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1. Hà Tân Sa - 20F7010045
2. Ngô Thị Thanh Thanh - 20F7010230
3. Trần Nguyễn Ngọc Hân - 20F7010011
4. Hoàng Thị Thúy Thịnh - 20F7010234





By the end of - To assess Regular short- Quizzes
the lesson, students' reading cycle formative (Multiple-choice
students will be comprehension assessment questions and
able to have and T/F)
knowledge understanding of (Appendix 1)
about Con Dao Con Dao
National Park
National Park.
- To measure
students’ ability
to read for main
ideas and read
for details
By the end of - To measure Regular short- Focused
the lesson, students' ability cycle formative feedback
students will be to listen for assessment
able to listen for information about
general and water pollution
about water
By the end of - To evaluate the Regular + Project work
the lesson, way students medium-cycle (Appendix 2)
students will be show their formative
able to talk understanding assessment + Group
about Vu Quang about Vu Quang discussion
National Park National Park as
well as the way
they express
their ideas
- To develop
confidence, and
learners’ use of
English during a
By the end of - To evaluate Regular short- Questioning
the lesson, students' ability cycle formative (multiple-choice
students will be to write a notice assessment questions)
able to write a - To find out what (Appendix 3)
notice students need to
improve when
writing a notice

By the end of - To evaluate Regular short- Self-
the lesson, students' ability cycle formative assessment
students will be to accurately assessment
able to - To show
pronounce /bl/ students what
and /kl/ exactly. they need to
improve in their
By the end of - To check Regular short- Quick game
the lesson, students’ cycle formative (Appendix 4)
students will be understanding of assessment
able to use the the new
lexical items language and the
related to the way they use the
topic: vocabulary
Environmental relevant to the
protection topic
By the end of - To measure Regular short- Quizzes
the lesson, students’ level of cycle formative (Appendix 5)
students will be mastering and assessment
able to use using complex
Complex sentences with
sentences with adverb clause of
adverb clause of time
time correctly

By the end of - To assess Regular long- Portfolio

the lesson, students’ cycle formative
students will be understanding of assessment
able to: the whole unit
- Ask for
clarification and
talk about
- Take
responsibility for



By the end of - To collect Regular short- Discussion topic
the lesson, information to cycle formative
students will be make inferences assessment
able to: about students's
- Learn new reading abilities
words about and also helps
shopping learners to
- Read for main understand what
ideals in a text the teacher
about the expect
reason go to
- Read for
about the
benefit of go
shopping in

By the end of - To process Regular short- Peer-
the lesson , authentic spoken cycle formative assessment
students will be language, assessment
able to understand
- Listen the explicit linguistic
information information, and
about the make inferences
convenience of of clearly
shopping presented
online information are
- Listen and be broadly defined
able to select competencies of
main ideals or listening that can
main be assessed
information . - Towards the
skill of listening
for specific

By the end of - To assess Regular Presentation
the lesson, comprehension, medium-cycle (Appendix 6)
students will be vocabulary, summative
able to talk grammar, assessment
about a pronunciation,
shopping and fluency
center/supermar - To evaluate
ket or an open- speaking skills
air market in and receive more
your area feedback
- Use
structure in the
above activity
about shopping

By the end of - To help Ss to Regular short- 1-minute
the lesson know the cycle formative reflection writing
students will be purpose of assessment assignments/
able to certifying self-assessment
- Write a proficiency, and (Appendix 7)
paragraph about evaluating
advantages/disa programs
dvantages of a
type market


By the end of - To help Regular short- Peer-
the lesson, students to cycle formative assessment
students will be improve their assessment
able to pronunciation
Remember the skills.
rules of stress in - To give
word with /sp/- feedback on
/st/ students'
and offer
suggestions for
Students will be - To see if Regular short- Quizz (Appendix
able to learners cycle formative 8)
- Identify the remember assessment
meaning and vocabulary
use some words related to this
and phrases topic on a rating
related to scale
shopping - To confirm that
- Apply students
vocabulary understand the
related to meaning of the
shopping in word
- Learn by heart
some new

By the end of - To review the Regular 15 minutes test
the lesson, entire grammar medium-cycle (Appendix 9)
students will be structure, the assessmen
able to: most specific
- Use the tense( correct usage.
simple future..). - To assess the
Understand the level of
structure of understanding of
tenses to the learner
conjugate verbs
correctly. Signs
to recognize a
tense in English
- Distinguish
and use the
adverb of

Students will be - To help Regular long- Presentation

able to: students self- cycle formative (Appendix 10)
- Imagine a apply to assessment
shopping determine the
destination and goal of the
present a lesson, and at
presentation to the same time
convince the express their
audience feelings and
ideas on the
topic of shopping


By the end of - To assess Regular short- Questioning
the lesson, student reading cycle formative (Short-answer
students will be comprehension assessment questions) in the
able to as well as the article.
- Read for the main idea of the (Appendix 11)
main idea. passage and
- Read for detailed
specific information about
information. natural disasters.
- Recognize and
use some
about natural

By the end of - To evaluate Regular short- + Multiple-
the listening and cycle formative choice
lesson,students understanding assessment questions for
will be able to the vocabulary listening the
- Listen what we as well as main idea.
should do important notices + Gap-fill for
before, during, to do when the listening to
after the flood. flood arrives to detailed
- Recognize find out about information.
some tools and learners’ (Appendix 12)
equipment used progress towards
in the flood. the skill of
listening for
information and

Students will be - To assess Regular Individual /pair
able to students' medium-cycle /group
- Report the pronunciation, assessment discussion
news to the intonation, and (Pyramid
class about other aspects of discussions)
natural spoken language
disasters. through
- Use deliberate
vocabulary in practice
the above opportunities and
activity about feedback.
natural disasters

Students will be - To assess Regular Self-
able to students' ability medium-cycle assessment
- Write to use assessment
instructions appropriate
about things to vocabulary,
do before, sentence
during, and after structure,
a flood. grammar and
- Construct how how to do
to write "writing
instructions instructions".
about things to
do related to
- Use
about the flood
and flood

Students will be - To assess Regular Self-
able to: students' ability medium-cycle assessment.
- Recognize to pronounce assessment
many words and
vocabulary practice carefully.
about natural Create an
disasters and opportunity to
some measures improve
of prevention. pronunciation
- Know the skills through
nouns of some deliberate
words related to practice. Provide
natural feedback on
disasters. student
and make
suggestions for

Students will be - To assess Regular short- + daily/weekly
able to students' cycle formative quizzes
- Recognize the memory of the assessment + matching
stress of words topic's meaning
ending in “al” vocabulary and activities
and “ous”. correct meaning. (Appendix 13)
- Know how to Observe and
correctly say Evaluate the
words ending in ability to
“al” and “ous” pronounce
- Using correctly 'al' and
vocabulary 'ous' sounds
related to through
natural deliberate
disasters. practice. Provide
feedback on
and make
suggestions for
Students will be - To check Regular short- + matching
able to: students to cycle formative activities
- Know how to remember how to assessment + gap-filling task
use the past use, distinguish (Appendix 14)
continuous between 2
- Distinguish tenses and use
between the the correct tense
past continuous in the context.
and the past


Students will be - To assess the Regular long- Portfolio

able to: students to cycle formative (Appendix 15)
- Understand reinforce the assessment
knowledge of objective of the
natural lesson topic.
- Giving and
responding to
bad news of the
disaster caused
Midterm test
- Reinforce - To check the Summative (Appendix 16)
three units. level of students assessment
- Level after studying for
classification half a semester.
achieved after 3

(include a sample test/quiz; and/or sample success criteria for self/peer-assessment;
and/or some project work; and/or sample interviewing work;…)


Appendix 1: Reading (Quizzes (Multiple-choice questions and T/F)

Task 1: Choose the letter A, B, C or D to answer these following questions

There are many causes that lead to water pollution. One main cause of this issue is
waste water coming from many factories and then being directly pulled out into water
bodies, especially into rivers or seas without any treatment because this is the most
convenient way of disposing waste water. Industrial waste consists of some kinds of
chemical substances such as sulphur, which is harmful for marine life. Lead is known
as the main reason for cancer disease. Cancer has become a popular disease in
several communes which are called “cancer villages”. Another cause is the
awareness of citizens, people always use water for many purposes and then they
dump waste water or garbage directly into rivers, canals and ponds and so on. In
2004, because of a bird flu outbreak in Viet Nam, people threw poultry to water body
that made water highly polluted.
Question 1: How many causes of water pollutions are listed in the passage?
A. one
B. two
C. three
D. four

Question 2: Is the sewage from factories treated before dumping into water bodies?
A. Yes, it is
B. No, it isn’t

Task 2: Read the passage and decide whether the statements are True (T) or
False (F).
There are many causes that lead to water pollution. One main cause of this issue is
wastewater coming from many factories and then being directly pulled out into water
bodies, especially into rivers or seas without any treatment because this is the most
convenient way of disposing of wastewater. Industrial waste consists of some kinds
of chemical substances such as sulfur, which is harmful to marine life. Lead is known
as the main reason for cancer disease. Cancer has become a popular disease in
several communes which are called “cancer villages”. Another cause is the
awareness of citizens, people always use water for many purposes and then they
dump wastewater or garbage directly into rivers, canals, ponds, and so on. In 2004,
because of a bird flu outbreak in Viet Nam, people threw poultry into water bodies
that made water highly polluted.

1. Waste water from many factories which is dumped into water bodies directly
causes water pollution. (T)

2. Dumping waste directly into the water is the most convenient way of disposing of
wastewater. (F)

3. Sulphur is believed the main reason for cancer. (F)

4. Cancer villages occurred in 2004. (F)

5. Due to a lack of awareness, people poisoned water with dead poultry when there
was a bird flu outbreak in 2004. (T)

Appendix 2: Speaking (Project work)

Make a presentation about the topic: "Protect environment in school", using

appropriate vocabulary and grammar.

An effective presentation includes the following elements:

- The presenter has a confident, natural, relaxed demeanor
- Opening and ending make an impression, grab the listener's attention
- The structure of the presentation is scientific, coherent, and not rambling
- Easy to hear, clear, inspiring voice
- There is interaction with the listener
- Respond positively to audience inquiries
- Provide useful information
- Reasonable presentation time

Appendix 3: Writing (Questioning: multiple-choice questions)

Rewrite sentences without changing the meaning.

Question 11: It’s very wasteful to apply lights in almost everything at night.
A. Apply lights in almost everything at night is very wasteful.
B. To apply lights in almost everything at night is not wasteful.
C. Almost everything is wasteful at night.
D. It’s interesting to apply lights in almost everything at night.

Question 12: The soil is poisoned because farmers use too many pesticides and
A. Famers use too many pesticides and herbicides, but the soil is poisoned.
B. Famers use too many pesticides and herbicides, for the soil is poisoned.
C. Famers use too many pesticides and herbicides, so the soil is poisoned.
D. Famers use too many pesticides and herbicides, or the soil is poisoned.

Appendix 4: Vocabulary (Quick game)

The teacher shows on the classroom screen (or pictures) about the word, and the
students answer that word.

Appendix 5: Grammar (Quizzes)

Combine the following sets of Simple Sentences into one Complex Sentence by
using an Adverb Clause :
1. He came to me. I was writing an essay.
–> He came to me when I was writing an essay.
2. He worked hard. He wanted to get first division in the examination.
–> He worked hard because he wanted to get first division in the examination.
3. Karen has failed in the final examination. The reason is his carelessness.
–> Karen has failed in the final examination because he is careless.
4. We want to study. We aspire to get a good job.
–> We want to study because we aspire to get a good job.
–> We want to study so that we may get a good job.
5. He was ill. He could not attend the function.
–> He could not attend the function because he was ill.
6. He is very poor. He can not afford a car.
–> He is so poor that he can not afford a car.
Appendix 6: Speaking (Presentation)

Present on the topic: "The difference between a shopping center and a traditional
market.", using appropriate vocabulary and grammar.
An effective presentation includes the following elements:
- The presenter has a confident, natural, relaxed demeanor
- Opening and ending make an impression, grab the listener's attention
- The structure of the presentation is scientific, coherent, and not rambling
- Easy to hear, clear, inspiring voice
- There is interaction with the listener
- Respond positively to audience inquiries
- Provide useful information
- Reasonable presentation time

Appendix 7: Writing (1-minute reflection writing assignments/ self-assessment)

Write a paragraph about the advantages/disadvantages of the traditional market.

Success criteria: After students complete their paragraph, the teacher gives ss
success criteria for self-assessment:

Success criteria YES/NO

I can give at least two advantages/disadvantages of the traditional market.

I can give a clear topic/concluding sentence.

I can give clear supporting ideas.

I have less than 3 errors in both vocabulary and grammar.

I can use the information in the diagram in the textbook for my paragraph.

I can meet the demand for the length of a paragraph (120-150 words)

The teacher gives us the criteria and asks them to tick what they did in their
paragraph. After students’ assessments, the teacher shows students the mark with:
+1/6 and 2/6 criteria: Need to improve many things
+ 3/6 criteria: Need to improve some characteristics (vocabulary, grammar, writing
style, ...)
+ 4/6 and 5/6 criteria: good
+6/6 criteria: excellent

Appendix 8: Vocabulary (Quizz)

Students choose the words in the table and fill in the blanks

browsing shopaholic on a sale price tag internet access

1. London is a ___________ who shops to fill the void of lack of attention from
her father.
2. The ________ for restoring the building will be around $150 million.
3. Many libraries and schools provide _________, including some mobile
providers that travel between rural populations.
4. I was ______ through fashion magazines to find a new hairstyle.
5. We can supply goods ______ or return basis.

Appendix 9: Grammar (15 minutes test)

*Choose the best answer

1. He _____ arrive on time.
A. will
B. is
C. not
2. Will your folks _____ before Tuesday?
A. leaving
B. leave
C. leaves
3. We _____ get there until after dark.
A. will
B. won't
C. will'nt
4. We will _____ what your father says.
A. see
B. to see
C. seeing
*Give the correct form of the verb in the brackets
1. When we get home, we ___________ (have) dinner.
2. I know they ___________ (feel) very happy if they win the match.
3. They’ve already decided on their next summer holiday. They ____________ (do)
a tour of Norway.
4. She thinks that the Take That concert __________ (be) really exciting.
5. “What are your plans for this evening?” I ________ (meet) my friends and then
go to a birthday party.

Appendix 10: COMMUNICATION & CULTURE (Presentation)

Present on the topic: "A dream shopping place.", using appropriate vocabulary and
An effective presentation includes the following elements:
- The presenter has a confident, natural, relaxed demeanor
- Opening and ending make an impression, grab the listener's attention
- The structure of the presentation is scientific, coherent, and not rambling
- Easy to hear, clear, inspiring voice
- There is interaction with the listener
- Respond positively to audience inquiries
- Provide useful information
- Reasonable presentation time

Appendix 11: Reading (Questioning)

Read the following passage and choose the item (a, b, c, or d) that best answers
each of the questions about it.
A: Hi. Can I help you?
B: Yes, please. Could I have something fpr a cough? I think I'm getting a cold.
A: Well, I sugest a box of these cough syrup. And you should get a bottle of vitamin
C, too.
B: Thank you. And what do you have for dry skin?
A: Try some of this new lotion. It's very good.
B: OK. Thanks a lot.

1. What does the word 'cold' in line 2 mean?

A. low temperature
B. not hot or warm
C. a common illness
D. not heated or cooked
2. The first speaker suggested that the second speaker should buy_____.
A. a box of cough syrup
B. a bottle of vitamin C
C. a new lotion for dry skin
D. all are correct

Appendix 12: Listening

Read the Listening Strategy. Then listen to two dialogues and answer the questions.
Write the clues which gave you the answers.
Dialogue 1
1) Where are they? ________.
Clues: ________.
2) What natural disaster caused the damage? ________.
Clues: ________.
Dialogue 2
3) What kind of natural disaster are they discussing? ________
Clues: ________.
4) What time of day is it? ____________
Clues: ________.
Appendix 13: Vocabulary

Matching activities

Appendix 14: Grammar
Gap-filling task

1. I lost my keys when I ________ (walk) home.

2. It was raining while we ________ (have) dinner.
3. I saw the department stores when I ________ (sit) on the bus.
4. Her phone rang while she ________ (talk) to her new boss.
5. My friends ________ (drive) to work when they heard the news on the radio.
6. He ________ (ride) his bicycle when the cat ran across the road.
7. We couldn’t go to the beach yesterday because it ________. (rain)
8. It was a lovely day. The sun was shining and the birds ________ (sing) in the
9. The tourist lost his camera while he _____ (walk) around the city.
10. The lorry _____ (go) very fast when it hit our car.

Appendix 15: Communication and Culture

Students are to find an article related to the topic of NATURAL DISASTERS to read
and reflect on what they have found.
Deadline: a week after studying the lesson Communication and Culture
Your reflection should include the following information:
Appendix 16: Midterm test

Choose the word which has different sound in the part underlined.
1. A. wanted B. washed C. danced D. helped
2. A. goes B. watches C. misses D. brushes
3. A. come B. mother C. open D. some
4. A. mention B. question C. action D. Education

Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form.

1. Maria_______ (learn) English for two years.
2. Linda is a teacher. She_______ (teach) for ten years.
3. Where's John? He_______(listen) to a new CD in his room.
4. Look! That boy_______ (run) after the bus. He_______ (want) to catch it.
5. She__________(go) out since 5 a.m.

Change the following sentences into passive form.

1. My father waters this flower every morning.
2. John invited Fiona to his birthday party last night.
3. Her mother is preparing the dinner in the kitchen.
4. We should clean our teeth twice a day.
5. Some drunk drivers caused the accident in this city.
Choose the word or phrase among A, B, C or D that best fits the blank space in
the following passage.
The Gherkin is one of several modern buildings that have been built over the years
in a historic area of London. The (1)__________ skyscraper was built in 2004, and
its unique, and energy-efficient design has won the Gherkin many (2)__________.
The cigar-shaped structure has a steel frame (3)__________circular floor planes and
a glass facade with diamond-shaped panels. The building's energy-saving
(4)__________ allows the air to flow up through spiraling wells. The top of the tower,
(5) __________visitors find an open hall covered by a glass conical dome, is even
more spectacular. From here you have great views over the city.
1. A. 41 stories B. 41-stories C. 41-story D. story-41
2. A. awards B. rewards C. stories D. achievements
3. A. of B. with C. at D. in
4. A. machine B. machines C. system D. systems
5. A. where B. at where C. from where D. There

Read the following passage and do the tasks below

Lan lives on the outskirts of a city in Viet Nam. Three years ago, her neighborhood
was very clean and beautiful, with paddy fields and green trees. However, in the last
two years, some factories have appeared in her neighborhood. They have caused
serious water pollution by dumping industrial waste into the lake. The contaminated
water has led to the death of aquatic animals and plants. Also, tall buildings have
replaced the paddy fields. More people use cars and motorcycles. Poisonous fumes
led to serious air pollution.

* True – False statements (Write T or F)

____ 1. Thirty years ago, her neighborhood was very clean and beautiful, with paddy
fields and green trees.
____ 2. The factories have caused serious water pollution by dumping industrial
waste into the lake.

* Choose the correct answer

1. What have appeared in the last two years?
A. paddy fields B. some factories C. green trees D. water pollution
2. What has led to the death of aquatic animals and plants?
A. poisonous fumes B. tall buildings
C. contaminated water D. air pollution


Name Role in the group (In charge of) Contribution

Hà Tân Sa Unit 7 100%
Ngô Thị Thanh Thanh Unit 8 100%
Trần Nguyễn Ngọc Hân Unit 9 100%
Hoàng Thị Thúy Thịnh Appendix 100%

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