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A. Choose the correct answer a, b, c, or d. (Pililah jawaban yang benar a, b, d, atau d)

1. What fruit do you like ?

a. Carrot c. Apple
b. Spinach d. Chili
2. Avocado's color is ...?
a. Orange c. Red
b. Green d. Blue
3. ...'s color is red !
a. Orange c. Papaya
b. Strawberry d. Banana
4. What the meaning grapes in Indonesia language ?
a. Pisang c. Semangka
b. Salak d. Anggur
5. There are ... in the bag.
a. Orange c. One Oranges
b. Oranges d. Two orange

Text number 6 - 7 !

6. How many kilogram of detergent of Rina need ?

a. One kilogram c. Three kilogram
b. Two kilogram d. Four kilogram
7. Rina needs …….. kilogram of rice ?
a. Twenty c. Thirteen
b. Thirty d. Fifty
8. Seta : I need a kilo of banana.
Ani : It is 22.000

The correct sentences to fill the dialogue is ….

a. May I help you c. Thank you
b. How much is it d. Can I eat
9. What the meaning shopping bag in Indonesia language ?
a. Belanjaan c. Kantong Plastik
b. Tas belanja d. Tas
10. How much ….. a kilo of apples ?
a. Are c. Do
b. Is d. Did

(Questions number 11-12)

Look this convercation !

S : Do you have any grapes ?
B : Yes, I have it
S : How much are the oranges?
B : Twenty four thousand !
S : Give me six kilos, please.

11. How much are the oranges ?

a. 23. 000 c. 22. 000
b. 24.000 d. 12. 000
12. How many kilos oranges he want to buy ?
a. 1 kilo c. 4 kilo
b. 2 kilo d. 6 kilo

Question number 13-14 !

13 What are they doing ?

a. Playing
b. Study
c. Cleaning
d. Watching

14. Where are the children?

a. In the home c. In the zoo
b. In the school d. In the ricefield
15. Which organic waste in this below?
a. Plastic bag c. Snack wrappers
b. Plastic cup d. Papaya skin
16. Which non organic waste in this below ?
a. Plastic bottle c. Orange skin
b. Banana skin d. Apple skin
17. Look at the picture !

What the meaning from this picture ?

a. No Smoking c. Fire
b. Please smoking d. Lets smoking
18. What the meaning recycle English language ?
a. Informasi c. Daur Ulang
b. Pemberitahuan d. Peringatan
19. Look at the picture ?

What is the picture... ?

a. Drone
b. Telescope
c. Telephone
d. Smartphone

20. Look at the picture !

What is the picture... ?
a. Windmill
b. Telescope
c. Drone
d. Headset

21. “People use it to talk to other people and to send texts, picture, and videos”
It is a ..... ?
a. c.

b. d.

22. “People use it to transport people”

It is a ....... ?
a. c.

b. d.

23. Look at the picture!

What are they doing.. ?

a. See the trees
b. Take a picture
c. See the exhibit
d. They are play game

24. “People use it to look at something far away”

It is a ………….
a. Telescope c. car
b. Windmill d. Motocycle
25. Look at the picture !

It ….. a drone !
a. Is
b. Are
c. Have
d. Has
B. Match ! (Jodohkanlah !)
1. a shopping bag (…..) a. Baskom
2. Prepare (…..) b. Pisau
3. Wash (…..) c. Pemotong/Talenan
4. Cut the fruits (…..) d. Piring
5. Basin (…..) e. Kedua
6. Knife (…..) f. Pertama
7. Cutting Board (…..) g. Tas Belanja
8. Plate (…..) h. Persiapan
9. Second (…..) i. Cuci
10. First (…..) j. Potong buah


1. Terjemahkan kedalam bahasa indonesia?

How much is it ?
2. Buatlah kalimat menggunakan kata dibawah ini ?
- Apple
- Grape
3. Jelaskan apa yang dimaksud dengan procedure text !
4. Terjemahkan kedalam bahasa Inggris Berapa harga banana ?
5. Terjemahkan kedalam bahasa Inggris ?
- Mobil - Kapal
- Pesawat - Motor


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