (mis)guided by current guidelines on intrapartum fetal heart rate monitoring? Case for a more physiological
approach to interpretation. BJOG 2014;121:1063–1070.

focus on reference values for baseline FHR, variability, and

classification of FHR decelerations into label categories
Intrapartum electronic fetal heart rate (FHR) monitoring is without articulating the relationships between these param-
widely practiced in the UK, the USA and in many other eters, and their collective link with fetal wellbeing, in a way
developed countries.1,2 It is associated with reduced early that is intuitive to a thinking clinician. Many clinicians
onset neonatal seizures,3 and is credited with the near elim- apply them in isolation and intervene for fetal compromise
ination of unexpected intrapartum fetal mortality;4 how- on the basis of isolated FHR tachycardia, reduced variabil-
ever, its use is associated with the increased costly and not ity, lack of acceleration, or uncomplicated variable decelera-
infrequently harmful operative delivery of nonacidotic tions.
babies.5,6 This results, at least in part, from the training of In addition, these guidelines do not provide the clinician
obstetricians and midwives to focus on the morphological with an unambiguous and comprehensive algorithm for
appearances of FHR decelerations and their descriptive intrapartum FHR interpretation, with recommendations for
labels, rather than understanding how the fetus defends management, and until such an algorithm is developed
itself and compensates for intrapartum hypoxic ischaemic there can be no consistent response to FHR patterns. Fur-
insults. This approach has persisted, in spite of 40 years of thermore, they are silent on scenarios associated with fetal
increasing basic science and clinical knowledge of the damage, such as fever, chorioamnionitis, fetal systemic
behaviour and regulation of the fetal cardiovascular system inflammatory response syndrome (FSIRS) and its noxious
during labour. Admittedly, standardised and simplified synergistic interaction with hypoxia, fetal strokes, lack of
clinical guidelines are essential for good-quality clinical care fetal cycling behaviour, maternal disease, and the recogni-
and patient safety;7,8 however, current guidelines on intra- tion of maternal heart rate (MHR) monitoring, to name a
partum FHR interpretation may be contributing to the few. Other pieces of ‘quasi-guidance’ have emerged in
operative delivery of nonacidotic infants because of their recent years to plug the gaps in the guidelines. For

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example, many maternity units in the UK require their staff neous interpretation that FHR decelerations synchronous
to apply the mnemonic ‘DR C BRaVADO’ to the interpre- with uterine contractions are benign. Amongst a panel of
tation of the cardiotocograph (CTG, a graphical presenta- experts, the inter-observer reliability of the three-tier system
tion of the FHR and uterine contractions), where ‘DR’ of interpretation was found to be moderate only, and poor
stands for define risk, C stands for contraction frequency for the category-III pattern.13 Parer et al.14 have proposed
in 10 minutes, BRa stands for baseline rate, V stands for the subdivision of category II patterns to create a minimum
variability, A stands for accelerations, D stands for deceler- of a five-tier system, including a colour-coded example,15
ations, and ‘O’ stands for overall classification. The user is which they suggest would facilitate research in this arena.
compelled to document their assessment of the CTG fea- An international collaborative revision of the 30-year-old
tures by ticking relevant boxes, but no reference is made to FHR guidelines from the International Federation of Gyne-
the evolution or progression of the FHR, the success or cology and Obstetrics (FIGO) is underway, and one hopes
failure of fetal compensation, or the potential fetal conse- that a more meaningful and intuitive approach to FHR
quences. Some clinicians regard this ‘tick box’ exercise as interpretation will emerge.
the object of FHR interpretation. The current UK National As the FHR is sensitive to hypoxaemia (reduced systemic
Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) guidance pO2) and hypoxia (reduced oxygen in the tissues), but
recommends FHR evaluation and documentation every lacks specificity for the development of acidosis (increased
hour, and by a ‘fresh pair of eyes’ every 2–4 hours. The acid H+ within the tissues), the clinically important end
evidence for this approach is at best slim, and in the point of hypoxia, FHR monitoring even with secondary
author’s opinion it makes no difference how many times tests would result in an increase in the operative delivery of
the CTG is reviewed and by however many ‘pairs of eyes’ if nonacidotic babies. More than 40 years ago, Beard et al.16
they are all ‘programmed’ to provide morphological showed that most CTG abnormalities were not associated
description of FHR decelerations. This exercise provides with fetal acidosis, suggesting that our definition of a ‘path-
just a snapshot of the FHR patterns without an under- ological’ CTG and its relationship with fetal asphyxia must
standing of their evolution, and cannot possibly permit an be flawed. On the other hand, if intrapartum CTG inter-
accurate assessment of the fetal condition or a thoughtful pretation was based on tracking the evolution of fetal
analysis of the urgency or optimum route of delivery. Each defensive and compensatory responses to hypoxic ischae-
fetus should be used as its own control and greater atten- mic insults, then it should be possible, at least theoretically,
tion paid to changes in its FHR characteristics over time. to discriminate from a pool of ‘pathological’ CTGs those
In 2008 the report of the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National fetuses at genuine risk of acidosis and acidaemia (increased
Institute of Child Health and Human Development H+ in the bloodstream) or impaired neonatal adaptation
(NICHD), American College of Obstetricians and Gynecol- from the subset that are not. In this commentary the
ogists, and the Society for Maternal–Fetal Medicine multi- author will describe the characteristics of the FHR and cur-
disciplinary expert workshop on electronic FHR monitoring rent guidance for their interpretation, the physiological
recommended a three-tier system for FHR classification: basis for fetal compensation for types, degrees, and dura-
category 1, normal FHR pattern predictive of normal acid tions of hypoxic ischaemic insults, and the patterns that
base status at the time of observation; category II, interme- suggest progressive failure of compensation, and propose
diate FHR pattern not classified as category I or III, but not an algorithm for intrapartum FHR interpretation based on
predictive of abnormal acid base status; and category III, what is known about intrapartum fetal adaptation to hyp-
abnormal FHR pattern associated with abnormal acid base oxic ischaemic insults. The author recently drew from these
at the time of observation.9 The three-tier NICHD catego- principles to describe and explain the CTG patterns associ-
ries are similar to the UK NICE classification of ‘normal’ ated with fetal injury.17
‘suspicious’, and ‘pathological’, but unlike the NICE guid-
ance it avoided the trap of assigning equivalent value to all
The normal CTG and its significance
CTG features in defining the intermediate category.10 Com-
pared with categories I and III, however, category II is mas- A normal CTG should have a stable baseline FHR of
sively heterogeneous and disproportionately large, including 110–160 bpm without significant decelerations, normal
≥80% of intrapartum FHR patterns.11,12 More importantly, variability of 5–25 bpm, and, crucially, periods of reduced
category II may be interpreted as a cohort of static FHR FHR variability, which alternate with periods of increased
patterns with no expectation on the user to: (1) reference variability with or without accelerations: so-called cycling
the evolution from an antecedent normal or even a cate- behaviour. Fetal cycling activity is a key behavioural state
gory-III pattern; or (2) prospectively predict the likely FHR of the normal term or near-term fetus. It suggests neuro-
trajectory. The inclusion of ‘early decelerations’ amongst the logical integrity and the absence of significant acidaemia
features of a normal category-I pattern is open to the erro- or acidosis.18,19 Cycling may be absent in hypoxia,

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Current intrapartum fetal heart rate guidelines

chorioamnionitis, fetal infection, severe meconium aspira- to the decelerations. ‘Early decelerations’, as originally
tion syndrome, exposure to drugs, including oxytocin, rec- described by Hon and Quilligan, and subsequently as
reational substances, opiates, major neurological or ‘type-1 dips’ by Caldeyro-Barcia (gentle downward and
chromosomal abnormalities, intracranial haemorrhage or upward slopes with the nadir synchronous with the con-
other forms of brain damage, and in fetuses <28–32 weeks tractions) are rare in labour. Because ‘early decelerations’
of gestation. A quantitatively normal FHR variability that are not associated with fetal acidosis, many clinicians con-
does not exhibit alternating periods of reduced variability clude that all decelerations that are synchronous with con-
is not normal. Intriguingly, the significance of this key fetal tractions are ‘early’ and are therefore benign!
behaviour is ignored by some regulatory guidelines on in- The original morphological descriptions of FHR deceler-
trapartum FHR monitoring. ations were derived under controlled animal experimental
A normal CTG symbolises fetal wellbeing,20 normoxia,21 conditions based on their presumed mechanisms, which
normal acid base status,22,23 absence of asphyxia,22,23 and a are not representative of human labour. For example, if
low probability of developing intrapartum fetal asphyxia,24 head and cord compressions gave rise to ‘early’ and ‘vari-
barring obstetric catastrophes. It also suggests that the fetal able’ decelerations, respectively, what type of hybrid decel-
neurological and cardiovascular systems are intact, and able erations would be observed if both fetal head and cord
to react and defend the fetus against intrapartum insults. were compressed simultaneously, or better still if there was
In contrast, the fetus with an abnormal CTG is at risk of reduced transplacental oxygen transfer in the same labour?
adverse outcome and long-term neurological deficits,24–27 Therefore, the current obsession with the classification of
and if exposed to asphyxiating intrapartum insults may dis- the FHR decelerations into categories is unhelpful in assess-
play maladaptive responses instead of the predictable ing the fetal state. The important point is that the fetus is,
sequence of compensatory responses. or is not, compensating and defending itself adequately,
and this will be evident in the evolving FHR patterns in a
healthy fetus with a previously normal CTG.
FHR decelerations
The FHR deceleration induced by cord compression is a
Baseline FHR variability
chemoreceptor-mediated parasympathetic reflex, in contrast
to the late decelerations caused by myocardial depression. The origin of the FHR variability is complex and its mathe-
It is widely believed that the purpose of these responses is matical evaluation is beyond the scope of this commentary.
to reduce myocardial workload and oxygen demand.28 The In practice, it is observed as irregular fluctuations in the
appearance of FHR decelerations in response to uterine amplitude and frequency of the baseline FHR on a CTG
contractions suggest that the fetus is either hypoxaemic as trace, and is quantified as the amplitude of peak-to-trough
a result of reduced transplacental oxygen transfer, in which in beats per minute. In order to exhibit a normal FHR var-
case the decelerations are usually delayed in onset relative iability the fetus requires an intact cerebral cortex, mid-
to the contractions, uniform, and slow in downward and brain, vagus nerve, and cardiac conductive tissues. Even in
upward trajectories (late decelerations), or that blood flow the presence of decelerations or bradycardia a fetus that
through the umbilical cord is interrupted, in which case exhibits a normal baseline FHR variability has a very low
the decelerations are immediate and sharp. Therefore, in risk of acidaemia, immediate death, or asphyxial brain
my opinion terminologies like ‘unprovoked decelerations’ injury.30–32 In contrast, absent or reduced FHR variability
should be abandoned. There cannot be such a concept sim- was associated with significant newborn acidaemia in term
ply because we have not observed or recorded the stimulus and preterm infants.32–34 In a recent systematic review
for the FHR deceleration. minimal or undetectable FHR variability was the most con-
Over 80% of the intrapartum FHR decelerations are var- sistent predictor of newborn acidaemia.30 In contrast,
iable decelerations, yet it is the very CTG abnormality for increased FHR variation was observed in association with
which there is the least agreement between observers.29 severe acidosis and hypotension in a hypoxia ischaemia
They are characterised by a sharp fall in FHR from the model using term-equivalent fetal sheep.35 In clinical prac-
baseline to the nadir in ≤30 seconds, and may vary in tice these increased FHR variations associated with severe
depth, shape, duration, and temporal relationship with acidosis are often abrupt, erratic, high amplitude, and lack
uterine contractions. Over the years the emphasis has been the natural wavelike characteristic of normal FHR variabil-
placed on morphological classification, which tells us noth- ity. Strictly speaking they should not be classified as salta-
ing about fetal wellbeing and the consequences of intermit- tory patterns as this implies exaggerated but normal
tent cord compression/occlusion, nor does it help us to wavelike variability. The clinical significance and interpreta-
predict the FHR behaviour subsequently. Emphasis should tion of FHR variability has been reviewed and summarised
instead be placed on the fetal response and compensation as follows.17

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1 If the FHR variability is normal there is a limited role essential fetal tissues may develop acidosis during the
for fetal acid base analysis.36,37 hypoxia-driven centralisation of the circulation, and scalp
2 Unless fetal asphyxia can be reliably excluded, intermit- pH may not reflect successful fetal cardiovascular compen-
tent or sustained reductions in FHR variability may sig- sation; however, it is also true that acidaemia leads to a loss
nal the onset of decompensation in the presence of of vascular tone and hypotensive brain damage. As vasopa-
intrapartum FHR decelerations. ralysis results in fetal injury regardless of the pH value, it
3 A fetus with a previously normal FHR variability will follows that successful maintenance of the fetal mean arte-
not switch to reduced or absent variability during labour rial pressure (MAP) during hypoxia is more important
without the input of asphyxial FHR decelerations. than the pH in ensuring good outcome. Therefore, if the
4 It is not possible to distinguish between asphyxial and technology existed fetal MAP would be the ideal parameter
non-asphyxial causes of reduced FHR variability without to monitor instead of surrogates like pH or lactate level.
determining the fetal acid base status if the FHR vari- Fetal scalp pH estimation and the CTG may have devel-
ability is absent at the very outset of the monitoring. oped independently of each other, but they are not inde-
pendent variables in practice. The decision to determine
fetal pH depends on CTG interpretation; therefore, poor
Fetal cardiovascular and metabolic
CTG interpretation reduces the value of FBS. As CTG
response to intrapartum hypoxia
interpretation has so far been based on features that did
As the constant supply of oxygen is essential for cellular not necessarily predict acidaemia, it is reasonable to suggest
energy production and integrity, the fetal cardiovascular sys- that previous studies of the role of pH included fetuses that
tem, like its adult counterpart, is programmed to rapidly were not at genuine risk of acidaemia, hence the observed
detect and redress any form of oxygen deprivation. The main poor correlation between pH and adverse outcomes.
aim of this program is to centralise the circulation and main- To my mind, the real questions are: (1) what levels and/
tain perfusion of the essential organs, the brain, the myocar- or duration of fetal acidaemia (peripheral or otherwise) are
dium, and the adrenals at the expense of the non-essential associated with vasoparalysis/fetal hypotension; and (2)
organs, such as the fetal lungs, skin, muscles, liver, kidneys, what CTG features, if any, predicted these pH levels? The
and the gastrointestinal tract.38,39 This response is qualita- precise answers to these questions are currently unknown
tively similar but may differ quantitatively across the spec- and are likely to be host dependent and probably modu-
trum of insults, and is also finely tuned to match the severity lated by factors other than hypoxia and acidaemia. Avail-
of the insult and the tolerance of the host. If the hypoxic able data suggest that there is no single pH value at which
insult is slow and persistent the fetus has ample time to make damage will occur in all fetuses;46 however, for any individ-
metabolic adjustments and exhibit different FHR pat- ual fetus, the FHR variability will be reliably depressed
terns.38,39 In the absence of metabolic acidaemia fetal sheep before the pH drops to levels sufficient to induce neurolog-
at least can sustain these protective cardiovascular adapta- ical injury.47,48
tions virtually indefinitely,40–42 but they begin to fail with
the development of acidaemia, with substantial falls in fetal
The role of infection and the
and cerebral oxygen consumption at pH <7.0.
inflammatory response
The pathological consequences of acidaemia include loss
of vascular tone, myocardial cell injury/depression, result- Fetal SIRS is associated with fetal hypotension, neonatal
ing in hypotension and ischaemic brain injury; however, encephalopathy, meconium aspiration syndrome, multi-
another layer of protection operates within the brain in organ dysfunction,49–51 and cerebral palsy,52 but we know
which the regional redistribution of flow shunts blood very little about the FHR changes induced by inflammation
away from the cortex to the deep nuclei and brainstem either alone or in combination with hypoxia. Furthermore,
structures.39 In contrast, during acute and total profound only 10–15% of cases of chorioamnionitis/FSIRS exhibit
asphyxia (e.g. massive abruption, total cord occlusion, or maternal signs.53 Although FHR tachycardia, reduced vari-
uterine rupture) fetal pO2 falls precipitously within min- ability, or lack of cycling may be observed, these are incon-
utes. Unlike the slow and persistent insult this insult para- sistent findings. Current electronic FHR monitoring
digm produces a rapid and generalised vasospasm mediated technology is not designed to detect FSIRS. In one study,
by the chemoreceptors, which is quickly followed by hyp- tachycardic fetuses with infection had an increased risk of
oxic decompensation, profound systemic hypotension, and encephalopathy and cerebral palsy, but had no acidaemia
brain infarction, and the regional brain redistribution of or bradycardia,54 suggesting that infection may exert neuro-
blood is unsuccessful in protecting the deep nuclei.43,44 logical injury directly or via a non-hypoxia pathway.
In this issue of BJOG, Chandraharan reviewed the tenu- Further still, fetal inflammation and hypoxia appear to act
ous evidence for the use of fetal scalp pH.45 True, the non synergistically to increase the risk of encephalopathy and

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Current intrapartum fetal heart rate guidelines

cerebral palsy exponentially.50,55 Inflammation probably confirmed when the decelerations have disappeared and
sensitises the fetal brain to hypoxic damage by lowering the the baseline FHR and variability have normalised. The
threshold at which hypoxia triggers neuronal apoptosis.56 duration of time that an individual fetus can spend at its
Clinicians should exercise caution with uterotonic agents maximum FHR without damage is variable and host
and traumatic deliveries in these cases. dependent. Fleischer et al.58 showed that 50% of term
well-grown fetuses in spontaneous labour with clear liquor
and ‘reactive’ CTG will develop acidosis in 115 minutes
Intrapartum FHR interpretation—a
with late decelerations, 145 minutes with variable deceler-
step-wise physiologic approach
ation, and 185 minutes with flat and non-variable trace,
Step 1—the normal and the abnormal initial CTG but these times will not apply to fetuses with reduced
If the CTG is normal the fetus is very likely to be neurolog- reserve, such as in the case of intrauterine growth restric-
ically intact, normoxic, without acidaemia or acidosis, at tion (IUGR) or infection, where acidosis may develop ear-
low risk of intrapartum asphyxia, and is able to react and lier and more rapidly. The following conclusions may be
defend itself against intrapartum hypoxia. Surveillance may drawn from the above discussion.
continue depending on the situation or the woman may be 1 If uterine contractions do not provoke FHR decelera-
monitored by intermittent auscultation. If the initial base- tions in a previously normal CTG, the fetus is unlikely
line FHR in a term fetus is ≥160 bpm with decelerations to be hypoxaemic, hypoxic, acidaemic, or experiencing
and reduced variability, particularly in association with cord compression.
meconium-stained amniotic fluid in early labour, the clini- 2 In the presence of persistent FHR decelerations a pro-
cian should consider fetoplacental infection, meconium aspi- gressive rise in the FHR suggests additional cardiovascu-
ration syndrome, chronic hypoxia, antecedent brain injury, lar adaptation and fetal ‘stress’, but any rise in the FHR
maternal systemic disease, drugs, or chromosomal abnormal- without antecedent decelerations is not attributable to an
ity (Figure 1). Senior staff involvement should be sought evolving intrapartum hypoxia.
early, with consideration given to delivery by caesarean sec- 3 During labour, reduced FHR variability that was not
tion. The outcome may still be unfavourable because of the preceded by decelerations and a progressive rise or acute
underlying disorder, but the additional challenge of labour fall in FHR from a previously normal CTG is not associ-
and potential exacerbation of the pre-existing insult will be ated with an evolving hypoxia. As the fetal myocardium
avoided. Fetal scalp sampling for pH is often impractical in fails the FHR may fall slowly towards a terminal brady-
early labour, and is an insensitive tool for the assessment of cardia. This should not be mistaken for recovery.
fetal wellbeing in the presence of FSIRS, fetal stroke, or com- 4 The amplitude and duration of the decelerations
pensated hypoxic insult. Meconium is strongly associated depends on the intensity of the stressor. Others may
with histological chorioamnionitis, and in one study the RR profoundly disagree, but in my opinion it is irrelevant
of fetal infection was ≥50-fold if FHR tachycardia was associ- whether these decelerations are morphologically ‘early’
ated with meconium in early labour.57 or ‘late’ and, provided the baseline FHR and variability
are maintained, the fetus is well compensated (Figure 1).
Step 2—recognition of the compensated and the
decompensating fetus Subacute hypoxia
An intact fetus with a previously normal CTG will exhibit This pattern is characterised by complicated variable decel-
predictable patterns of FHR responses if exposed to hyp- erations with amplitude ≥60 bpm, duration ≥90 seconds,
oxic ischaemic insults during labour, namely: slowly evolv- and a recovery phase at the baseline lasting <60 seconds.
ing hypoxia; subacute hypoxia; and acute hypoxia. This very brief interdeceleration interval is likely to have
two consequences: (1) it is insufficient to rid the fetus of
Slowly evolving hypoxia its carbon dioxide burden accumulated during the decelera-
Starting from a normal CTG, the first abnormality to tions, leading rapidly to respiratory and subsequently meta-
emerge in response to intermittent episodes of oxygen bolic acidosis; (2) the fetus is unable to raise its baseline
deprivation (e.g. cord compression) or hypoxaemia (e.g. FHR and therefore its cardiac output. Provided the FHR
excessive oxytocin infusion) is the appearance of FHR variability is normal and the interdeceleration interval
decelerations. The second is a progressive increase in base- ≥60 seconds the fetus is compensated; however, subacute
line FHR if the stressor is persistent and threatening. The hypoxia is associated with a rapid decline in pH of 0.01
third is reduced variability, which is a marker of every 2–4 minutes.18 Early recognition and remedial action
decompensation.22–25 The important point is the order is essential, as there may be insufficient time for further
and temporal relationship between these FHR abnormali- assessment, e.g. to obtain, analyse, and react to a fetal scalp
ties. Recovery follows the same order, and can only be sample result.

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Initial intrapartum CTG

Normal Abnormal
Baseline FHR ≥160 bpm with
The fetus; decelerations ± meconium
is normoxic, no acidosis ± reduced FHR variability
has normal acid base status
is not asphyxiated Consider
has normal CNS & CVS feto-placental infection
can react & defend itself meconium aspiration syndrome
will exhibit predictable and chronic hypoxia
progressive FHR changes if antecedent brain injury
maternal systemic disease
exposed to hypoxia ischaemia
has low probability of chromosomal abnormality
intrapartum asphyxia FBS not recommended

Repeated FHR decelerations
>50% of contractions Consider expeditious delivery
Continue surveillance or
transfer to intermittent b
auscultation Acute prolonged FHR
deceleration >3 min

Compensated fetus Compensated but ‘stressed’ fetus Decompensating fetus

a a a

baseline FHR ≤160 bpm baseline FHR ≥ or ≤160 bpm baseline FHR ≥ or ≤160 bpm
FHR variability ≥5 bpm FHR variability ≥5 bpm FHR variability <3-5 bpm
deceleration amplitude ≤60 bpm deceleration amplitude ≥60 bpm deceleration amplitude ≥ or ≤60 bpm
interdeceleration interval ≥60 s inter-deceleration interval ≥60 s inter-deceleration interval <60 s
± cycling activity ± cycling activity duration of deceleration >60 s
second test of fetal wellbeing second test of fetal wellbeing if
FHR 80-100 bpm for >3 min but b appropriate
≤9 min with normal variability FHR 80-100 bpm for >3 min but
Recovery to normal or pre ≤9 min with normal variability b
Recovery to FHR tachycardia or
FHR ≤80-100 bpm for >3 min with;
deceleration CTG pattern - reduced FHR variability <5 bpm
- exclude abruption, cord prolapse, baseline FHR higher than pre
- no signs of recovery observed
uterne rupture, bolus of oxytocin deceleration CTG pattern ±
- previously pathological FHR pattern
- remove cause ±expedite delivery if unsuccessful recovery attempts - abrupt and erratic ‘saltatory’ pattern
decompensation or failure to recover - exclude abruption, cord prolapse, - no obvious cause identified or no
≥10 min uterne rupture, bolus of oxytocin response to remedial action
- remove cause ±expedite delivery if - consider expeditious delivery
decompensation or failure to recover
≥10 min

Figure 1. Proposed clinical algorithm for intrapartum FHR interpretation based on fetal defensive and compensatory responses to hypoxic ischaemic
stimuli. Firstly, a starting normal FHR pattern is essential to establish fetal wellbeing and the capability to react and defend itself. Then, using each
fetus as its own control, the behaviour of the FHR is tracked/monitored as it adjusts and adapts to intrapartum insults over time. The emphasis is on
the sequence and temporal relationships between the FHR features that characterise adequate/appropriate adaptation and those that suggest
progressive failure of compensation.

Acute hypoxia (prolonged FHR deceleration and sodes will recover or show signs of recovery by 6 minutes,
bradycardia) and 95% will recover by 9 minutes.18 They can be managed
The majority of acute onset intrapartum FHR decelerations, expectantly. The mother should be turned to her left side
in which the baseline FHR stabilises around 80–100 bpm, and rehydrated if she is hypotensive. If, however, the FHR
with normal variability, are associated with non-asphyxial falls <80 bpm, with a loss of baseline variability, immediate
vagal events,59–61 and usually arise from normal or near delivery should be considered, especially if the antecedent
normal FHR patterns. In the absence of cord prolapse or CTG was abnormal as loss of variability signals fetal decom-
occlusion, major abruption, uterine rupture, maternal col- pensation and injury. Although some of these patterns do
lapse, or infusion of a bolus of oxytocin, 90% of these epi- recover, many do not. Against this background the NICE

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Current intrapartum fetal heart rate guidelines

guidance on prolonged decelerations defined as baseline Acknowledgements

FHR < 100 bpm (abnormal) and 100–109 bpm (suspi- None. &
cious) for <3 or 3–10 minutes is open to misinterpretation.
Many of these cases are transferred urgently to the theatre,
during which time the FHR recovers but operative delivery
is undertaken anyway to comply with the guideline and fear 1 Wheble AM, Gillmer MD, Spencer JA, Sykes GS. Changes in fetal
of recurrence if the delivery was deferred. monitoring practice in the UK: 1977–1984. Br J Obstet Gynaecol
2 Parer JT. Electronic fetal heart rate monitoring: a story of survival.
Obstet Gynecol Surv 2003;58:561–3.
Conclusion 3 Vintzileos AM, Nochimson DJ, Guzman ER, Knuppel RA, Lake M,
Schifrin BS. Intrapartum electronic fetal heart rate monitoring versus
The continuing focus on the morphological appearances of
intermittent auscultation: a meta-analysis. Obstet Gynecol
FHR decelerations by current guidelines and training mod- 1995;85:149–55.
ules denies the clinician an understanding of how the fetus 4 Thacker SB, Stroup DF, Peterson HB. Efficacy and safety of
defends itself, compensates for intrapartum hypoxic ischae- intrapartum electronic fetal monitoring: an update. Obstet Gynecol
mic insults, and the ability to recognise the patterns that sug- 1995;86:613–20.
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Not applicable.
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