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Chapter 5

Detailed Summary
 Ebenezer Scrooge finds himself clutching his own bed-post in his own room.
o He is delighted when he realizes he has been returned to his normal

life to make amends.

o He laughs joyfully, and voices aloud his gratitude to his former

partner Marley and the other ghosts, swearing to always keep

Christmas in his heart.
 The church bells ring, and Scrooge dresses and looks out the window. He
asks a boy passing underneath what the day is.
o It turns out to be the morning of Christmas Day. His whole encounter

with the ghosts actually took place in one night.

 He gives the boy money to buy an enormous turkey and offer the boy quite
a bit of extra money if he returns with it soon

 Scrooge is very happy when the turkey arrives and he can send it
anonymously to the Cratchits.
o He is so giddy he can hardly shave, and he even thanks the door-knob

for its role in turning into his former partner Marley’s face.
 Scrooge goes for a walk, cheerfully wishing merry Christmas to everyone he
o He runs into the one of the two men who came into his store the day
before seeking money for charity.
o He apologizes for how he behaved at that time and donates an
amount that astonishes the man with its generosity. Scrooge also
invites the man to visit him.
 In the afternoon, Scrooge surprises Fred and Fred’s wife at home, where he
says he wishes to stay for Christmas dinner after all.
o They have a jolly and festive evening with their guests, just as

the Ghost of Christmas Present had shown him.

 The next morning, Scrooge goes to his counting house and waits eagerly
for Bob Cratchit to arrive.
o When Bob appears, he is late, and Scrooge pretends to be angry

about it.
o But then he surprises Bob by telling him he plans to pay him more

and to help his family.

 Scrooge is true to his word in helping the Cratchits and becomes a second
father to Tiny Tim.
o Thanks to him, Tiny Tim does not die.

 Scrooge becomes a well-loved man in London.

o Scrooge never sees any more ghosts but becomes known for keeping

Christmas well.
o The narrator ends the story with Tiny Tim’s prayer, “God bless us,

every one!”

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