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12 Steps to Success and Money

Diamond Feng Shui E-Book

By Marie Diamond

Copyright Marie Diamond s.r.o, 2015

Marie Diamond is a Global Transformational Leader, Teacher,
Speaker and Author. She is also the Feng Shui Master and Star in
the global phenomena and bestseller: “The Secret”. She brings
Personal and Corporate Transformation to the World.
She has students and clients worldwide. Her Vision is to Enlighten
and Transform more than 500 million people. She is a founding
member of the Transformational Leadership Council, founded by
Jack Canfield and she founded and is President of the European
Association of Transformational Leaders.
For more information go to
Join her on Facebook:
LinkedIn: Marie Diamond
Marie Diamond is Global SME business partner for Lyoness. She
teaches, advises and mentors the Global leaders of Lyoness. She is
also Keynote speaker in Sensation Las Vegas in 2015.
When you have a Lyoness cash back card, you receive Cash back
when you shop on her website and when you join her at her life
seminars. When you are not Lyoness member yet, you can join the
Marie Diamond Lyoness Loyalty card and receive cash back from
any purchases you make on and more
than 40,000 Lyoness business partners worldwide. Connect with to order your personal loyalty card.
In the spring of 2015 Marie Diamond launches her new English
book: “Transform your Life”
In 2015 – 2016 she is touring the globe with her Seminar tour:

“Transform your Life – Transform the World”.
You will be able to see Marie Diamond life at work in:
- Slovakia on 6th and 7th of June 2015
- Czechie in April 2015
- Austria on May 2nd, 2015
- Croatia, May 2015
- Belgium on May 31st and June 1st, 2015
- The Netherlands on June 20nd and 21st, 2015
- United Kingdom in Spring 2015 (exact date to be announced)
- Spain in Spring 2015 (exact date to be announced)
o Los Angeles, San Francisco, Minneapolis in August
o New York, Florida in September 2015
- Sweden on September 22nd 2015
- Norway on September 23rd 2015
- Mexico: November 2015
- Dominican Republic: November 2015
- Dubai: December 2015

In this E-book Marie Diamond shares with you 12 steps to activate

your Success and Money with Diamond Feng Shui Steps.
In March 2015, Marie Diamond launches her new Marie Diamond
App with a special Diamond Compass to find your personal best
directions, to receive personal messages and your Tubes of Light
Your next step is to create a vision board and place it in your
personal success direction. Click here for more information on the
Vision Board program for 2015. Or copy this link in your browser:
It includes the audio of the one day seminar with Marie Diamond,
your personal energy number information, images, colors, and

vision board outlines for your energy number. The Price is
normally 98 € but for you today it is ONLY 68 €.
For more information on Marie Diamond: (English) (Spanish) (Nederlands) (Slovak and Czech)
Enjoy this E-Book
Transformational Regards
Marie Diamond and her Diamond Team

First Step to Attract Success and Money
Let go of Failure
In order to create change in your life, you have to release the past.
Let go of anything representing your old business adventures,
projects or jobs that didn’t work out for you. Put them all in a box
and put it in the garbage bin if you are ready to let them go. If you
still need this information, store it somewhere else than in your
office, like your garage or guestroom. You are telling the universe
there is space for a NEW success and new income streams in your
office or workspace.
Areas where you need to release first to have faster results:
1/ Check out wit your compass where is the North area in your
Office. The North stands generally for the future and for career. By
clearing this area, you open up new energy flow in your career and
for your future.
2/ Check out with your compass where is the Southeast area in
your Office. The Southeast stands generally for good fortune and
abundance. By clearing this area, you open up good fortune and
luck and you create more abundance.

Second Step to Attract Success and Money

Images, Items, Books of Success and Money
Another step is to look at the images hanging on the walls in your
home and the items that surround you. The books you are reading
or that in your library, especially in your entrance, living room and
your workspace.
Do you have any images representing poverty, chaos, sadness,
depression or blockages? Remove them.

- You have an image of boats that are anchored in the harbor
and they are not sailing. They are stuck. So will be your
success and money.
- You have an image of war or conflicts. Success and Money
can only be created in times of peace and Harmony.
- Images or statues of angels, saints can be very uplifting but
too many of them in your office is not good. They are not
focused on success and money.
Look at everything and ask your self, is this uplifting? Is this an
image that supports my success and my flow of money. If your
answer is yes, keep it there. If your answer is no, remove it and see
how your life changes.

Third Step to Attract Success and Money.

Colors of Success and Money

The color of Success is Royal blue and the color of

Money is Gold. Place these colors on your desk and in
your office. For business meetings wear this colors or
have items with these colors with you like a map in
royal blue and a golden pen to write.

Fourth Step to Attract Success and Money
Place a bubbling Fountain in your office

Flowing water stands for money flow.

You want to create change in your future, place a
fountain in the North area of your workspace.
You want to create more money for luxury, place a
fountain in the Southeast in your office.
You want to make more cash flow, place in 2015 a bubbling
fountain in the East section of your workspace.
Only place one fountain in your office. Too much water can create
more conflicts about money.

Fifth Step to Attract Success and Money

What are you facing when you work?

 Look at what hangs on the wall across where you work
the most?
- If nothing hangs on the wall across your desk then
you will not be inspired and nothing will happen in your
- Is it a picture that represents success? Or is the

- It can be an image that reflects what you want: when
you want more success and abundance, you need to
hang an image that represents this.
- Do not hang an image of a forest on the wall across
your workspace, you will not find new opportunities in
your career. You block your self.
- Do not hang images of fierce animals like tigers, as it
is threatening and you will be criticized and attacked
about your work.

Sixth Step to Attract Success and Money

Create a Success Vision Board
A vision board is wonderful to create focused energy and to place
your goals in words and images in a dedicated space in your office.
You can place your vision board opposite your desk, so you always
subconsciously see your dreams and goals. You can also place it in
your personal success direction. In the Marie Diamond App you
can find your personal energy number and your success direction.
Your vision board is a paper or board where you put in the center a
recent image of yourself in a professional outfit. You can hang
images around it that express what you as Success and Money. 
Marie Diamond has a very specific system to create your vision
board and in her Vision Board program for 2015, you receive all

the information how to make it.

Click here for more information on the Vision Board program for
2015. Or copy this link in your browser:
It includes the audio of the 1 day seminar with Marie Diamond,
your personal energy number information, images, colors, and
vision board outlines for your energy number. The Price is
normally 98 € but for you today it is ONLY 68 €.

Seventh Step to Attract Success and Money

Write your Success and Money Goals
Write very specifically about what you are your
financial goals and your career goals. Write the goals for
the next year, the next 3 to 5 years and your goals for
the next 10 years.

The more general you describe your goals the more difficult the
Universe/God can match you. The more specific you are, the more
detailed, the easier the Universe/God can bring them to you.
Always write starting with I. As you are the creator of your Future.
Write than in the present tense: I am, I have, I create… As in the
Universe there is no time. Everything is Here and Now.

Eight Step to Attract Success and Money
Show gratitude for what you have.
Do not blame, criticize what you have at this moment in your life.
Do not feel depressed because of what is now your reality. Be
grateful you are learning amazing lessons at this moment and that
you are moving out of your current negative or limiting situation.
Say THANK YOU, at least 10 times a day. To God/the Universe,
to yourself, to your friends and family, to your team, to all the
good things that are happening to you.
Positive Focused Energy plus Gratitude is the key to create MORE
instead of LESS in your life.

Ninth Step to Attract Success and Money

Have a Success and Money Team
Successful people never made their money alone. They have
people surrounding that support them.
Look for people around you that speak positive about money and
success. If you don’t have such people in your life, join a business
- networking group where people look for positive opportunities.
Look for friends that support you and encourage you in your life to
create more success and money. Stop listening to the people that
block, limit or discourage you towards a successful life.

Tenth Step to Attract Success and Money
Open up to be mentored about Success and Money.
All Successful people have Success mentors: people that are
successful in the world of business. Perhaps you don’t know some
one personally but you can read their books (in this case you are
reading this E-book of a successful Speaker), you can listen to their
online programs, you can go to their seminars. Surround your self
with successful mentors and people and you will start changing
and attracting what you desire.

Eleventh Step to Attract Success and Money

Have Success and Money rituals
Every time you have achieved something, celebrate your WIN. At
the moment you don’t have perhaps the finances to celebrate BIG,
but always give your self something: A dinner, a little trip, a new
phone, a massage….

Twelfth Step to Attract Success and Money

Have Positive affirmations about Success and Money

Say daily your success and money affirmations nine time.

It is like a short goal that you can remember easily. Here is mine.

I am successful. I am abundant. I am grateful for my success and

abundance. I am grateful I can share my success and abundance
with others and the world.
Always start with I and the word AM.

All my Love to ALL of YOU.

Marie Diamond

Copyright Marie Diamond s.r.o., 2015

All right are reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in
any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording
or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from
Marie Diamond s.r.o.


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