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1. Ifa says that this person’s matter shall turn to joy and
celebration in the end. As at present, the situation is bitter
and uncomfortable. Ebo materials: two rats, two fish, two
hens and money.

O fundii o so
O soran o o beebe
O o beebe o n gbonikoju feerefe
Emi lo wa wa debi oko Ajere ni mimu
Dia fun Iyawo
Ti yoo bekun rele oko
Ti yoo ba ayo wale
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
O gb’ebo, o ru’bo
Ko pe, ko jinna
E wa ba ni ba jebutu omo

You tightened your anus and farted
You acted wrongly and refused to apologize
You refused to apologize and insisted that you were waiting
for whoever could confront you
What led you to where you had to swear by ordeal
Ifa’s message to the newly wedded bride
Who went to her husband’s home with cries and lamentation
And would return with joy
She was advised to offer ebo
She complied
Before long, not too far
Join us in the midst of many children

2. Ifa warns this person to beware of a man with huge forehead

for him not to land him/her into serious trouble. Ebo
materials: one mature he goat and money. There is also the
need to feed Esu with a rooster.

O fundii o so
O soran o o beebe
O o beebe o n gbonikoju feerefe
Emi lo wa wa debi oko Aje ni mi mu
Dia fun Onifila peeki i darandaran
Ti nloo ko ajogun ba bale
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
O gb’ebo, o ru’bo
Ko pe, ko jinna
E wa ba ni ni jebutu ire

You tightened your anus and farted
You acted wrongly and refused to apologize
You refused to apologize and insisted that you were waiting
for whoever could confront you
What led you to where you had to swear by ordeal
Ifa’s message for the man with the broad cap who leads
others into trouble
When going to lead the head of the family into serious crisis
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied
Before long, not too far
Join us where we offer ebo to gain victory

3. Ifa advises this person to offer ebo of longevity and victory.

Many crises are looking for him/her but Ifa assures him/her
that he/she shall overcome. Ebo materials; one big goat and
money. He/she also need to feed Ifa with Ifa.

Ogun igbo nii ja nigbonigbo

Ogun odan nii ja lodanlodan
Ogun Ijesa nii ja ni’ta gbangba fuu oteeremoya
Dia fun Agidimagbonyin
Ti o nii j’ogun o ja wa
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
O gb’ebo, o ru’bo
Tani o nii j’ogun o ja laree wa
Agidimagbonyin, ko mama ni j’ogun o ja lare o

The war of the wilderness is waged inside the wilderness
And savannah war is waged inside the savannah
The war of Ijesa land is waged in the main street of
Ifa’s message for Agidimagbonyin
Who would never allow us to be overwhelmed with crises
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied
Who will not allow crises to overwhelmed us
Agidimagbonyin is the one who will not allow crises to
overwhelmed us

4. Ifa says that it foresees the ire of title and honour for this
person. Ifa urges this person to accept the title. Ebo
materials; four pigeons and money. He/she also needs to
feed Ifa with parboiled beans.

Iwo tanii ni
Emi eye ni o
A bee wo
O di eye Olongo
Huuhuu kun ibe pitipiti
Dia fun Olusopobi
Omo af’ewa owowo hu’ye
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
O gb’ebo, o ru’bo
Ewa owowo l’awa nfi n hu’ye ni’lee wa

Who are you
It is me the bird
When it was investigated
It turned out to be Olongo bird
Its feathers filled the whole place
Ifa’s message for Olusopobi
He who would use parboiled beans to celebrate is
chieftaincy title
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied
It is parboiled beans that we use to celebrate titles in our

5. Ifa says that this person is about to undertake a business

trip. Ifa advises him/her not to go. Ifa urges this person to
consolidate his/her home first. The other people going on
the trip will come back to meet him/her in the midst of
opulence and prosperity. Ebo materials; four pigeons, four
hens and money.

Boo baa s’akin

Koo maa fo’hun ojo l’enu mo
Boo baa s’ojo
Koo ma fo’hun akin l’enu mo
Ohun ti mo gbo l’ori oke ihin
O jo ohun okunrin
Ohun ti mo gbo l’ori oke ohun
O jo ohun okunrin
Dia fun Akokonko
Ti nloo gb’awo ni’le Elerigi Agbasa
Eyi ti yoo sa’gun
Ti won o jin i l’egberin eru
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
O gb’ebo, o ru’bo
Akokonko, ile soro j’egi lo o

If you want to be a hero
Do not talk like somebody who is frightened
If you want to be jelly livered person
Do not talk like a hero
The voice that I had on this side of the hill
Did not sound like that of a man
The voice that I had on the other side of the hill
Did not sound like that of a man
Ifa’s message for Akokonko
When going on Ifa’s mission to the home of Elerigi Agbasa
He who would conquer a war
And would be giving 800 slaves
He was advised to offer ebo
He refused to comply
Akokonko the home is more important than the foreign land

6. Ifa warns a woman here not to tell lies against her child. Ifa
says that this woman will do something that will bring shame
to her and she will try to shift the blame on her child. Ifa
warns her not to do this because the result will be bitter for
her. There is the need for this woman to admit her fault
whenever she does something wrong. Ebo materials; two
roosters and money.

O fun’dii o so
O s’oran o o beebe
O o beebe, o n gbonikoju ferefere
Dia fun Abiyamo
Ti n lo oja Ejigbomekun
Ti n lo ree ra Ila
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
O gb’ebo, o ru’bo
Iso ale ana
Emi n mo so
Omo o mi ko
Opara, oporo, oranyin-ranyin

The war of the wilderness is waged inside the wilderness
And savannah war is waged inside the savannah
The war of Ijesa land is waged in the main street of
Ifa’s message for the nursing mother
When going to a Ejigbomekun market
And was going to buy okra
She was advised to offer ebo
The fart of yesternight
I was the one responsible
Not my child
Opara, oporo, oranyin-ranyin
It was not my child

7. Ifa says that this person is not propitiating and his/her Ori as
expected. For this reason, he/she may lose the support of
his/her Ori and Ifa. this person had also done something
shameful that he/she needs to purge himself/herself. Ifa
advises this person to offer ebo with one she-goat and
money. He/she also needs to feed Ifa with another she-goat
at the base of Opelodu that is the palm tree that germinates
the Ikin fruit. He/she equally needs to feed his/her Ori with

O so tan, o fun dii

O soran, o o beebe
O o beebe, o n gbonikoju ferefere
Dia fun Orunmila
Ti yoo soran itiju
Ti yoo re ori ope loo duro si
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
O gb’ebo, o ru’bo
Eyin o mo wipe ebi ni np’omo oye l’oke

The war of the wilderness is waged inside the wilderness
And savannah war is waged inside the savannah
The war of Ijesa land is waged in the main street of
Ifa’s message for Orunmila
When he would do a shameful act
And will go on top of the palm-tree to stay
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied
Can’t you see that Ifa was feeling hungry over there

8. Ifa advises this person against extra-marital activities. Ifa

warns that he/her destiny does not support it. It is because if
this person engaged in this act he/she will find it difficult if
not totally impossible to perform his/her financial
responsibilities as a parent. Ebo materials; two guinea-
fowls, two pigeons, two roosters and money. He/she also
needs to feed Ifa with one guinea-fowl. On this, Ifa says:

Eye kinnii
Eye kinnii
Ifufuu re t’agbon merindinlogun
A bee wo, o d’eye Olongo
Dia fun Orunmila
Baba o f’owo Eru f’Ale
Ew’oku-igbe ale to gbe mi l’egberindinlogun lo o
Ko ma je n r’egberindinlogun sebo omo o

What kind of bird is this
What manner of bird is this
It feather filled 16 baskets
After close observation
It turned out to be Olongo
Ifa’s message for Orunmila
When he would give the money that he made from his Ifa
business to his secret lover
He was advised to offer ebo
He failed to comply
Can’t you see the useless lover
Who stole my 3200 cowries
She did not allow me to have the 3200 cowries to offer ebo
of childbearing

9. Ifa says that there is someone who is suffering serious

ailments where this Odu is revealed. The cause of this
illness was that he/she saw something on the ground and
he/she picked it and used it. It may be money; it may be
jewelry or other materials. The original owner of these
materials was suffering from a serious ailments and the
owner was advised to use this money or material to rub
every part of his/her body and drop it on the ground. That
was what this person picked and it transferred the ailment in
the body of the original owner to this person’s body. That is
the reason why he/she needs to offer the huge ebo in order
for the ailment to go. Ebo materials; one mature he-goat,
plenty of money and whatever he/she had picked on the
ground. He/she also need to feed Esu with one rooster. Ifa
warns this person never to pick anything on the ground for
his/her usage no matter how precious or attractive the thing
may be.
O fun’mo ni’dii ilape
Dia fun Olomo at’egbe h’apo arun
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
O ko’ti ogbonyin s’ebo
Arun ti n se won o tii tan o
Wo na’wo, na’wo
Owo tan n kele o

It blocked the child’s anus
Ifa’s message for the person who picked the bag of ailment
He was advised to offer ebo
He refused to comply
The ailment that they are suffering from is not yet over
They have spent a lot of money
And there is no more money in their safe

10. Ifa advises this person to offer ebo in order for him/her
to accomplish his/her heart desires. Ifa says that Ifa had
foreseen Ire but this Ire is not enough. There is the need for
this person’s elder sibling to cooperate and support what
he/she plans to do. That is when it will truly turn to Ire. Ebo
materials; four guinea-fowls, four pigeons, four rats, four fish,
four roosters and money. Part of these materials will be
used to feed Ifa.

O sa wejeweje
O gbon wejeweje
Dia fun Sakoro
Tii s’omokunrin Igbadi
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
O gb’ebo, o ru’bo
Ifa lo fo’re
Egbon o fo’re
Ifa lo fore le n yo

He ran helter skelter
And he trembled from one place to the other
Ifa’s message for Sakoro
The young man of Igbadi land
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied
It was only Ifa that said that it was ire
The elder sibling did not foresee ire
When it was only Ifa that had said that it was ire
Why were you rejoicing

11. Ifa warns that there is a woman here that somebody is

planning is to marry where this Odu is revealed. It is in the
best interest of the man to stay clear of the woman. This is
because the woman had done something terrible where she
was coming from and she had been cursed by the people. It
is better to allow the woman to go away in order not to carry
her curses into the home of this man and for her not to
implicate the man and spoil his reputation. Ebo materials;
two roosters, two hens and money. There is the need to
feed Esu with one rooster.

Yangi ab’ori kugu

Dia fun Pansaga Ogogo
Ti nre’gbo Egba loo yan oko
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
O ko’ti ogbonyin s’ebo
Ofun dii o!
Pansaga a jona si’le

Yangi stone with rough surface
He cast Ifa for the lewd woman
When going to Egba forest to marry
She was advised to offer ebo
She refuse comply
Ofun dii o
The promiscuous woman had been burnt inside the

12. Ifa advises this person to offer ebo in order for his/her
distractors to be exposed. These distractors are members of
his/her household and he/she had being focusing on
outsiders. Ifa assures this person that he/she will soon be
able to identify his/her distractors who are planning evil
against him/her. Ebo materials; two roosters, two hens and
money. He/she also needs to feed Ifa with eight rats and
eight fish.
O fun mo nidii ilape
Dia fun Eni ti won nse nile
To l’ode l’arun n seun
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
O gb’ebo, o ru’bo
Orunmila ni to ba se pe bi ise toun ba ni
O ni oun o binu omo kekere
Bee l’oun o se’rado agbalagba
Eso, eso, l’oun o fi r’oju eni ti nse’un o

It blocked the child’s anus
Ifa’s message for the person who was being attacked
from his home
But he assumed that his attackers were outsiders
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied
Orunmila declared that if it were to be his tradition
He said that he had no ill feelings towards the youths
And nursed no grudge against the elders
Gradually, he would be able to identify those who are
behind his travails

13. Ifa warns this person not to show greed over money or
spouse matter. Ifa advocates contentment for this person
over whatever his/she had acquired in life. Ebo materials;
two roosters, two hens and money. He/she also needs to
feed Ifa with eight rats and eight fish.

Igi teere ye’gbo

Osumare e y’orun
Ka wo Oge Ologe ka ma see’ju
Iwon lo dun mo o
Dia fun Orunmila
Baba yoo maa s’owo Ado
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
O gb’ebo, o ru’bo
Babalawo to s’Ado
Ni’fa se l’oore
Babalawo to ja’le
Lo ba Ifa je

The slender trees befit the forest
And the rainbow befits the heaven
To cast a prolonged glance at another person’s woman
It is not a good act
Ifa’s message for Orunmila
When he was going to transact business of Ado
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied
A babalawo who engages in Ado business
That is the person that Ifa will bless with kindness
The babalawo who engage in stealing
That is the one who had spoiled Ifa
14. Ifa says that it foresees the ire of chieftaincy title for this
person. There is the need for him/her to offer ebo in order to
last long on the title. Ifa also advises a sick person to offer
ebo for him/her not lose his/her life. Ebo materials; plenty of
dresses, one matured she-goat and money.

Abidelu awo Elebiti

Odee awo Onigbadi
Dia fun Onigbadi
O nsun’kun oun o r’omo bi
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
O ko’ti ogbonyin s’ebo
Yoo bi’mo naa o jo’kunrin
Otoro o awo Onigbadi
Ebi ma ma np’omo oye l’oke o
Otoro o, Awo Onigbadi
B’ebi ba np’omo oye ko so o
Gbogbo aye lo pe
Won ni mo ye’ye, mo ye’ye
Igbadi o gba mi ma di o

Abidelu the awo of Elebiti
Ode the awo of Onigbadi
They cast Ifa for Onigbadi
When lamenting his inability to have a child
He was advised to offer ebo
He failed to comply
And he gave birth to a male child
Now Otooro the awo of Onigbadi
The Oba designate is feeling hungry on top of the hill
Otooro the awo of Onigbadi
If the Oba designate is feeling hungry
Let him come down
The whole world gathered
And they pronounced that I was fit for the title
Igbadi is no longer comfortable for me
I will move away

15. Ifa advises this person to offer ebo and feed Ifa with
rats, fish, birds, and she-goat in order for all what he/she had
consulted Ifa for to become reality and for peace and
tranquility to return to his/her life.

Iru u kileyi, iruu kileyi, iruu kileyi

Ara a kileyi, ara a kileyi, ara a kileyi
Eye e kileyi, eye e kileyi, eye e kileyi
A tuu, ihuuhu u re k’agbon
A tuu, o dogbunbere
Dia fun Orunmila
Ti yoo soran itiju
Ti yoo r’ori ope lo o le tente
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
O gb’ebo, o ru’bo
Baba eku re ree o
Ope segisegi ro wa’le
K’ara o ba le ro’ni o
Baba eja re ree o
Ope segisegi ro wa’le
K’ara o ba le ro’ni o
Baba eye re ree o
Ope segisegi ro wa’le
K’ara o ba le ro’ni o
Baba eran re ree o
Ope segisegi ro wa’le
K’ara o ba le ro’ni o
Oloniimoro oti i re ree o
Opesegisegi ro wa’le
K’ara o baa lee roni o

What is this, what is this, what is this
What wonder is this, what wonder is this, what wonder
is this
What kind of bird is this, what kind of bird is this, what
kind of bird is this
When we plucked its feather, the feather filled a basket
When we plucked its feather it turned out to be
Ifa’s message for Orunmila
Who would do a shameful thing
And would climb on top of the palm-tree to stay
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied
Baba this is your rat
Opesegisegi please come down
For there to be peace and comfort in our lives
Baba this is your fish
Opesegisegi please come down
For there to be peace and comfort in our lives
Baba this is your bird
Opesegisegi please come down
For there to be peace and comfort in our lives
Baba this is your beast
Opesegisegi please come down
For there to be peace and comfort in our lives
Olonimoro this is your liquor
Opesegisegi please come down
For there to be peace and comfort in our lives

16. Ifa advises this person to go back to the ancestral

worship of his/her forefathers. Ifa says that there is the need
to embrace Ogun and celebrates the Orisa regularly. Doing
this will bring peace into their lives.

Iru kinleyi, iru u kinleyi, iru u kinleyi

Ara a kinleyi, ara a kinleyi, ara a kinleyi
Eye e kinleyi, eye e kinleyi, eye e kinleyi
Iruu kinleyi Awo ode Egba
Oro yii po l’apoju awo Ode Ijesa
Oju yoo mo mi
Oju to ba ti ri mi
Ni o maa ki mi
Dia fun Onigbaa t’oke aiso
Eyi omo Ologun kan ajifenu la
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
O gb’ebo, o ru’bo
Ko pe, ko jinna
E wa ba ni b’ewa, e wa wo’re

What is this, what is this, what is this
What wonder is this, what wonder is this, what wonder
is this
What kind of bird is this, what kind of bird is this, what
kind of bird is this
What kind of issue is this, the awo of Egba land
This matter is too much, the awo of Ijesa land
The face that had recognized me
And the face that had seen me
That was the face that will greet me
Ifa’s message for Onigbaa t’oke aiso
Offspring of the Ogun shrine that was propitiated at
And which the devotees use to lick with their tongue
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied
Before long, not too far
Join us in the midst of beauty
Come and perceive all ire of life

Aboru Aboye
1. Ifa - for wisdom, understanding, joy, elevation, contentment
and general wellbeing
2. Ori – for fulfillment of destiny, elevation, success, self
actualization and contentment.
3. Esu-Odara – for guidance, victory, direction and success,
elevation and leadership
4. Ogun – for success, victory, guidance, protection,
leadership, progress, sanctuary, elevation, and general
5. Sango – for success, peace of mind, comfort, and progress
6. Obatala – for protection against ailment and general
7. Egbe – for wealth, prosperity, authority, leadership,
elevation, progress, protection from ailments and overall


1. Must never use another person’s dresses that were giving to
him/her either has a gift or ebo material – to avoid threat to
life, calamity and disaster
2. Must never pick anything on the ground for his/her personal
use whether money or other materials – to avoid incessant
3. Must never engage in extra martial activities – to avoid
unconsummated fortune, failure and regrets
4. Must never keep his/her serious secrets with relatives – to
avoid unconsummated fortune, conspiracy and attack
5. Must never argue or refuse to admit his/her fault – to avoid
unconsummated fortune, crises and trouble
6. Must never use Olongo bird for anything – to avoid
unconsummated fortune, failure, regret and attack of the
elders of the night


1. Ifa/Orisa Priest/Priestess
2. Administration, management, trade unionism, delegates,
3. Law, advocacy, solicitor,
4. Trading, salesmanship, marketing, general merchandise


1. Olusopobi – the lord had giving us children in abundance
2. Ifasakin – Ifa is brave and heroic
3. Ifasegun – Ifa is victorious

1. Adegbemisola – the crown put me in the midst of honour
2. Ifadunmininu – Ifa consoles me
3. Ifapero – Ifa brings peace and harmony

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