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2 name: Påülå Möÿå CORNELL NOTES

Class / Period: 1 Topic / Objective:

date: 25-Aug-2023 Connectors and Conjunctions

Connectors, or transition words, are an essential part of the English language and play a crucial

what are
role in the consistency and fluency of speaking and writing. These little words or phrases act as
bridges that tie ideas and sentences together, allowing information to flow in a logical and cohesive
Conectores de adición Conectores funcionales

the Conectores adversativos

Conectores causales
Conectores comparativos
Conectores secuenciales
Conectores para dar ejemplos
Conectores para generalizar

Conectores concesivos Conectores para clarificar
Conectores conclusivos Conectores para enfatizar
Conectores condicionales Conectores para concluir
Conectores continuativos Conectores para declarar certezas
Conectores copulativos Conectores positivos y negativos
Conectores disyuntivos

Connectors in English are divided into 19 types:

In how many
types are the

Conjunctions in English are words used to connect words, phrases, or clauses within a
What are sentence. Its main function is to establish logical relationships between the parts of a

1. *Coordinating conjunctions:* These conjunctions are used to join similar elements in a sentence, such as
independent words, phrases or clauses.
Some examples are "and" (and), "but" (but), "or" (or), "nor" (ni), "for" (because), "so" (so).
and what are Example: "I like coffee, but he prefers tea." (I like coffee, but he prefers tea.)
2. *Subordinating conjunctions:* These conjunctions are used to join a dependent (subordinate) clause to a main

the most clause.

Some examples are "because" (because), "although" (although), "if" (if), "while" (while), "since" (since).

common types? Example: "She went to the store because she needed groceries." (She went to the store because she needed
3. *Correlative conjunctions:* These conjunctions are used in pairs to show a relationship between two
similar elements in a sentence.
Some examples are "either...or" (o...o), "neither...nor" (, "both...and"
Example: "You can either come with us or stay at home." (You can come with us or stay at home.)

Investigation of concepts, types and examples of connectors and conjunctions in English.


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