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As per many lineages, cyclic breathing technique is initiated by

1) Saint Yajna valkya to his wife gargi

2) Saint vasista to lord Rama
3) Saint Buddha to his cousin Nanda
4) Upon Narada maha muni's blessing, the great saint Pulaha (one among
seven sapta rishis) initiated Agni Sharma (alias loha janga) into the mantra "
Rama”. By doing this cyclic breathing practice followed by natural breath
observation, Agni Sharma a Brahmin who become a roborer because of his
poverty, become Valmiki maharshi who went on to write the great epic

Cyclic breathing is done in 3 paces in each cycle i e

Slow, medium and fast pace breathing according to the chanting of guruji.

This video contains 3 rounds of cyclic breathing for 50 minutes and along
with dharana at the end for 30 minutes.
People who cannot sit on ground, can sit at the edge of the chair by keeping
the spine straight and do it comfortably!

Keep your palms upward in slow Breathing and keep your palms downwards
in medium and fast breathing.

While inhale - belly out

While exhale - belly in

In slow Breathing inhale as long as guruji chants

" SO"
Exhale slowly as long as guruji chants " HUM "

In medium pace breathing turn your palms down and inhale short when guruji
chants " SO"
Exhale short when guruji chants
" HUM "

Modify/ control your breathing according to guruji' s chant!

In fast breathing…. Very short continuous exhalations while pulling your belly
in, while guruji chanting

" Sum…sum…sum…sum "

Inhale in between when guruji gives a short pause to his chanting.

In all the three paces, if you cannot follow the rhythm of chanting, take a
breath in between comfortably and continue.

Note: student is not supposed to chant along with guruji.

Keep your eyes closed and breath through nose according to chanting but
not through mouth!

In second round "SO " is replaced by "RA" and

"HUM" is replaced by "MA"

In second round, medium pace breathing, when guruji chants "ram" "ram"
instead of "Ra" "Ma"

One time Ram…inhalation

Another time Ram…. exhalation.

Second round - fast pace -

" Rum…rum…rum…rumm"

In third round "SO " is replaced by "VA" and

"HUM" is replaced by "SHI"
You may experience your body either cool or hot or vibration at the end!

Team TY

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