Dangerous Pe

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Dangerous: Straight Bar Curls- The problem with straight bar curls is that they lock your arms

into an unnatural palms-up

position and stress your elbow joints.

Safe: E-Z Bar Curls- The bar is angled to put your elbows in a more natural neutral position. You can do these standing or
on a ball making sure your thumbs are facing forward when contracting the muscle.

Dangerous: Leg extensions- This exercise can cause uneven compression between the kneecap and thighbone, inflaming
the tendon that connects the kneecap to the shinbone (a painful injury known as jumper's knee).

Safe: Squats- To squat safely, place the bar across your shoulders (not your neck) and keep your back straight, bending
slightly at the hips through the squatting motion. Proper form is crucial with this exercise.

Dangerous: Sit-ups- Not only are sit-ups bad for your neck, but they're also one of the least-effective abdominal exercises
you can do, according to a recent study at San Diego State University.

Safe: Bicycle Crunches- That same study found the bicycle maneuver works the abs and obliques 250 percent better than
traditional crunches or sit-ups. Lie on your back with your feet up in the air and bend your knees at a 90-degree angle.

Dangerous:Behind-the-NeckShoulder Presses- Just as posterior pull downs strain your shoulders on the way down, this
exercise hurts them on the way up. 'Weight lifter's shoulder', an over-use injury, may result from this movement.

Safe: Alternating Shoulder Presses- Sit on a Swiss ball and hold a pair of dumbbells overhead with your arms straight and
palms facing each other. Next, bend your left elbow and lower your left arm, moving your elbow out to the side, until your
upper arm is parallel with the floor. Press it back up and repeat with your right arm.

TOE TOUCHES-from standing position lean forward from waist, keeping knees straight, and touch toes.
Lower back and midback are forced to lift the entire weight of the upper body when raising up from toe
touch position.

HANSTR!NC STRETCH-from long leg sitting position lean forward from waist and reach to ankles. Hold for count of
S, repeat S10 times. *no bouncing.

STRA!CHT LEC RA!SES-lying on back and keeping legs straight, legs are lifted together from the floor and held in
that position. Puts undue pressure on lower back by creating an exaggerated arch.

BENT LEC RA!SES-same as straight leg raises except knees are bent, and one leg at a time is lifted.

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