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Debate: Why the United States Should Not Be the World’s Policeman

Victoria’s Argument- Against

The United States should not continue acting as the world’s policeman for several reasons:

1. Violation of Sovereignty:

The U.S. invasion of Iraq in 2003 ignored Iraq's right to govern itself. This invasion was criticized
worldwide because it was done without United Nations approval and was based on false claims
about weapons of mass destruction. The result was long-term instability and conflict in Iraq,
showing how such actions can seriously harm other nations.

2. Human Rights Violations:

The U.S. military's actions in Iraq included severe human rights abuses, such as killing civilians,
secret detentions, and torture. These abuses hurt many Iraqis and damaged America's global
reputation. Amnesty International reported these violations and emphasized the lack of
accountability for these actions.

3. Financial Burden:

The Iraq War has cost the U.S. trillions of dollars, which could have been used to address
domestic issues like healthcare and education. Despite the huge expense, the goals of peace
and democracy in Iraq were not achieved. This financial strain shows the high cost of trying to
police the world.

By considering these points, it's clear that the U.S. acting as the world's policeman can lead to
serious issues, including violating other nations' rights, causing human suffering, and wasting
resources. This suggests the need for more cooperation with other countries instead of acting

Randelf- For

I think america should continue being the policeman of the world because- it's our responsibility
as a global superpower to maintain peace even if it isn't in our country or radius. Without US
involvement chaos and aggression could prevail in various regions of the world. For example
the Russians influencing other nations to become communist too like vietnam china etc. Also
many nations look to the US for protection and support through treaties like nato, seato, etc.
Also ensuring economic stability can benefit us in global trade and other economic interests.
Also as soon as the US enters a war or a conflict it deters most aggression of said groups or
nations because of the power the US has.

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