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Name:Temesgen Asmare

Id No:________________Section:_____

My Family

In the heart of Ethiopia, my family stands as a beacon of love and unity, woven together by threads of
shared experiences and cherished memories. From the bustling streets of Addis Ababa to the serene
highlands of Lalibela, we come together in celebration of our rich cultural heritage and traditions. Our
gatherings are filled with the tantalizing aromas of berbere spices and the rhythmic beats of traditional
music, creating a tapestry of sights and sounds that bind us together. We draw strength from each other
in times of joy and sorrow, offering unwavering support and encouragement. Through laughter and
tears, we navigate life's challenges as a united front, guided by the wisdom of our elders and the
exuberance of the younger generation. Our family is a sanctuary of love and acceptance, where each
member is valued for their unique contributions and individuality.

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