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Unit 1 Social networks

Writing subsection
Argumentative writing
An argumentative piece of writing
presents arguments about both sides of
an issue, so contrasting ideas are
presented in this type of writing.
In order to show contrasting ideas
we can use words and expressions
that show contrasts.

For example?
Should employers judge applicants by their online profiles?
On the one hand
On the other hand

Different steps of writing

• First step: analyzing the topic

• Second step: Brainstorming and outlining
• Third step: writing the topic sentence; the sentence that summarizes
the main idea of a paragraph. It is usually the first sentence in a
• Fourth step: Developing the paragraph with supporting ideas.
• Fifth step: writing the concluding sentence; the sentence that gives a
sense of completion. It restates the topic sentence.
Sixth step: Editing
Writing assignment
Write a paragraph about the following topic in 120-150 words.

Should songs with violent lyrics be banned?

 Topic sentence is clear, correctly placed, and is restated in
the closing sentence.

 The paragraph has three or more supporting detail

sentences that relate back to the main idea.

 Each supporting detail sentence has three or more

elaborating detail sentences.

 Paragraph has no errors in punctuation, spelling, and


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