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Choose any 2 scenario’s plus scenario #7 to report on so that’s 3 cases

to report on.

Each report is to be a 1 page paper as described below.

Write a 1 page report: 1” margins, single-spaced, 12-point font, Word

document format (.doc or .docx)

Describe your facility

Describe your staff

Explain any legal or ethical issues of the situation

Explain your management style/theory

Discuss cultural issues that the situation presents

Explain budgetary plans or concerns

Explain credentialing or accreditation issues the situation present

Describe your response to the situation

Scenario # 1
A local county social services manager is reading the newspaper. Within the
newspaper is an extremely exciting story about a new wonder psychotherapy
drug that has been studied and proven effective. As he continues to gaze
through the paper another story catches his attention – a male appearing to be
around the age of 30 was found unconscious on the streets. Information received
upon investigation was that this man had no known family and no known
address. He was taken to the county hospital and examined. He returned back to
a state of consciousness but was incoherent. He appeared to be mentally
deranged for 30 days.

The county social services manager is moved to solve this problem and help this
man. What is his plan?
Scenario # 2
Your facility is a large children’s hospital in north Texas. Until recently your
facility was part of a larger health care facility run by the state. The facility is now
corporately owned and operated. During this reorganization period a major fire
occurred at a local elementary school. Over 100 injured children were sent to
your facility for care. You encountered many problems: care was delayed and
inappropriate for many children because of the nature of their injuries due to lack
of parental consent for treatment and smoke inhalation and burns.

Your task is to develop a disaster plan specifically to address the deficiencies

and to reshape your public image following the fire at the elementary school.
Scenario # 3
It is time for the JCAHO inspection of your facility. Committees have been
meeting regularly to discuss planning and preparation and the running of your
facility. During a mock inspection put on by the hospital planning JCAHO
committee many deficiencies are found including 1) patient safety in the use of
restraints, 2) the use of unqualified personnel in patient care areas and 3) the
reporting of erroneous lab results. The CEO has charged your team with
correcting the issues to ensure re-accreditation of the facility.

You have been given a budget of $25,000 and 4 weeks to address these issues.
What is your plan?
Scenario # 4
Mr. Jones has donated #1 million dollars to a local hospital. He specifically wants
the money to be used for an outpatient oncology unit. He is very remorseful at
his wife’s bout with Hairy Cell Leukemia, although simultaneously rejoicing that
she is in remission. He wishes the money to be invested in educational
endeavors, early treatment and instrumentation that the facility could use in
helping diagnose this leukemia and treat it in other individuals. The money must
be used within on year.

You are the hospitals donations and gifts manager. What do you do to get this
Scenario # 5
Seniors-R-Us Nursing homes plans to open 2 facilities in a community with a
large population of baby boomers. City government will not approve building
permits until a plan is submitted that will show how the Seniors-R-Us Nursing

Homes will benefit the community and partner with present HCF/Health Care
Facilites to provide service. Submit a plan to the city.
Scenario # 6
Lakeview Hospital has just received an emergency page. There is a patient in the
ER who is confused and is out of control. The patient appears to have a head
bruise and is having difficulty breathing. The patient does not speak English,
does not have any form of identification, nor does he have an insurance card.
Lakeview Hospital is a rural community hospital.

You are the administrator on call who must make the decision on treating this
patient. What is your decision?
Scenario # 7

There has been a car accident and the driver if the car was brought to PRU. She
has been stabilized in the emergency department; however, transferring her to
another facility 40 miles to ICU away would not be appropriate in her health status
for her injuries would not sustain life.

The patient has to be placed in ICU in the next 1-2 hours. The night supervisory
gains composure and describes the status of patients occupying the 4 ICU beds.

Patient A- A 59 year old female, comatose, stroke victim who had been in ICU for
33 days; uncertain prognosis; retired, with no family

Patient B- 2- week old premature male, has Down's syndrome and has been in
ICU since birth; hospital has brought a legal action to permit surgery to repair a
duodenal atresia, a procedure the parents had not permitted; family in adjacent

Patient C- 35 year old male who underwent emergency appendectomy, developed

severe wound infection and septicemia, source of infection is unknown; because
of previous anaphylactic shock in reaction to antibiotics; requires ICU care;
bachelor; aged mother in city.

Patient D- 13 year old female undergoing chemotherapy for leukemia with an

experimental drug; has been in remission three times in the past; close
monitoring of the experimental protocol and potential reaction to drug requires
ICU care; family in city.
New Patient- 24 year old patient; college honor student in physics. scholarship
winner; pregnant; engaged; no family known.

The supervisor ended the brief description by asking, "What should I do?"

Randall has to make a decision.

1. What should Randall do? Why is your choice the best answer? Support your

2. What steps should be taken in reaching a decision?

3. Describe a means to avoid a similar problem in the future and how to deal with
issues as they arise. (Adding additional ICU beds is not a budgetary or space

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