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1he 1ruLh abouL Coal seLLlng

SeL a goal 8e speclflc uevelop a plan 1ake acLlon ls LhaL lL? Are we on our way Lo a wealLh of success
promlnence and Lurnlng Lhe lnvlslble Lo vlslble? l'm assumlng many readlng Lhls posL already follow Lhe
baslc procedures when conducLlng Lhelr own personal goalseLLlng workshop 1he fundamenLals above
are essenLlal before we can Lruly begln Lo Lurn our dreams lnLo reallLles 8uL lL's noL Lhe end
Many of us may flnd LhaL llfe's clrcumsLances emoLlons and our naLure Lo do noL whaL ls correcL wlll
cosL us Lo avold forgeL or glve up ln our personal endeavors ln no way do we excuse ourselves for Lhe
above llmlLaLlons and reallze LhaL fallure Lo accompllsh our goals ls our responslblllLy
WlLh LhaL ln mlnd much of whaL ls noL dlscussed are sLraLegles LhaL combaL Lhese lmpedlmenLs LhaL hold
us back from sLlcklng Lo our goals lf you have falled Lo carry ouL ln your commlLmenLs do noL accepL
defeaL Look aL your pasL fallures as progresslon raLher Lhan a recesslon Pow so? 8ecause l'm cerLaln
due Lo Lhe resulL of your fallures you can beLLer plnpolnL whaL Lhose llmlLaLlons are LhaL caused you Lo
halL and be sure Lo prevenL Lhem from occurrlng agaln
So here ls a llsL of llmlLaLlons personally LhaL has affecLed me and Lhe soluLlons l flnd LhaL work besL
1 lallure Lo lnsplre

Many of Lhe goals we seL are necesslLles 1hese goals may be paylng off debL car paymenL
and/or a house morLgage 1hey cannoL be avolded 1he problem lles ln Lhe goal lLself 1hese
unlnsplrlng goals fall Lo creaLe enLhuslasm WhaL ls exclLlng abouL paylng off our debL? LxLrlnslc
goals such as Lhese fall Lo lnsplre and all greaL Lhlngs resulL from enLhuslasm lL's why we may
be ln debL ln Lhe flrsL place because mosL of whaL brlngs exclLemenL Lo our llfe ls whaL we wanL
Lo do noL whaL necessary

llnd Lhe balance WhaL can you do Lo pay off credlL card debL whlle sLlll provldlng lnsplraLlon?
1hlnk of Lhe end resulL AfLer you pay off your credlL card debL Lhere musL be someLhlng you
wanL Lo do? WhaL abouL lnvesLlng ln a savlngs accounL and no longer have Lo llve paycheck Lo
paycheck or perhaps Lhere ls a small buslness you would Lruly llke Lo lnvesL ln Llvlng a llfe dolng
whaL you love 1he posslblllLles are endless ln concluslon use Lhe resulL or whaL you dream as
Lhe goal creaLlng enLhuslasm WlLh LhaL you wlll do whaL's necessary

2 lallure Lo lnsLlll confldence

oslLlve self bellefs or reasons are whaL you wlll conslsLenLly refer Loo and fall back on
LhroughouL your [ourney 8easons are almosL a foundaLlon before Laklng acLlon 1hese poslLlve
reasons glve us evldence proof why we can belleve ln ourselves 1hey allow us Lo move
forward wlLh confldence LhaL we wlll succeed
Llfe's problems and changed clrcumsLances LhaL we cannoL conLrol are noL enough Lo derall us
We focus on whaL we can conLrol and keep movlng forward 8uL remember you musL provlde
facLs and evldence abouL yourself We should do noLhlng bllndly So pay focus Lo Lhe quesLlons
you ask? use quesLlons such as whaL are 1020 reasons why l can achleve my goal whaL are
Lhe personal poslLlve behavlors skllls educaLlon and experlence you posses?

lf you provlde reasons buL wonder why you sLlll flll unworLhy Lo accompllsh Lhe goal lL's
because your reasons are weak ConsulL oLhers who care for your wellbelng and know you
Ask Lhem whaL reasons exlsL LhaL you can accompllsh your goals

3 lallure Lo acL on a conslsLenL basls

MoLlvaLlon lles ln momenLum l consLanLly repeaL LhaL Lo myself when sLrlvlng Lo accompllsh
whaL l see as flL WhaL Lhls means ls LhaL more we accompllsh Lhe happler and more moLlvaLed
we are Lo do more lL's noL abouL Lhe end goal buL Lhe [ourney lurLher happlness lles ln
progresslon noL ln achlevemenL We have Lo seL Lhe smallesL of goals Lo Lhe blggesL of goals
sLepby sLep Lo be sure were dolng someLhlng each day on a conslsLenL basls

So look aL your plan does lL provlde dally weekly monLhly and yearly goals? Wlll you be
lmprovlng on a conslsLenL basls provldlng momenLum? uo Lhls and you wlll creaLlve a flre ln
yourself LhaL only geLs hoLLer and hoLLer over Llme ln a sense Lhe moLlvaLlon you posses wlll
Lop LhaL of Lhe beglnnlng and wlll be unsLoppable Lhrough laLer years

" One man has enthusiasm for 30 minutes, another for 30 days, but it is the man who has it for 30 years who
makes a success of his life." - Edward B. Butler

ln summary uslng Lhe above reasons you're lmproved goal seLLlng plan should look llke Lhls?
1 SeL an lnsplrlng speclflc goal Ask quesLlons such as whaL do you wanL Lo have and who do you
wanL Lo be aL Lhe end of Lhe goal? noL only whaL maLerlal subsLance you wlll galn buL mosL
lmporLanLly whaL quallLy's you wlll develop ln yourself WhaL can wlll your goal do for oLhers
whom you love? Wlll lL lnsplre Lhem glve Lhem maLerlal galn?
2 SeL a plan ls your plan speclflc provldlng dally performance goals uoes lL provlde goals from
blggesL Lo smallesL? uoes lL provlde a goal for Loday Lo Lake lmmedlaLe acLlon? ?our plan musL
provlde momenLum
3 1ake acLlon wlLh reasons oslLlve reasons? Why do you belleve you can accompllsh Lhls? WhaL
do you posses LhaL can conLrlbuLe Lo you achlevlng Lhls goal?

CerLalnly afLer readlng mlne you know of oLher reasons Lo be sure you accompllsh your goals lf
so share Lhem wlLh me ln Lhe commenLs below l know Lhere are many LhaL come Lo mlnd LhaL l
dld noL cover for Lhe sake of Llme So agaln ln concluslon keep lL slmple sLupld does noL apply
Lo goal seLLlng Conslder all facLors llmlLaLlons clrcumsLances and plan Lo succeed

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