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Biology Work Sheet for Grade Nine (from Chapter Four)
Part II: Match the following artificial methods of vegetative propagation listed under
column B to their ways applications listed under column A

1. Air layering A. Grafting
2. Stem attached to the plant is bent and covered B. Cutting
with soil C. Layering
3. Using small pieces of plant tissue(ex-plant) D. Marcoting
4. Used to produce plants combining favorable E. Micro propagation
stem and root characteristics F. Parthenogenesis
5. Propagated through stem cuttings where
a portion of the stem containing nodes and inter nodes

Part II: Fill the following blank space with correct answer and write your answer on the
separate answer sheet.

6. The reproductive cell of the fungi is called___________________

7. Specialized stem that grow horizontally above the ground is_______________

Part III: Choose the best answer from the given alternatives
8. What is the path that blood travels during menstruation?
A. Uterus, fallopian tube, vagina C. Vagina, uterus, fallopian tube
B. Uterus, cervix, vagina D. Cervix, uterus, vagina
9. The cell produced by fertilization is called
A. gamete C. fetus
B. embryo D. zygote
10. Which of the following is a not secondary sexual characteristic of females?
A. Broaden of hips C. Increase in growth rates
B. Egg production D. Voice becomes thinner
11. Suppose a woman has a regular menstrual cycle of 28 days. If menstruation starts on April16,
she will ovulate on:
A. April 27 C. May 14
B. April 29 D. May 16
12. Sperm production begins in the
A. seminiferous tubules C. vas deferens
B. epididymis D. ejaculatory duct
13. At the time of puberty, which type of change can be occurred in females?
A. Deepening of voice C. Widening of shoulder
B. Starting of menstruation D. slow body growth
Part III: Give short answer and explain
14. The structure of fungi which encloses the spore is called_________________
15. What is corpus luteum
16. In female where does meiosis occur?
17. What hormone is secreted by the corpus luteum?
18. What is the menstrual cycle?
19. Explain the term menopause?
20. Which hormone causes ovulation?
21. What are the three phases of menstrual cycle?
22. Write at least two advantages and dis advantages of asexual production.
23. What two hormones trigger sexual maturity?
24. When sperm fertilizes an egg, what is the result?
25. What are the main differences between asexual and sexual reproduction?
26. In a normal women’s life write the three categories or reasons in which no menstruation
doesn’t appear.
27. Explain the role of the following male reproductive structure.
A. Epididymis
B. Scrotum
C. Vas deference
D. Penis
E. Seminiferous tubule

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