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Pérez M, Foster C, González-Freire M, Arenas J, Lucia A.

One-Year Follow-Up One-year follow-up in a child with McArdle disease:

Exercise is medicine. Pediatr Neurol 2008;38:133-136.
in a Child With
McArdle Disease: Introduction

Exercise is Medicine McArdle disease (glycogenosis type V) is a relatively

rare disease caused by an inherited deficit of human
muscle glycogen phosphorylase (myophosphorylase)
Margarita Pérez, MD, PhD*, [1]. This deficit results in blocked muscle glycogenol-
Carl Foster, PhD†, ysis, with subsequent exercise intolerance [2]. An
Marta González-Freire, MSc*, increased risk of rhabdomyolysis (exacerbated by acute
Joaquín Arenas, PhD‡§, and exertion, e.g., lifting weights), with a subsequent risk of
myoglobinuria, is a common problem in these patients
Alejandro Lucia, MD, PhD* [3]. Therapeutic options for patients with McArdle
disease have traditionally been limited to recommenda-
tions to adopt a sedentary lifestyle, primarily to prevent
A 9-year-old boy with McArdle disease, who demon- episodes of rhabdomyolysis.
strated remarkable recovery of objectively measured Sedentary behavior may compound the exercise in-
exercise tolerance after 1 year of follow-up, during tolerance associated with McArdle disease, and lead to
which he pursued age-appropriate physical activities. reduced quality of life. This consideration is especially
The patient presented 1 year previously with severe important for pediatric patients, given that (1) early
myalgia, muscle weakness, proteinuria, hematuria, hy- childhood (⬍10 years) is a period of life during which
perthermia, and elevated creatine kinase levels after physical activity habits are established which may
noncompetitive swimming. At that time, he reported a “track” into adulthood, (2) physical and outdoors activ-
3-year history of general myalgia and poor exercise ities are an essential part of the daily routine of children
tolerance. He was diagnosed with McArdle disease by and influence their quality of life, and (3) the plasticity
both biochemical and genetic methods. Subsequently of body tissues and their adaptability to training are
he performed a maximal exercise test and was pre- obviously greater during childhood than at older ages.
scribed a return to age-appropriate physical activity Recently, the acute use of pre-exercise carbohydrate
ingestion, designed to increase circulating glucose and
(protected by a pre-exercise dietary consumption of
thus allow for blood-derived glycolytic flux, demon-
⬃20 g carbohydrate). At 1-year follow up, he reported
strated promise [2]. There is also evidence concerning
no subsequent acute clinical episodes, no general prob-
the mid-term (14 weeks) [4] to long-term (8 months)
lems with exercise either at school or in ordinary
benefits of supervised exercise training in adult patients
activities, a virtual normalization of serum creatine [5], insofar as this intervention significantly improves
kinase levels, and a 14% increase in body mass- exercise tolerance and overall functional capacity.
adjusted peak oxygen uptake (from 18.8 to 21.8 mL The clinical manifestations of McArdle disease were
O2/kg/min). The results suggest that, with protection described in pediatric patients [6-8], but only one recent
by increasing pre-exercise blood glucose with carbohy- report from our laboratory is available on objectively
drate ingestion, a substantially normal lifestyle may be measured exercise capacity [9]. To our knowledge, there
possible in some children with McArdle disease. are no longitudinal or follow-up data available relative to
© 2008 by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. the value of increased physical activity in pediatric pa-
tients with McArdle disease.

From *Department of Exercise Physiology, Universidad Europea de Communications should be addressed to:
Madrid, Madrid, Spain; †Department of Exercise and Sport Science, Dr. Lucía; Universidad Europea de Madrid (Polideportivo);
University of Wisconsin-La Crosse, La Crosse, Wisconsin; ‡Centro de 28670 Villaviciosa de Odón, Madrid, Spain.
Investigación, Hospital Universitario 12 de Octubre, Madrid, Spain; E-mail:
and §Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red de Enfermedades Received July 19, 2007; accepted October 1, 2007.
Raras, Spain.

© 2008 by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. Pérez et al: Exercise and McArdle Disease 133
doi:10.1016/j.pediatrneurol.2007.10.005 ● 0887-8994/08/$—see front matter
We report on the 1-year evolution of clinical severity and friends) were also encouraged. To prevent the occurrence of exercise-
exercise capacity of a 9-year-old boy with McArdle disease. induced rhabdomyolysis, we instructed his physical-education teach-
ers to restrict those specific exercises that involved high local muscle
Instead of following a sedentary lifestyle as frequently loads (in particular, lifting weights). His parents, educators, and the
recommended, he was able to adopt a normal lifestyle patient himself were instructed regarding oral ingestion of (1) ⬃100
secondary to using some specific nutritional manipulations, g of complex carbohydrates (pasta, rice, and bread) during breakfast
with only a few specific exercise restrictions. and lunch to prevent a decrease in blood glucose concentration during
day, and (2) a commercialized sports drink (250-mL solution contain-
ing ⬃20 g of simple carbohydrates, i.e., glucose and fructose) during
the warm-up period before any vigorous exercise (in particular,
Case Report physical-education and swimming classes).
We maintained periodic contact with the patient’s parents (once a
The patient’s parents provided informed consent before testing, and month) by telephone. Blood analysis for follow-up of baseline creatine
the study was approved by our institutional ethics committee. From kinase levels was performed every 4 months until the next visit to our
age 5 years, the patient had complained of marked muscle weakness laboratory, 1 year later (July 2007). During this visit, the patient repeated
and myalgia (predominantly in the legs during uphill walking and the exercise test.
running), easy fatigability, and exercise intolerance, especially during
mandatory physical-education classes. Accordingly, he was generally Results and Discussion
less active than most of his peers from a young age. His parents and
relatives had no McArdle-like signs. At age 8 years, he was hospitalized The patient did not experience any exercise-related
after an episode of severe myalgia and muscle weakness in both legs,
proteinuria (150 mg/dL), hematuria (250/␮L), hyperthermia, and
complications during the 1-year period, during which he
elevated serum creatine kinase (4270 U/L) after noncompetitive was as physically active as any other child of his age not
swimming [9]. Most signs disappeared after 12 hours. After hospital- competing in sports. Baseline serum creatine kinase
ization, the diagnosis was based on muscle biochemistry (undetect- levels decreased and remained well below 1000 U/L
able myophosphorylase activity) and molecular genetics (the patient (Fig 1). This is an important finding because, in most
was homozygous for the common R50X mutation in the PYGM gene).
McArdle patients, basal levels of serum creatine kinase
A histochemical analysis of the muscle biopsy indicated a complete
absence of myophosphorylase staining. The muscle-tissue architec- (an indicator of muscle damage) [12] are consistently
ture was preserved, and the majority of muscle fibers were of uniform elevated even when following a sedentary lifestyle, i.e.,
size, without structural alterations. Glycogen had accumulated in a mean of ⬃3,000 U/L in male patients [5]. Thus, our
small, subsarcolemmal vacuoles and in the intermyofibrillar spaces. results suggest that reduced chronic muscle damage is
After diagnosis, his parents were initially advised to have the child an adaptation to regular physical activity. This is in line
refrain from vigorous physical activities (e.g., formal physical edu-
with recent data suggesting that the stimulus of muscle
cation or swimming classes) and to follow a sedentary lifestyle.
The child’s energy expenditure during physical activity in the protein synthesis prompted by exercise training might
4-month period between diagnosis and his first visit to our laboratory counterbalance, at least partly, the muscle-wasting ob-
was estimated with the metabolic equivalent/minute method, follow- served in McArdle disease [5]. This is an important
ing the most recent joint recommendations of the American College of consideration, because evidence continues to accumu-
Sports Medicine and the American Heart Association [10]. Briefly, late that, in most chronic diseases, impaired functional
one metabolic equivalent/minute represents an individual’s energy
expenditure while sitting quietly for 1 minute, whereas walking at 3
capacity and exercise intolerance are significantly re-
miles per hour (i.e., moderate-intensity activity) and running at 5 lated to associated muscle-wasting [13].
miles per hour on a flat, hard surface (i.e., vigorous activity) Both the patient and his parents reported a significant
represents about 3.3 and 8 metabolic equivalents/minute, respectively. improvement in his exercise tolerance, compared with
Most physical activities performed by the child were of light intensity his exercise tolerance before he visited our laboratory 1
(⬍3.0 metabolic equivalents/minute, e.g., walking slowly around the
year earlier. He reported an almost total absence of the
home, and leisure-time occupations). He seldom performed any
moderate-intensity activity (3.0-6.0 metabolic equivalents/minute,
such as walking at a brisk pace or bicycling slowly on a flat surface),
and performed no vigorous activity (⬎6.0 metabolic equivalents/
minute, e.g., basketball or other ball games, or swimming at a
moderate-to-hard pace). Thus, his activity levels were well below the
widely accepted recommendations for health promotion in children,
who should be accumulating ⱖ60 minutes of moderate-to-vigorous
(ⱖ6 metabolic equivalents/minute) physical activity on most or all
days of the week [11].
Four months after diagnosis, the patient and his parents visited our
laboratory (in July 2006) for the patient to perform a graded exercise
treadmill test until volitional exhaustion to determine peak oxygen
uptake, as previously described in detail [9], with pre-exercise (baseline)
and post-exercise blood sampling for lactate, glucose, and serum creatine
kinase activity determination.
After the test, we recommended that he gradually engage in
noncompetitive swimming classes (2-3/week) and join his classmates
Figure 1. Child’s basal levels of serum creatine kinase activity in
in his usual physical-education classes (1-2 per week). Other vigorous different time periods. See text for explanations and examples of “light,”
recreational activities (e.g., ball games, or hiking with parents and “moderate,” and “strenuous” physical activities.


“second wind” phenomenon, i.e., unpleasant signs of latter test, it clearly surpassed the mean value of our
early fatigue (e.g., tachycardia or breathlessness) at the laboratory for male patients with McArdle disease (18.7
start of dynamic exercise (such as brisk walking) which mL/kg/min) [5], although it remained below Spanish
disappear after 5-10 minutes of exercise [14]. Basically, norms for age and gender [15]. This result, which reflects
the patient could perform the same types of activities as the beneficial effects of the increase in physical-activity
his classmates, and had adopted a much more positive levels combined with the pre-exercise carbohydrate inges-
attitude (fear-free) toward exercise, which was accom- tion, is clinically relevant, because the peak oxygen uptake
panied by a similar attitude on the part of his parents of McArdle patients is typically very low, and this variable
and teachers. Thus, his physical activity levels had is widely considered the single best indicator of aerobic
increased to ⱖ60 minutes of moderate-to-vigorous ac- physical fitness and is a powerful, independent indicator of
tivities (ⱖ6.0 metabolic equivalents/minute) during 3-4 health status [16].
days per week. He could easily tolerate vigorous activ-
In conclusion, the results of this case study support the
ities that should be part of the daily living of healthy
therapeutic role of routine physical activity and structured
children, such as recreational (noncompetitive) swim-
exercise training, combined with pre-exercise carbohy-
ming (8.0-11.0 metabolic equivalents), ball games com-
drate ingestion, in some children with McArdle disease.
monly included in physical-education classes (e.g.,
recreational soccer, ⬃7.0 metabolic equivalents), and By using simple dietary measures which can partially
tennis (singles, ⬃8.0 metabolic equivalents). Only run- compensate for the underlying metabolic disorder in
ning was less well-tolerated than in his peers, though McArdle disease, and by returning to age-appropriate
this was subjectively attributed to associated breathless- physical activities, our patient was able to recover much of
ness and simple lack of preference (as opposed to his functional ability and quality of life. As such, we
swimming) rather than to any objective muscular prob- believe that this approach deserves a therapeutic trial in
lem. Muscle weakness had disappeared in his upper and children with this disease.
lower limbs (e.g., his arms were strong enough to allow
him to play tennis), and his myalgia was significantly
reduced. He reported no episodes of myoglobinuria, This work was supported by grants PI040487, PI041157, and PI040362
from the Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria. M.G.-F. is also supported by
even during the hours after demanding physical-educa-
the Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria.
tion classes. Finally, he was well-habituated to the
pre-exercise ingestion of the carbohydrate solution on a
daily basis. He did not feel that reliance on this
nutritional intervention (which implied carrying a sports
drink with him during most daily hours) affected his
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