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It is proved that land grabbing is a problem of todays world.

It is a way of making
business that benefit one side and harms the other, both in huge ways. Usually, foreign
investors will look for good agricultural soils in countries with very low governance
indicators. For example, Ethiopia, Papua Nueva Guinea, Senegal or Mozambique, are
countries where the corruption is very high and the voices of the people are not listened.
In contrast, are generally rich countries whom will invest in these places. Mainly they
will because they will find much better places and they will skip red tapes. Red tapes
are fundamental for taking care of the land and of the people. It is true that it can make
much harder and long lasting the process to exploit a land, but it will also give out
results about what people think about the exploitation and about the possible
environmental impacts.
Land grabbing have two enriched guilts, the investors and, mostly, the governments.
Mainly, are private companies the ones that try to land grab, so it is not as complicated
to local governments to deny it as it would be if foreign governments with much more
power try to grab them. I believe they are the guiltiest actors in this issue because they
have total right and capacity to prevent it.
In conclusion, I am a firm believer that foreign investment can help developing
economies to grow by giving new technologies and methods, but never by taking out
their resources and giving nothing in return.

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