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How To

A practical guide to your
dream self-confidence
Introduction 1

Chapter One 2

Chapter Two 3

Chapter Three 4

Chapter Four 5
"I can’t possibly do this... It’s too hard for me!"

Is this the self-talk goes on in your mind? The WORST part? You don’t even think
you can change it.

This negative behaviour keeps you stuck in the loop.

And the root cause behind this behaviour is LOW SELF-ESTEEM.

This is the main villian that drives you to self-sabotage.

You become your enemy. You start behaving in ways that confirms your self-
destructing beliefs.

You stop shooting for success. The discomfort and vulnerability takes over your

The whole environment becomes NEGATIVE as you are constantly telling yourself
that you are gonna fail.

As a result... You start losing your potential. The self-sabotaging behaviour starts
to eat up your real life opportunities.

I'm afraid to say...

But if you don't take action against it... You will be STUCK AT THIS LOOP FOR THE

it will affect everything:

• Mental Health
. • Emotional Health
. • Relationships
. • Overall Well-being.

When you do not own your worth... And do not own believe in yourself... It becomes
almost IMPOSSIBLE to win in this ruthless world.

Fear not...

I'm here to help you overcome this.

Once you put in the process of improving...

You WILL defeat this monster belief.

Here' are TOP 5 ways I recemend to my clients:


Use Tools Of Mindfullness

Sorry to say... But we have forgotten how to be present.

We have lost our precious healing tool which is to be in the current moment without

It involves paying attention to your thoughts, emotions, and sensations with openness and

And if you are wondering... Here’s the MOST POWERFUL tool for mindfulness,

>>> MEDITATION. (You might have heard of it.)

This is the single biggest tool that will be in the present moment and pay attention to your
breath and body sensations.

Just follow this: “ Simply notice the sensation of your breath as it enters and leaves your
body, without trying to change it in any way.”

There’s a lot to it. But simply sticking to the basics will help you a lot.

Mindful eating is another great practice you can start.

Being mindful in ALL aspects of your life will drastically improve your self-esteem.

Be it eating, walking, cleaning your dishes, or even brushing your teeth... Be at present.

One of the oldest yet most effective way to be mindful is YOGA.

Devote some time (20-30 mins) to practice yoga.

Not only it will help you to be mindful but also will improve your overall physical health.

And don't forget: Your overall physical health and vitality plays a HUGE role in your self-

Use these tools of mindfulness mentioned here religiously.

After 1-2 month doing all of these... You will get a significant uplift in your confidence.


Create Awareness of Emotions and Thoughts

Is your day going on auto-pilot mode?

Where you don’t know exactly what you are feeling? And the days are just going by?

Well... This is a SYMPTOM.

When you are not aware and conscious about your life... You lose significant

A large chunk of confidence and self-esteem comes from WITHING and KNOWING

Sometimes... Take a pause. Observe your thoughts and inner experiences.

The one tool that we discussed earlier - Meditation - helps in this process too.

By just sitting down... And letting your thoughts and emotions in a free-flowing state...

You will be shocked to discover the underlying thoughts that were never coming up.

Here’s one more trait you have to cultivate...

Which is being NON-JUDGEMENTAL.

The moment you start judging your thoughts and emotions...

The process of self-discovery will be interrupted.

No judgment. No guilt. No shame. Nothing.

Let your thoughts free flow.

One more thing... Write down whatever you found in your meditation window.

We will cover more on this in journaling.

What else you can do?

Engage in open and honest conversations with your trusted friends and therapists.

You are self-sabotaging if you are silent and being in a closed environment.

Share your thoughts and feelings with your friends to get feedback.


Maybe... Somewhere down the line... You also have tried journaling.

Putting down your thoughts on a piece of paper.

But for some reason... You don’t do it now. (If you do - amazing.)

It is a great tool for self-reflection and personal growth. You gain clarity about your inner
world. All the thoughts you are holding back - come on the paper.

Here’s a great way to do that: FREE WRITING.

where you simply write stream-of-consciousness without censoring or editing yourself.

This will give you access to the deeper layers of your psyche that you were unaware of.

Those underlying thoughts and emotions - when uncovered and accepted - will help you
to build solid self-esteem.

Here’s another very important approach you can take: GRATITUDE JOURNALING.

Write the things you are grateful for. Every day.

We often forget the good things we have.

This will shift your focus from negativity and scarcity towards abundance.

You can also use journaling as a tool for problem-solving.

by brainstorming solutions to challenges that are eating your life.

More often than not - You will find - writing your problems down will open up possible
ways towards solutions.

It happens because you can organize your thoughts on a piece of paper and gain clarity
through it.

One more good thing about this is you get to track your progress.

Do it for at least 30 days. Then compare Day 1 vs Day 30. You will find significant
improvement in your clarity. Which automatically boosts your self-esteem.


Practice Positive Affirmations

You have heard this before, right?

You may have tried it... You may have not.

But one thing I can guarantee... IT WORKS.

Positive affirmations help you reprogram your subconscious mind and create a
powerful mindset.

It’s THE BEST tool you can use to boost your self-esteem drastically.

Once you start saying positive affirmations to yourself - you start believing it

Know this - It won’t happen on day 1 or day 10.

But you will see a significant difference in your mindset and confidence at day 60 or
90. It has slow but everlasting results.


You have to be careful crafting your affirmations.

Don’t say: “I am afraid of failure”

Say: “ I face my fears and embrace challenges like no one else!”

These subtle differences make a huge difference.

Keep it positive. Keep it specific and direct.

What’s better?

Find a quiet place to practice your affirmations.

Close your eyes. Take a few breaths. Centre yourself. And say it aloud or silently to

Visualize your affirmations.

And that’s it. Follow these 4 principles and you will get a boost in your self-esteem.


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