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(Study Guide Answers)

❣ Week 1: Hardest section (1 test)
❣ Week 2: 2nd Hardest (Week 1 & 2 Test)
❣ Week 3: Confident but need to just in case (Week 1, 2, 3 Test)
❣ Week 4: Easy (Week 1, 2, 3, 4 Test)
❣ Week 5: Mock Exams all 4 exams and timed
READING (45 questions)

Shia Passage:
Shia looked from his monitor, rubbed his eyes, and stared down the dark hallway toward the CFO’s
office. He was certain a sound had come from behind the closed door. It was a heavy thump, like
someone had dropped a bowling ball.
There shouldn’t be anyone else here at this hour, Shia thought to himself as he looked at his watch. The
only illumination came from Shia’s computer monitor. His office was on the thirtieth floor, far too high to
get much more than a faint glow from the streetlights below. Shia slowly stood up before reaching down
to turn off the computer screen, hoping to hide in the darkness. He considered turning on his phone’s
flashlight, but his thoughts were cut short by a loud crash followed by the unmistakable tinkling of
shattered glass.
Shia froze, as if he were caught by the gaze of Medusa. The initial doubt that he would actually find
someone snooping around the CFO’s office had turned to an icy fear that gripped his lungs and would
not let him breathe. His heart was pounding loudly in his ears; he knew whoever was in his boss’s office
must be able to hear it.
Another crash, followed by a loud howl that he was sure couldn’t be human, shocked Shia into motion.
He broke into a run… in the opposite direction. He sprinted for the emergency stairwell and rushed
downward, jumping over the last few steps of each flight. Shia didn’t stop running until he had burst
through the ground floor exit to the parking garage and found his car. His heart continued racing until he
was at home in bed. He sent his boss a single text message before turning over and trying to force
himself to sleep: “I don’t think I can work late anymore”.

1. Which of the following contains key points of the passage?

a. There are frightening noises in the office. Shia goes home. Shia sends his boss a text.
b. There is a thump like a dropped bowling ball, a loud crash, and the tinkling of shattered glass.
c. Shia is working at his computer, there is a little light and no one else should be in the building.
d. Shia is working late, he hears mysterious noises and he is frightened enough to leave work.
2. Which of the following is the topic excerpt?
a. A mysterious experience at work
b. A building with poor lighting and security
c. An employee who is easily scared
d. A boss's expectations of an employee
3. Which of the following is the tone of the passage?
a. Witty
b. Incredulous
c. Aggressive
d. Tense
4. Which of the following from the passage supports the conclusion that the passage takes place in the
21st century?
a. His office was on the thirtieth floor, far too high to get much more than a faint glow from the
street lights below
b. Shia froze, as if he were caught by the gaze of.....
c. He sent his boss a single text message before turning over and trying to force himself to sleep: I
don't think I can work anymore
d. Shia didn't stop running until he had burst the ground floor exit to the parking garage and found
his car.
5. Which of the following sources would be the best to resolve other suspense novels?
a. A public library's digital catalog
b. The online reviews of the novel
c. A New York Times bestseller list
d. An encyclopedia entry about the suspense genre.

Theater Passage:
The best part about going to the theatre is the feeling of being transported into the story. As soon as the
curtains rise, you can forget about the chairs that make you feel like you've been squished into a sardine
can and embrace whenever the story takes you, if only for a short while. The emotions in the play
become your emotions. The lives of the characters become your life. From a drama about a financial
crisis to a comedy about a play gone wrong, there is no limit to where the theater can take you.

6. Using evidence from the passage, which of the following conclusions about the author can the
reader make?
a. They are overly emotional and dramatic
b. They would rather be at a concert
c. They go to the theater as often as possible
d. They enjoy the decor of most theaters
7. Describe the author's experience in the theater.
a. "Like you are in an emotional state"
b. "No limit to where the theater can take you"
c. "The theater can transport you into the story"
d. "Like you have been squished into a sardine can"
8. From the passage, which of the following statements represents a logical conclusion about the
a. The author loves to attend theatrical productions
b. The author prefers musical comedies
c. The author also enjoys concerts and movie
d. The author finds theater seating comfortable.

Lexington and Concord Passage:

The majority of history scholars agree that the open warfare portion of the American War for
Independence began in two small Massachusetts towns: Lexington and Concord. To stop the British from
discovering military supplies hidden in Concord, the American Minutemen attempted to stall or halt the
British Regulars in Lexington Common.
While the opposing factions were facing off against one another, a shot was fired from an unknown
source, causing hostilities to break into violence. After the skirmish at Lexington settled, multiple people
from both sides lay dead and the British continued their way toward Concord.

9. Which of the following could accurately subtitle this passage?

a. The start of the revolution
b. American march from the sea
c. The full armies face off
d. In the state of Massachusetts
10. Which of the following best describes the theme of the passage?
a. Patronizing
b. Skeptical
c. Objective
d. Nostalgic
11. Which of the following is the purpose of the passage?
a. To express
b. To inform
c. To persuade
d. To entertain

Tipping Passage:
Research shows that tipping in a restaurant has little to no effect on service. What tipping does do is
enable restaurateurs to pay less than the federal minimum wage to servers and depend on customers to
make up the difference between servers' salaries and the minimum wage. The U.S. federal minimum
wage for servers is $2.13 per hour. Although minimum wage varies from state to state, it is safe to say
that customers are paying the lion's share of servers' salaries. This practice leads to resentment on the
part of customers and it devalues servers. It's time to abolish tipping and pay employees a living wage.
The result may well be happy servers who provide excellent service to grateful customers.

11. Which of the following is the meanings of "lion's share" as used in the passage?
a. Smallest portion
b. Largest portion
c. Fair portion
d. Equal portion
12. What is the writer’s main argument?
a. The custom of tipping should be abolished and servers must be paid a living wage
b. Customers are resentful of having to help pay the salaries to servers
c. The federal rate for servers is too low
d. Servers should provide excellent service no matter how to make
13. Which of the following is evidence the writer provides to support the main argument?
a. Customers pay a large percentage of server's salaries
b. Minimum wage varies from state to state
c. Customers are grateful for excellent service
d. Servers do not provide good service because of their low pay

Hedy Lamarr Passage:

Hedy Lamarr was a woman of many talents. She was first known as a European film actress in the 1930s
and early 1940s. Some of her popular films included Boom Town (1940) and White Cargo (1942);
however, her roles generally did not include very many spoken lines and she became bored. To relieve
this boredom, Lamarr took up inventing.
Hedy Lamarr did not have any formal training, but she did not allow that to stop her from teaching
herself in her spare time. Although she had a number of failed inventions, such as an improved traffic
light and a carbonated drink, Lamarr did not stop coming up with ideas. She even spent time working
with the science engineering team employed by Howard Hughes, the aviation tycoon.
During World War II, Lamarr learned that one of the military’s new technologies, radio-controlled
torpedoes, were too easily jammed and redirected. She came up with a type of radio signal that
changed, or “hopped,” frequencies and was unable to be tracked or disrupted. With the assistance of
her friend George Antheil, she was able to design the system and patent it in August 1942.
Unfortunately, the United States Navy was not interested. The technology of the era wasn’t quite good
enough to easily implement Lamarr’s system, and the Navy was not particularly interested in civilian
inventions at the time. It wasn’t until 20 years later, during the Cuban Missile Crisis, that a version of
Lamarr’s system began appearing on Navy ships.
The work Lamarr and Antheil did creating this frequency-hopping system led to many technologies that
are often taken for granted today. Their work led to the development of cell phones, Bluetooth, and
WiFi. Just think, we might not have any of those things if Hedy Lamarr had been given more interesting

14. Which of the following conclusions can be drawn from Hedy Lamar’s acting career?
a. Hedy lamarr was the first European actress of the 1990s
b. Hedy lamarr wanted more opportunities to speak while acting
c. Hedy Lamarr was content with her contributions in films
d. Hedy Lamarr worked in America times with MGM studios
15. Which of the following conclusions can be drawn as to why the US was not interested in Lamarr's
a. Hollywood was known to contain spies
b. The navy preferred to use the work of military engineers
c. The military was too preoccupied to consider new inventions
d. They suspected her patent was valid.
16. Which of the following can the reader infer about the author's point of view when they state: "the
work Lamarr and Antheil did creating this frequency-hopping system led to many technologies that
are often taken for granted today?"
a. The author believes that we have underestimated the value of the contributions of lesser-known
b. The author believes that the frequency-hopping system has damaged the potential of modern
c. The author believes that the work of Lamarr and Antheil was instrumental to victory in World
War II
d. The author believes we spend too much time using technologies derived from
17. Which of the following lines from the passage supports the inference that Hedy Lamarr worked
earnestly to achieve her goals?
a. “She began starring in American films with MGM studios in the late 1930s and early 1940s”
b. “She even spent time working with the science engineering team employee by Howard Hughes,
the aviation tycoon”
c. “...her roles generally did not include very many spoken lines and she became bored”
d. “... but she did not allow that to stop her from teaching herself in her spare time.”
18. Which of the following statements supports the claim that Hedy Lamarr made significant
contributions to the advancement of technology?
a. The technology of the era wasn't good enough to easily implement Lamarr's system
b. She spent time working with the science engineering team employed by Howard Hughes, the
aviation tycoon
c. She had many failed inventions, such as an improved traffic light and a carbonated drink
d. Her work helped in the future development of cellular phones, Bluetooth, and WI-FI.

The office memo:

To: staff
From: CEO
Date: June 18, 2021
Subject: Naps

In the recent company-wide audits, many employees have reported fatigue at work. Combined with our
acquisition of 10 major projects this year, I’m concerned about our employees’ productivity and health.
According to a 2008 study, napping for 60 minutes helped improve verbal, memory, motor skills, and
perceptual learning better than caffeine. Many successful companies have adopted the practice of work
naps, in industries like tech, manufacturing – even NASA!

Starting today, we will be providing a designated nap room in each office building near the gym and
cafeteria to help employees take care of their bodies and minds, so they can be happier, healthier,
and more productive. Thank you,
Melinda Myles

19. ally for getting the optimal workplace nap

a. A study showing that the best time of the day for a nap is between 2 and 3 p.m.

Playful pooch Passage:

Sometimes, your playful pooch might give a little nip to your hand or something else that shouldn't be
bitten. To stop bad biting behaviors, you should attempt to redirect your dog's attention to an
appropriate chew toy. You can do this by placing the toy in their mouth and praising them, causing your
canine companion to associate chewing on a chew toy with positive emotions. Another step you can
take to redirect biting behavior is to use biting deterrent spray. The spray can be homemade or store-
bought. Just make sure that the ingredients won't make your puppy's tummy sick.

21. Which of the following best identifies the author's purpose in the passage?
a. To narrate what it's like to have a new puppy
b. To inform the reader about illness in dogs
c. To argue that dogs shouldn't bite
d. To describe how to train a puppy
22. Which of the following terms identifies the author's tone in the passage?
a. Sarcastic
b. Formal
c. Informal
d. Scientific

Birthday party Passage:

An interesting birthday party
On Saturday afternoon, local eccentric Dr. Oliver Creek stone held a remarkable 90th birthday at his
countryside estate. Present were 3000 guests, four zebras, two monster trucks, and a famous bagpipe
player from Scotland. Though pleased with the entertainment, attendees reportedly were shocked that
the complimentary buffet contained only boiled asparagus and pickled carrots. At nightfall, the party
was treated to a stunning and seemingly endless fireworks display. According to our sources, Dr.
Creekstone felt that next year’s birthday party would have to be even bigger and more interesting. We’ll
need at least seven more zebras, he said.
23. Which of the following conclusions is supported by all the details provided about the birthday party?
a. Dr. Oliver Creekstone is an unconventional fellow
b. Dr. Oliver Creekstone is a carnivorous eater
c. The Creekstone estate is a half-acre lot line with trees
d. The Creekstone estate cannot hold seven more zebras.
24. Which of the following quotes from a guest at the birthday party contains a stereotype?
a. Considering the elderly age of Dr. Creekstone, he was surprisingly articulate and intelligent.
b. I once thought Dr, Creekstone to be irresponsible, but this party was well-planned and executed
c. I would never want my own birthday party to have smelly zebras and loud fireworks
d. The food provided was incredible: nevertheless, the party turned my sour mood around.
25. “Though pleased with the entertainment, attendees reportedly were shocked that the
complimentary buffet contained only boiled asparagus and pickled carrots," Which of the following
words from the sentence above has a negative connotation?
a. Contained
b. Shocked
c. Complimentary
d. Reportedly

Clara Barton Passage:

1821: Clara Barton is born in North Oxford, Massachusetts.
1831: Barton cares for her brother David after he falls from a roof and is severely injured.
1855: Barton moves to Washington D.C. to work as the first female federal patent clerk.
1861: Barton begins gathering and distributing food, clothing, and medical supplies to wounded soldiers
during the Civil War.
1862: Barton works on the front lines as a self-taught nurse.
1865: After the war, Barton begins identifying anonymous soldiers to be properly buried through the
Office of Missing Soldiers.
1869: Barton travels to Europe, assisting with preparing military hospitals and supplying aid to the poor.
1881: Barton petitions President Chester A. Arthur to open an American branch of the International Red
Cross Organization.

26. According to the timeline, which of the following events happens second?
a. Barton works as a federal patient clerk
b. Barton travels to Europe
c. Barton identifies anonymous soldiers
d. Barton works on the frontlines of civil war.
27. Which of the following words as used in the timeline indicates the chronology of events in Barton's
a. Front
b. First
c. After
d. Through
28. Which of the following information indicates Clara Barton has international influence?
a. 1865: After the war, Barton begins identifying anonymous soldiers to be properly buried through
the office of missing soldiers
b. 1869: Barton travels to Europe assisting with preparing military hospitals and supplying aid to
the poor
c. 1861: Barton begins gathering and distributing food, clothing and medical supplies to wounded
soldiers during the civil war
d. 1881: Barton petitions President Chester A. Arthur to open an American branch of the
International Red Cross Organization.
Groundhog Day Passage:
On February 2 of each year, the United States observes the unusual holiday of Groundhog Day, a day of
hope that winter is over and spring is beginning. This tradition has been officially observed in the U.S.
since the 1800s, and is believed to have developed from European folk traditions in which a bear, fox,
badger, or even hedgehog would serve as the symbolic meteorologist. Although other cultures and
towns observe Groundhog Day (or something similar), the town of Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania takes
special pride in being home to the one true forecasting groundhog, Punxsutawney Phil. At the turn of
the twentieth century, townspeople formed the Punxsutawney Groundhog Club to perpetuate the joyful
rituals and events surrounding Groundhog Day. Over the years, these events have come to include a
scavenger hunt, a talent show, and a ball.
Legend has it that on Groundhog Day the official weather-forecasting groundhog awakens from
hibernation and comes out of his burrow to look for his shadow. If he sees his shadow, six more weeks of
winter are to come, and Punxsutawney Phil goes back to bed. However, if he does not see his shadow,
Punxsutawney Phil takes this as a sign that spring has arrived, and he remains above ground. Of course,
common sense tells us that February 2 is too early for spring to begin, and that while animals may be
attuned to various elements of nature from which humans might learn, they are unlikely to act on their
instincts based on a schedule set by a Gregorian calendar. Nevertheless, a visit to Pennsylvania to see
Punxsutawney Phil and all of the fun he inspires each year might provide the touch of hope needed to
reach the end of winter.

29. Which of the following evidence from the passage supports the inference that Groundhog Day is
an entertaining tradition?
a. Legend has it that on Groundhog Day, the official weather forecasting groundhog awakes from
hibernation and comes out of his burrow to look for shadow
b. This tradition has been officially observed in the US since the 1800s and is believed to have
developed from European folk traditions
c. Over the years, these events have come to include a scavenger hunt, a talent show and a ball
d. On February 2 each year, the United States observes the unusual holiday of Groundhog Day, a
day of hope that winter is over and spring is beginning.
30. What source would be most useful in determining the reliability of Punxsutawney Phil's predictions
over a number of years?
a. A memoir from a member of the Groundhog Club
b. A record of weather patterns in the last decade
c. An encyclopedia entry on mammals in the northeast U.S
d. A historical survey of customs in Pennsylvania

Candidate Passage:
The volunteers for the incumbent candidate planned to canvas the neighborhood in an attempt to
garner more support from constituents in their political party. Unbeknownst to them, the voter address
list was erroneously switched. Meaning that although they were walking door to door, they were
walking to the doors of people registered under a different political party.
In a surprising twist, the process of discussing the candidate's stance on the issues did raise support. On
Election Day, the incumbent candidate lost, but received more votes in the neighborhoods where
volunteers canvassed, despite focusing on members of the opposing party.

31. Which of the following statements should be included in an accurate summary of the text? (select
all that apply)
a. The canvassed voters recognized that the candidate was unqualified
b. The candidate had never been a politician before
c. The volunteers went to the houses of the opposing party accidentally
d. The candidate received more voters in places the volunteers canvassed
e. The canvassed voters changed party affiliation.
32. Which of the following words are synonyms for "erroneously" as used in the passage? (select all
that apply)
a. Incorrectly
b. Inconsequentially
c. Mistakenly
d. Extraneously
e. Exceptionally

Peanut butter Cookie Passage:

Grandma Harry; 30 minutes; Cookies/Desserts; Makes 1 dozen
- 1 egg
- ¾ cup sugar
- 1 cup peanut butter
- 1 teaspoon vanilla
- ½ cup flour
Beat egg white until foamy. Stir in sugar, beat again until stiff peaks form. Gently fold in peanut butter
and vanilla. Add flour in small increments until dough forms. Chill dough for at least 2 hours. Roll into
balls, roll in sugar, press down with a fork, and bake at 350 degrees F for 10 to 12 minutes. Let cool on
cookie sheet. These are very fragile.

33. Which of the following statements about the passage is true?

a. These cookies should be cooked on a baking rack
b. These cookies can be cooked in a microwave oven
c. Folding In peanut butter must be done with an electric appliance
d. Beating egg whites means stirring them vigorously.
34. Which of the following statements is true ?
a. When beating the eggs and sugar you shouldn’t stop until soft peaks form
b. The egg white and vanilla are beaten together in a bowl
c. Each ball of dough must be pressed down with a fork before baking
d. After adding flour, the cookies are baked for 10-12 minutes.
35. Which of the following conclusions can be taken from the passage?
The cookies made with this recipe would be good to send to college students
b. The cookies made with this recipe may have been handed down in a family
c. The cookies made with this recipe are especially good for midnight snacks
d. The cookies made with this recipe would be a good to serve at a large party

Baseball Passage:
Some people think baseball is boring to watch, but there are so many exciting things that can happen
during a baseball game. A player can grand slam, steal a base, or tag a runner out at home plate. Even
though there are slow parts of the game, exciting things can happen unexpectedly. For fans, there is
nothing more thrilling than catching a foul ball or even a home run. Baseball is so much more than
eating and singing "Take Me out to the Ballgame."

36. Which of the following statements is correct?

a. The author thinks singing "Take Me Out to the Ballgame" is exciting.
b. The author thinks it would be exciting to watch a home run ball.
c. The author most enjoys the slow parts of the baseball game.
d. The author most enjoys eating peanuts at a baseball game.

Film Passage:
Don’t Look Back Now is the story of Keisha (Joy Taylor), a woman who has moved across the country to
escape her creepy ex-boyfriend stalker, Tom (Kevin Highsmith). However, mysterious things keep
happening to the people in Keisha's Life, and the authorities don’t believe her. But there’s one thing
nobody knows – she’s got a secret that will make anyone coming to harm her regret it – especially Tom.

This thriller is an exciting roller coaster ride that constantly keeps the audience guessing. Director
Juliette Cho knows exactly how to manipulate the camera to capture every shadow and peripheral
movement, keeping the viewer on edge. The close-up shots feel claustrophobic like the perspective is
skewed. For any other movie, this might be annoying, but for this one, it helps put the viewer in
Keisha’s suspicious shoes very well. With a running time of 98 minutes, the pacing is quick and efficient,
and Cho uses cinematography deftly to show the quick and jerky Passage of time from Keisha’s

The performances are rock solid all the way through. Joy Taylor is brittle and violent, simmering below
the surface with rage. You can see the toll this stalking experience has had on her in every twitch of her
eye and clench of her jaw. The strength she displays once the film shifts into the darker, triumphant
second act is a wonder to behold. Kevin Highsmith gives off just the right vibe of charming and sinister
as Tom, effortlessly shifting his entire performance between sweet and suddenly dangerous.
This is a tense thrill rise that will not disappoint fans of Joy Taylor or this genre in general. You can find
Don’t Look Back Now at the Main Street Metroplex 12 and the Movie Palace 20 starting Friday.

40. Which of the following sentences from the passage includes a fact?
a. "With a running time of 98 minutes, the pacing is quick and efficient... "
"You can see the toll this stalking experience has had on her from every twitch of her eye and
clench of her jaw."
c. "The close-up shots feel claustrophobic like the perspective is skewed."
d. This is a tense thrill ride that will not disappoint fans of Joy Taylor or this genre in general
41. In which of the following genres would Don’t Look Back Now most likely be classified?
a. Drama
b. Action-Adventure
c. Suspense
d. Romance

37. Which of the following sentences best summarizes the second paragraph of the passage?
a. The film takes place mostly in the dark, which makes lighting and camera angles very important.
b. The direction and cinematography are the key elements to creating the film’s tense, suspenseful
c. Close-up shots are an important way to showcase a character’s state of mind.
d. Joy Taylor’s performance helps the audience feel more sympathetic toward her character,
38. Which of the following conclusions could a reader make from this passage?
a. Tom is able to protect Keisha from her stalker.
b. There is a big twist in the second half of the movie.
c. The film has a sad ending.
d. Juliette Cho is a first-time director.
39. Which of the following information from the passage contains an opinion?
a. Starting Friday, the movie will be showing at the Main Street Metroplex 12 and the Movie Palace
b. The plot of the movie is about a woman who has moved across the country to escape her
c. Juliette Cho's close-up shots make the viewer feel claustrophobic and frightened.
d. The movie, starring Joy Taylor and Kevin Highsmith, lasts a little longer than an hour and a half.

Writing Passage:
It can be difficult to write sometimes, especially if you are creating something brand new. It is even
harder when you must write while following certain rules. Some writers thrive when there are limits, like
poets. Many poetry forms follow very specific rules, like sonnets or elegies: you can't just throw some
words on a page and call it a haiku. On the other hand, some successful poets really enjoy breaking the
rules. They will refuse to use proper punctuation or follow any sort of structure. So then what good are
the rules if you can just break them and still succeed? That doesn't make any sense. I guess that is why I
am not a poet.
42. Based on the author's support and evidence, which of the following is a valid evaluation of the
a. It is an entertaining piece based on personal bias.
b. It is part of a student essay on how poets develop their craft
It is a logical argument, proving that it is impossible to write well
d. It is a scholarly work about the business of being a good writer.
43. Which of the following is the most likely source for most of the authors' statements in the passage?
a. The writers' local university library
b. The online writing lab at Purdue University
c. Archive of recorded poetry and literature
d. The writer's own knowledge about writing.

Infomercial Passage:
Hey there, kitchen utensil aficionados! It's Thurman again, bring you a brand-new piece of equipment
for your home food station! Are you tired of your blocks of premium-aged cheddar getting all crumbly
when you try to slice them? Don't you hate leaving your fingerprints on that hard stick of butter? Well,
worry no more! From the company that brought you the SmackDice comes the McGrabs! You no longer
have to worry about your firm, sweaty grip destroying your cheese or your kinds of butter. All you have
to do is slip on your patented heat-deflecting mitten, complete with plastic-grp palm pad, and slice your
smooth dairy products with no threat of them smelting or crumbling from your body heat!

44. Which of the following phrases from this infomercial contains instructions about how to use the
advertised product?
a. Slip on our patented heat-deflecting mitten.
b. No longer worry about your firm, sweaty grip destroying your cheeses or your butter.
c. Leaving your fingerprints in that hard stick of butter.
d. Bring you a brand-new piece of equipment for your home food station.
45. Which of the following options best describes how Turman supports his argument?
a. By appealing to a shared sense of community and values.
b. By evoking the feeling of annoyance and relief.
c. By addressing his audience at just the right moment.
d. By assembling evidence and logical explanation.
46. Which of the following options best describes the purpose of this infomercial?
a. To amuse the audience with enthusiastic rhetoric
a. To persuade the audience to buy the Dairy McGrabs
b. To express frustration with the common dairy food problems
c. To explain how the Dairy McGrabs works.
Practice Exam 2
Plastic Passage:
Studies suggest that more than 9 billion metric tons of plastic have been produced since 1950, more
than four times the volume of Mt. Everest, and about 75% of its remains in landfills or has entered the
environment as pollution. As a material, plastic has many advantages.
However, it is difficult to recycle because popular single-use and convenience items, such as packaging
and water bottles, are low in quality and value when recycled. Part of the magic of plastic is that it
seemingly lasts forever. But when it cannot be re-used efficiently, it leads to stark realities like an island
of plastic, twice the size of Texas, floating in the Pacific Ocean. Plastic is consumed by fish and birds and
is seeping into the air, water, and our food.

47. Based on evidence from the passage, which of the following is the most likely inference?
a. If we increased production of single-use plastic packaging, more plastic would be recycled.
b. Most of the plastic that has been produced has been recycled.
c. The best thing about plastic is that it is recyclable, a renewable resource.
d. Plastic makes life convenient, but its use has so many cons that its use should be reduced.
48. Which of the following pairs of examples from the passage best demonstrates why the use of plastics
is a divisive topic?
a. 1. Plastic is in landfills. 2. Plastic is in the ocean
b. 1. Plastic has advantages. 2. Plastic is difficult to recycle efficiently
c. 1. Plastic is popular. 2. Plastic is used for packaging
d. 1. Plastic is consumed by birds. 2. Plastic is entering our food.

The Great Emu War Passage:

In 1932, the Australian government lost a war against the native emu population. The operation that has
since become known as the Great Emu War began as an initiative to combat the overpopulation of the
crop-destroying birds invading farmland around Chandler and Walgoolan. The initial assault on the
flightless avians began on November 2 and lasted six days before the military personnel withdrew.
Efforts resumed on November 12, but by early December, the feathered foes had adopted guerrilla
tactics against the targeted wheat fields, rendering military involvement largely ineffective. The
Australian government declined further involvement with the ongoing conflict in 1934, 1943, and 1948,
despite the repeated pleas for assistance by the farmers in the area.

49. During the Great Emu War, which of the following events happened immediately after the conflict
resumed in mid-November?
a. Military efforts became ineffective
b. The Australian government launched the initial assault
c. The military withdrew
d. Emus resorted to guerrilla tactics.
50. Which of the following statements is a logical conclusion based on this report?
a. Emus continued destroying crops in the area throughout the 1930s and 1940s
b. After losing the support of Australian government, farmers engaged in guerrilla warfare to
combat the emus in 1934, 1943 and 1948
c. From 1932 to 1948, the Australian government battled emus on behalf of farmers
d. After losing the great emu war in 1932, the Australian government provided limited military
support to farmers in 1934, 1943 and 1948.
51. Which of the following words is a synonym for avian in this passage?
a. Bird
b. Flying
c. Aerial
d. Plane

Blue Whale Passage:

You might think the largest animal on Earth is the blue whale, and you would be correct. Blue whales can
reach a length of 98 ft. long and can weigh as much as 198 tons. However, in the Blue Mountains of
eastern Oregon, there is an organism currently covering an area of 3 square miles and is estimated to
weigh at least 7,500 tons: the Armillaria ostoyae fungus, also known as the honey mushroom or
shoestring fungus. Though A. ostoyae is found in other places, such as Michigan and Germany, only
Oregon’s fungus has grown to such an enormous size. The humongous fungus is estimated to be
anywhere from 2,000 to 8,000 years old, and it continues to grow by 1 to 3 feet every year.

52. Which of the following is the purpose of the passage?

a. To persuade
b. To describe
c. To entertain
d. To inform
53. Which of the following best describes the report?
a. Humankind versus nature
b. Hierarchy in nature
c. Nature as beauty
d. Extraordinary natural phenomena
Bessie Coleman Passage:
Bessie Coleman, the first civilian licensed Black pilot in the world, was born in 1892 to sharecroppers in
Texas, where she attended a segregated school and worked with her family in the cotton fields. She
dreamed of becoming a pilot but no flight schools in America would accept her, so she moved to France
to earn her pilot's license.
When she returned to the U.S., she wanted to open a flight school for Black students. She became a
stunt flier and performed for paying audiences, which she insisted be desegregated. Following her death
in a plane crash in 1926, the Bessie Coleman Aero Club was established in Los Angeles in 1929. She was
inducted into the National Aviation Hall of Fame in 2006.
54. Which of the following sources would be useful for gathering more information about Bessie
a. A documentary film on female pilots in World War 1
b. A biography of the Wright Brothers, Orville and Wilbur
c. The national museum of African American history and culture
d. A comprehensive history of sharecropping eastern Texas.
55. Which of the following statements correctly identifies the sequence of events in the reading?
a. Born to sharecropper parents, Bessie Coleman moved to France to take flight training and then
returned to the United States as a stunt pilot
b. After life as a sharecropper, Bessie Coleman raised money as a stunt pilot to attend flight school
in France
c. Bessie Coleman's parents were sharecroppers who sent her to France as a child to become a
pilot, after which she returned and opened a flight school
d. Bessie Coleman was a pilot, then a sharecropper, who lived in France where she was inducted
into the national aviation hall of fame.

Editor Wanted Passage:

Copy editor needed for new corporate magazine. All applicants must have four years of editorial
experience. A college degree in journalism or English is required. The job requires full-time hours with
competitive benefits offered. The starting salary is $30,000 per year.

Contact human resources at 444-4444 to apply.

55. Using the employment advertisement above, which of the following applicants could meet the
requirements of this job?
a. A college graduate who majored in layout design.
b. A newspaper reporter who has 2 years of editing experience.
c. A teacher who has taught for 4 years.
d. A writer looking to work for 40 hours a week.

Lady Roosevelt Passage questions:

In 1943, the war in the Pacific raged on. First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt went to rally the troops' spirits,
despite the disapproval of military command. Roosevelt planned a grueling itinerary. She visited several
Islands and hundreds of wounded in her first six days. The Indefatigable First Lady inspected Navy
hospitals. delivered a speech, attended receptions, and visited convalescing officers, all within 12 hours
of her arrival. She lifted spirits among the wounded and morale among the troops. She continued her
exhausting tour for a month, speaking to every patient in troop hospitals and taking down addresses to
contact family members. Roosevelt traveled non-stop, risked her life, and greeted the last patient she
saw with the same heartfelt sincerity as the first.

56. Which of the following best identifies the mode of this passage?
a. Narrative
b. Argumentative
c. Procedural
d. Problem/solution
57. Based on content, which of the following is the best definition for the word "indefatigable" use in the
a. Enthusiastic
b. Ambitious
c. Tireless
d. Sympathetic
58. Which of the following is a reasonable prediction from the passage?
a. Eleanor Roosevelt listened to the wishes of military command, despite their disapproval.
b. Eleanor Roosevelt began taking down the addresses of everyone she met after the war.
c. Eleanor Roosevelt stopped visiting hospitals and attending receptions after her tour.
d. Eleanor Roosevelt was tired both physically and emotionally after her tour

Farallon Islands Passage:

The Farallon Islands, or the Devil’s teeth, as they are referred to by sailors, are a group of small islands
with rocky, barren terrain and treacherous underwater currents, 48 km (30 miles) off the coast of San
Francisco, California. Although the islands are small, with a combined total land area of 0.41km2 (0.16
square miles), they are positioned in a major ocean current, which enables them to house dense
populations of birds, rodents, seals, and other mammals. The abundance of wildlife first attracted
Russian and American fur traders in the early 1880s, who then nearly eliminated the seal population in
the area. The islands then became an agricultural resource for San Francisco during the Gold rush era
when egg companies began harvesting bird eggs on the islands. In 1863, violence between rival egg
companies erupted on the islands (known as the Egg War) which attracted national attention and
provoked lawmakers to pass legislation to protect and rehabilitate the islands’ natural ecosystem. In
1881, an executive order was passed that decreed egging illegal on the Farallons. This ended private
enterprise on the islands and was reinforced in 1909 when President Theodore Roosevelt created the
Farallon reservation to restrict human access and preserve the northern islands. Protection was
expanded in 1967 to include all the Farallon islands, and over time many of the islands’ original
inhabitants have returned. The Farallon Islands are now home to the world’s largest population of
western gulls. Seals have returned, as well as otters and sea lions, which in turn attracts great white
shark. The combination of sharks, underwater currents and jagged coastline are probably what earned
the Farallon their nickname “devil’s Teeth” though it hasn’t stopped a few adventurous people from
swimming. Four people have completed the 30-mile swim from the islands to San Francisco; the
fastest person completed the journey in 14 hours.

59. What is the main idea of the passage ?

a. The Farallons are dedicated sanctuary western gulls.
b. The Farallons islands are currently an agricultural resource for San Francisco
c. The ecosystem of Farallons island has always been unstable.
d. Humans disrupted the ecosystem of the Farallons islands and helped restore it.
60. What supports the detail that the Farallon islands are a natural home to many animals? a. Abundant
b. Human presence
c. Lush landscape
d. Ocean currents
61. What organization might the author of this article most closely associate?
a. A nature conservancy agency X
b. A group that studies marine mammal behavior.
c. An educational special interest group.
d. A group that supports first time novelists.
62. Which of the following is a credible source that the author might have consulted to help write the
a. A copy of a story published by the Fish and wildlife service, originally written by a former refuge
b. A biography of President Theodore Roosevelt, with an emphasis on his passion for hunting.
c. A nutritionist's scholarly journal article on gold rush miners' diets
d. An 1890 cartographer's notes on efforts to map northern California's coastline.
63. Which of the following pieces of evidence does the author use to speculate why the Farallon Islands
are called “The Devil’s Teeth”?
a. In 1863, violence broke out on the islands during the Egg War.
b. They have always been called that by sailors who travel those waters.
c. The islands have sharks, choppy currents, and irregular coastline.
d. Swimming from San Francisco to the islands is very risky.
64. Which of the following best describes the meaning of the word inadvertently as used in the second
a. Accidentally
b. Approximately
c. Intentionally
d. Quickly

Anne Bradstreet Passage: Anne Bradstreet was a well-read, religious woman and America's first
published poet. Her poetry collection The Tenth Muse Sprung up Lately in America was first published in
1650. She was born in 1612 in a well-to-do family in Northampton, England. Her father was Thomas
Dudley, the steward to the Earl of Lincoln. Living in the Earl's household, Anne not only benefited from
his huge library but was also tutored by her learned father. She avidly read the Bible, as well as classic
and modern literature. As a result, Anne grew up into a well-educated and wise woman and wrote
prolifically on a wide range of subjects.
Anne's first published work included poems on Queen Elizabeth and Philip Sydney, as well as poems like
"Dialogue Between Old England and New," "Four Elements," "The Four Ages of Man," "Four Seasons of
the Year," and "The Four Monarchies." Her other works include "The Flesh and the Spirit," "Another,"
"The Prologue," "To My Dear and Loving Husband," "Verses upon the Burning of our House," and
"Contemplations." Her complete works appeared in a single edition much later.
The recurrent themes in Anne's works included a woman's role in society, feminism, her life in New
England, sickness, death, and her religious faith. Anne had a firm belief in God that was not deterred by
diseases and afflictions, her house catching on fire, or by the death of her loved ones, which was
reflected in her writings. Anne later left England for America and settled in Massachusetts Bay Colony,
where she died in 1672, only to be immortalized in her works. John Berryman paid her a tribute in his
poem "Homage to Mistress Bradstreet" and Harvard University dedicated a gate in her memory.

65. Which of the following would serve as a suitable title to the above passage? (select all that apply) a.
The Earl's Library
b. Anne's Life in England
c. The First Published Poet of America
d. Anne Bradstreet: Life and Works
e. The Flesh and the Spirit
66. Which of the following statements is a logical conclusion based on the first paragraph of the
a. Anne had little time for household work.
b. Anne had good knowledge of different fields.
c. Anne Bradstreet studied at different schools.
d. Anne spent most of her time reading scriptures.
67. "The recurrent themes in Anne's works included a women's role in society, feminism, her life in New
England, sickness, death, and her religious faith."

This sentence can be classified as which of the following?

a. Stereotype
b. Opinion
c. Belief
d. Fact
68. Which of the following identifies the author's purpose?
a. To inform
b. To entertain
c. To compare
d. To persuade
69. As a result, Anne grew up into an exceptionally learned and wise woman and wrote PROLIFICALLY on
a wide range of subjects.
Which of the following is the correct meaning of the capitalized word as it has been used in the sentence
a. Abundantly
b. Carefully
c. Beautifully
d. Extraordinarily
70. Which of the following is the primary purpose of this passage?
a. To inform readers about the industrious poet
b. To motivate readers to write poems
c. To persuade readers to read the poet's works
d. To enlighten readers as to the status of women in society

Science Passage:
There is science everywhere - even in the spectacular sunsets and sunrises decorated with reddish-
orange clouds. The main cause of the reddish-orange hue is the extended path that the sun rays have to
travel at dawn and dusk compared to the distance they travel at noon. Also, these rays pass through the
densest part of the atmosphere: moisture-bearing clouds lying near earth's surface. The rays collide with
airborne particles and water droplets, resulting in rigorous molecular scattering. In this process, the
short wavelengths (blue and violet lights) get filtered out. Only the longer wavelengths (yellowish-
orange and red) are left as a part of the spectrum and have a better chance to reach our eyes from the
sun's disc.

71. “The rays collide with airborne particles and water droplets. resulting in rigorous molecular
scattering." Which of the following is the meaning of "rigorous" in the above sentence?
a. Unvarying in affect
b. Severe in intensity
c. Characterized by sternness
d. Marked by precision

A Christmas Carol Passage:

Brimming with eye-popping scenes, the movie A Christmas Carol (2009) is a mash-up of time-travel,
Christmas fantasy, and emotional transformation. Besides being entertaining, the movie shows what it
means to be kind, jovial, merciful, and grateful.
The movie is an honest adaptation of Dickens' A Christmas Carol. Director Robert Zemeckis employs
Dickens' writing style—a blend of gothic and fantasy genres. Zemeckis' skillful direction brings out the
complexities of the characters with simplicity. Through Jim Carrey's lifelike portrayal of Scrooge, who
meets a quartet of ghosts, Zemeckis retells Scrooge's story to this generation just as Dickens did to his.
The film starts with an aerial view of London streets, giving a 19th century Christmas feel. It appears that
a Christmas card has come to life. Then, text "Seven Christmas Eves Later" is flashed on the screen. Soon
after that, Scrooge is shown counting his money miserly.
One of the key scenes is the entrance of Marley's chained ghost (a macabre figure) from a door. Its scary
stare at Scrooge creates an enchanting spooky setting. It gets accentuated by the way Marley's ghost
replies to Scrooge's question, "Who are you?" and Scrooge's perturbed reaction to the ghost's death-
cold eyes. These visual effects weren't possible without motion capture. The use of 3D CGI sharpens our
sense of reality as if we are being transported to Scrooge's cold, haunted bedroom. The rattling sounds
of Marley's metal chains and shackles make Scrooge a bundle of nerves and keep the audience on the
edges of their seats.
Realistic CGI effects and multi-sensory filmmaking techniques set this movie apart from other
book-into-film adaptations of Dickens' original story. Zemeckis' work is a product of his superb
craftsmanship, immersed in Dickens' tone of story-telling and Victorian language.

72. Which of the following presents a condensed summary of the key ideas of the passage?
a. Scrooge, who is a miserly man, is visited by Marley's chained ghost and a quartet of other
ghosts. His story shows his emotional transformation, and this gives the audience an insight into
life's virtues.
b. Coinciding with Dickens' tone of story-telling and Victorian language, Director Robert Zemeckis
skillfully directed the movie and presented an example of his superb craftsmanship.
c. The Zemeckis-directed A Christmas Carol - an honest adaptation of Dickens' novella - is
distinguished by its lifelike characterizations, eye-popping scenes, realistic CGI effects, and
multi-sensory filmmaking techniques.
d. In his attempts to adapt Dickens' novella, Director Robert Zemeckis employs the Dickensian tone
of writing - a combination of gothic and fantasy and retells Scrooge's story.
73. Which of the following sentences uses words or phrases that signify order?
a. Brimming with eye-popping scenes, the movie A Christmas Carol (2009) is a mash-up of time-
travel, Christmas fantasy, and emotional transformation.
b. Then, text "Seven Christmas Eves Later" flashed on the screen.
c. One of the key scenes is the entrance of Marley's chained ghost (a macabre figure) from a door.
d. Through Jim Carrey's lifelike portrayal of Scrooge, who meets a quartet of ghosts, Zemeckis
retells Scrooge's story to this generation just as Dickens did to his.
74. "The movie is an honest adaptation of Dickens' A Christmas Carol. Which of the following identifies
why the text uses italicized print?
a. It is a footnote referring to the name of a book.
b. It is a subheading in a novella.
c. It is the title of a novella.
d. It is a caption underneath an illustration.
75. Which of the following describes the author's perspective?
a. “The movie uses multi-sensory filmmaking techniques and CGI effects.”
b. “The movie tells the story of Scrooge, who meets his old partner Jacob Marley and a trio of
other ghosts and undergoes a series of strange events.”
c. “The movie is one of many retellings of Charles Dickens' classic holiday story.”
d. “The movie engages the audience's emotions, reminding them of the need to realize the
importance of kindness, mercy, and gratefulness.”
76. Which of the following definitions is intended for the word "generation" as used in the second
paragraph in the passage?
a. A specific period of human growth
b. Production of something
c. Propagation of living organisms
d. All of the people born around the same time
77. Which of the following best states the themes that the director, Zemeckis, tried to highlight in the
scene showing the entrance of Marley's chained ghost?
a. Disgust
b. Fear
c. Festiveness
d. Emptiness

HIV/AIDS Passage:
Most Americans know that HIV/AIDS is a worldwide health problem; many also believe it is the most
dangerous disease across the globe. Malaria, however, far surpasses HIV/AIDS as a cause of sickness and
death around the world. One likely reason for Americans' lack of awareness about malaria may be that
malaria has been eradicated in this country, thanks in large part to efforts made during World War II.
scientists sought new medicines and methods to control the effects and spread of malaria among
combat troops. Those efforts were later applied to an eradication effort that has kept the U.S. malaria-
free for decades.

78. Which of the following words signify order as they are used in the passage?
a. Across
b. Also
c. One
d. Later
79. Which of the following data supports the author's argument about why Americans lack awareness
about the dangers of malaria around the world?
a. 95% of American adults in a survey believe HIV/AIDS is more dangerous worldwide than
b. A financial study finds that U.S. churches donated over $10,000 last year to supply mosquito
nets to impoverished countries to prevent the spread of malaria.
c. An epidemiology report finds there have been no cases of malaria originating from the United
States in the past 60 years.
d. A World Health Organization investigation reports that over half of the world's population is in
danger of malaria.
80. Which of the following is a logical conclusion based on the passage?
a. Malaria and HIV/AIDS are the two most deadly diseases around the world.
b. Eradication efforts always have a high rate of success in eliminating infectious diseases.
c. Infection rates within a community may affect that community's understanding of diseases.
d. U.S. scientists' efforts to eradicate malaria were the decisive factor in winning World War II.
81. Which of the following best describes the author's purpose in the first sentence of the passage?
a. To connect the passage to the reader's frame of reference
b. To convince the reader of the need for social action
c. To focus on disagreements about global diseases
d. To introduce information about HIV/AIDS

Praying mantis Passage:

Praying mantises prey on harmful insects and pests and devour even hummingbirds. They also
camouflage or change their color to match their surroundings and wait to ambush their prey, motionless
and still with their forearms folded. This posture resembles that of a person praying, and this gives them
their common name. Ancient Greeks and Egyptians believed these insects possessed some supernatural
powers, and the Greek meaning of the word "mantis" is a mystic or an oracle. Mantises live for a
transient period of one year. Sometimes, female mantises show cannibalism by devouring their mates
during mating. Unlike female mantises, male mantises can fly with their wings. They have strong
stereovision and can move their heads. People often keep mantises as pets in transparent enclosures.

82. Which of the following is a logical conclusion one could draw from the passage?
a. Mantises possess supernatural powers.
b. Mantises inspire us to pray with devotion.
c. Mantises are strong ambush predators.
d. Mantises are harmful insects.
83. Which of the following definitions of the word "oracle" is the correct meaning of this word as used in
the passage?
a. A person through whom a deity is believed to speak
b. A shrine in which a deity reveals hidden knowledge or the divine purpose through such a
c. An answer or decision given by an oracle
d. A person giving wise or authoritative decisions or opinions Seed-Germinator
Accelerator Passage:
Are you looking for a seed-germination accelerator, or something to enhance your plants' disease
resistance and immune system? The solution is in your medicine cabinet: aspirin contains salicylic acid, a
To jump-start seed germination, dissolve 3 to 4 aspirin tablets in 15 L water. Use a small portion of this
mixture to soak the seeds overnight. Avoid oversaturating the seeds. The next day, mix the presoaked
seeds with wet compost-rich soil in a 2- to 3-inch high tray. Once seedlings appear (in 1 to 2 days), move
them to a sheltered nursery.
To reduce the plants' vulnerability to pathogens, spray the aspirin-water on the plants' exposed parts in
the late morning when the dew evaporation is maximum. Also, pour the mixture around the plants'
84. Which of the following is the first step enumerated in the process of accelerating seed germination?
a. Move the seedlings to a sheltered nursery that is protected from the wind.
b. Mix the pre soaked seeds with wet compost-rich soil
c. Prepare aspirin water by dissolving 3 to 4 aspirin tablets in 15 L water.
d. Soak seeds in aspirin water overnight.
85. Which of the following words is a synonym for "germination" as used in the passage?
a. Gardening
b. Sprouting
c. Ceasing
d. Shrinking
86. According to the text, which of the following additional sentences can be an expected conclusion for
this passage?
a. With this knowledge, scientists are studying factors contributing to plants' resistance to biotic
stress (pathogens) and tolerance to abiotic stresses.
b. Keep putting a diluted solution of aspirin water around the plants' bases and on the exposed
parts every month as it will increase the plants' resistance to disease and pathogens.
c. Studies of various plant species suggest that aspirin, because it contains salicylic acid, improves
plants' resistance to biotic stress (pathogens).
d. As you can see, faster seed germination, better plant immunity, and strong pathogen resistance
are far from the aches and pains aspirin is usually used for.

Benefits to Exercise
Numerous studies have confirmed that a brisk walk 30 minutes each day is adequate exercise for most
healthy adults. Two of the most beneficial aspects are increased metabolism and joint flexibility. Equally
important, however, are the mental benefits. A daily walk provides a chance to decompress from the
stresses of the work day. A change of scenery and fresh air can brighten your mood.

87. Which of the following sentences would be the best topic sentence for the paragraph?
a. If you want to get in shape, the first step is to get moving
b. There are physical and psychological reasons for a daily walk
c. Exercise does not have to be difficult; consider walking
d. One of the easiest ways to lose inches is to take a walk on a daily basis

Knitting Passage
Knitting is my favorite hobby. I feel such a sense of accomplishment when I finish a sweater or a pair of
socks. A ball of wool holds so much potential, and is also a sustainable resource. The repetition of stitch
after stitch is so relaxing. Researchers say it can have the same benefits as meditation. There are other
health benefits of knitting, too. The craft can slow cognitive decline and improve symptoms of arthritis. I
started knitting when I was in college and liked to kit during class. Knitting is a very portable hobby. It
helped me pay attention to lectures. If you’re looking for a fun hobby. Perhaps you should give knitting a
88. Which of the following sentences does not fit with the rest of the paragraph above?
a. There are other benefits of knitting, too.
b. The repetition of stitch after stitch is so relaxing.
c. A ball of wool holds so much potential, and is also a sustainable resource.
d. It helped me pay attention during lectures.

Email Passage
TO: All Staff
FROM: Human Resources
RE: Award Nominations
As the year comes to a close, please consider nominating a coworker for the employee-of-the-year
award. This award is sponsored by the company and is intended to recognize an employee who has
exhibited consistent excellent performance throughout the year. Please keep the intended purpose in
mind when considering a nominee. Once all nominations have been received, a committee of managers
and employees will make the final selection.Please submit your nominations no later than Friday,
December 5th.

89. What is the main purpose of the memo?

a. To introduce a company-sponsored award for employees
b. To meet a specific deadline
c. To request nominations of potential candidates for an annual award
d. To describe the qualifications of the Employee of the Year
90. What is a logical conclusion based on the information given in the memo?
a. Most of the employees will be nominated for the award.
b. An employee will be selected from the nominee pool shortly after December 5th.
c. The company will continue this award for years to come.
d. The person who wins Employee of the Year will immediately receive a promotion.


Timed Practice Exam
Weather Prediction Passage
There are many tall tales from old world sailors and farmers, but some of them about weather
predictions are true. Here are three general rules you can follow to predict precipitation. If there is a ring
around the moon at night, rain or snow may be coming. Rain or snow may be imminent when puffy
cumulus clouds change and begin to flatten. And finally, if a north wind shifts in a counter-clockwise
manner, rain or snow could be on its way.
91. What is the main idea of the paragraph?
a. Cloud patterns indicate a change in the weather.
b. Precipitation can often be forecasted by a few simple observations.
c. Old world sailors predicted weather.
d. The night sky often gives clues about imminent precipitation.
92. If the weather forecast suggests that the current north wind will shift in a counter-clockwise
direction to a southwesterly wind by afternoon, what might you predict?
a. Rain
b. Clear skies
c. Tornado
d. Drought
Pasta Passage
1 tbsp olive oil
3 cloves garlic, minced
1 tbsp fresh basil
1 tsp dried thyme
1/2 red onion, diced
1 lb boneless, skinless chicken breast, chopped
12 oz penne pasta
2 tbsp butter
4 oz goat cheese

1. Heat the olive oil in a pan over medium-high heat.

2. Add minced garlic, basil, thyme, and onion to oil and heat until onion is clear and tender.
3. Add chicken to pan and cook for 8 min.
4. While chicken is cooking, bring pasta to a boil in a saucepan. Drain and return to the pot.
5. Add butter and cheese to pasta and stir until melted, creating a sauce.
6. Toss the chicken mixture with the pasta, coating evenly with the cheese sauce. Serve hot.

Makes 4 servings

93. According to the recipe above, when should the onion be cooked?
a. After the pasta boils
b. After the goat cheese has melted
c. After heating the oil in the pan
d. After adding the chicken to the pain
94. At which of the following times does it make the most sense to mince garlic?
a. After the onion is clear and tender
b. After tossing the chicken mixture with the pasta
c. While the pasta boils
d. Before adding oil to the pan

Kaw River Passage

Two weeks ago, I went fishing on the Kaw River with my grandfather. We found a secluded spot where
the fish were abundant. After a while, several police officers appeared on the opposite shore.
Grandfather hollered across and discovered that they were looking for a stolen car that had been
reportedly dumped in the Kaw. I suddenly had a large tug on my line, but I could not pull the fish in
without breaking my line. A police officer in scuba gear volunteered to help. After several moments, the
diver surfaced and said, "You have a whopper, but he is in one of those old cars at the bottom. I would
have better luck helping you, but every time I approach him, he rolls up the window!"

93. Which of the following is the purpose of this paragraph?

a. To discuss
b. To inform
c. To entertain ; narrative passages = personal pronouns/any dialogue
d. To express feeling
94. Which of the following sentences in the text could support the inference that it is common practice
to dispose of old vehicles in the Kaw River?
a. "We found a secluded spot where the fish were abundant."
b. "After a while, several police officers appeared on the opposite shore."
c. "Grandfather hollered across and discovered that they were looking for a stolen car that had
been reportedly dumped in the Kaw."
d. "After several moments, the diver surfaced and said, 'You have a whopper, but he is in one of
those old cars at the bottom."


95. The focus of this paper is the definition and diagnosis of ADHD in children only. Several PubMed
research articles that were published between August 2010 and August 2019 were reviewed. Articles
about medications for ADHD were omitted because they were not relevant to the scope of this

Which of the following is a likely claim made by the paper?

a. According to parents who were informally surveyed, signs of ADHD do not appear before age 4.
b. In addition, this work focuses on first-line medications, such as methylphenidate, for treating
ADHD in children.
c. The paper examines conventional and psychosocial ways for treating ADHD in adults.
d. Children typically begin exhibiting symptoms of ADHD around the age of 6, with notable
differences among various socioeconomic statuses.
96. This article illustrates how organic food cultivators can safely sprout grains and increase nutritional
properties of the food all year round. To make grains sprout, The first condition is to soak the grains
in water. Let them swell in an automatic sprouter. During sprouting, the grains undergo external and
internal changes; both the grains' structure and composition change.
Which of the following additional sentences would be expected for this passage if the theme were being
addressed by a publication meant for an organic food magazine?
a. Food grown without chemicals has increased digestibility and nutritive value.
b. Despite their benefits, the intake of sprouted grains is lower than recommended in many
c. In recent years, the food and beverage industry has launched a variety of grain products.
d. Similar techniques are used to grow greenhouse flowers throughout the year.
The path down which to go,
He simply didn't know.
Choosing career was a great riddle
So many voices in the mind mingle
How to make up his mind
When he is unaware what he'll find
Which of the following identifies the theme of the poem?
a. Fear and terror
b. Conflict and confusion
c. Absurdity and playfulness
d. Duty and honor
98.. Which of the following supports an evaluation of a logical argument?
a. Unbiased information
b. Generalizations
c. Emotional statements
d. Anecdotes
99. Which of the following resources would help a reader gather information about economic trade
during World War 1?
a. News articles and textbooks
b. Social media and photographs
c. Atlases and works of art
d. Almanacs and music
100. A student newspaper editor is adding images to newspaper articles and finds a photograph of a
woman smiling and standing in a large fish. With which of the following articles should the student
expect to place this photo?
a. "New Species Discovered by Anthropology Department Alumna"
b. "Construction to Begin This Week for Chemistry, Biology Buildings"
c. "Budget Cuts Looming for National Parks"
d. "Increased Rainfall Expected This Year, Experts Claim".
101. A study group is asked to prepare a report about the effects of mobile use on consumers' hearing.
Which of the following sources is most likely to provide relevant data?
a. A consumer report about surcharges applied to customers' bills by mobile phone companies
b. A professional journal article about the incidence of generic hearing loss
c. A university research paper about decibel limits of headphones and speakers
d. A statistical report of mobile phone usage by Mobile Phone Company.
102. The following sentences can be combined to form a paragraph. Which of the following sentences
represents the main idea?
a. They have quite distinct and remarkably charming personalities
b. People kept begging us for more photos
c. We created a social media account for fans to follow their adventures
d. Our dogs are the most adorable creatures in the world.
103. A parent is researching types of sunscreen to use for his child to wear to swim lessons.
Which of the following resources would be the most reliable for the parent to consult?
a. An advertisement for sunscreen in a parenting magazine
b. A published interview with a well-known heart surgeon
c. A review of sunscreens from a skin cancer research foundation
d. A recommendation from the child’s swim instructor.
104. A high school football team arrives to practice one day to find that all of their equipment is missing.
The coach wants to make sure he has considered every possibility before he alerts the principal.
Which of the following pieces of evidence would be relevant to help explain what happened?
a. Many of the players’ parents have raised concerns over the potential for head injuries in contact
b. The school board has instituted budget cuts to the football program
c. The football team often exchanges pranks with the biggest rival, a high school team from the
next town.
d. The equipment has failed a recent safety inspection.
105. Which of the following information sources contains copyright information for a given book? a.
b. Publication page
c. Title page
d. Table of contents
106. Which of the following areas of a textbook includes supplementary materials and additional
information to the text?
a. Glossary
b. Index
c. Bibliography
d. Appendix
107. Which of the following is the best source to consult about the famous jazz saxophonist Charlie
"yardbird" Parker's childhood in Kansas City in the 1940s?
a. Photographs of jazz clubs in Kansas City from 1941
b. A greatest hits album of Charlie Parker's most popular songs
c. A published magazine interview with Charlie Parker

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