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Sanyasa Yoga is also known as Pravrajya Yoga, which is

very much feared by people.

What is Sanyasi yoga? Does this yoga really makes you a
Sanyasi? Let’s think about the possibilities in being a Sanyasi
and wandering throughout your life.
First and foremost condition
You should have four or more planets in one rashi and house
to constitute a Sanyasa yoga. This planetary placement should
be there in navamsa chart and Narayani BhavaChalit as well.
These three rules should be strictly noticed when you fear
about Sanyasa Yoga. There are so many other conditions you
can see in many articles, but the true essence of Sanyasa yoga
is the combination above mentioned.

Why this combination is said to have the strength to make

anyone a Sanyasi?
Each house in an astrological chart represents some matters.
Likewise, each planet is indicating something as well. So
when multiple planets come in a particular house, these
planets will try to exert more force on the matters in that
house. The planet with a maximum degree will show you on
what feature you are obsessed about. Suppose, you have Sun,
Jupiter, Mars, Rahu and Moon in 11th house, identify which
planet has the maximum degree and what does it indicates.
Your life will go according to the indicators of that planet.
The other planets will be on the race to show their
significance, which can contradict the interest of the planet
with maximum degrees.

Each planet is showing, different energies, on various levels

and you are confused on what to receive or reject. Pravrajya
yoga actually, means the inner turmoil, for getting what you
want. You are confused or you are not sure about what you
want. Too many planets indicate too many conflicts within.
Each planet is trying to conquer your attention and you are
standing in the middle of conflict. Finally, you take a decision
to leave the thing which lead you to an inner turmoil and
submit everything in the hands of God.

These inner conflicts will impact all the relationship of which

you are the main part. Others may see you as a complicated
person of course. Things may get more complicated when
things take a different stride which you were never expected.
You at one side and the entire world at the other side. You
want to join them, but the universe is guiding you towards

For a person who born with Pravrajya yoga or Sanyasa yoga,

spirituality becomes an integral part of his life. It has to be
there in his life in some or other format. When your mind is
distracted you can only fix it on the grace of God. You can try
all the remedies offered but, the truth is that your base of life
is weak and you need to fix it back on the creator. There is no
other remedy than self-realization and Pravrajya yoga in your
chart shows the best option to have a career or interest in the
spiritual domain.

Spirituality is a big business these days. All you need to do is

to understand how the universe has programmed you and
admitting it. Then accept whatever the world has given you.
There is no other effective remedy than finding yourself
through the guidelines of godliness. You may get a tendency
to setback very often, but such situation will come to you
again and again and you need to have the power to overcome
it. The true power of resistance comes from God only. You
may have to subside your ego and choose God above all. You
may lack some patience and this can lead you to dejection.

Others also will get dejection, but they will have some support
system than those with Pravrajya yoga. So, when you see four
or more planets, don’t get worried. Check your lagna chart,
navamsa chart and Narayani Bhava Chalit chart. If you see
again these four planets together, then kindly do some slow
down in your life? Think who you are and why you are
created. If you see this planetary combination in any one of
this chart, then also do some self-realization studies. Pravrajya
yoga doesn’t make sure that you will leave everything and
become a Sanyasi, yes, there are so many Sanyasis without
this yoga as well.

Sanyasa yoga in Hindu astrology are the peculiar planetary
situations or combinations seen in certain horoscopes that
indicate Sanyasa i.e. renunciation of worldly material life by
persons born with those yogas. Sanyasa yogas are also known
as Pravrajya yogas.Pravrajya, in sanskrit, is derived from the
bali word 'Pabbajja' which means leaving a home
(renunciate) to live and be like buddhist monks.

Traits of a Sanyasi that gives a pravrajya-yoga:

 A sanyasi ought to be learned and someone with a sound
logic, deeply philosophical and someone with clear and
uncluttered thinking.
 Not necessarily deeply religious, but someone seeking
 Detached from family, society and worldly pleasures

Saturn is the major significator of renunciation.Detachment is

caused by malefic influence of Sun, Rahu, Saturn and 12th
house lord. Such an influence is required on 2nd (family) and
7th house (spouse). Influence on 2nd is much more important
as an influence on 7th alone will cause separation from
spouse, thus resulting in a divorce.Separating influence is
required on 4th house (society) and 12th house (worldly
pleasures). These influence are a must from the Moon as well
– especially the influence of Saturn on the Moon is required
should be analyzed very carefully.

Major Factor For Renunciation

When there are 4 or more planets (higher strength) occupy a
single house, the planets compete each other and thus
vanishes their significance and just because of this the native
gives up the wordly pleasures and becomes a Sanyasi or
behaves like a Sanyasi.
Similarly, in a horoscope if there are 4 or more planets which
are exalted or in own house possessing high strength, in that
case also the result will be same.The nature of the sanyas is
governed by the strongest of these set of planets. Such a
combination should ideally occur in a kendra to affect the
Lagna, otherwise it will not be effective. The native will be
bereft of spouse and children.Even if the native marry, it will
not be a long lasting relationship.And in certain cases, the
native may possess spouse and children, endowed with
wealth but he will be enforced to lead a sanyasi like life with
or without knowing the outside wold.

1. If the Sun be the strongest planet the person of high

morals and intallectual prowess will choose severe and
difficult practices in remote places .
2. If it be the Moon, then in seclusion more in the study of
3. If it be Mercury, one who is easily influenced by
philosophy of others
4. If it be Mars, one who chooses to wear red-coloured
clothes and who struggles to control his temper
5. If it be Jupiter, one who has complete control over his
senses and sense - organs
6. If it be Venus, a wandering mendicant.
7. If the strongest planet be Saturn it makes one adopt
exceedingly severe practices.
The are some other combinations that cause pravrajya-yoga

1. If ascendant,Jupiter and Moon is aspected by Saturn and

Jupiter occupies 9th house and if the native possess a
Rajayoga , he will become a sanyasi and spends his life
visiting shrines and other holy places.The native can't enjoy
the Rajayoga just like Sree Budha.
2. If Saturn occupies 9th house and is not aspected by any
3. When lord of 10th house is in kendra or trikona to the
house occupied by 4 or more planets
4. Saturn aspect a weak ascendant indicates sanyas –yoga
5. Saturn posited in 10th house from ascendant / Moon and
related to Sun by association / aspect / quadrant relationship,
indicates sanyas- yoga.
6. Moon in 9th house without having aspect of any planet,
indicates sanyas.
7. Moon sign is aspected by the lord of ascendant and
8. Ascendant is aspected by many planets being placed in a
same sign.
9. Lord of 10th house combined with 4 planets in quadrant /
10. Lord of 9th is strong and being placed in 5th or 9th house
and aspected / associated with
Jupiter and Venus, indicates a great sanyasi.
11. Saturn is posited in 10th in Pisces sign, indication of
detachment from the world.
12. Saturn and lord of ascendant aspect Moon sign indicate
13. If Saturn is placed in 5th/9th or aspects these houses, and
any four or more planets
are in a house and one of these planets is the lord of the 10th
house, is the sure
combination for sanyas.

To be effectively able to judge if a person can take sanyas and

become an ascetic, lets try to define the traits that we associate
with a sanyasi. Before we begin, I would like to encourage
everyone to watch a movie called OMG: Oh My God! It is a
great movie.
Traits of a sanyasi that gives apravrajya-yoga:
 A sanyasi ought to be learned and someone with a sound
logic, deeply philosophical and someone with clear and
uncluttered thinking.
 Not necessarily deeply religious, but someone seeking
 Detached from family, society and worldly pleasures
 Ability to work hard and have immense discipline.
The combinations that cause these traits to appear in a person
 Negative Traits to cause detachment
 Detachment is caused by malefic influence of Sun,
Rahu, Saturn and 12th house lord in a kundali.
 In a kundali, such an influence is required on 2nd
(family) and 7th house (spouse). Influence on 2nd is much
more important as an influence on 7th alone will cause
separation from spouse, thus resulting in a divorce.
 Separating influence is required on 4th house
(society) and 12th house (worldly pleasures) and on Venus.
 These influence are a must from the Moon as well –
especially the influence of Saturn on the Moon is required
should be analyzed very carefully.
 Positive Influence in the horoscope to create higher
intellect and provide wisdom
 Pravrajya yoga is defined by 4 or more strong
planets in one house in a kundali, without being combust or
debilitated. The nature of the sanyas is governed by the
strongest of these set of planets. Such a combination should
ideally occur in a kendra to affect the Lagna, otherwise it will
not be effective.
 Jupiter will need to be involved to bring in the
philosophical influence on the mind. Jupiter should by itself
be a benefic planet in the kundali otherwise instead of a
sanyasi, we will see a salesman or marketer, likes of who we
see in the OMG movie.
 Saturn indicates discipline and ability to work hard.
 Venus is a planet that indicates luxuries in the
horoscope. This has to be controlled and channelized in the
kundali. One does not become a sanyasi by curbing ones
desire. Happiness is obtained in the process and hence has a
lasting influence.
 Ketu is moksha karaka in a horoscope and
especially acts that way if the location is in 12th house. Its
combination with Venus, especially in 12th house is
important. It could also be in 8th house as it is a house of
hidden studies, occult and deep meaning of life. Essentially
we should look at Saturn and Ketu affecting Venus in one of
these two houses.
Both influences are required in a horoscope. If there is just the
positive influence, then we see a family man, a grihastha who
is a wise learned man. If there are just negative influences in
the kundali, then it would be an unfortunate situation for the
person and would not guide him/her to higher learning.
If any of the planets are combust, then the person has an
inkling and tendency to take sanyasa, but does not really walk
on the path. Even if sanyasa is attained, the person is likely
come out of it.
According to Brihat-jatakam, if there is a rajayoga also
existing in the chart, along with Jupiter in trines, then the
chart is of a maharshi and rajarshi. Such a person, who, while
have taken a sanyasa, will have a lot of followers and he will
be considered a great sage. If this combination of raja-yoga
does not exist, then the person will be a simple ascetic.
What is Sanyas Yoga in Astrology
What is Sanyas Yoga
Many of us have heard of these yogas as the name itself shows
the nature of this yoga. This yoga is also known as Pravrajya
yoga. The meaning of this yoga is if a person has this yoga, he
will live like an ascetic.
I will tell you how yoga is going to work in one’s life.
Before that let me tell you, you can find this yoga in Chapter
27 of Pahaldipika mainly, but there are various other texts
which say about this yoga.
I will write down certain conditions.
 When the 10th lord is conjuncting 4 planets and placed

either in Kendra or Trikona, then such horoscope shows

a strong condition for Sanyas yogaIf at the time of birth
4 or more planets are in the one house, that is a sanyas
 If the moon is in Kendra with Saturn and aspected by

Saturn and mars

 If the Moon sign lord is aspected by Saturn.

There are other conditions also, but these are the most
prominent condition for Sanyas yoga.
In addition to that, I have if a person has three planets in one
house also he will have a shadow of Sanyas yoga in his life.
In sanyas yoga, the person will have to go through a lack of
marital pleasures. An ascetic is born to be spiritual and he is
not destined to get a lot of materialistic pleasures like love,
money or anything which is perishable. He is destined to
focus on imperishable matters like God and soul.
If he is focusing on anything which is against his spiritual life
will make his life directionless.
There are various kinds of Sanyas yoga which shows the life
should be like a celibate.
Some so many people are married with sanyas yoga. Certain
sanyas yoga do not deny marriage, but even in marriage, the
person will be isolated from the spouse, it can be more
physical distance than emotional connection. Lack of
continuity in sexual pleasures is a signature of Sanyas yoga.
For example, either of the spouses can live in a different
location and meeting each other once in a while. Some people
stay abroad and thus stay away from their spouses. That is a
condition of Sanyas yoga.
If you are a corporate employee with sanyas yoga, then, you
will have a recurrent disagreement with your teammates, as
you are destined for spiritual life, but at corporate, you are
working for a materialistic goal.
Isolation and detachment are the signatures of this yoga. A
person with this yoga will surely feel an emptiness if they are
following a life with parties and huge networking for the sake
of pleasure.
People with sanyas yoga will get into back-to-back
relationship issues as well.
Such people should actively take part in spiritual practices.
Spirituality has no connection with going to a temple, or
church, or mosque. Being spiritual means placing the spiritual
principles in life and giving them the first place. Spending at
least 10 minutes daily in prayer and meditation will help you
to have a great focus in your life. Reading spiritual and
philosophical texts also will give you a lot of guidance on
what to do in such a life.
There will be a lot of confusion in life as multiple planets are
in one house and they are putting a lot of influence in their
ways. Finally, you will go clueless about which direction you
need to go. If you are a person with this yoga, then there is no
other way than to make spirituality your signature.
The different planet shows a different kind of Sanyas yoga
and there are certain yogas among this which shows no
marriage and a clear ascetism.
If you further want to learn the essence of this yoga, you just
have to understand the life of Gautama Budha. His story will
tell you about the mental conflict he went through and how he
got rid of it.

Pravajya yoga or Sanyasa yoga in horoscope

Pravrajya yoga or Sanyasa yoga in horoscope
Pravrajya yoga or Sanyasa yoga in horoscope indicates
renunciation of worldly material life by the native having this
yoga. This is not caused by a particular planet but peculiar
planetary positions or combinations in horoscope give rise to
this yoga.
Pravrajya yoga or Sanyasa yoga in horoscope
Saturn is the major significator of renunciation while malefic
influence of Sun, Rahu, Ketu, Saturn and 12th house lord
causes detachment. When these planets influences 2nd, 7th,
4th house, and 12th house causes seperation from family,
spouse, soceity and worldly pleasures. These influences are a
must from the Moon. Specially Saturn influence on Moon.
Ketu also give detachment.

Pravrajya yoga or Sanyasa yoga in horoscope

There are many types of sanyases like yati, dandi, tridandi,
ajeevaka, sakya, charak, kutichaka, nirgrantha, vivasa,
vanyasan, vanaprastha, bhikshuk, naga, kapali, chakri,
vriddhashravak, hansa, paramhansa. When there are 4 or more
planets in a single rashi than the person becomes a sanyasi of
the order of the planet which is stronger among the four. if
sun is stronger in the group native becomes a tapasvi, moon
makes kapali, mars one wearing red robes , mercury one
becomes a dandi , jupiter a yati, venus a chakri , saturn a

Yogas of Spiritual Intensity

Once one gets a taste of God there will be a burning fire under
the ass to realize Him
totally. Nothing else will ever compare. The rate at which that
fire turns a limited human
personality into Divine Ash can be in part understood by an
analysis of the yogas of
spirituality contained within a horoscope. The most famous
class of such yogas are
called pravrajya yogas, often translated as yogas of
renunciation, they usually indicate
the formal joining of a religious order. Other factors that are
important are the strength
and position of the trines and trinal lords, the twelfth house
and lord, Saturn, Jupiter, the
Sun, Moon and Ketu.
Pravrajya yogas include the following:
1) Moon in a drekkana of Saturn aspected by Saturn or Moon
in a navansha of Mars or
Saturn aspected by Saturn.
2) Saturn or Moon in the ninth unaspected
3) Jupiter, Moon and Ascendant aspected by Saturn with
Jupiter in the ninth
4) Four planets in the same sign with none being combust and
one being the tenth lord.
5) 3 planets in the tenth with the tenth lord strong
6) Saturn aspects the Moonʼs dispositor or the 1L
7) Sun, Moon or Jupiter without strength in the 1st, 10th or
12th aspected by Saturn
8) Saturn or the 1st lord aspects the Moonʼs dispositor
Three other yogas that are not classed as pravrajya yogas but
are powerful
spiritualizing yogas are:
1) Shrikantha Yoga - Lagna lord, Sun and Moon exalted, swa
or in a friendʼs sign in an
angle or a trine
2) Virinchi Yoga - 5th lord, Jupiter and Saturn exalted, swa or
in a friendʼs sign in an
angle or a trine
3) Shrinatha Yoga - 9th lord, Mercury and Venus exalted, swa
or in a friendʼs sign in an
angle or a trine
As on can see from a glance above Saturn and the Moon
figure prominently in spiritual
intensity. While, from a worldly standpoint, Saturnʼs
influence on the Moon is regarded
as unfavorable since it is not conducive to worldly happiness
and success, it is a
dynamo trigger for spiritual greatness. Saturn often gets a bad
rap, but Saturn is both
the ground we stumble on and the means by which we pull
ourselves up from it. The
moon is our manas, our emotional mind. Saturn can give it an
otherworldly focus which
is the only real succor to be derived from such an aspect.
1) Paramahamsa Yogananda Jan 5, 1893 20:38 Gorakhpur,
Famed author of Autobiography of a Yogi, Yoganandaʼs
horoscope abounds with
spiritual yogas. He has a Srikantha Yoga formed by the Sun as
both the Sun and the
lagna lord in the fifth in the sign of friend Jupiter and Moon in
the ascendant in the sign
of friend Sun. Plus the Moon is the twefth lord. He also has
Moon in a navamsha of
Mars aspected by Saturn. And the fifth and ninth lords are
conjoined in another moksha
house (the eighth) aspected by Saturn. He also has a Virinchi
Yoga from his Sun
ascendant. ll three of his ascendants participate n his spiritual
yogas are all three are
trined to one another, giving him the one pointed focus
necessary to achieve spiritual
Ramakrishna Paramahamsa - Feb 18, 1836 6:22 Hooghly-
Chinsura, West Bengal
Another great saint who also has all of his ascendants in
accord with one another,
Ramakrishna Paramahamsa achieved nirvikalpa samadhi at a
young age. He has Moon
in a navamsha of Mars aspected by Saturn. He has Saturn in
the ninth and although it is
aspected by Jupiter it is also retrograde and exalted and so is
its dispositor. This also
makes a Maha Lakshmi Yoga and while Lakshmi is in this
Kali Yuga mostly associated
with worldly wealth the root of Her name, Laksh, means goal.
She can also give spiritual
realization if that is someoneʼs goal. He is very near to having
a Virinchi Yoga as well.
Fifth lord Mercury is retrograde and in the lagna in the sign of
friend Saturn, Saturn is
exalted in the ninth and Jupiter is retrograde in the fifth but it
is in the sign of Mercury
who is only neutral towards Jupiter but not actually friendly.
Ketu, moksha karaka, is
exalted in Vishakha, a nakshatra renowned for its fixation on
goals. And both Sun and
Moon are in the ascendant disposited by exalted Saturn from
the ninth. His spiritual
potency still resonates today.
Anandamayi Ma - May 1, 1896 3:45 Delhi, India
Anandamayi Ma was one of those rare individuals born with
only a small remnant of
work left to be done in the spiritual realm and she initiated
herself and achieved full
realization in her twenties and lived out her days as a saint
sought by all. One glance at
her image fills even the most stubborn heart with a tender
feeling. She has four exalted
planets - Sun, Venus, Jupiter and Saturn. Her chart evokes
both a Srikantha Yoga and a
Virinchi Yoga. The lagna lord is exalted in the fifth house, the
Moon is in the tenth in
Jupiterʼs sign and Sun is exalted in the second. Technically
Sun is not in the right place
but the second is a positive house. The same is true for
Virinchi. The fifth lord Moon is in
the tenth in a friendʼs sign, Jupiter is exalted in the fifth, and
Saturn is exalted but in the
8th house. She also has Moon in the tenth aspected by Saturn,
a pravrajya yoga.The
eighth lord is exalted in the 1st and the twelfth lord is exalted
in the eighth - both are
moksha houses.
Saints show man what is possible for him, that, as he suspects,
he is meant for
something finer than earthly life and, rather than aspiring to
locate Heaven in earthly
things he should undertake the process of locating the Divine
within and try to keep the
earth in such a state that others might be able to do likewise.

Planetary combinations for Sanyas

One born with the conjunction of the Sun, the Moon, Venus,
Jupiter and Mars; or the Luminaries, Mercury and Mars; or
the Sun, Mars, Saturn, Mercury and Venus becomes an
ascetic. The native having the combination of Mars, the
Luminaries (i.e. the Sun and the Moon), Mercury and Jupiter;
or the Luminaries, Saturn and Mercury; or the Luminaries,
Mars and Saturn takes to renunciation and become a
mendicant. The Sun, Jupiter, Saturn and Mercury-being
together, or Mars, the Sun, Mercury and Jupiter joining
denotes a mendicant. Should Venus, the Sun, Mars and
Saturn; or Jupiter, Mars, the Sun and Saturn; or Mars, the
Moon, Jupiter and Saturn with strength be in conjunction at
birth, native takes to asceticism. One will be initiated into a
religious vow, if anyone of the following group of planets be
found together at birth: 1) Mars. Saturn, Mercury and Jupiter;
2) Mars, Saturn Mercury, the Sun and Venus; 3) the
Luminaries, Mars Saturn and Venus. 7. One becomes a
mendicant to live in forests and hilly areas, if the planets
group themselves in conjunction at birth, as under: 1) Venus,
Mars, Saturn, Jupiter and the Sun; 2) Mars, the Moon, Jupiter,
Mercury and Saturn; 3) Venus, Mercury, Saturn, the Moon
and Mars. The native will become a sage, giving up (even) his
food and be honoured by the people, if the heavenly bodies
form conjunction, as under: 1) The Moon, Mercury, Mars,
Jupiter and the Sun; 2) The Luminaries, Mercury, Venus and
Mars. The native will be initiated into a religious vow, if 1)
the Luminaries, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter and Saturn, or 2) The
Moon, Mars, Saturn, Mercury, Jupiter and the Sun, or 3)
Mars, the Luminaries, Saturn, Venus and Mercury, join
together at birth. or 2) Venus, the Luminaries, Jupiter, Saturn
and Mercury. Note the conjunction of the following planets:
1) Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn and the Sun. 2)
Venus, the Luminaries, Saturn, Jupiter and Mercury. It
indicates an ascetic. If conjunction is found among the
planetary group, viz. 1) the Luminaries, Jupiter and Saturn; 2)
Saturn, the Luminaries and Venus; 3) Sun, Mercury, Mars and
Jupiter, the native will become an ascetic living on roots and
fruits. The native will become an ascetic with bark garments,
if Mars, the Sun, Mercury and Venus are found together at
birth. The same effect follows the conjunction of Mars, the
Moon, Jupiter and Mercury.
A patient ascetic (awaiting the blessing of the Supreme)
is indicated by either the combination of the Moon, Mercury,
Mars and Saturn, or of Mercury, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn. A
sage living only by eating fruits is denoted by the combination
of the Luminaries, Venus and Mercury; or Mars, Mercury,
Venus and Saturn; or Saturn, the Moon, Jupiter and Venus.
An ascetic, who will be highly honourable, living in forests, is
denoted by each of the under mentioned planetary
conjunctions: 1) The Sun, Mars, the Moon and Venus, 2) the
Luminaries, Mars and Mercury, 3) Jupiter, Venus, Saturn and
the Sun, 4) Venus, Jupiter, the Moon and Mars. Find the
planets together in individual groups, as under 1) Venus,
Moon, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn, 2) the Moon, Mercury, Mars,
Jupiter and Venus, 3) The Luminaries, Mars, Mercury and
Jupiter. The result is, that the ascetic will be sorrowful
(Unsuccessful mendicant). Mars, Saturn, Jupiter, Venus and
Mercury with strength, or Saturn, the Sun, Mercury, the Moon
and Mars with strength in conjunction produce one with
clotted hair and bark-garments. The Luminaries, Mercury,
Mars and Venus, or the Luminaries, Mars, Jupiter, Venus, if
be together, the native certainly will become an ascetic.
If the Sun denotes asceticism (i.e. being the strongest in
the Yoga), there will only be faith in the religious order, while
competence (to fulfil the order) will lack. If the planet,
contributing to such order is overpowered by another planet
(i.e. in eclipse, planetary war etc.) the native will give up the
order after being initiated into it. Should many planets denote
such an order, there may be many kinds of religious orders,
but these will depend on the order of the planet. If the planet
indicating asceticism is combust in the Sun, or is aspected by
another heavenly body, the native will only have an earnest
desire to be initiated into the religious order, but will not
attain fruition of his aim. So say Yavanas. The native will
attain religious order, if the Moon, posited in a decanate of
Saturn, is aspected by Mars and Saturn. The same effect is
produced, if the Moon occupies the Navansa of Aries/Scorpio
in aspect to Saturn.
If the Lord of the Moon Sign receives the sole aspect of
Saturn (i.e. unaspected by others than Saturn), one will enter
religious order. Even in this context, the earlier Yogas, if
present will only prevail. If the Lord of the Moon Sign, bright
with rays, lends his aspect to Saturn, while Saturn is in an
Angle, the native will lose his fortunes only to enter into a
religious order. If one among the Sun, the Moon and Jupiter
be devoid of strength and occupy the Ascendant, or the 10th,
or the 12th in aspect to strong Saturn, the native will become
distressed ascetic. Should the Moon with strength be in the
10th, falling in a benefics Navansa, while others occupy their
exaltation marks and all being in aspect to strong Saturn, the
native will become the Lord of the earth to only become an
ascetic. If waxing Moon, with superior strength, aspects the
Ascendant Lord, the latter being bereft of strength and being
alone (in that Rasi), the native will be devoid of wealth and
own men, be miserable, sorrowful, will take to asceticism and
will obtain his food with great inconvenience. One will
become a religious mendicant, if Saturn occupying a benefics
Navansa aspects others including the Moon. The Moon in this
case should only be in Aquarius Navansa. If the Lord of the
Moon Sign aspects all the other planets, while these are all
together in one Rasi, the native will become an ascetic. The
Sun rules the ascetics of the following orders: Those, who
worship the Fire God in forests, or on river banks, those, who
worship (the omnipotent) Sun-God, Elephant-faced Ganesa
and His benevolent mother Parvati, those, who recite the
hymns of Gayatri (which are very sacred), those, who are
vowed to bathe in the sacred Ganges everyday and those, who
maintain (absolute) celibacy. The religious order belonging to
the Moon attracts the following various persons: Those
disciples, who smear their bodies with sacred ashes, those,
who worship the Feet of Lord Shiva, those, who are
abandoned by the society, those, who are devoted to
Bhagavati, those, who give up company of others, those, who
take to Soma Siddhanta and those, who carry bowls in their
hands (for begging alms). The Buddhist monks, the tonsured,
those, who wear white apparels, those, who beg wearing good
robes, those, who wear blood-red clothes and those, that have
conquered their five senses-all these mendicants are ruled by
Mars. Mercury denotes an alm-seeker, a conjurer, a snake
poison curer and one, who eats the flesh of a peacock. The
ascetics ruled by Jupiter are: those, who hold a single sceptre
(or mace), those, who hold three sceptres, those, who wear red
coloured apparels, those, who are in the third stage of their
religious life, those, who pull on their lives with fruits and
water (alone), those, who still are attached to family ties,
those, who maintain celibacy and those, who take to visiting
shrines etc.
Venus rules the mendicants of Saivite and Vaishnavite
sects. Religious hypocrites, bare mendicants and the ascetics,
who sit under shadowy trees in forests are ruled by Saturn.
Should Raja Yogas be simultaneously present along with the
above ascetic Yogas, all the evil results are nullified and the
native will become very virtuous, will be adorned by all the
kings. himself becoming a king and will take to religious

Chapter 15 Pravarajya yoga

Stanza 1:
When there are four or more powerful planets in one house,
the persons born will become Sakya, Aajivika, Bikshu,
Vriddha, Chakra, Nirgrantha and Vanyasana, when Mahaya,
Gnya, Guru, Kshapakara, Sita, Prabhakari and Ina are
powerful respectively. The pravrajya yogas are determined by
the most powerful planets. When these planets have suffered a
defeat, the person will renounce pravrajya afterwards
Stanza 2:
If powerful pravrajya-causing planets are in combust with
Sun, then the persons born won’t take up sanyasa but will
greatly worship those who have embraced sanyasa. If the
yogakaraka and defeated planets are aspected by other
planets, the person would be making an application for

Stanza 3:
When janmesha isn’t aspected by other planets but aspects
Saturn, or when Saturn aspects a weak janmesha or if Moon is
in Saturn’s Drekkana and occupies the amsa of Saturn or Mars
and has saturnine aspect, the person will have diksha
Stanza 4:
If Jupiter, Moon and lagna are aspected by Saturn, and if
Jupiter is in the 9th, the persons born would be a king who’d
write on shastras or sciences. If 9th is occupied by Saturn
unaspected by any planet, the person will become a dikshita
when he’s born in rajayoga


Sanyasa yoga in Hindu astrology are the peculiar planetary
situations or combinations seen in certain horoscopes that
indicate Sanyasa i.e. renunciation of worldly material life by
persons born with those yogas. Sanyasa yogas are also known
as Pravrajya yogas.Pravrajya, in sanskrit, is derived from the
bali word 'Pabbajja' which means leaving a home (renunciate)
to live and be like buddhist monks.
Traits of a Sanyasi that gives a pravrajya-yoga:
 A sanyasi ought to be learned and someone with a sound
logic, deeply philosophical and someone with clear and
uncluttered thinking.
 Not necessarily deeply religious, but someone seeking truth
 Detached from family, society and worldly pleasures
Saturn is the major significator of renunciation.Detachment is
caused by malefic influence of Sun, Rahu, Saturn and 12th
house lord. Such an influence is required on 2nd (family) and
7th house (spouse). Influence on 2nd is much more important
as an influence on 7th alone will cause separation from
spouse, thus resulting in a divorce.Separating influence is
required on 4th house (society) and 12th house (worldly
pleasures). These influence are a must from the Moon as well
– especially the influence of Saturn on the Moon is required
should be analyzed very carefully.
Major Factor For Renunciation
When there are 4 or more planets (higher strength) occupy a
single house, the planets compete each other and thus
vanishes their significance and just because of this the native
gives up the wordly pleasures and becomes a Sanyasi or
behaves like a Sanyasi.
Similarly, in a horoscope if there are 4 or more planets which
are exalted or in own house possessing high strength, in that
case also the result will be same.The nature of the sanyas is
governed by the strongest of these set of planets. Such a
combination should ideally occur in a kendra to affect the
Lagna, otherwise it will not be effective. The native will be
bereft of spouse and children.Even if the native marry, it will
not be a long lasting relationship.And in certain cases, the
native may possess spouse and children, endowed with wealth
but he will be enforced to lead a sanyasi like life with or
without knowing the outside wold.
1. If the Sun be the strongest planet the person of high morals
and intallectual prowess will choose severe and difficult
practices in remote places .
2. If it be the Moon, then in seclusion more in the study of
3. If it be Mercury, one who is easily influenced by
philosophy of others
4. If it be Mars, one who chooses to wear red-coloured clothes
and who struggles to control his temper
5. If it be Jupiter, one who has complete control over his
senses and sense - organs
6. If it be Venus, a wandering mendicant.
7. If the strongest planet be Saturn it makes one adopt
exceedingly severe practices.

The are some other combinations that cause pravrajya-yoga

1. If ascendant,Jupiter and Moon is aspected by Saturn and
Jupiter occupies 9th house and if the native possess a
Rajayoga , he will become a sanyasi and spends his life
visiting shrines and other holy places.The native can't enjoy
the Rajayoga just like Sree Budha.
2. If Saturn occupies 9th house and is not aspected by any
3. When lord of 10th house is in kendra or trikona to the
house occupied by 4 or more planets
4. Saturn aspect a weak ascendant indicates sanyas –yoga
5. Saturn posited in 10th house from ascendant / Moon and
related to Sun by association / aspect / quadrant relationship,
indicates sanyas- yoga.
6. Moon in 9th house without having aspect of any planet,
indicates sanyas.
7. Moon sign is aspected by the lord of ascendant and Saturn.
8. Ascendant is aspected by many planets being placed in a
same sign.
9. Lord of 10th house combined with 4 planets in quadrant /
10. Lord of 9th is strong and being placed in 5th or 9th house
and aspected / associated with Jupiter and Venus, indicates a
great sanyasi.
11. Saturn is posited in 10th in Pisces sign, indication of
detachment from the world.
12. Saturn and lord of ascendant aspect Moon sign indicate
13. If Saturn is placed in 5th/9th or aspects these houses, and
any four or more planets are in a house and one of these
planets is the lord of the 10th house, is the sure combination
for sanyas.

Sanyasa – meaning of[edit]

Sanyasa, this word is mentioned for the first time in the
Mundaka Upanishad, it is the path of renunciation. A Sanyasi
is one who has risen above the mundane ambitions of a
householder and also the silence and penance of a recluse.
[1]According to the Bhagavad Gita, Sanyasa means
relinquishment of actions arising from desires, and Tyaga
means relinquishment of fruit of all actions.[2]The sanyasis
are eligible to pursue the path of knowledge; they have no
need to perform ritual or tend the sacred fire - अतएव |
(Brahma Sutra III.iv.25).[3]
Sanyasa yogas[edit]
Sanyasa yogas in Hindu astrology are the planetary situations
or combinations in certain nativities (horoscopes)
indicatingSanyasa. Sanyasa yogas are also known as
Pravrajya yogas. They are auspicious yogas.
True Sanyasa yogas are very rare.
Sanyasa yoga arises when four or more strong planets
combine in one house or sign, the nature or kind of Sanyasa
adopted depends upon the strongest planet in that particular
group of planets. If the Sun be the strongest planet the person
of high morals and intallectual prowess will choose severe
and difficult practices in remote places; if it be the Moon, then
in seclusion more in the study of scriptures; if it be Mercury,
one who is easily influenced by philosophy of others; if it be
Mars, one who chooses to wear red-coloured clothes and who
struggles to control his temper; if it be Jupiter, one who has
complete control over his senses and sense - organs; if it be
Venus, a wandering mendicant, and if the strongest planet
beSaturn it makes one adopt exceedingly severe practices.
The involvement of the lord of the 10th house in this
conjunction of four or more planets is the stronger indicator of
Sanyasa. If those four or more planets happen to conjoin in a
kendra or in atrikona, then the person attains Moksha but if
they conjoin in the 8th house there will be Yogabhrashta i.e.
there will be break in yoga-operation, and fall from the final
state of emancipation. If strongest of the conjoining planets is
combust then there will be no sanyasa and if it is defeated in
planetary warfare one returns to worldly life after taking
sanyasa. Sanyasa is also indicated when the Moon in a
drekkena of Saturn is aspected by Mars and Saturn or is in a
navamsa of Mars aspected by Saturn. A person takes to
sanyasa if the dispositor of the Moon is aspected by Saturn
and not by any other planet or if aspected by all planets
occupying a single house or sign or if Jupiter is in the 9th
house and Saturn aspects the lagna (Ascendant), the Moon
and Jupiter, such a person will write on Sastras and found a
school of philosophy, and in case Saturn not aspected by any
planet is in the 9th house then one born a king will take to
Sanyasa yoga – Implications of[edit]
Sanyasa yogas formed by benefic planets in dignity bless a
person with an evolutionary elevation of the total personality
and sublimation of primeval urges. When four or more planets
combine in one house Sanyasa yoga does arise, (Buddhahad at
the time of his birth five planets situated in the 10th house
which included a weak Saturn occupying its sign of
debilitation), or when the Ascendant lord is aspected by
Saturn alone or Saturn aspects a weak lagna lord or when the
Moon in a drekkena of Saturn occupies a navamsa of Mars or
Saturn and is aspected by Saturn in which situation according
toPhaladeepika if the lord of lagna aspects a weak Moon the
sanyasi will lead a very miserable life but if there be a Raja
yogaobtaining he will be venerated by rulers of the world. If
the Sanyasa yoga is afflicted by malefic influences then the
person with that Sanyasa yoga will take up sanyasa but prove
a shame to that order being vulnerable to baser instincts and
lowly conduct and acts.[5]
Benefic planets in the 3rd or 6th house from Arudha Lagna
gives rise to Sadhu Yoga which makes the native a saintly
person undertaking pious activities. Research has also found
that Parijata yoga can also act as Parivraja Yoga sometimes.
Four planets conjoining in the 10th house from the lagna or
four planets aspecting the 10th house or if the lord of the
lagna and the lord of the 10th join with any three planets any
where, give sanyasa but if Saturn joins, there will be no
sanyasa. And, in case the Moon and Jupiter join Mercury and
Mars in the 10th or in Pisces sign, then Moksha becomes
assured.[6] If more than one planet is powerful out of four
there will be no sanyasa yoga, when two planets are powerful
then one takes sanyasa of the kind indicated by the more
powerful one only to discard it to take up sanyasa of the kind
indicated by the less powerful. One of the four or more
planets conjoining must be very strong to confer sanyasa but
if the sanyasa causing planet is combust or if it is defeated in
Grahayuddha (planetary warfare) and aspected by other
planets there will be no sanyasa but the person will worship
sanyasis i.e. those who have taken up sanyasa.[7]
Sanyasa yogas – their significance[edit]
Sanyasa yogas compel a person to give up all wealth and
material possessions; he then becomes a mendicant and begs
for alms. These yogas are a class apart, they are Shubha-yogas
(auspicious yogas) and are not ava-yogas (evil yogas)
indicating poverty. They compel a person to renounce the
world and seek the Ultimate Truth. Raja yogas obtaining
along with Sanyasa yogas make a person a world-renowned
Dikshita and may be a pious ruler who is widely worshipped.
A weak Saturn casting its aspect on the weak lord of the
Ascendant generally makes one take to the path of
renunciation. If the lord of the bhava in which the Sanyasa
yoga occurs is associated with Rahu or combines with Gulika
in a cruel amsa, or if benefics do not aspect the said lord, then
that Sanyasa yoga will be defunct.[8] Chengiz Khan, the
mighty Mongol warrior, was born at 1.30 A.M on 16/09/1186
A.D.with six planets combining in one sign and house i.e. in
Virgo in the 3rd house from the lagna which grouping
included a strong Uchhabhilashi Saturn, he did not take to the
path of renunciation. He was a ruthless warrior and a
wandering conqueror as foretold by Saravali for this
conjunction and a powerful ruler as ordained by Laghu Jataka
Sarwaswa vide Verse 537 which states that if all planets are in
the 12th from the Moon and aspect the 6th house from the
Moon then a Raja yoga is caused and the person lives for 68
years; Chengiz Khan lived for 68 years.[9]
Varahamihira states that if the Lagna falls in an even sign, and
the three natural benefics along with Mars are all powerful to
do good then a woman becomes a famous Vedantin, and if the
7th house is tenanted by a cruel planet and the 9th by mild
benefics then she will embrace the kind of Sanyasa as is
indicated by the planet occupying the 9th house. In a
Capricorn Lagna nativity that had Rahu in the 5th, Mars in the
6th, Saturn in the 7th, the Sun and the Moon in the 8th, Venus
and Mercury in the 9th, Jupiter and Ketu in the 11th despite a
powerful Bhagya Yoga obtaining and all three natural benefics
being placed ahead of the Sun and the Moon the lady did not
receive Diksha because Saturn did not aspect the Moon or
itsdispositor, and Mars did not aspect the 9th house.[10]
Jataka Bharanam reiterates that if Jupiter is either in the 5th
house or in the Lagna and the Moon is situated in the 10th
house then the person will be a Tapasavi i.e. the one who has
conquered his senses and who possesses the finest of
intelligence, is persevering, hardworking and successful. This
is a yoga of a very high order and gives excellent results
provided both Jupiter and the Moon gain favourable vargas
and nakshatras.[11] The significant factor in this yoga-
formation is the lord of the sign of exaltation for Devaguru
(Jupiter) occupying the all-important Karmasthana (house of
To be effectively able to judge if a person can take sanyas and
become an ascetic, lets try to define the traits that we associate
with a sanyasi. Before we begin, I would like to encourage
everyone to watch a movie called OMG: Oh My God! It is a
great movie.
Traits of a sanyasi that gives apravrajya-yoga:
 A sanyasi ought to be learned and someone with a sound
logic, deeply philosophical and someone with clear and
uncluttered thinking.
 Not necessarily deeply religious, but someone seeking truth
 Detached from family, society and worldly pleasures
 Ability to work hard and have immense discipline.

The combinations that cause these traits to appear in a person

 Negative Traits to cause detachment
o Detachment is caused by malefic influence of Sun, Rahu,
Saturn and 12th house lord in a kundali.
o In a kundali, such an influence is required on 2nd (family)
and 7th house (spouse). Influence on 2nd is much more
important as an influence on 7th alone will cause separation
from spouse, thus resulting in a divorce.
o Separating influence is required on 4th house (society) and
12th house (worldly pleasures) and on Venus.
o These influence are a must from the Moon as well –
especially the influence of Saturn on the Moon is required
should be analyzed very carefully.
 Positive Influence in the horoscope to create higher
intellect and provide wisdom
o Pravrajya yoga is defined by 4 or more strong planets in
one house in a kundali, without being combust or debilitated.
The nature of the sanyas is governed by the strongest of these
set of planets. Such a combination should ideally occur in a
kendra to affect the Lagna, otherwise it will not be effective.
o Jupiter will need to be involved to bring in the philosophical
influence on the mind. Jupiter should by itself be a benefic
planet in the kundali otherwise instead of a sanyasi, we will
see a salesman or marketer, likes of who we see in the OMG
o Saturn indicates discipline and ability to work hard.
o Venus is a planet that indicates luxuries in the horoscope.
This has to be controlled and channelized in the kundali. One
does not become a sanyasi by curbing ones desire. Happiness
is obtained in the process and hence has a lasting influence.
o Ketu is moksha karaka in a horoscope and especially acts
that way if the location is in 12th house. Its combination with
Venus, especially in 12th house is important. It could also be
in 8th house as it is a house of hidden studies, occult and deep
meaning of life. Essentially we should look at Saturn and
Ketu affecting Venus in one of these two houses.

Both influences are required in a horoscope. If there is just the

positive influence, then we see a family man, a grihastha who
is a wise learned man. If there are just negative influences in
the kundali, then it would be an unfortunate situation for the
person and would not guide him/her to higher learning.
If any of the planets are combust, then the person has an
inkling and tendency to take sanyasa, but does not really walk
on the path. Even if sanyasa is attained, the person is likely
come out of it.
According to Brihat-jatakam, if there is a rajayoga also
existing in the chart, along with Jupiter in trines, then the
chart is of a maharshi and rajarshi. Such a person, who, while
have taken a sanyasa, will have a lot of followers and he will
be considered a great sage. If this combination of raja-yoga
does not exist, then the person will be a simple ascetic.

Pravrajya Yogas
Then there are Pravrajya yogas which cause an access to
renunciation. These are formed if the Moon be conjunct with
or aspected by Saturn; the Moon is occupying Navamsa of
Mars or Saturn and is aspected by Saturn; the Moon occupies
a decanate of Saturn and is aspected by Saturn or the Moon’s
dispositor be neither conjunct with any planet nor aspected by
any planet except Saturn.
Sanyasis (renunciates) have been commanding more respect
than kings from time immemorial. Sanyasis do have Raja
yoga for fame, prosperity and kingly status but they also have
Pravarajya yoga as well, which lead them to know the final
truth and thus lead the world, on how to get rid of ones
sorrows? The urge to know the ultimate truth emanates from
Saturn when he afflicts the mentality i.e. the Moon. In the
horoscope of Swami Vidyaranya who was instrumental in
establishing the Vijayanagar Emperor in South India, Jupiter
aspects the Sun making the ninth house and ninth lord
powerful, the Lagna Lord & Jupiter both are aspected by
Saturn, more over Saturn is also the scout planet to the Moon,
signifying no inclination for family life. Mercury and Venus
being scout planets to the Sun signify and element of
benevolence for the cause of royal people. Mars in the third
house gave him unending energy for this cause.
Quadrants & Trines
All cardinal houses or quadrants in a chart are Vishnu sthana
i.e., Houses Of Environment and all trinal houses i.e., 1st,
5th and 9th houses are called Lakshmi Sthanas or Houses Of
Merit. With the combination of both house factors, there is
produced a Raja yoga i.e. combination for prosperity ‘Arising
Out Of Exploiting One’s Environment Through One’s
Merits’. This kind of Raja yogas are yogas for self created
affluence. See the following chart of a female who is the
highest paid among her batch mates.

Though she has some psychological aberrations, for there is

Kala Sarpa Yoga; the Moon is aspected by Mars, she loses
temper just on triffles; she is of a little shy nature, for Saturn
is with Mercury but very thorough in her work. The Sun is
hemmed in between Mars and Saturn. She is a nursing
educator, for all her trinal and cardinal lords in Virgo, the
hospital of Zodiac. The conjunction of all trinal and cardinal
houses lords forms an exceptional Raja yoga. She was born at
the fag end of Mars Dasa, had various kinds of phobias and
inferiority complex during Rahu Dasa, gathered confidence
during the Jupiter Dasa and started earning handsomely
during the start of Jupiter Dasa. Since coming dasas will also
be of yoga causing planets, she will be paid handsomely
throughout her life.
Transit of planets also have a role in activating the results of
Raja yoga causing planets, as we have seen above how dasas
manifest the results of Rajayogas.
For more elaborated & detailed understanding of Transits and
Vimshottari Dasa system, readers may advantageously go
through the books of this author which are ‘Secrets of
Vimshottari Dasa System’ & ‘Text Book of Transit of
Planets’ published by M/s Ranjan Publications, 16 Ansari
Road, Darya Ganj, New Delhi -110002
In the end the contributor urges the readers to not
underestimate the potential of yogas and never try to apply
yogas verbatim, rather the readers should try to stick to basics
while delineating yogas. If one is strong at his basics in
astrology he will be able to come out of any complex
horoscope while delineating yogas.

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