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Chapter 1: Being an Alchemist

So, if you want your character to be an Alchemist, you could either have
your class just be an Alchemist, or you could be a class + Alchemist (for example,
a Warlock Alchemist, or a Fighter Alchemist)

-skill level: your skill level determines what transmutations you can and can’t do.

-Alchemist table-
level Skill lvl. Transmutations
1. 1 2
2. 1 2
3. 2 3
4. 2 3
5. 3 4
6. 3 4
7. 4 5
8. 4 5
9. 5 5
10. 5 5
11. 6 6
12. 6 6
13. 7 6
14. 7 7
15. 8 7
16. 8 7
17. 9 7
18. 9 8
19. 10 8
20. 10 9
Chapter 2: Transmutations

A “Transmutation” is like a spell, except instead of needing spell slots,

you just need the correct materials for the transmutations. You learn transmutations
based on the Alchemist table. (see above)

Materials: each transmutation needs a material, and the larger

the transmutation, the more materials you need. (equivalent

Transmutation circles: in order to transmute, you need a

transmutation circle (unless you’ve seen the truth) you can draw
transmutation circles with anything, chalk, blood, ink, anything!


skill level: 1
material: any
You create a wall in front of you, which will protect you from oncoming attacks.

skill level: 1
material: any
You create a small, basic trinket the size of a closed fist.

-Simple Weapon-
skill level: 1
material: metal, wood or stone
you create a Simple weapon (from the weapons list in the player’s handbook.) But
the weapon you make is weak and flimsy, and if you roll a 1 when using it, it will
-Flame Burst-
skill level: 2
material: fire
You create a fiery explosion that deals 3d6 fire damage to a creature. The creature
can also do a dexterity saving throw, on a successful save, the creature takes half
as much damage.

-Water Temperature-
skill level: 2
material: Water
You can boil or freeze any water you can touch.

-Ground Spikes-
skill level: 2
material: stone, metal or dirt
You create a barrage of spikes in the ground that will deal 2d6 piercing damage to
a creature if hit by a spike.

skill level: 2
material: stone or dirt
You create a round pillar on the ground or a wall, you could use it to elevate
yourself upwards(but if you do, you have to make a dex. Check to see if you can
stay on it.) or you could use it to attack someone (1d8 bludgeoning damage)

skill level: 3
material: any
You can repair an item at the cost of it being weaker/thinner.

-Martial Weapons-
skill level: 4
material: metal or wood
you create a Martial weapon (from the weapons list in the player’s handbook.)
skill level: 4
material: stone or wood
you create a door on a wall that leads to the other side, the wall also has to be thin
enough to go through.

-Transform Water-
skill level: 5
material: water
You can transform water into various liquids such as:
water + heat = liquid nitrogen (acts as acid)
water + iron = blood
water + carbon = oil

-liquid to gas-
skill level: 5
material: a liquid and heat
you can turn liquids into a gas form that can act as a fog, or a poisonous gas.

-grass to bread-
skill level: 5
material: grass
you can turn grass into bread

-Chain Bomb-
skill level: 5
material: Gunpowder
you create a circular explosion (which deals 2d6 fire damage) then you roll a d20,
if you get a 10 or higher, you make another explosion adjacent to the previous
explosion. With this you can create a chain of explosions until you roll under a 10.

skill level: 6
material: 2 or more creatures
You fuse 2 or more creatures into 1 creature, you can choose what traits the
Chimera keeps, and which traits it looses.
skill level: 6
material: blood
you can heal 2d8 HP to a willing creature.

skill level: 7
material: a plant
You can grow a plant to full growth.

-War Weapon-
skill level: 7
material: lots of metal, wood or stone, and rope
You create a working catapult, a ballista, or trebuchet that you can use on an

Damages and range:

Catapult: 2d8, 2380 ft.
Ballista: 3d10, 24300 ft.
Trebuchet: 3d8, 730 ft.

-Bond Soul-
skill level: 8
material: blood
you draw a transmutation circle out of blood onto an object, you can then bond a
soul to the object where the soul will be able to control the object, and it will
become immortal, unless the blood circle s broken. You can also learn this spell
when your skill level is under 8, but if you do cast it under-level, you will have to
sacrifice a body part.

skill level: 9
material: metal and gunpowder
you create a working gun of your choice, which deals 2d6 piercing damage.

-Philosopher’s stone-
skill level: 10
material: 20 or more sentient creatures
using 20 or more souls, you create a Philosopher’s stone, which has the power to
cast any transmutation, and you don’t need to provide the materials to cast them.

skill level: 10
material: a Philosopher’s stone
You create a “human” with a Philosopher’s stone for a heart. Homunculi will
serve their creator, a do what their creator wants. Every Homunculi has an
Ouroboros tattoo.
-Homunculus powers-
Every Homunculi can regenerate 2d10 HP as a bonus action, and have 35 Max HP,
and 13 AC.
They also have a special power, which you can pick from this table:
1. extendable finger nails (1d6 piercing damage)
2. unending hunger
3. ultimate shield (+5 AC)
4. shape-shifting
5. +4 strength, and +3 constitution
6. can transform into water
7. Ultimate eye (+10 perception)
Chapter 3: Human Transmutation

Here’s how to human transmutation, first, your character

has to draw a human transmutation circle, shown here:
then, you will need these ingredients:
Water (35 L), Carbon (20 kg), Ammonia (4 L), Lime (1.5 kg), Phosphorous
(800 g), Salt (250 g), Saltpeter (100 g), Sulfur(80 g),Fluorine (7.5 g), Iron (5
g), Silicon (3 g)

Once preformed, your character is shown the truth (And your

character can now transmute without circles!)
Also, everyone involved will have to roll 1d6, in order to
decide what they sacrifice:
1. An organ (the DM decides)
2. your sight
3. an arm
4. a leg
5. a hand
6. your entire body
In the aftermath, you ended up creating an amalgamation, which dies after a few

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