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Week of 28.04.

24 DAY 1 DAY 2 DAY 3 DAY 4 DAY 5 DAY 6


A. POWER (8 mins total Time) Bodyweight Strength Work A. POWER For Time and Calories (45mins) A. STRENGTH A. Core Work

EMOM 4 Mins 3-4 sets of Each movement (15mins) EMOM 4 Mins 400m Run Every 1:20 x 5 3 Sets
150m KB/DB Farmers Carry
6 Lateral Jumps Got None (0 Reps) 2 Squat Jumps (as high as you can) 5 Min Cardio Machine 5 Paused Deadlift @ 75% effort 1min Work/30sec Rest
400m Run 12 Ring Rows 150m KB/DB Farmers Carry Lift the bar 50-100mm off the ground, pause Plank
v=soqQy4dzEts&ab_channel=ThirdSpaceLondon 12 Bench Dips B. STRENGTH (12 mins total Time) 4 Min Cardio Machine for 2 sec and then lift. or Rocking Plank
8ea. Kickstand Squats each leg 400m Run Keep loading the same across all sets. Keep
B.Weightlifting Front Squat 150m KB/DB Farmers Carry your form tight.
Got Some (1-3 reps) 3 Min Cardio Machine
Every 90sec x 6 4 x 8 reps (Half Rep + Full Rep) 400m Run
6-10 Top Spot Ring Pull Ups 150m KB/DB Farmers Carry
2 Slow Snatch Pull 8-10 Box Parallel Dips Squat down to half way (above parallel), 2 Min Cardio Machine
1 Slow Squat or Power Snatch 8 ea. Rig Assisted Pistol Squat then stand , then complete a full squat. Make
sure your half way squat is not just a knee Score here is your total time and total
Start at moderate load and then build to a technical Got Plently (8+ reps) bend. calories on your machine. You are going to
max. No misses. have to switch gears from the run into the
6-10 Strict Ring to Chest Pull Ups Same load across all sets, load should be carry into the push on the cardio machine.
Goal here is to make sure you we are using the right 6-10 Strict Ring Dips challenging but repeatable each set. Aim to On the cardio machine you want to make
muscles to drive the bar up. Wait for the torso to get or 6 Strict Muscle Ups use the same load from last week. sure you are holding a good lactate
upright, bar to your hip, whilst the knees are still 6ea. Pistol Squat Each leg (loaded if able) threshold pace. This is somewhere you can
bent, before you drive the bar upward. Next week we will be woring our way down hold without slowing down. As time on the
Rest 40sec min. Between each movement in reps and up in load. cardio machine drops down your intensity you hold will need to go up.
v=_NGRzv08VzI&ab_channel=CatalystAthletics Make sure you choose the level that fits you most, you
may mix and match i.e. pullups from Got None and Farmers carry should be able to be done pike push ups from Got Some. Rest as much as you unbroken each length.
s&ab_channel=CatalystAthletics need to do the movement unbroken


2 Rounds for Time (15 Min Cap) AMRAP 5 Mins 3 Rounds for Time (10 min Cap) For Total Reps + Cals
30 Double Unders 8 Rounds for time with partner (4
200m Run 8 Burpee over the line (2 foot hop over) 10 Power Clean 0:00 - 3:00 rounds ea.)
40 Wall Balls 10 Shoulder to Overhead
30 Hang Power Snatch Rest 2 Mins 5 Bar Muscle Ups 1 min Cardio machine for Cals 15 Cal Row/Bike
20 Pull Ups /Chest to Bar Pull Ups into 12 Hang Power Snatch
AMRAP 5 Mins RX: 60/40 12 Chest to bar Pull Ups or Pull Ups 60 Double Unders/100 Single Skips
RX:40/30 SC: 40/30, Burpee Pull Ups or Burpee to Rig Max Thrusters in Remainder Load 1 8 Burpee Box Jump Over
SC: 30/25 10 Toes to Bar / Hanging Leg Raises
10 Box Jump Overs Simple workout today, Hit those power Rest 3:00 - 5:00 RX:40/30
The real workout starts on round two , so make sure cleans in singles and go for big sets on the SC:30/25
you pace yourself well on teh first one. Break the shoulder to overehad. Make sure you scale 5:00-8:00
barbell/wallballs up based on your ability o hold on Have fun with this one.Each round is going to go the bar muscle ups accordingly and to your Similar to last week, the goal here is to
for big sets. quick. Focus on fast transitions and moving quick on ability. Goal should be to complete the 1min Cardio Machine for Cals push your way through the while
your rep cadence. workout within the time domain. into workout without burning out. Tag in
12 Chest to bar Pull ups or Pull ups your partner while you rest.
Max Squat Clean Thruster in remainder
Load 2

Rest 8:00 -12:00

12:00 - 15:00

1 Min Cardio Machine for Cals

12 Chest to bar pull ups or Pull Ups
Max Squat Cleans in remainder Load 3

RX: 40/30, 60/40, 80/55

SC: 30/25, 40/30, 60/45, Ring Rows

3 x 3 min intervals today. Goal here is to

push on the cardio machine and the
barbell. There is plenty of rest in between
each interval so make sure you push for
reps on that last set.

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