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A to E
A. Words along with their meaning, Pronunciation and usage

Appease (uh-peez ) verb

-to bring to a state of peace, quiet, ease, calm, or contentment; pacify;

-to satisfy, allay, or relieve; assuage; soothe.

It was a difficult task to appease the angry boss.

Satiate (verb sey-shee-eyt; adjective sey-shee-it, -yet) verb/adj

-to supply with anything to excess, so as to disgust or weary; surfeit.

-to satisfy to the full; sate.

The workers satiated their thirst by having glassfuls of the lemon juice being distributed for free.

Imperturbable ( im-per-tur-buh-buhl) adj

- incapable of being upset or agitated; not easily excited; calm.

His imperturbable composure in the face of the vociferous opposition he faced, was

Abstruse (ab-stroos ) adj

-hard to understand; recondite; esoteric.

-Obsolete. secret; hidden.

His research was so abstruse the even the scientific community could not understand it.

Inane ( ih-neyn) adj

-lacking sense, significance, or ideas; silly.

-empty; void.
Even the inane questions asked by him were answered patiently by the teacher.

Expediency (ik-spee-dee-uh n-see ) noun

-the quality of being expedient (quick); advantageousness; advisability.

-a regard for what is politic or advantageous rather than for what is right or just; a sense of
Realizing the expediency of the situation, the ambulance team rushed to the accident site.

Irrepressible ( ir-i-pres-uh-buh l) verb

-incapable of being repressed or restrained; uncontrollable.

Her irrepressible laughter was very infectious and had everyone rolling with laughter.

Admonish ( ad-mon-ish ) verb

-to caution, advise, or counsel against something.

-to reprove or scold, especially in a mild and good-willed manner

Their mother admonished them for being rude to each other.

Spendthrift (spend-thrift) noun/adj

-a person who spends possessions or money extravagantly or wastefully.

- wastefully extravagant; prodigal.

His spendthrift nature landed him in a financial soup.

Ghastly (gast-lee, gahst-) adj

-shockingly frightful or dreadful; horrible.

-resembling a ghost, especially in being very pale.

The ghastly murder by the juvenile shocked the city.

B. RC Passage (with Link)

Article 1:

Summary : A simple 15-minute electrocardiogram could help a physician determine whether a

patient has major depression or bipolar disorder, a ground breaking new study reports.

Article 2:

Summary : Mood varies from hour-to-hour, day-to-day and healthy mood regulation involves
choosing activities that help settle one's mood. However, in situations where personal choices
of activities are constrained, such as during periods of social isolation and lockdown, this natural
mood regulation is impaired which might result in depression. New research suggests a new
target for treating and reducing depression is supporting natural mood regulation.

Article 3: Why might it be easier to fool your eyes than your nose?

Summary : The sense of smell has acquired a rather poor reputation over the past centuries.
Philosophers and scientists alike have only rarely singled it out for close study. The
Enlightenment philosopher Étienne Bonnot de Condillac remarked dryly in 1754 that: ‘Of all the
senses, it is the one which appears to contribute least to the cognitions of the human mind.’
Recent scientific advances have debunked several myths about smell.

Article 4:The Science Behind Why People Gossip—And When It Can Be a Good Thing
Summary : Some researchers argue that gossip helped our ancestors survive. Evolutionary
psychologist Robin Dunbar first pioneered this idea, comparing gossip to the grooming primates
engage in as a means of bonding. Instead of picking fleas and dirt off one another to bond,
Ludden explains, we now talk, which is “where gossip comes in, because chit-chat is mostly
talking about other people and conveying social information.”

Article 5:

Summary : As lockdown requirements ease, COVID-19 is changing the way we use indoor
spaces. That presents challenges for those who manage those spaces, from homes to offices
and factories.
C. RC Passage (with Questions)

The world as an art is the play of the Supreme Person reveling in image making. Try to find out
the ingredients of the image-they elude you, they never reveal to you the internal secret of
appearance .In your effort to capture life, as expressed in living tissue you will find carbon ,
nitrogen and many other things utterly unlike life ,but never life itself. The appearance does not
offer any commentary of itself through its material .You may call it Maya and pretend to
disbelieve it, but the great artist ,the Mayavin ,is not hurt. For art is Maya ,it has no explanation
but that it seems to be what it is. It never tries to conceal its evasiveness , it mocks even its own
definition and plays the game of hide and seek through its constant flight in changes.

And the life which is an incessant explosion of freedom finds its metre in a continual falling back
in death ,every day is a death ,every moment is even. If not ,there would be an amorphous
desert of deathlessness eternally dumb and still. So life is Maya, as moralists love to say ,it is
and is not. All that we find in it is the rhythm through which it shows itself. Are rocks and
minerals any better? Has not science shown us the fact that the ultimate difference between
one element and another is only that of rhythm ? The fundamental distinction of gold from
mercury lies in the difference of rhythm in their respective atomic constitution, like the
distinction, of the king from his subject which is not in their different constituents but in the
different metres of their situation and circumstances .There you find behind the scene the Artist,
the magician of rhythm, who imparts an appearance of substance to the unsubstantial.

What is this rhythm? It is the movement generated and regulated by harmonious restriction.
This is the creative force in the hands of the artist .So long as words remain in uncondensed
prose form ,they do not give any lasting feeling of the reality .The moment they are taken and
put into rhythm they vibrate into a radiance .It is same with the rose. In the pulp of its petals you
may find everything that went to make the rose , but the rose which is the Maya ,an image is
lost :its finality which has the touch of the infinite is gone. The rose appears to me of the
movement within that stillness ,which is the same as the dynamic quality of the picture that has
a perfect harmony. It produces a music in our consciousness by giving it a swing of motion
synchronous with its own. Had the picture consisted of a disharmonious aggregate of colours
and lines, it would be deadly still.
In perfect rhythm ,the art form becomes like stars, which, in their seeming stillness ,are never
still ,like a motionless flame which is nothing but movement. A great picture is always speaking ,
but news from a newspaper ,even of some tragic happening is still born. Some news may be a
mere commonplace in the obscurity of a journal: but give it a proper rhythm and it will never
cease to shine. This is art. It has the magic wand which gives undying reality to all things it
touches, and relates them to personal being in us. We stand before its production and say: I
know you as I know myself ,you are real.

1. According to the passage,

A- art is not real.

B- rhythm is the creative force in the hand of the artist.

C- moralists believe that life is Maya.

D- Maya and art are not linked to each other.

2- According to the passage, which of the following statements is true?

A- The ultimate difference between one element and another is only that of the rhythm.

B- In perfect rhythm art form become like the stars – which in their seem in stillness are never

C- The fundamental difference between gold and mercury is in the difference of rhythm in their
atomic constituents.

D- All of the above.

3- According to the passage, which of the following statements is true?

A- Art gives undying reality to all things it touches and relates them to the personal being in us.
B-Art is Maya and has no other explanation but that it seems to be what it is.
C- Artist imparts an appearance of substance to the unsubstantial by providing the rhythm.
D- All of the above.
4- According to the passage, the difference between a kind and his subject is:
A- Their constituents.
B- Same as that between gold and mercury.
C- The different metres of their situation and circumstances.
D – Rhythm.

5- Which of the following is most suitable as a title for this passage?

A- Art form in rhythmic style – a study in contrast.
B- Maya and the Mayavin – an analysis.
C- The definition of infinity.
D- The meaning of Rhythm.

6- What, according to the author, is life?

A- An incessant explosion of freedom.
B- An amorphous desert of deathlessness.
C-Something that seems to be what it is.
D- All of the above.

7- In the example given in the passage what is lost when a rose is pulped?
A- The radiance
B- The Maya
C- The image
D- The fragrance

8- In one’s effort to capture life as expressed in living tissue what does one literally find?
A- Maya
B- Rhythm
C- Death
D- None of these.
D. Quantitative Aptitude

Directions for questions 1 and 2: These questions are based on the following data.

Two candidates Ram and Rajat are appearing for an examination. Each question correctly
answered fetches 1 mark while for every wrong answer 1 mark is deducted. The examination
has a fixed pass mark. Ram attempts a certain percentage of questions and gets 10% of his
attempts wrong. Consequently, he secured a net score of 64% of the total which is 22 marks
more than the pass mark. Rajat attempts a different percentage of questions and gets 20% of
his attempts wrong. Consequently, he secures a net score of 54% of the total and passes by 12

1. What percentage of the total questions did Rajat attempt?

2. What is the pass mark?

Q.3. A three-digit number, in which all the three digits are odd is such that if the cubes of the
digits are added the sum would be equal to the number itself. If one of the digits is 7, find the

(A) 171 (B) 371 (C) 575 (D) 775

Q.4. I purchased a ticket for the football match between France and Italy in the World Cup. The
number on the ticket was a five-digit perfect square such that the first and the last digits were
the same, and the second and the fourth digits were the same. What could the ticket number

(A) 52,625 (B) 12,321 (C) 63,536 (D) 48,984

Direction for Q.5 and Q.6: A and B start from two locations P and Q respectively at the same
time and meet every day at X on the way. The uniform speeds of A and B are 20 kmph and 15
kmph respectively.

Q.5 If B has increased his speed by 20% at Q and left at normal time, he would be met A at Z. If
XZ = 5 km. Find the distance QX.

(A) 42.5 km (B) 47.5 km (C) 52.5 km (D) None of these

Q.6 One day B starts t minute late and meets A, 5 km ahead of X at Y. Find t

(A) 15 minute (B) 20 minute (C) 35 minute (D) Data insufficient

Q.7. Two large drums A and W have 1000 liters of alcohol and water respectively. Two liters of
the contents in drum A are removed and mixed with the contents of drum W. This is the first
operation. Two liters of the contents of drum W are then mixed with the contents of drum A. This
is the second operation. The first and the second operations together constitute process P.
Process P is carried out 3 times. After that, only the first operation is done. After this, 'a' is the
alcohol in the first drum and 'w' is the water in the second drum. What is the relation between a
and w?

(A) а > 1.1w (В) а < w (C) a = w (D) w < a <1.1w

Q.8. Let f(x) = max (4х + 3, 5 - 6x). The minimum possible value of f(x) is ---------------

(A) 19/5 (B) 5/19 (C) 5/21 (D) 1/5

Q.9. How many zeroes are there between the decimal point and the first significant digit in
(2/3)1000 given log 2 = 0.3010 and log 3 = 0.4771?

(A) 175 (В) 174 (C) 176 D) None of these

Q.10. In ∆𝐴𝐵𝐶 line segment XY intersects AB in X andAC in Y such that XY is parallel to

BC.The area of triangle AXY is half of the triangle ABC. Find the ratio of BX : AB.

√2 √2−1 1+√2
(A) (B) (C) (D) None of these
√2−1 √2 √2
E. DILR – 1 Set

Directions for questions 1 to 4: Answer these questions on the basis of the information
given below.

128 players participate in each of the four Grand Slam tennis tournaments that take place in
Each tournament is played on a knockout basis such that in each round, the player who loses a
match is eliminated from the tournament, while the player who wins, advances to the next
round. No player receives a walkover/bye in any round in any of the Grand Slams. For the
questions below, assume that the same set of 128 players played in each of the four Grand

1. Player X had an overall win-loss record of 21-3 in the Grand Slams in a year. What is the
earliest stage at which he could have lost in a Grand Slam tournament in that year?

(A) Second round (B) Third round (C) Fourth round (D) First round

2. If the win-loss record in the Grand Slams in a year for the players ranked 1, 2, 3 and 4 in the
world is 15-3, 17-3, 12-3 and 15-3 respectively, then what is the highest ratio of wins to losses
for any player in the four Grand slams in that year?

(A) 5.67 (B) 6.00 (C) 6.33 (D) 6.25

3. Player Y had the best win-loss ratio among all the players in the four Grand Slams in a year.
The number of matches won by player Y in the Grand slams in that year was at least

(A) 5 (B) 7 (C) 8 (D) 9

4. At the end of four Grand Slams in a year, the top six players, in terms of the number of
matches won in Grand Slams in that year, qualify for the slam of champions. What could be the
maximum number of matches won, in all the four Grand Slams put together, by a player who did
not qualify for the slam of champions ?

(A) 17 (B) 18 (C) 19 (D) 20

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