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Citric Acid see Fermentation (Industrial): Production of Some Organic Acids (Citric, Gluconic, Lactic, and Propionic)

Citrobacter see Salmonella: Detection by Immunoassays


Clostridium acetobutylicum
Clostridium botulinum
Clostridium perfringens
Clostridium tyrobutyricum
Detection of Enterotoxin of Clostridium perfringens
Detection of Neurotoxins of Clostridium botulinum

HP Blaschek, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL, USA
Ó 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Introduction considerable interspecies variability in these observed criteria,

and intraspecies Gram-stain variability appears in some cases to
Characteristics of the Genus Clostridium
be related to the age of the culture. Most clostridia are motile
The genus Clostridium contains physiologically and genetically via peritrichous flagella; however, for some species such as
diverse species involved in the production of toxins as well as C. perfringens, motility has not been observed.
acids and solvents. The broad range of mol% GþC values Clostridial spores appear to be produced only under
together with 16S rRNA cataloging demonstrates a high degree anaerobic conditions, and in some species, sporulation occurs
of phylogenetic heterogeneity within the genus Clostridium. with considerable difficulty. In certain cases, special media have
Cato and Stackebrandt indicated that the genus does not been formulated to promote sporulation. Depending on the
include a phylogenetically coherent taxon. From an evolu- species, endospores may occur in a central, subterminal, or
tionary standpoint, members of this genus appear to have terminal positions and, because of the slender nature of the
evolved during ancient times, perhaps during the anaerobic mother cell sporangium, cells containing spores appear
phase of evolution. swollen, unlike the thicker bacilli. The location of the endo-
Species within the genus Clostridium have both medical and spores within the cell has important taxonomic value. The heat
industrial significance. The genus Clostridium originally was resistance of clostridial spores is also a function of the species;
described in 1880. Because of the observed heterogeneity, it however, because of their foodborne association and patho-
should not be surprising that the genus is quite large, on the genic nature, the greatest concern is with the spores produced
order of 100 species. The clostridia are ubiquitous and are by C. botulinum and C. perfringens. These spores may be able to
commonly found in the soil, marine sediments, and animal and survive routine cooking procedures and germinate and resume
plant products. They typically are found in the intestinal tract of vegetative growth once nutritionally and environmentally
humans and in the wounds of soft tissue infections of humans appropriate conditions return. Because of the spore-forming
and animals. To be included within this genus, the isolate must capability of this foodborne pathogen, C. botulinum is regarded
be anaerobic or microaerophilic; be able to produce an endo- as the ‘target microorganism’ for the development of appro-
spore-forming rod, Gram-positive, or Gram variable; and be priate time–temperature heat treatment relationships for can-
unable to carry out dissimilatory sulfate reduction. There is ned food products.

444 Encyclopedia of Food Microbiology, Volume 1

CLOSTRIDIUM j Introduction 445

Table 1 Species of Clostridium involved in causing diseases Table 2 Optimal growth temperatures of thermophilic Clostridium
Species Diseases
Species Optimal growth temperature (  C)
C. perfringens Food poisoning, gas gangrene, necrotic
enteritis, minor wound infection C. thermoaceticum 58
C. tetani Tetanus C. thermosulfurogenes 60
C. botulinum Botulism food poisoning C. thermocellum 60
C. difficile Pseudomembranous colitis enterocolitis C. fervidus 68
C. novyi Gas gangrene C. thermosuccinogenes 58–72
C. histolyticum Gas gangrene C. thermobutyricum 57
C. septicum Gas gangrene C. stercorarium 65

Species within the genus Clostridium produce a wide diver- species have been the foodborne pathogen, C. perfringens
sity of exoproteins, many of which function as virulence and the solventogenic clostridia, which include principally
factors. Some of these proteins are antigenic in nature and C. acetobutylicum and C. beijerinckii. Most of the early plasmid
some have associated enzyme activity. An overview of the work initiated 20 years ago was carried out with C. perfringens,
major and minor antigens produced by C. perfringens is given in whereas the industrial significance of strains that are able to
the article on C. perfringens. Table 1 lists a representative group produce acetone and butanol has resulted in a renewed
of clostridial species that cause various diseases. The most emphasis on genetic systems development in C. acetobutylicum
important species with respect to human disease include and C. beijerinckii. The molecular tools developed over the past
C. botulinum, C. perfringens, C. tetani, and C. difficile. The role of 20 years now are being used to investigate the mechanism of
toxins produced by these species in causing disease has been toxin production in the pathogenic clostridia (e.g., C. perfringens
well characterized. and C. botulinum) and to understand the molecular basis
From the standpoint of metabolism, there appears to be a for acid and solvent productions (e.g., C. acetobutylicum and
delineation between clostridia that are principally saccharolytic C. beijerinckii). Recently, a genome-scale metabolic model
and those described as proteolytic. Genetic studies have (iCM925) of butanol-producing C. beijerinckii was described.
demonstrated that strains falling into these two groups are The model can accurately reproduce physiological behavior and
unrelated with respect to DNA similarity. Following growth on provide insight into the underlying mechanisms of microbial
carbohydrates, the clostridia usually produce mixtures of butanol production. RNA-seq technology has been used to carry
alcohols and organic acids. The clostridia use the Embden– out single-nucleotide resolution analysis of the transcriptome of
Meyerhof–Parnas pathway for breakdown of monosacc- C. beijerinckii. The application of these technologies is expected
harides. Although carbohydrates appear to be the preferred to allow for the directed metabolic engineering of these indus-
carbon source, metabolism of alcohols, amino acids, and other trially significant species.
organic compounds may also occur. Purines and pyrimidines
have also been shown to be fermented by various species of
clostridia. The industrial utility of the clostridia is enhanced by Selected Clostridial Species
their ability to degrade and utilize a diverse group of poly-
Clostridium perfringens
saccharides. Various species of clostridia are able to degrade
polymers (such as cellulose, starch, and pectin) and produce Clostridium perfringens has been described as the most ubiqui-
useful products such as acids and solvents. The ability of tous pathogenic bacterium in our environment. This anaerobic
the clostridia to coferment both five and six carbon sugars Gram-positive bacterium is an inhabitant of the soil and the
bodes well for utilization of biomass as a fermentation feed- intestinal tract of both humans and animals. It produces as
stock. The acetone–butanol–ethanol (ABE) fermentation using many as 12 biologically active toxins. Although primarily
C. acetobutylicum or C. beijerinckii growing on starch or molasses associated with foodborne disease, it is also responsible for
dominates the history of clostridial fermentations. causing gas gangrene, lamb dysentery, necrotic enteritis, and
For most clostridial species, growth occurs most rapidly minor wound infection.
between pH 6.5 and 7.0 and at a temperature of 30–37  C,
although some species, such as C. perfringens have very rapid
Clostridium botulinum
growth (generation times as low as 10 min) at temperatures of
40–45  C. There are also a number of thermophilic clostridia Botulism food poisoning is caused by the consumption of food
that are able to grow up to a maximum temperature of 80  C. containing heat-labile neurotoxin produced by C. botulinum.
Because of the industrial potential of hydrolytic enzymes – C. botulinum first was isolated in 1895 by E. van Ermangen from
such as amylase, pullalanase, and glucoamylase – recovered salted ham. The causative microorganism was named Bacillus
from the thermophilic clostridia, these microbes recently botulinus (from the Latin ‘botulus’ meaning sausage). It is
have been the subject of intensive investigation. A list of described as an intradietic intoxication in which the exotoxin is
representative thermophilic clostridial species is presented in produced by the microorganism during growth on the food.
Table 2. The types of C. botulinum are identified by neutralization of
With respect to the development of genetic systems (gene their toxins by the antitoxin. There are seven recognized anti-
transfer, shuttle vectors, etc.) for the clostridia, the model genic types of C. botulinum, A–G (Table 3). In addition to toxin
446 CLOSTRIDIUM j Introduction

Table 3 Occurrence of C. botulinum types

Location Type Proteolytic Disease Antitoxin

Western United States, Canada A þ Human Specific

Europe, Eastern United States B þ/ Human Specific
Widespread Ca – Paralysis of birds X-react Ca and Cb
Widespread Cb – Forage poisoning Cattle X-react with D
South Africa, Russia, United States D – Cattle X-react with Cb
Northern hemisphere E – Human Specific
Japan F þ Human Specific
Argentina G þ No disease Unknown

production, the types are differentiated on the basis of their are heat-sensitive proteins. They are destroyed by boiling for
ability to produce proteolytic enzymes. The production of 10 min. Therefore, a food can be rendered nontoxic by heating,
proteolytic enzymes by C. botulinum when present on food although the cooking of a suspect food is not considered
results in a putrid, unpleasant odor that can be a useful a worthwhile risk. On the other hand, consumption of low
deterrent to consumption. Although strains of C. botulinum are levels of spores by a healthy adult apparently will do no harm.
variably proteolytic, they are always saccharolytic and are able Tryptophan has been shown to be required for toxin produc-
to ferment glucose with the production of energy as well as acid tion together with carbon dioxide.
and gas. Most outbreaks (w72%) of botulism have been traced Typically, one portion of the food to be examined is set
to home canned foods and vegetables, in particular. These aside and examined for the presence of the microorganism, and
outbreaks have been traced to foods that have been handled the other portion is used in toxicity testing. Food samples
improperly or insufficiently heated to destroy spores. In the containing suspended solids are centrifuged and the superna-
United States, C. botulinum types A and B are most common, tant fluid examined for toxin. Solid food is extracted with an
whereas in Europe, meat products frequently have served as the equal volume of gel-phosphate buffer. The macerated food
vehicle, and botulinal food poisoning primarily is due to type B sample is centrifuged under refrigeration and the supernatant is
strains. C. botulinum is a strictly anaerobic, Gram-positive rod used for assay of the toxin. Food samples containing toxins of
that produces heat-stable spores that are located subterminally nonproteolytic C. botulinum may require trypsin activation to
on the mother cell sporangium. The microorganism is motile be detected. In this case, the trypsin-treated preparation is
via peritrichous flagella. The neurotoxins produced by incubated for 1 h with gentle agitation.
C. botulinum and C. tetani are composed of the most potent The mouse lethality assay was the first method employed for
group of bacterial toxins known. The toxins act by inhibiting detection of toxins produced by foodborne pathogens, and
the release of neurotransmitters from presynaptic nerve termi- although still used for assay of botulinal toxins, its use has
nals inducing a flaccid paralysis (C. botulinum) or a spastic become more limited with the advent of alternative assays. The
paralysis (C. tetani). Although the symptoms induced by the approach when using the mouse lethality assay is quite
toxins appear dramatically different, the toxins have similarities straightforward. Pairs of mice are injected intraperitoneally with
in their structures and modes of action. trypsin-treated and untreated preparations. A portion of
untreated supernatant fluid or culture is heated for 10 min at
100  C. All injected mice are observed for 3 days for symptoms
Detection of C. botulinum Neurotoxins of botulism or death. If, after 3 days, all mice except those
The botulinum neurotoxins are simple proteins composed of receiving the heated preparation have died, the toxicity test
only amino acids. These toxins are among the most toxic should be repeated using higher dilutions of supernatant fluids
substances known. Ingestion of as little as 1–2 mg toxin may or cultures. This approach allows determination of the
prove fatal. Although the toxins produced by C. botulinum have minimum lethal dose (MLD) as an estimate of the amount of
all been purified and characterized, type A neurotoxin is best toxin present. From these data, the MLD per milliliter can be
characterized and was the first to be purified. The complete calculated. The precision of the mouse lethality assay for esti-
covalent structure of the proteolytically processed, fully active mating the activity of C. botulinum toxin has been shown to be of
type A neurotoxin has been determined. In addition to being the order of 5%. Protocols for typing of the toxin involves
a neurotoxin, hemagglutinin activity is normally associated rehydrating antitoxins with sterile physiological saline. Antisera
with type A toxin. Hemagglutinin is believed to stabilize the can be obtained from the Centers for Disease Control and
toxin in the gut. The toxin molecule that is produced by Prevention, Atlanta, Georgia, or from the Food and Drug
a toxigenic culture is referred to as a progenitor toxin and Administration, Washington, DC. Various types of monovalent
consists of a toxic and an atoxic component. The progenitor antitoxins are employed. Mice are injected with the respective
toxin is the precursor of the more toxic derivative toxin. The monovalent antitoxins 30–60 min before challenge with
progenitor toxins can be converted into the derivative form by toxic samples. A pair of unprotected mice (no injection of
the action of proteases in the digestive tract of the host or via antitoxin) is injected with the toxic sample as a control. Mice are
the direct action of proteolytic enzymes associated with the observed for 48 h for symptoms of botulism and to record
microorganism. Unlike staphylococcal toxins, botulinal toxins deaths.
CLOSTRIDIUM j Introduction 447

Additional approaches for the detection of botulinal toxins hyperbutanol phenotype ultimately will lead to the develop-
include gel diffusion, specifically electroimmunodiffusion, ment of a strategy for engineering a strain of C. beijerinckii with
which has a reported sensitivity of five mice LD50 per 0.1 ml enhanced solvent-producing characteristics for industrial
and the polymerase chain reaction (PCR), which has been applications.
applied to detect C. botulinum types A–E toxin genes with The genome of C. beijerinckii is approximately 50% larger
a reported sensitivity of 10 femtogram. Another approach is the than that of its cousin, C. acetobutylicum. C. beijerinckii
evanescent wave immunosensor to detect type B C. botulinum demonstrates a multiplicity of genes for which C. acetobutylicum
toxin. The sensor detects fluorescently tagged, toxin-bound many only have one or two copies. This may at least partially
antibodies. The enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) explain the differences between the two species. The size of the
system has been used successfully to detect C. botulinum toxins. C. acetobutylicum genome was found to be 4.11 Mb, with an
For type A C. botulinum toxin, a double-sandwich ELISA overall GþC ratio of 29.2%. There is an expectation for 4200
detected 50–100 mice LD50 of type A and less than 100 mice genes, and analysis of the sequence has revealed similarity,
LD50 of type E. A double-sandwich ELISA using alkaline although not necessarily functionality, to a number of antibi-
phosphatase was able to detect one mouse LD50 of type otic-resistant genes, clostridial-toxin genes, and various
G toxin. Clostridium botulinum toxin type A was detected at substrate hydrolytic genes. It is expected that analysis of the
a level of nine mice LD50 per milliliter when using a mono- chromosome sequence will provide important information
clonal antibody. regarding the phylogenetic relatedness of the solvent-
producing clostridia.
The Solventogenic Clostridia: C. acetobutylicum
and C. beijerinckii
Recommended Methods of Detection
The fermentation of carbohydrates to ABE by the solventogenic and Enumeration in Foods
clostridia is well known. For an overview of developments in
the genetic manipulation of the solventogenic clostridia for The clostridia generally can be isolated on nutritionally
biotechnology applications, the reader is referred to the further complex media that are appropriate for the cultivation of
reading list. Currently, this value-added fermentation process is anaerobes. This may, for example, include blood agar
attractive for several economic and environmental reasons. and cooked meat medium. Tryptone–glucose–yeast extract
Prominent among the economic factors is the current surplus medium is easy to prepare and can meet the nutritional
of agricultural wastes or by-products that can be utilized as requirements of many different species of clostridia. The media
inexpensive fermentation substrates. Examples include myco- should be reduced, normally by the addition of L-cysteine or
toxin-contaminated corn that is unsuitable for use as animal sodium thioglycollate. To selectively recover clostridia from the
feed and 10% solids light corn steep liquor, which is a low- soil or intestinal contents, it is useful to heat the sample at
value by-product of the corn wet milling industry. 80  C for 10 min. This process destroys most vegetative cells
It has been suggested that the instability of certain sol- and allows the spores to predominate. It has been shown to be
ventogenic genes (ctfAB, aad, adc) may be the cause of strain useful for the recovery and regeneration of solvent-producing
degeneration in C. acetobutylicum. Specifically, the genes for clostridia, such as C. acetobutylicum and C. beijerinckii.
butanol and acetone formations in C. acetobutylicum ATCC Methods for detection and enumeration of C. perfringens
824 were found to reside on a large 210 kb (pSOL1) plasmid are found in a separate article. Although not as fastidious as
whose loss leads to degeneration of this strain. Eight genes C. perfringens, the nutritional growth needs of C. botulinum are
concerned with solventogenic fermentation in C. beijerinckii complex and include a number of amino acids, B vitamins,
8052 were found at three different locations on the genome. and minerals. Routinely, C. botulinum is cultivated in brain–
In C. beijerinckii 8052, genomic mapping studies suggest that heart infusion or cooked meat medium. Although many
the ctfA gene is localized on the chromosome and is colocated foods satisfy the nutritional requirements for growth, not all
next to the acetoacetate decarboxylase gene. An examination provide anaerobic conditions. Growth in foods can be
of the effects of added acetate on culture stability and solvent restricted if the product is of low pH, has low aw, and has
production by C. beijerinckii showed that one of the effects a high concentration of salt or an inhibitory concentration of
may be to stabilize the solventogenic genes and thereby a preservative, such as sodium nitrite. A food may contain
prevent strain degeneration. To examine this hypothesis, viable cells of C. botulinum, and yet it may not cause disease.
further genetic analysis of the solventogenic genes will need to For this reason, the focus is primarily on detection of the
be carried out. neurotoxin (see section Detection of C. botulinum Neuro-
Given the dramatic advances and cost reductions in toxins). Because of the heat lability of C. botulinum neurotoxin,
sequencing technologies over the past decade, sequencing however, processed foods should be examined for the pres-
technology is proposed as a means to identify and characterize ence of viable cells as well as toxin.
subtle, genomic-level changes that occur in the hyperbutanol- The detection of viable C. botulinum typically involves
producing C. beijerinckii BA101 mutant, which was produced enrichment. Cooked meat medium or trypticase–peptone–
using chemical mutagenesis. Differences observed for the glucose–yeast extract (TPGY) is inoculated with 1–2 g solid or
C. beijerinckii BA101 strain (U.S. Patent 6358717) at the 1–2 ml liquid food and incubated. If the organism is suspected
sequence level can be compared directly to the parent strain. of being a nonproteolytic strain, TPGY containing trypsin
Determination of the genomic alterations responsible for the should be used. After 7 days incubation, the culture is exam-
physiology associated with the C. beijerinckii BA101 ined for gas production, turbidity, and digestion of
448 CLOSTRIDIUM j Introduction

meat particles. The culture also is examined microscopically.

Biochemical and Modern Identification Techniques: Food-
A typical cell shows distention of the mother cell sporangium
Poisoning Microorganisms; Detection of Enterotoxin of
due to the presence of the spore, which results in a bulging or
Clostridium perfringens.
swollen appearance. If enrichment results in no growth after
7 days, the sample may be incubated for an additional 10 days
to detect injured cells or spores. Pure cultures of C. botulinum
are isolated by pretreatment of the sample with either absolute
alcohol or heat treatment (typically 80  C for 10 min). Heat- or Further Reading
ethanol-treated cultures may be streaked on to anaerobic egg
yolk agar to obtain distinct and separate colonies. The selection Andreesen, J.R., Bahl, H., Gottschalk, G., 1989. Introduction to the physiology and
of typical C. botulinum colonies involves using a sterile transfer biochemistry of the genus Clostridium. In: Minton, N.P., Clarke, D.J. (Eds.),
Clostridia. Plenum Press, New York, p. 27.
loop to inoculate each isolated colony into TPGY or cooked
Blaschek, H.P., White, B.A., 1995. Genetic systems development in the clostridia.
meat medium broth. Cultures are incubated for 7 days as FEMS Microbiology Reviews 17, 349–356.
described and tested for toxin production. Repeated serial Cato, E.P., George, W.L., Finegold, S.M., 1986. Genus Clostridium. In: Sneath, P.H.A.,
transfer through enrichment media may help to increase the Mair, N.S., Sharpe, M.E., Holt, J.G. (Eds.), Bergey’s Manual of Systematic
cell numbers enough to permit pure colony isolation. Bacteriology. Williams and Wilkins, Baltimore, p. 1141.
Cato, E.P., Stackebrandt, E., 1989. Taxonomy and phylogeny. In: Minton, N.P.,
C. botulinum and C. perfringens are particularly important Clarke, D.J. (Eds.), Clostridia. Plenum Press, New York, pp. 1–26.
species in the food industry because of their ability to produce Hauschild, A., 1989. Clostridium botulinum. In: Doyle, M.P. (Ed.), Foodborne Bacterial
heat-stable spores and their ability to grow rapidly under Pathogens. Marcel Dekker, New York, p. 112.
anaerobic conditions. Although normally producing only Jay, J.M., 1996. Modern Food Microbiology, fifth ed. Chapman & Hall, New York,
p. 220.
a mild form of food poisoning, C. perfringens is of particular
Johnson, J.L., Chen, J.-S., 1995. Taxonomic relationships among strains of Clos-
concern to the food service industry in those cases in which tridium acetobutylicum and other phenotypically similar organisms. In: Durre, P.,
food is prepared in advance, reheated, and held on steam Minton, N.P., Papoutsakis, E.T., Woods, D.R. (Eds.), Solventogenic Clostridia.
tables. It is primarily problematic because of its ubiquitous FEMS Microbiology Reviews, vol. 17, pp. 233–240.
nature and rapid growth rate given appropriate nutritional and Kautter, D.A., Solomon, H.M., Rhodehamel, E.J., 1992. Bacteriological Analytical
Manual, seventh ed. AOAC International, Arlington, VA, p. 215.
environmental conditions. Because of the devastating nature of Milne, C.B., Eddy, J.A., Raju, R., Ardekani, S., Kim, P.-J., Senger, R.S., Jin, Y.-S.,
botulism foodborne illness, minimum heating times for Blaschek, H.P., Price, N.D., 2011. Metabolic network reconstruction and genome-
ensuring the safety of canned foods have been developed with scale model of butanol-producing strain Clostridium beijerinckii NCIMB 8052.
the C. botulinum microorganism in mind. BMC Systems Biology 5, 130.
Morris, J.G., 1993. History and future potential of the clostridia in biotechnology. In:
Simple flow-chart based approaches for the identification
Woods, D.R. (Ed.), The Clostridia and Biotechnology. Butterworth-Heinemann,
of Clostridium species are available as part of the National Stoneham, MA, p. 1.
Standard Methods Working Group (see http://www.hpa- Steinhart, C.E., Doyle, M.E., Cochrane, B.A., 1996. Food Safety. Marcel Dekker, New York, p. 404.
Sugiyama, H., 1990. In: Cliver, D.O. (Ed.), Foodborne Diseases. Academic Press,
San Diego, CA, p. 108.
See also: Clostridium: Clostridium perfringens; Detection of Wang, Y., Li, X., Mao, Y., Blaschek, H.P., 2011. Single-nucleotide resolution analysis
Enterotoxin of Clostridium perfringens; Clostridium : Clostridium of the transcriptome structure of Clostridium beijerinckii NCIMB 8052 using RNA-
acetobutylicum; Clostridium: Clostridium tyrobutyricum; Seq. BMC Genomics 12, 479.
Clostridium: Clostridium botulinum; Clostridium: Detection of Wrigley, D.M., 1994. In: Hui, Y.H., Gorham, J.R., Murrell, K.D., Cliver, D.O. (Eds.),
Foodborne Disease Handbook: Diseases Caused by Bacteria, vol. 1. Marcel Dekker,
Neurotoxins of Clostridium botulinum; Bacterial Endospores; New York, p. 97.

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