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9 Non-negotiable Principles For Writing

Irresistible Copy for Health & Wellness Brands

Presented by…

Aniket Singh
Wellness Advertising
Wellness Coaches & Entrepreneurs…

If you have an amazing product/service that’s genuinely good for people…

…And yet you are struggling to make big money.

It’s maybe because messaging is flawed and your positioning is all over the place.

>>> These crucial 9-steps will make your copy atleast 2x better:

⏭️ Positive Words. Positive Vibes

Your brand already has a vibe.

Whether you know it or not.

Insurance companies INTENTIONALLY sell a negative vibe.

Spiritual Coaches INTENTIONALY sell a positive vibe.

Wellness brands/Coaches need to make it positive.

People are already suffering.

They came to you to find a glimpse of positivity.

Your words should ignite hope.

Every word evokes a certain emotion.

Here are some words to sprinkle:

Some happy and powerful Words → playful, prosperity, vibrant, enthusiast, timeless.
Some Emotional and Strong words → incredible, energetic, romance, truly, lifelong.

Some Happy Wordings → smile, leisure, heavenly, joyful, uplift.

Use these words like you are doing SEO.

⏭️ Big Ideas & Unique Mechanism

Listen tight.

Doctor’s have failed your reader.

They have lost all hope.

You must sell hope.

Primarily through a big idea.

… And a unique mechanism.

Here's how most of the wellness brands write their copy:

"Our MagiCaL and AwarD wiNNing product will help you bla bla bla…"

No one believes these vague claims.

The market sophistication has gone wayyyy up.

A market where nobody believes in your claim… You need a UNIQUE MECHANISM.

A mystical ingredient…

A magical system…
Something that regains their faith.

Fires up their lost hope.

Look at this example closely:

Be careful…

In this example…

He isn’t selling the product.

Heck you don’t even know If there’s a product.

He is selling an ENZYME.

Something big and unique.

The results?

They sold over $100,000+ worth of products.

⏭️ Visuals
Here’s a simple request to all the wellness coaches & Entrepreneurs.

Do not play with colors.

I have seen hundreds of landing pages with a mix of terrible colors.


There are 4 Visual elements you need to check.

1. Color:

Go for earthy colors…

… Calming Greens
… Soft Blues…
… Earthy Browns Etc.

Do not use bright colors like you are selling some cool funky t-shirts.

Your colors should make them calm and bring peace.

It’s simple until you mess it up.

2. Fonts

Readability first.

As long as your readers can read it COMFORTABLY… It’s good to go.

Use the fonts you see every day.

3. Background

Too many brands go over the board and use crazy backgrounds.

Trust me… You need nothing crazy here.

Black text over a white background is good enough.


4. Images

A lot of wellness experts use before-and-after pictures.

And that’s crucial.

But make it BELIEVABLE.

huge and fast results often at looked as SCAM!

Try to create images more earthy and connected to nature.

⏭️ Become ONE with the Reader

The buyers are super sensitive in the Wellness niche.

If they get a feeling that you are trying to take advantage of their situation... It’s over.

They don’t want to buy from a “Brand”.

They wanna buy from someone who UNDERSTANDS them.

The reader is half-sold if they think:

“ Hell yeah… This guy knows what I’m going through.”

Once you can truly make the reader feel you understand them….

It’s a piece of cake.

And trust me it’s not an easy task.

I have done it. It takes TONSSS of research to write like that.

Read the above writing.

There’s no smell of “brand”

Just a heart-to-heart talk.

⏭️ HELP. Don’t Sell.

They have been sold 100s of times.

They are frustrated. Help them. Do not sell them.

The best of the copy never looks like selling.

It’s more of a look like some reporter reporting the amazing discovery or benefits people
will start getting.

From experience and loads of data… I can assure you:

“Hard Selling DOES NOT work in wellness brands.”

Talk about your people and their problems.

Look at this…

How they are talking about CUSTOMER’S PROBLEM…


Businesses focused on their people… Bringing MILLIONS in profit.

Businesses obsessed about their product… Barely Surviving.

⏭️ Real-Talk Testimonials
This is no secret…

When there’s no tangible and universal proof that your product works… Your customers
become proof.

But… Careful.
99% of the testimonials are useless.

The seems fake and artificial.

Sometimes… They ARE fake.

And if they are… you are not fooling anybody.

Your customer's olfactory receptors are much stronger than you expect.

They can smell lies instantly.

Try to get some real, raw, and unfiltered testimonials.

It should look and feel like it’s real and not manipulated.

✅You want testimonials like this: ❎ Not this:

Go for Video.

Ask them if they can give you their honest feedback on camera.

That boosts trust like nothing else.

⏭️ Shatter Their Existing Belief

If you are selling to a problem-aware audience…(Which most of the wellness brands are)

Your first duty is to convince them that it’s POSSIBLE.

Most of your audience is searching for a solution half-heartedly.

They don’t believe there is a legit solution.

Why? It’s because of their own limiting beliefs.

… And the bloody scamstar market who have betrayed them again and again.

Your first duty is to erase their skepticism.

Through facts… data… Easy Scientific Explanations… Positive previous results… A unique

They need to forget more than they need to know.

⏭️ Massive Authority
I don’t care how amazing and revolutionary your product is…

If you are not a go-to solution for their problem.. They won’t buy.
The wellness space needs credibility the most.

Scream “I know my stuff” as much as you can.

You need to establish authority anyhow.

Gather proof that your product/service works… And advertise that.

Flaunt your results on your IG, LinkedIn, and all over the internet.

Partner with existing big players in the niche.

Ask them to review and give genuine feedback. Use that to attract ideal clients.

Your brand and the copy should be loaded with authoritative content.

⏭️ Fear Selling
Your product has two sides.

>> The benefits that your client will get.

>> The disaster that they will be saved from.

The latter works as good if not better.

Talk about how disastrous it can be if they don’t take action.

… And couple that with the benefits they will get.

Focus on both.

Here’s a good example of selling both at once:

Beautifully sold fear.

On that same page…

Here’s how the writer sold benefits:


Now you have the “9 most important principles” I use for my projects.

There are 13 more bullets I shoot that make my copy unignorable.

DM me “13” If you want that checklist.

Stay healthy.
Peace out ✌️

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