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1. Strategic Planning:
 Developing comprehensive advertising and marketing strategies
aligned with the client's objectives.
 Setting clear goals and objectives for the advertising campaign.
2. Campaign Execution:
 Implementing the advertising campaign across chosen media channels.
 Coordinating the production of advertisements, including audio-visual
content, graphics, and copy.
3. Client Relations:
 Understanding Client Needs: The agency establishes a close
relationship with the client to understand their business, objectives,
target audience, and unique selling propositions.
 Communication: Regular communication is crucial to keep the client
informed about campaign progress, challenges, and new opportunities.
4. Public Relations (PR):
 Media Relations: Building and maintaining relationships with
journalists and media outlets to secure positive coverage for the client.
 Event Management: Planning and executing events to enhance the
client's public image such as press releases.
 Crisis Management: Handling and mitigating any negative publicity or
crises that may arise.
5. Sales Promotion:
 Promotional Campaigns: Creating and implementing strategies to
boost sales through short-term promotions, contests, discounts, and
other incentives.
 In-Store Promotions: Developing activities and materials to influence
purchasing decisions at the point of sale.
6. Performance Analysis:
 Data Analytics: Using data to measure the effectiveness of advertising
campaigns and marketing strategies.
 ROI Measurement: Evaluating return on investment to determine the
success of various initiatives.
 Feedback and Reporting: Providing clients with detailed reports on
campaign performance and suggesting improvements based on data
7. Budget Management:
 Budget Planning: Collaborating with clients to establish realistic
budgets for advertising and promotional activities.
 Resource Allocation: Efficiently allocating funds across various media
channels and promotional activities to maximize impact.
 Cost Monitoring: Keeping track of expenses and ensuring that
campaigns stay within budgetary constraints.
Brand image –
An advertising agency maintains a positive brand image by strategically positioning
the brand, creating compelling content, and fostering community engagement.
Through consistent messaging and crisis management, the agency ensures the
brand's reputation remains favourable, enhancing long-term success and customer

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