You are on page 1of 6

Grupa A Klasa .................... Numer z dziennika ..... 45 min Data ................

Imię .................................................................................. Liczba punktów ...... / 40 p. Ocena .............

Test 6 poziom podstawowy

1 Choose the correct options to complete the text. ( ... / 5 p.)
I recently went to watch a volleyball match in the local sports hall. Our local team was playing, and their (1)
opponents / referees were from a city nearby. It was really exciting and there was a (2) coach / crowd of over
a thousand, so it got very noisy. I couldn’t believe how hard the players were able to (3) keep / hit the ball. It
was so fast! After two hours, our guys finally managed to (4) beat / win the other team, and the supporters all
ran onto the (5) court / course to celebrate.
2 Choose the correct option a, b or c to complete the sentences. ( ... / 5 p.)
1. It’s so ___ outside that you can hardly see the end of the street.
A. clear B. cloudy C. foggy
2. We climbed the tree, but then the ___ broke and we fell onto the grass.
A. branch B. leaf C. bush
3. The ___ put its long neck into the water to search for food.
A. bat B. swan C. goat
4. Please think of five ways to ___ energy at home.
A. air B. sort C. save
5. We looked down at the ___ with its golden sand and rocky cliffs.
A. valley B. stream C. bay
3 Match speakers 1-5 with sentences A-F. There is one extra sentence you do not need to use. ( ... / 5 p.)
This speaker…
1. . A. mentions some new sports equipment.
2. . B. talks about a race that they watched.
3. . C. describes the place where the event was held.
4. . D. talks about a way to keep fit.
5. . E. wasn’t allowed to take part in an event.
F. didn’t agree with a decision.

Grupa A | strona 1 z 6
4 Read the text and match paragraphs 1-5 with headings A-F. There is one extra heading. ( ... / 5 p.)
1 ____
In the animal world there are all sorts of creatures, some are cute and nice, others are ugly, dangerous or
horrible. They all have their place in the animal kingdom, and like it or not, we just have to live with them.
One example is the mosquito, that annoying little insect that loves to bite us just when we’re sitting down to a
nice barbeque in the garden. Wouldn’t it be great if there were no mosquitos at all? Well, yes and no. This is
because they are an important part of the diet of many birds, fish and frogs, and are therefore another link in
the food chain.
2 ____
Another animal we all love to hate are rats. Modern cities have thousands or even millions of them, and most
people think that they are responsible for many diseases. Rats are actually highly intelligent and live together
in very organised communities where each member has their own role. Their intelligence is one reason why
we use them for experiments, as it allows us to explore how they react in different situations. This can tell us
a lot about our own behaviour and how we interact with one another in large groups.
3 ____
The next unpopular animal are sharks, probably one of the most misunderstood of all creatures. Today, many
people would list sharks as one of the most frightening and dangerous of all animals. In fact, it is extremely
unusual for them to attack humans. You are more likely to be bitten by a dog, snake or insect than a shark. It
is probably because of books and films that we have such a fear of this king of the ocean, but we should also
remember that sharks are at the top of the food chain. So next time you are at the beach, you shouldn’t be
afraid of going into the water.
4 ____
OK, so what’s next? Following on from sharks, let’s look at another meat eater but this time on land – the
wolf. They appear in many traditional children’s stories and hundreds of years ago were very common all
across Europe. Today there aren’t many left, and although their numbers are growing, you are still unlikely
ever to meet one face to face. This is not only because they are mostly active at night, but also for the simple
reason that they will see or smell you before you see them. Just like sharks, they almost never attack people,
so you only need to be worried if you’re a sheep.
5 ____
To finish with, what about something that flies? Yes, you guessed correctly, it’s bats. These amazing creatures
are difficult to observe, but are absolutely fascinating. Their flying skills are incredible, and they can be found
in more places than you might imagine. Many countries now list bats as a protected species, and houses are
even built so that they are as bat-friendly as possible. But if you’re not sure whether you like them or not,
remember, they love to eat mosquitos!
1. . A. A shadow in the dark.
2. . B. A food source.
3. . C. Small but smart.
4. . D. More useful than you think.
5. . E. Not so scary.
F. Life on the water.

Grupa A | strona 2 z 6
5 Complete the short dialogues. Choose a, b or c. ( ... / 5 p.)
1. X: I heard that Italy has a huge problem because of no rain.
Y: ___
X: I wonder if our trip to lake Como will be cancelled because of it.
A. Yes, there is a terrible flood at the moment.
B. Yes, they said there was a lot of lightning.
C. That’s right, they are having a long drought.
2. X: OK, let’s go. I really want to try out this new snowboard.
Y: ___
X: Really? Well, you can’t go without them, your hands will get freezing.
A. Oh no, I haven’t got my goggles.
B. Hang on, where are the races?
C. Wait, I’ve forgotten my gloves.
3. X: Did you see Murphy’s performance yesterday?
Y: ___
X: That’s right, she jumped 5 metres further than anyone ever before.
A. Yes, she actually broke the world record.
B. Yeah, she got so close to the world record.
C. Of course, I thought she was going to break the world record.
4. X: It was cold early this morning, wasn’t it?
Y: ___
X: I even had to put my winter jacket on.
A. Yes, it was much warmer than I thought it would be.
B. Oh yeah, it felt really chilly.
C. Yes, I was surprised how mild it was.
5. X: I heard that they want to make this a national park.
Y: ___
X: That’s good and bad because it will attract more tourists.
A. Yes, they want it to be an endangered area.
B. Yes, the area will be its natural habitat.
C. Yes, it’s going to be a protected area.
6 Use one word to complete the two sentences. ( ... / 5 p.)
1 __________
• You need to ___ this fitness test if you want to be on the team.
• OK guys, you need to ___ the ball to one another more often.
2 __________
• The goalkeeper let ___ a goal that she should have saved.
• Elephants ___ the wild live much longer than those you can see at the zoo.
3 __________
• The forecast says there will be ___ showers this afternoon.
• The gas is so ___ that it rises up into the atmosphere.
4 __________
• The idea is to ___ the frisbee as far as you can.
• I’m going to ___ this out because we don’t need it anymore.
5 __________
• He can ___ faster than anyone else in the team.
• We’ll soon ___ out of time and won’t be able to save many animal species.
7 Write an email. ( ... / 10 p.)

W najbliższy weekend weźmiesz udział w imprezie sportowej. Napisz e-mail do kolegi w którym:
• poinformujesz o miejscu i czasie imprezy,
• zaprosisz kolegę do kibicowania,
• wyjaśnisz, dlaczego impreza jest dla ciebie ważna,
• poprosisz o zachęcenie innych do wzięcia udziału w tej imprezie.

Rozwiń swoją wypowiedź w każdym z czterech podpunktów, pamiętając, że jej długość powinna wynosić od
100 do 150 słów.

Grupa A | strona 3 z 6
Grupa B Klasa .................... Numer z dziennika ..... 45 min Data ................
Imię .................................................................................. Liczba punktów ...... / 40 p. Ocena .............

Test 6 poziom podstawowy

1 Choose the correct options to complete the text. ( ... / 5 p.)
I recently went to watch a volleyball match in the local sports hall. Our local team was playing, and their (1)
referees / opponents were from a city nearby. It was really exciting and there was a (2) crowd / coach of over
a thousand, so it got very noisy. I couldn’t believe how hard the players were able to (3) hit / keep the ball. It
was so fast! After two hours, our guys finally managed to (4) beat / win the other team, and the supporters all
ran onto the (5) course / court to celebrate.
2 Choose the correct option a, b or c to complete the sentences. ( ... / 5 p.)
1. It’s so ___ outside that you can hardly see the end of the street.
A. cloudy B. foggy C. clear
2. We climbed the tree, but then the ___ broke and we fell onto the grass.
A. leaf B. branch C. bush
3. The ___ put its long neck into the water to search for food.
A. swan B. bat C. goat
4. Please think of five ways to ___ energy at home.
A. air B. save C. sort
5. We looked down at the ___ with its golden sand and rocky cliffs.
A. bay B. stream C. valley
3 Match speakers 1-5 with sentences A-F. There is one extra sentence you do not need to use. ( ... / 5 p.)
This speaker…
1. . A. describes the place where the event was held.
2. . B. wasn’t allowed to take part in an event.
3. . C. didn’t agree with a decision.
4. . D. talks about a race that they watched.
5. . E. mentions some new sports equipment.
F. talks about a way to keep fit.

Grupa A | strona 4 z 6
4 Read the text and match paragraphs 1-5 with headings A-F. There is one extra heading. ( ... / 5 p.)
1 ____
In the animal world there are all sorts of creatures, some are cute and nice, others are ugly, dangerous or
horrible. They all have their place in the animal kingdom, and like it or not, we just have to live with them.
One example is the mosquito, that annoying little insect that loves to bite us just when we’re sitting down to a
nice barbeque in the garden. Wouldn’t it be great if there were no mosquitos at all? Well, yes and no. This is
because they are an important part of the diet of many birds, fish and frogs, and are therefore another link in
the food chain.
2 ____
Another animal we all love to hate are rats. Modern cities have thousands or even millions of them, and most
people think that they are responsible for many diseases. Rats are actually highly intelligent and live together
in very organised communities where each member has their own role. Their intelligence is one reason why
we use them for experiments, as it allows us to explore how they react in different situations. This can tell us
a lot about our own behaviour and how we interact with one another in large groups.
3 ____
The next unpopular animal are sharks, probably one of the most misunderstood of all creatures. Today, many
people would list sharks as one of the most frightening and dangerous of all animals. In fact, it is extremely
unusual for them to attack humans. You are more likely to be bitten by a dog, snake or insect than a shark. It
is probably because of books and films that we have such a fear of this king of the ocean, but we should also
remember that sharks are at the top of the food chain. So next time you are at the beach, you shouldn’t be
afraid of going into the water.
4 ____
OK, so what’s next? Following on from sharks, let’s look at another meat eater but this time on land – the
wolf. They appear in many traditional children’s stories and hundreds of years ago were very common all
across Europe. Today there aren’t many left, and although their numbers are growing, you are still unlikely
ever to meet one face to face. This is not only because they are mostly active at night, but also for the simple
reason that they will see or smell you before you see them. Just like sharks, they almost never attack people,
so you only need to be worried if you’re a sheep.
5 ____
To finish with, what about something that flies? Yes, you guessed correctly, it’s bats. These amazing creatures
are difficult to observe, but are absolutely fascinating. Their flying skills are incredible, and they can be found
in more places than you might imagine. Many countries now list bats as a protected species, and houses are
even built so that they are as bat-friendly as possible. But if you’re not sure whether you like them or not,
remember, they love to eat mosquitos!
1. . A. Small but smart.
2. . B. Not so scary.
3. . C. More useful than you think.
4. . D. A food source.
5. . E. Life on the water.
F. A shadow in the dark.

Grupa A | strona 5 z 6
5 Complete the short dialogues. Choose a, b or c. ( ... / 5 p.)
1. X: I heard that Italy has a huge problem because of no rain.
Y: ___
X: I wonder if our trip to lake Como will be cancelled because of it.
A. Yes, there is a terrible flood at the moment.
B. That’s right, they are having a long drought.
C. Yes, they said there was a lot of lightning.
2. X: OK, let’s go. I really want to try out this new snowboard.
Y: ___
X: Really? Well, you can’t go without them, your hands will get freezing.
A. Wait, I’ve forgotten my gloves.
B. Hang on, where are the races?
C. Oh no, I haven’t got my goggles.
3. X: Did you see Murphy’s performance yesterday?
Y: ___
X: That’s right, she jumped 5 metres further than anyone ever before.
A. Yeah, she got so close to the world record.
B. Of course, I thought she was going to break the world record.
C. Yes, she actually broke the world record.
4. X: It was cold early this morning, wasn’t it?
Y: ___
X: I even had to put my winter jacket on.
A. Oh yeah, it felt really chilly.
B. Yes, I was surprised how mild it was.
C. Yes, it was much warmer than I thought it would be.
5. X: I heard that they want to make this a national park.
Y: ___
X: That’s good and bad because it will attract more tourists.
A. Yes, they want it to be an endangered area.
B. Yes, it’s going to be a protected area.
C. Yes, the area will be its natural habitat.
6 Use one word to complete the two sentences. ( ... / 5 p.)
1 __________
• The idea is to ___ the frisbee as far as you can.
• I’m going to ___ this out because we don’t need it anymore.
2 __________
• The forecast says there will be ___ showers this afternoon.
• The gas is so ___ that it rises up into the atmosphere.
3 __________
• You need to ___ this fitness test if you want to be on the team.
• OK guys, you need to ___ the ball to one another more often.
4 __________
• He can ___ faster than anyone else in the team.
• We’ll soon ___ out of time and won’t be able to save many animal species.
5 __________
• The goalkeeper let ___ a goal that she should have saved.
• Elephants ___ the wild live much longer than those you can see at the zoo.
7 Write an email. ( ... / 10 p.)

W najbliższy weekend weźmiesz udział w imprezie sportowej. Napisz e-mail do kolegi w którym:
• poinformujesz o miejscu i czasie imprezy,
• zaprosisz kolegę do kibicowania,
• wyjaśnisz, dlaczego impreza jest dla ciebie ważna,
• poprosisz o zachęcenie innych do wzięcia udziału w tej imprezie.

Rozwiń swoją wypowiedź w każdym z czterech podpunktów, pamiętając, że jej długość powinna wynosić od
100 do 150 słów.

Grupa A | strona 6 z 6

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