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Good morning everyone.

How are you today?

Let me to ask you some questions.

Do you know what the biggest desert in the world?

Do you ever imagine for living in the desert?

Well everyone, today I'm going to tell you a story that I believe it will open your eyes, open your mind
about managing time well to study. The story's tittle is "the wan in the desert"

Before starting the story, I would like to introduce myself. My name is . . . . I am from MA Sains
Roudlotul Qur'an Lamongan.

Let's begin the story.

Once upon time, there was a man who was walking on the desert. He had walked for several days. His
water supply started running out, so finding the water to drink was his only destination now. he walked,
walked and kept walking. He hoped to find a water source or met a person who could give him water in

"I have walked for several days but I still don't find the water, I am very thirsty. Oh God, please show me
the way to get the water to drink", the man said.

The man started walking again. After a few hours, she showed a person, he was an old man who was
sitting alone in the desert.

"What is that? Is that a man? Why is he sitting alone in the desert?" The man said.

The man tried to approach the old man and started asking some questions.

"Excuse me. Why are you here sir? Why do you just stay silent?" The man asked.

After asking many time and no answers from the old man, finally, he left him and tried to continue his
way to find the water. After several steps, he heard a voice from the old man.

"Your decision to walk straight has been right. You will find a small lake with the pure water. You can
drink, you swim, you can enjoy the water, and you can do everything there. But remember, take
everything you can take there as much as possible, because when you have left that lake, you will not be
able to come to the lake again." said the old man.

Hearing it, the man only thought that the old man was crazy. He thought that it was impossible to find a
lake in the desert.
After several hours walking, he didn't get any water source and it made him passed out. When he
opened his eyes, he saw nothing but his ears heard the water splash. His spirit came again. He was so
happy and got up from the ground and started looking for the source of the water splash.

Finally, he found the lake. He was very happy. He ran into the lake, jumped and swam there. He drank
and enjoyed the water. And after enjoying the water, he remembered what that old man said to take
everything he could take in the lake. He looked around and though what he could take.

He decided to take some gravels from the lake and put in his pocket. He left the lake and continued his
journey. At night, he was tired and slept. Suddenly, the gravels he kept in his pocket distrubed his sleep
and woke him up. He took them and threw away.

“Awwww what’s this? You distrub my sleep.” Shouted and threw the gravels.

In the end, the the gravels becames the diamond and he was regret why he didn’t take a lot of garvels in
the lake, but now he could not find the lake anymore.

Well, from my story, we can imagine that the lake is our school. So when you listen and do what your
teachers teach in the class you will get a lot of knowledge, but during studying in the class, you sleep or
don’t listen or do what your teachers ask, you will get nothing. So, use the time you still have

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