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Fossils are rare. Most of us will never find the skeleton of a dinosaur in our yards
or even in the wild. And even when we do find the fossil of some ancient creature,
it is usually just a small shell or an unrecognizable part of something that lived
hundreds of millions of years ago. A well-preserved fossil is a beautiful object,
however, and many people would be happy to display one in their homes. In the
past, it was difficult to purchase fossils. These days, however, the Internet means
rare or unusual fossils may be just a mouse-click away. This fact, combined with
fossils' relative rarity, makes them an attractive target for people seeking to make
money by selling fakes,
Although fossils are generally rare, there are places where they are surprisingly
widespread. In some of these locations, it is possible to find a great many fossils
just lying among the rocks. The vast majority of them are just ugly pieces of
broken bone. To the untrained eye, in fact, they may even look like chunks of rock.
Some of these low-quality fossils are sold illegally, especially over the Internet, but
what collectors are really interested in are high-quality fossils. People want to have
a fossil that they can recognize, such as one of a complete animal or insect. And
for those with plenty of money, the most valued and desired fossil is a well-
preserved, complete dinosaur.

The problem is that the demand for high-quality fossils far exceeds the supply. As
a result, more and more fake fossils are flooding the market. Most of the fakes that
are sold online or to unsuspecting tourists are completely artificial and even easy
for knowledgeable amateurs to spot. But some of the best fake fossils are made
from real fossils, and these can be hard to recognize as fake. For example, fossils
from individuals of the same species found in different places and at different
times can be joined to form a complete animal. Alternatively, pieces of completely
different animals may be joined to make a "new species " The discovery of a new
fossil species is a major scientific event, so people making fake fossils realize that
a very rare fossil might be worth thousands of dollars. Consequently, extremely
realistic fakes have become quite common in recent years. In fact, some fake
fossils are so well made that scientists have been fooled at first.
In 1999, paleontologists announced the discovery of a fascinating new dinosaur
called Archaeoraptor. This species seemed to be a clear link between dinosaurs and
birds. News of the find was published in serious scientific journals and was widely
reported in the popular media, too. However, after closer examination, it turned out
that the fossil was a fake made by joining the tail of a dinosaur together with the
arms of a primitive bird. Archaeoraptor is now considered one of the most
successful scientific hoaxes of the past century.
Apart from embarrassing some scientists What is the danger of fake or illegal
fossils? The biggest problem is that people collecting fossils to sell on the Internet
cause enormous damage to the regions in which the fossils are found. Many fossils
that are important to science are destroyed in an effort to get to the most attractive
specimens. Moreover, even when these fossils are collected with good intentions, a
great deal of valuable information is lost. In addition to the fossil itself, scientists
need to know exactly where a fossil was found in order to know how old it is and
what kind of environment the animal lived in. Fortunately, governments are
starting to realize the value of their fossil resources and are making an effort to
protect them.

1. What is the best title for this passage?

Where to Buy Real Fossils
The Problem of Fake Fossils
How to Find Fossils
A Guide to Finding Fossils
2. What point does the author NOT make in paragraph A?
It used to be difficult to sell or buy fossils.
It is possible to purchase fossils using the Internet.
It is not easy to recognize the species of some fossil.
People like attractive fossils because they are rare.

3. What is the meaning of the word widespread in paragraph B


4. What does the word “them" in paragraph B refer to ?


5. What does the author imply in paragraph B?

People are less skilled at recognizing fossil skeletons these days than they were in
the past.
Complete dinosaur fossils generally sell for more money than other types of
At places where there are a lot of fossils, people have accidentally broken many of
People less skilled at recognizing fossil skeletons can learn more about high-
quality fossils through the internet
6. What is the author's main purpose in paragraph C?
To explain why and how some people make fake fossils
To contrast the appearance of real fossils and fake fossils
To suggest archaeologists can recognize most fake fossils
To suggest the ways to learn how to make fake fossils

7 What do we learn about fossils in paragraph C

Real fossils cannot be found nowadays,
Real fossils from different places can be joined to form a complete skeleton,
Fake fossils are now easy to recognize by scientist.
Fake fossils are as expensive as the real ones,

8 What point does the author make in paradraph.D?

Archaeoraptor was created as a result of media interest in fossils,
Archaeoraptor was the greatest scientific discovery in the 20th century.
Archaeoraptor was the most expensive fake skeleton.
Even though it was a fake, the Archasotaptor fossil was believable.

9. What is not the danger of fake or illegal fossils that is mentioned in paragraph
The illegal trade on scientific information
The destroy of scientific information
The loss of scientific information
The damage to the regions in which the fossils are fround
10. What is the author's pinion about fake fossils in paragraph E?
Concerned they will become more common
Realistic about the challenges and solutions
Worried about the loss of the real fossils
Frustrated about the lack of official reaction
The survivors of the USS Indianapolis
On 30th July 1945, an American ship called the USS Indianapolis was returning
from a secret mission in the South Pacific when a Japanese submarine fired two
torpedoes and sank it. Most of the ship's crew escaped before the ship went under
the water, but they found themselves in the middle of the ocean, without any life
boats. For the next five days, until an American ship arrived to rescue them, the
men could only stay together and swim. At the time of the rescue, out of a crew of
1,196, only 317 men had survived. Of the rest, most had died of thirst or salt water
poisoning, and many had got exhausted and drowned. Others had died from shark
attacks. The survivors were in shock. They had lived in fear of being eaten by
sharks for five days. It was something they would never forget.
Since 1960, the survivors have been meeting for reunions in Indianapolis to see
their old shipmates, tell their stories and remember the worst week of their lives. In
2015, 14 of the 31 remaining survivors got together for the 70th anniversary of the
incident. It was not lost on the hundreds of family members, friends and dignitaries
in attendance that there may not be a similar gathering on the 75th. The reunions
have been held annually for the last few years (after being biannual for several
years before that), but with most of the survivors in their nineties, à vote is now
taken every year whether to continue. Our numbers are dropping fast, says Harold
Bray, a retired police officer from Benicia, California, who at 38 is the youngest
survivor left. We ve lost three since the last reunion is really tough to belong to a
dub hike this
The reunion, however, doesn't only remember the terrible experience the men had
in the waters of the South Pacific. It also recalls the secret mission the USS
Indianapolis had carried out four days before the ship sank. The crew of the
Indianapolis had landed at Tinian Island south of Japan and delivered the
components for the atomic bomb that would be dropped on Hiroshima less than
two weeks later. By the time the survivors recovered from their ordeal - most were
close to death when they were accidentally spotted by a passing air force pilot -
World War Il was over.
1. Most of the men on the ship died
while trying to get into lifeboats,
after being rescued.
as soon as the ship sank.
within five days of the ship sinking,

2. The main reason why the men died was

from not having fresh water to drink from exhaustion.
because sharks attacked and killed them,
as a result of shock after the ship sank.

3. The reunions have always taken place

in the same location.
at the same time of year.
over a one-week period.
on a ship

4 At the 2015 reunion,

they celebrated the 75th get-together since the disaster.
all the remaining survivors of the disaster came to the event.
not every survivor was able to attend the event.
there were only survivors of the disaster at the event,
5. Many people at the 2015 event
were there for the first time.
were critical of its organization.
felt that it was perhaps one of the last.
felt that it had lost its original purpose

6. The article says that reunions

haven’t always happened every year.
have always ended with a vote,
are usually a biannual event.
now number seventy or more,

7. Since the last reunion

two years passed by,
it's been hard to keep in touch
the youngest of the survivors has died.
three of the survivors have died.

8. According to the article, the mission of the USS Indianapolis in July 1945
was forgotten for a long time,
is still a secret
is always remembered at the reunion.
Was a disaster
9. The article does not reveal
when the secret mission took place.
if a reunion has taken place since 2015.
what the ship carried on its mission.
the place the ship went to.

10. The survivors were rescued

when an air force pilot saw them in the sea.
before the secret mission was completed.
after an organized search.
after the end of the war.

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