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In your own idea which of the two methods: lecture and laboratory, do you think more effective in
developing science skills among the learners? Why?

For me it is more effective when you are doing a laboratory. The lecture format can be viewed as a
more traditional and somewhat passive way in which to impart knowledge to students.
Laboratories, in contrast, are much more active, as students must engage the material to
successfully conduct an experiment.

2. How can teachers make lectures more engaging and interactive for students?

Make your class more interactive by asking questions, soliciting opinions, getting students to make
short presentations, encouraging discussions and using audio, video and other sources to prompt
dialogue and debate. Remember, without engagement and motivation there is no learning. Be clear
and well organized.

3. How can laboratory activities enhance students’ understanding of scientific concepts?

Laboratories are important for fostering scientific skills, enhancing understanding of scientific
concepts, and preparing students for future educational and career opportunities .

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