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8. 1ech. (Lng|neer|ng hys|cs) Course Structure at II1 Guwahat|

(As per approval by Lhe SenaLe on May 06 and AugusL 10, 2007)

N.B.1:Courses given in bold are new and the syllabi for these courses are attached. Other courses are
common/existing M.Sc. courses (with numbers changed but titles and syllabi unchanged).

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N.B.2:The students may also opt for M.Sc. PH5xx elective courses in the VIII semester.
Syllabi for B.Tech. Engineering Physics Courses at IIT Guwahati
(1he syllabl for hyslcs compulsory courses only are glven below)
n-101 hys|cs I (2-1-0-6)
C|ass|ca| Mechan|cs: 8evlew of newLonlan Mechanlcs ln recLlllnear coordlnaLe sysLem. MoLlon ln
plane polar coordlnaLes. ConservaLlon prlnclples . Colllslon problem ln laboraLory and cenLre of
mass frame. 8oLaLlon abouL flxed axls . non-lnerLlal frames and pseudo forces . 8lgld body
dynamlcs .
Spec|a| 1heory of ke|at|v|ty: osLulaLes of S18. Calllean LransformaLlon. LorenLz LransformaLlon.
SlmulLanelLy. LengLh ConLracLlon. 1lme dllaLlon. 8elaLlvlsLlc addlLlon of veloclLles. Lnergy-
momenLum relaLlonshlps.
uantum Mechan|cs: 1wo-sllL experlmenL. ue 8roglle's hypoLhesls. uncerLalnLy rlnclple, wave
funcLlon and wave packeLs, phase and group veloclLles. Schrdlnger LquaLlon. robablllLles and
normallzaLlon. LxpecLaLlon values. Llgenvalues and elgenfuncLlons. AppllcaLlons ln one dlmenslon:
arLlcle ln a box, llnlLe oLenLlal well, Parmonlc osclllaLor.
1ext 8ooks:
1. u. kleppner and 8. !. kolenkow, Ao lottoJoctloo to Mecboolcs, 1aLa McCraw-Plll (2000).
2. 8.Llsberg and 8. 8esnlck, Ooootom lbyslcs of Atoms,Molecoles,5ollJs,Noclel ooJ lottlcles,
!ohn-Wlley, 2
LdlLlon (1983).

1. 8. . leynman, 8. 8. LelghLon, and M. Sands, 1be leyomoo lectotes oo lbyslcs, vol.l, norosa
ubllshlng Pouse (1998).
2. !.M. knudsen and .C. P[orLh, lemeots of Newtooloo Mecboolcs, Sprlnger (1993).
3. 8. 8esnlck, lottoJoctloo to 5peclol kelotlvlty, !ohn Wlley, Slngapore (2000).
4. A. 8elser, coocepts of MoJeto lbyslcs, 1aLa McCraw-Plll, new uelhl (1993).
3. S. Caslorowlcz, Ooootom lbyslcs, !ohn Wlley (Asla) (2000).

n-102 hys|cs 2: (2-1-0-6)
Vector Ca|cu|us: CradlenL, ulvergence and Curl, Llne, Surface, and volume lnLegrals, Causs's
dlvergence Lheorem and SLokes' Lheorem ln CarLeslan, Spherlcal polar, and Cyllndrlcal polar
coordlnaLes, ulrac uelLa funcLlon.
L|ectrostat|cs: Causs's law and lLs appllcaLlons, ulvergence and Curl of LlecLrosLaLlc flelds,

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LlecLrosLaLlc oLenLlal, 8oundary condlLlons, Work and Lnergy, ConducLors, CapaclLors, Laplace's
equaLlon, MeLhod of lmages, 8oundary value problems ln CarLeslan CoordlnaLe SysLems,
ulelecLrlcs, olarlzaLlon, 8ound Charges, LlecLrlc dlsplacemenL, 8oundary condlLlons ln dlelecLrlcs,
Lnergy ln dlelecLrlcs, lorces on dlelecLrlcs.
Magnetostat|cs: LorenLz force, 8loL-SavarL and Ampere's laws and Lhelr appllcaLlons, ulvergence
and Curl of MagneLosLaLlc flelds, MagneLlc vecLor oLenLlal, lorce and Lorque on a magneLlc
dlpole, MagneLlc maLerlals, MagneLlzaLlon, 8ound currenLs, 8oundary condlLlons.
L|ectrodynam|cs: Chm's law, MoLlonal LMl, laraday's law, Lenz's law, Self and MuLual
lnducLance, Lnergy sLored ln magneLlc fleld, Maxwell's equaLlons, ConLlnulLy LquaLlon, oynLlng
1heorem, Wave soluLlon of Maxwell LquaLlons.
L|ectromagnet|c waves: olarlzaLlon, reflecLlon & Lransmlsslon aL obllque lncldences.
1. u. !. CrlfflLhs, lottoJoctloo to lecttoJyoomlcs,3
edlLlon, renLlce-Pall of lndla(2003).
2. A.k.ChaLak, Optlcs, 1aLa Mcgraw Plll (2007).

1. Lnglneerlng LlecLromagneLlcs, naLhan lda, Sprlnger, 2003.
2. M. n. C. Sadlku, lemeots of lecttomoqoetlcs, Cxford (2006).
3. 8. . leynman, 8. 8. LelghLon, and M. Sands, 1he leynman LecLures on hyslcs, vol.ll,
norosa ubllshlng Pouse (1998).
4. l. S. CranL and W. 8. hllllps, LlecLromagneLlsm, !ohn Wlley, (1990).

n110: hys|cs Laboratory: (0-0-3-3)
1yplcal LxperlmenLs: 8oLaLlonal lnerLla of a rlgld body, Small osclllaLlon, 8lack body
radlaLlon: SLefan-8olLzmann law, veloclLy of sound ln alr, lraunhofer dlffracLlon: slngle sllL,
mulLlple sllLs, ulffracLlon by plane graLlng, lnLerference of llghL: newLon's rlng, olarlzaLlon of
llghL, uecay of currenL ln a 8C clrculL, LC8 clrculL: forced damped osclllaLlon, LlecLrlcal
properLles of MaLerlals, Pall effecL, MagneLlc fleld along Lhe axls of a colls, hoLovolLlc
effecL: Solar Cell, eLc.
1. u. Palllday, 8. 8esnlck and !. Walker, lundamenLals of hyslcs, !ohn Wlley, Slngapore
2. u. kleppner and 8. !. kolenkow, An lnLroducLlon Lo Mechanlcs, 1aLa McCraw-
3. u. !. CrlfflLhs, lnLroducLlon Lo LlecLrodynamlcs, renLlce-Pall (1993).
4. l. A. !enklns and P. L. WhlLe, lundamenLal of CpLlcs, McCraw-Plll, (1981).
3. S. M. Sze, hysslcs of SemlconducLor uevlces, Wlley LasLern (1981).

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n-211 C|ass|ca| Mechan|cs (3-1-0-8)

8evlew: AppllcaLlon of newLon's Laws and ConservaLlon Laws.

Lagranglan uynamlcs: Mechanlcs of a sysLem of parLlcles, consLralnLs and generallzed coordlnaLes,
Lagrange's equaLlons, appllcaLlons. varlaLlonal calculus and LeasL AcLlon prlnclple.

CenLral force problem: LquaLlons of moLlon, orblLs, vlrlal Lheorem, kepler problem, scaLLerlng ln a
cenLral force fleld.
8lgld body moLlon: CrLhogonal LransformaLlons, Luler angles, Corlolls effecL, angular momenLum
and klneLlc energy, Lensors and dyadlc, lnerLla Lensor, Luler equaLlons, appllcaLlons, heavy
symmeLrlcal Lop.

PamllLonlan formulaLlon: Legendre LransformaLlons, PamllLon equaLlons, cycllc coordlnaLes and
conservaLlon Lheorems, prlnclple of leasL acLlon, canonlcal LransformaLlons, olsson brackeLs,
PamllLon-!acobl Lheory, AcLlon-angle varlables.

Small osclllaLlons: Llgenvalue problem, frequencles of free vlbraLlons and normal modes, forced
vlbraLlons, dlsslpaLlon.

Classlcal fleld Lheory: Lagranglan and PamllLonlan formulaLlon of conLlnuous sysLems.

Text Book:
1. H. Goldstein, Classical Mechanics, 2nd ed., Narosa (1985).

1. L. Landau and E. Lifshitz, Mechanics, Oxford (1981).
2. F. Scheck, Mechanics, Springer (1994).

n-213 uantum Mechan|cs I (3-1-0-8)
lnLroducLlon Lo CuanLum 1heory: Wave-arLlcle duallLy, maLLer waves, group veloclLy, phase
veloclLy, uncerLalnLy prlnclple, wave packeLs.
8aslc posLulaLes of quanLum mechanlcs, concepL of probablllLy and probablllLy currenL denslLy,
Schrdlnger equaLlon. CperaLors, elgenvalues and elgenfuncLlons.
Slmple poLenLlal problems: arLlcle ln a box, sLeps, barrlers, wells, bound sLaLes, delLa-funcLlon
poLenLlal, llnear harmonlc osclllaLor, PermlLe polynomlals.
MaLrlx formulaLlon of CuanLum Mechanlcs: Llnear and maLrlx algebra, ulrac's bra and keL
noLaLlon, maLrlx represenLaLlons of vecLors and operaLors, expecLaLlon values, dlfferenL
represenLaLlons ln quanLum mechanlcs, parlLy operaLlon. MaLrlx Lheory of harmonlc osclllaLor.
1heory of Angular MomenLum: Spherlcal harmonlcs, elgenvalues for L
and l
, commuLaLlon
relaLlons, quanLum numbers, degeneracles.
Schrdlnger LquaLlon for CenLral oLenLlal: Pydrogen aLom, power serles soluLlon for Lhe radlal
parL, energy quanLlzaLlon, quanLum numbers, Laguerre polynomlals, 3-dlmenslonal harmonlc

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1ext 8ook:
1. S. Caslorowlcz, Ooootom lbyslcs, !ohn Wlley, Asla (2000).

1. . W. MaLhews and k. venkaLesan, A 1extbook of Ooootom Mecboolcs, 1aLa McCraw Plll
2. l. Schwabl, Ooootom Mecboolcs, narosa (1998).
3. L. l. Schlff, Ooootom Mecboolcs, McCraw-Plll (1968).
4. L. Merzbacher, Ooootom Mecboolcs, !ohn Wlley, Asla (1999).
3. 8. P. 8ransden and C. !. !oachaln, lottoJoctloo to Ooootom Mecboolcs, Longman (1993).

n-212 neat and 1hermodynam|cs (3-1-0-8)
1hermodynamlc sysLem and sLaLe varlables, ZeroLh law. LquaLlon of sLaLe, law of correspondlng
sLaLes. llrsL law, enLhalpy, relaLlons beLween parLlal derlvaLlves, !oule expanslon and !oule-
1homson effecL. Second law: exacL dlfferenLlal, CarnoL cycle, enLropy, enLropy lncrease prlnclple,
Clbbs paradox. 1d5 equaLlons and properLles of sysLems. PelmolLz and Clbbs poLenLlals, Legendre
LransformaLlons, Maxwell relaLlons, Clauslus-Clapeyron equaLlon, lnLroducLlon Lo second order
phase LranslLlon, 1hlrd law, nernsL heaL Lheorem. Chemlcal poLenLlal, phase equllbrla and phase
rule, surface Lenslon, magneLlsm, volLalc cells, black-body radlaLlon. AppllcaLlons: 8anklne's cycle,
Molller's dlagram. lC englnes: CLLo cycle, ulesel cycle, Lwo and four sLroke englnes. 8eacLlon and
lmpulse Lurblnes, veloclLy dlagrams, [eL propulslon and Lurbo [eL.
klneLlc 1heory and 1ransporL henomena: LquaLlon of sLaLe of an ldeal gas, equlparLlLlon of
energy, speclflc heaL. 8eal gases and van der Walls equaLlon. Mean free paLh, colllslon cross
secLlon. vlscoslLy, Lhermal conducLlvlLy, and dlffuslon. non-equlllbrlum 1hermodynamlcs: Llnear
law, Cnsager reclproclLy relaLlons, enLropy producLlon, Lhermodlffuslon, LhermoelecLrlc effecL.
PeaL Lransfer: LquaLlon of conducLlon, soluLlon ln slmple geomeLrles, lnLroducLlon Lo convecLlve
and radlaLlve heaL Lransfer.
Text Books:
1. M. W. Zemansky, 8. P. ulLLman, neot ooJ 1betmoJyoomlcs, McCraw Plll (1987).
2. l. W. Sears, C. L. Sallnger, 1betmoJyoomlcs, kloetlc 1betoy, ooJ 5totlstlcol 1betmoJyoomlcs,
narosa, new uelhl (1993).
3. 8. C. SrlvasLava, S. k. Saha and A. k. !aln, 1betmoJyoomlcs. A cote cootse, 2nd ed., renLlce-
Pall of lndla (2004).
1. l. Mandl, 5totlstlcol lbyslcs, LL8S/!ohn Wlley (1978).
2. M. n. Saha and 8. n. SrlvasLava, A 1teotlse oo neot, lndlan ress (1980).

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3. W. Crelner, L. nelse, and P. SLcker, 1betmoJyoomlcs ooJ 5totlstlcol Mecboolcs, Sprlnger
4. 8. n. 8oy, looJomeotols of closslcol ooJ 5totlstlcol 1betmoJyoomlcs, !ohn Wlley (2002).
3. ?. A. Cengel and M. A. 8oles, 1betmoJyoomlcs. Ao oqloeetloq Apptoocb, 1aLa McCraw-Plll
6. l. . lncropera and u. . uewlLL, lottoJoctloo to neot 1toosfet, 3rd ed., !ohn Wlley (1996).

n-214 uantum Mechan|cs II (3-1-0-8)
erLurbaLlon 1heory: non-degeneraLe and uegeneraLe Cases. appllcaLlons: Zeeman and SLark
effecLs. lnduced elecLrlc dlpole momenL of Pydrogen
8eal Pydrogen ALom: 8elaLlvlsLlc correcLlon, spln-orblL coupllng, hyperflne lnLeracLlon, Pellum
aLom, excluslon prlnclple, exchange lnLeracLlon.
Schrdlnger equaLlon for a slowly varylng poLenLlal, Wk8 approxlmaLlon, Lurnlng polnLs,
connecLlon formulae, derlvaLlon of 8ohr-Sommerfeld quanLlzaLlon condlLlon, appllcaLlons of Wk8.
1lme uependenL erLurbaLlon 1heory: Slnusoldal perLurbaLlon, lerml's Colden 8ule, speclal Loplcs
ln radlaLlon Lheory, seml-classlcal LreaLmenL of lnLeracLlon of radlaLlon wlLh maLLer, LlnsLeln's
coefflclenLs, sponLaneous and sLlmulaLed emlsslon and absorpLlon, appllcaLlon Lo lasers.
ScaLLerlng 1heory: 8orn ApproxlmaLlon, scaLLerlng cross secLlon, Creens funcLlons. scaLLerlng for
dlfferenL klnds of poLenLlals, appllcaLlons.
8elaLlvlsLlc lnvarlance, ulrac equaLlon, soluLlon of free fleld ulrac equaLlon, kleln-Cordon
1ext 8ooks:
1. S. Caslorowlcz, Ooootom lbyslcs, !ohn Wlley, Asla (2000).
2. L. Merzbacher, Ooootom Mecboolcs, !ohn Wlley, Asla (1999).

1. . W. MaLhews and k. venkaLesan, A 1extbook of Ooootom Mecboolcs, 1aLa McCraw Plll
2. l. Schwabl, Ooootom Mecboolcs, narosa (1998).
3. L. l. Schlff, Ooootom Mecboolcs, McCraw-Plll (1968).
4. 8. P. 8ransden and C. !. !oachaln, lottoJoctloo to Ooootom Mecboolcs, Longman (1993).

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P-218 Analog and ulglLal LlecLronlcs (3-1-0-8)

hyslcs of [uncLlon devlces. 8!1/lL1 ampllflers and osclllaLors: MulLlsLage ampllflers, frequency
response of baslc and compound conflguraLlons, leedback: LffecL of negaLlve and poslLlve
feedback, baslc feedback Lopologles and Lhelr properLles, analysls of pracLlcal feedback ampllflers,
slnusoldal osclllaLors (8C, LC, and crysLal), mulLlvlbraLors. ower ampllflers: Class A, 8, A8, C, u
sLages, lC ouLpuL sLages. CperaLlonal ampllfler clrculLs: ulfferenLlal and cascade ampllflers and
appllcaLlons, SL/nL 333 Llmer lC, acLlve fllLers, volLage conLrolled osclllaLor, A/u and u/A
converLers, sample-and hold- clrculL.

Loglc famllles: ulfferenL loglc famllles, MCSlL1 as swlLch, 11L lnverLer - clrculL descrlpLlon and
operaLlon, CMCS lnverLer-clrculL descrlpLlon and operaLlon, oLher 11L and CMCS gaLes, elecLrlcal
behavlour of loglc clrculLs. ComblnaLlonal loglc modules: uecoders, encoders, mulLlplexers, de-
mulLlplexers and Lhelr appllcaLlons, Lhree sLaLe devlces, comparaLors, programmable loglc devlces.
SequenLlal loglc clrculLs: deslgn and analysls of synchronous and asynchronous sequenLlal clrculLs.
Memory: 8ead-only memory (8CM), L8CM, llash, sLaLlc and dynamlc random access memorles.
Text Books:
1. A. S. Sedra and k. C. SmlLh, Mlctoelecttoolc cltcolts, Cxford unlverslLy ress (1997).
2. 8. A. Cayakwad, Op-Amps ooJ lloeot loteqtoteJ cltcolt, renLlce-Pall of lndla (2002).
3. !. l. Wakerly, ulqltol ueslqo - ltloclples ooJ ltoctlces, 3/e, renLlce-Pall of lndla (2003).

1. !. Mlllman and C.C. Palklas, loteqtoteJ lecttoolcs, 1aLa McCraw Plll (1993).
2. 8. C. SLreeLman, 5ollJ 5tote lecttoolcs uevlces, 3e, renLlce-Pall of lndla (2001).
3. . PorowlLz and W. Plll, 1be Att of lecttoolcs, Cambrldge unlverslLy ress (1993).
4. l. !. Plll and C. 8. eLerson, compotet-olJeJ loqlcol ueslqo, 4Lh ed., !ohn Wlley (1993).
3. M. Mano, ulqltol ueslqo, 2nd ed., renLlce-Pall of lndla (1997).
6. v.. nelson, P.1. nagle, 8.u. Carroll & !.u. lrwln, ulqltol loqlc cltcolt Aoolysls ooJ ueslqo,
renLlce-Pall (1993).

P-210 LlecLronlcs LaboraLory l (0-0-4-4)
Ampllflers: slngle- and mulLl-sLage ampllflers, frequency response, lourler Lransform, varlous
classes of ampllflers and Lhelr frequency response, varlous modulaLlon schemes. MulLlvlbraLors
and wave funcLlon generaLors, fllLers. MeasuremenL of depleLlon layer capaclLance and effecL of
LemperaLure. ConLroller clrculLs.
1. P. B. Zbar and A. P. Malvino, Basic electronics: A text-lab manual, Tata McGraw Hill
2. P. Horowitz and W. Hill, The Art of Electronics, Cambridge University Press (1995).
3. R. A. Gayakwad, Op-Amps and Linear Integrated Circuits, Prentice-Hall of India (2002).

n-301 L|ectromagnet|cs (3-1-0-8)
LlecLrosLaLlcs: Creen funcLlon, ulrlchleL and neumann boundary condlLlons, Creen funcLlon for
Lhe sphere. Laplace LquaLlon: SeparaLlon of varlables ln spherlcal and cyllndrlcal coordlnaLes and

- 8 -
general soluLlon (Legendre polynomlals, Spherlcal harmonlcs, 8essel funcLlon, eLc.). Lxpanslon of
Creen funcLlon ln spherlcal and cyllndrlcal coordlnaLes. MulLlpole expanslon. ulelecLrlcs: 8oundary
value problem, Clauslus MossoLLl equaLlon. LlecLrosLaLlc energy. AnlsoLropy and suscepLlblllLy
Lensor. MagneLlsm: Creen funcLlon meLhod for vecLor poLenLlal, MagneLlc maLerlals, 8oundary
value problems. MageneLlc fleld ln conducLors.
Maxwell LquaLlons: 1lme varylng flelds, conservaLlon laws, lane waves, propagaLlon ln
nonconducLlng and conducLlng medla. 8eflecLlon and refracLlon, lresnel relaLlons. kramers-kronlg
relaLlons. Cauge LransformaLlon and gauge condlLlons. Creen funcLlon meLhod for wave equaLlon.
8eLarded poLenLlals. oynLlng Lheorem - for harmonlc flelds - ln dlsperslve medlum.
1ransformaLlon properLles of Lhe elecLromagneLlc fleld. Wave guldes and CavlLles: llelds wlLhln a
conducLor. 8ecLangular and cyllndrlcal geomeLrles. CrLhonormal modes. Lnergy flow and
aLLenuaLlon. ower loss and C-value. Schumann resonances. 8adlaLlon: CsclllaLlng source. LlecLrlc
dlpole, magneLlc dlpole, and elecLrlc quadrupole flelds. CenLre-fed llnear anLenna. MulLlpole
expanslon and mulLlpole radlaLlon. ScaLLerlng of elecLromagneLlc waves.
1ext 8ooks:
1. !. u. !ackson, closslcol lecttoJyoomlcs, 3rd ed., !ohn Wlley (2003).
2. W. Crelner, closslcol lecttoJyoomlcs, Sprlnger (2006).

1. L. C. !ordan and k. C. 8almaln, lecttomoqoetlc woves ooJ koJlotloq 5ystems, 2nd ed.,
renLlce-Pall of lndla (1993).
2. !. u. kraus, Aoteooos, 2nd ed., McCraw-Plll (1988).

P-303 Mlcroprocessor ArchlLecLure and rogrammlng (3-0-0-6)
lnLroducLlon Lo Mlcroprocessors. 1he 8083 ArchlLecLure, 8us organlzaLlon, 8eglsLers, Memory, l/C
devlces. ConLrol slgnals, Machlne cycles and 8us Llmlngs. Memory lnLerfaclng: Memory 8ead cycle,
Address decodlng, lnLerfaclng Lhe 8133 memory secLlon. l/C lnLerfaclng: l/C lnsLrucLlons and
execuLlons, uevlce selecLlon, lnLerfaclng wlLh lnpuL and ouLpuL devlces. Memory mapped l/C.
8083 lnsLrucLlons and Assembly Language: ArlLhmeLlc operaLlons, Loglc operaLlons, 8ranch
operaLlons. ConLrols and Llme delays.
llowcharL and rogrammlng Lechnlques, SLack and SubrouLlnes, 8esLarL, CondlLlonal Call, and
8eLurn lnsLrucLlons. nesLlng. Code Converslons: 8Cu-8lnary, 8Cu-seven segmenL LLu, 8lnary-
ASCll. 8Cu ArlLhmeLlc and 16-blL daLa operaLlons. CperaLlng SysLem: Assembler and programmlng
uslng an Assembler. lnLerrupLs: lnsLrucLlons, 8esLarL, 1rap. rogrammable lnLerrupL conLroller
8239A. lnLerfaclng: wlLh u/A and A/u converLer. lnLerfaclng l/C porLs uslng 8133. 1he 8279
keyboard/dlsplay lnLerfaclng. 1he 8233 programmable perlpheral lnLerface. Serlal l/C and uaLa
communlcaLlon. Mlcroprocessor appllcaLlons.
1ext 8ooks:
1. 8. S. Caonkar, Mlctoptocessot Atcbltectote, ltoqtommloq, ooJ Appllcotloos wltb tbe 8085,

- 9 -
3Lh ed., enram lnLernaLlonal/renLlce-Pall (1999).
2. n. k. SrlnaLh, 8083 Mlctoptocessot ltoqtommloq ooJ lotetfocloq, renLlce-Pall of lndla

1. u. v. Pall, Mlctoptocessots ooJ lotetfocloq, 1aLa McCraw-Plll (1993).
2. W. klelLz, Mlctoptocessot ooJ Mlctocoottollet looJomeotols. tbe 8085 ooJ 8051 notJwote
ooJ 5oftwote, renLlce-Pall (1997).
3. !. uffenbeck, Mlctocompotets ooJ Mlctoptocessots. tbe 8080, 8085, ooJ 280 ltoqtommloq,
lotetfocloq, ooJ 1tooblesbootloq, renLlce-Pall (1999).
4. !. uffenbeck, 8086 lomlly, ltoqtommloq ooJ lotetfocloq, renLlce-Pall of lndla (2001).

n-30S Atom|c and Nuc|ear hys|cs (3-1-0-8)
8evlew of Lhe Pydrogen aLom problem, SLark LffecL, Zeeman effecL, aschen-8ack effecL.
lnLeracLlon wlLh elecLromagneLlc fleld, ulpole approxlmaLlon, SelecLlon rules. Llne wldLh of
specLral llnes. 8elaLlvlsLlc correcLlon, llne and Pyperflne sLrucLure. Pellum ALom, Consequence of
Lhe aull excluslon prlnclple, ApproxlmaLe meLhods for ground and exclLed sLaLes, Auger effecL.
Many elecLron aLoms: CenLral fleld approxlmaLlon. AnLlsymmeLrlzaLlon of wave funcLlon. 1homas-
lerml meLhod. ParLree and ParLee-lock meLhod of self-conslsLenL fleld. l5 coupllng and jj
coupllng. uenslLy funcLlonal Lheory.

1wo-nucleon roblem: Cround and exclLed sLaLes of ueuLeron. n-p scaLLerlng and lLs spln
dependence. CoherenL and lncoherenL scaLLerlng. 1ensor forces and Lhe ueuLeron problem.
MagneLlc and Cuadrupole momenLs of Lhe ueuLeron. hoLo dlslnLegraLlon of Lhe ueuLeron.
Many-nucleon henomenology: 8lndlng energy and Welzsacker mass formula. Llquld drop model.
SponLaneous flsslon. Mass dlsLrlbuLlon of flsslon producLs. nuclear reacLlons: Cross secLlon. arLlal
wave analysls. 8esonance. 8relL-Wlgner dlsperslon formula. Shell model. lndependenL parLlcle
model. l5 coupllng and jj coupllng schemes. CollecLlve model. Many body LreaLmenL of Lhe
1ext 8ooks:
1. 8. P. 8ransden and C. !. !oachaln, lbyslcs of Atoms ooJ Molecoles, earson LducaLlon
2. P. Paken and P. C. Wolf, 1be lbyslcs of Atoms ooJ Ooooto, Sprlnger (2004).
3. 8. 8. 8oy and 8. . nlgam, Nocleot lbyslcs, 1beoty ooJ xpetlmeot, new Age (1993).

1. P. L. WhlLe, lottoJoctloo to Atomlc 5pectto, McCraw-Plll (1934).
2. n. Levlne, Ooootom cbemlstty, 4Lh ed., renLlce-Pall of lndla (2000).

- 10 -
3. L. u. Condon and C. P. ShorLley, 1be 1beoty of Atomlc 5pectto, Cambrldge (1933).
4. !. M. 8laLL and v. l. Welsskopf, 1beotetlcol Nocleot lbyslcs, !ohn Wlley (1932).

n-310 Genera| hys|cs Laboratory (0-0-6-6)
LxperlmenLs based on general physlcs, opLlcs, and condensed maLLer physlcs.
1. 8. A. uunlop, xpetlmeotol lbyslcs, Cxford unlverslLy ress (1988).
2. A. C. Mellsslnos, xpetlmeots lo MoJeto lbyslcs, Academlc ress (1996).

P-320 LlecLronlcs LaboraLory ll (0-0-3-3)

LxperlmenLs uslng Small Scale lnLegraLlon and Medlum Scale lnLegraLlon dlglLal lnLegraLed clrculLs:
loglc gaLes, fllp-flops, counLers, mulLlplexers, demulLlplexers, shlfL reglsLers, seven-segmenL
decoders, monosLable mulLlvlbraLors, laLches, memorles, eLc. Assembly language programmlng for
8083 mlcroprocessor, lnLerfaclng 8083 mlcroprocessor wlLh memory and l/C devlces, 8083
mlcroprocessor klL based lnLerfaclng experlmenLs uslng perlpheral programmable lnLerface such
as LLu and 7-segmenL dlsplay, 1emperaLure conLroller, sLepper moLor conLrol, A/u and u/A
converLers, eLc.

1. P. B. Zbar and A. P. Malvino, Basic electronics: A text-lab manual, Tata McGraw Hill
2. A. P. Malvino and D. P Leach, Digital Principles and Applications, McGraw-Hill (1996).
3. R. S. Gaonkar: Microprocessor Architecture, programming & application with 8085/8080A,
2nd ed., New Age, 1995.

P-302 Lnglneerlng CpLlcs (3-0-0-6)
CeomeLrlcal opLlcs: MaLrlx formulaLlon for lens and mlrrors and comblnaLlons, AberraLlons.
ulffracLlon 1heory: klrchoff lnLegrals, lraunhofer and lresnel dlffracLlon, ropagaLlon of Causslan
beam, derlvaLlon of lens maklng formula, lourler opLlcs, SpaLlal frequency fllLerlng, lmage
processlng, Polography.
lnLerference henomena: 1wo and MulLlple beam lnLerference, effecL of llne wldLh, frlnge
conLrasL, coherence, CpLlcal properLles of slngle and mulLllayer Lhln fllms, maLrlx formulaLlon,
appllcaLlons of lnLerferomeLer. olarlzaLlon: olarlzaLlon of radlaLlon, polarlzaLlon calculus (maLrlx
formulaLlon and olncare represenLaLlon, ancharaLnam phase), blrefrlngence, crysLal opLlcs,
LlllpsomeLry and appllcaLlon of polarlzaLlon based devlces. CpLlcal deslgnlng and LesLlng, opLlcal
devlces and Lhelr appllcaLlons.

Text Books:
1. M. Born and E. Wolf, Principles of Optics, 6th ed., Cambridge University Press
2. B. H. Walker, Optical Engineering Fundamentals, SPIE Optical Engineering Press
3. R. M. A. Azzam and N. M. Bashara, Ellipsometry and Polarized light, Elsevier

- 11 -
4. W. J. Smith, Modern Optical Engineering, McGraw-Hill (1991).

1. R. D. Gunther, Modern Optics, John Wiley (1990).
2. K. Iizuka, Elements of Photonics, John Wiley (2002).

n-304 Mater|a|s Sc|ence (3-0-0-6)
ClasslflcaLlon of Lnglneerlng MaLerlals, Lqulllbrlum and klneLlcs, ALomlc SLrucLure and Chemlcal
8ondlng, SLrucLure of CrysLalllne and non-crysLalllne sollds, lmperfecLlons ln Sollds. hase
ulagrams: hase rule, hases, 8lnary phase dlagram and LuLecLlc, LuLecLold and erlLecLlc
sysLems, MlcrosLrucLural changes, 1he Lever 8ule, Lxamples of hase dlagram, AppllcaLlon of
hase dlagram. hase 1ransformaLlon: 1lme scale of phase changes, nucleaLlon and growLh,
LransformaLlon ln sLeel, preclplLaLlon processes, solldlflcaLlon and crysLalllzaLlon, re-crysLalllzaLlon
and graln growLh. ulffuslon ln Sollds: llck's laws and Lhelr appllcaLlons, klrkendall effecL, aLomlsLlc
model of dlffuslon.
Mechanlcal properLles of meLals: LlasLlc, AnelasLlc and vlscoelasLlc behavlor, lasLlc deformaLlon
and Creep ln CrysLalllne MaLerlals, Pardness, Mechanlcal LesLlng of meLals. lallure: lracLure,
faLlgue and creep. 1hermal processlng of meLal alloys: Anneallng processes, heaL LreaLmenL of
sLeels, preclplLaLlon hardenlng. CxldaLlon and Corroslon: Mechanlsm of oxldaLlon, CxldaLlon
reslsLanL maLerlals, corroslon, roLecLlon agalnsL corroslon. MaLerlals: Ceramlcs, olymers and
ComposlLes MaLerlals SelecLlon and ueslgn conslderaLlon, LnvlronmenLal lssues ln maLerlal
1ext 8ooks:
1. v. 8aghavan, Motetlol 5cleoce ooJ oqloeetloq. A lltst cootse, 3Lh ed., renLlce-Pall of lndla
2. W. u. CalllsLer !r., Motetlols 5cleoce ooJ oqloeetloq. Ao lottoJoctloo, 6Lh ed. (2003).

1. !. 8. WachLman, cbotoctetlzotloo of Motetlols, 8uLLerworLh-Pelnemann (1992).
2. L. P. van valck, lemeots of Motetlols 5cleoce ooJ oqloeetloq, 6Lh ed., Addlson-Wesley

n-306 Stat|st|ca| Mechan|cs (3-1-0-8)
8evlew of 1hermodynamlcs: Laws of Lhermodynamlcs, enLropy, poLenLlals. SLaLlsLlcal
1hermodynamlcs: Macroscoplc and mlcroscoplc sLaLes, connecLlon beLween sLaLlsLlcs and
Lhermodynamlcs, classlcal ldeal gas, enLropy of mlxlng and Clbb's paradox.
Lnsemble 1heory: hase space, Llouvllle's Lheorem, mlcrocanonlcal ensemble, examples, quanLum
sLaLes and phase space. Canonlcal Lnsemble: Lqulllbrlum, parLlLlon funcLlon, energy flucLuaLlon,
equlparLlLlon and vlrlal Lheorem, harmonlc osclllaLors, sLaLlsLlcs of paramagneLlsm. Crand

- 12 -
Canonlcal Lnsemble: Lqulllbrlum, parLlLlon funcLlon, denslLy and energy flucLuaLlon,
correspondence wlLh oLher ensembles, examples. lormulaLlon of CuanLum SLaLlsLlcs: CuanLum
mechanlcal ensemble Lheory, denslLy MaLrlx, sLaLlsLlcs of varlous ensembles, examples.
1heory of Slmple Cases: ldeal gas ln dlfferenL quanLum mechanlcal ensembles. SysLems of:
monaLomlc, dlaLomlc and polyaLomlc molecules. ldeal 8ose Cas: 1hermodynamlcs, 8ose-LlnsLeln
condensaLlon, blackbody radlaLlon, phonons, Pellum ll. ldeal lerml Cas: 1hermodynamlcs, aull
paramagneLlsm, Landau dlamagneLlsm, uePass-van Alphen LffecL, Lhermlonlc and phoLoelecLrlc
emlsslons, whlLe dwarfs. lnLeracLlng SysLems: ClusLer expanslon, vlrlal Lxpanslon, evaluaLlon of
vlrlal coefflclenLs.
1ext 8ook:
1. 8. k. aLhrla, 5totlstlcol Mecboolcs, 8uLLerworLh-Pelnemann (1996).

1. l. 8elf, 5totlstlcol ooJ 1betmol lbyslcs, McCraw-Plll (1983).
2. W. Crelner, L nelse, and P. SLcker, 1betmoJyoomlcs ooJ 5totlstlcol Mecboolcs, Sprlnger
3. k. Puang, 5totlstlcol Mecboolcs, !ohn Wlley Asla (2000).
4. L. u. Landau and L. M. LlfshlLz, 5totlstlcol lbyslcs-l, ergamon (1980).
n-308 Numer|ca| Methods and Computat|ona| hys|cs (2-0-2-6)

Lrrors: lLs sources, propagaLlon and analysls, compuLer represenLaLlon of numbers.

8ooLs of nonllnear LquaLlons: 8lsecLlon, newLon-8aphson, secanL meLhod. SysLem of nonllnear
equaLlons, newLon's meLhod for nonllnear sysLems. AppllcaLlons ln hyslcs problems.

SoluLlon of llnear sysLems: Causs, Causs-!ordan ellmlnaLlon, maLrlx lnverslon and Lu
decomposlLlon. Llgenvalues and LlgenvecLors. AppllcaLlons.

lnLerpolaLlon and Curve flLLlng: lnLroducLlon Lo lnLerpolaLlon, Lagrange approxlmaLlon, newLon
and Chebyshev polynomlals. LeasL square flLLlng, llnear and nonllnear. AppllcaLlon ln hyslcs

numerlcal ulfferenLlaLlon and lnLegraLlon: ApproxlmaLlng Lhe derlvaLlve, numerlcal dlfferenLlaLlon
formulas, lnLroducLlon Lo quadraLure, Lrapezoldal and Slmpson's rule, Causs-Legendre lnLegraLlon.

SoluLlon of CuL: lnlLlal value and boundary value problems, Luler's and 8unge-kuLLa meLhods,
llnlLe dlfference meLhod. AppllcaLlons ln ChaoLlc dynamlcs, Schrdlnger equaLlons.

SoluLlon of uL: Pyperbollc, arabollc, and LlllpLlc LquaLlons by flnlLe dlfference. AppllcaLlon Lo 2-
dlmenslonal LlecLrosLaLlc lleld problems.

Text Books:
1. K. E. Atkinson, Numerical Analysis, John Wiley, Asia (2004).

- 13 -
2. S. C. Chapra and R. P. Canale, Numerical Methods for Engineers, Tata McGraw-
Hill (2002).

1. J. H. Mathews, Numerical Methods for Mathematics, Science, and Engineering,
Prentice-Hall of India (1998).
2. S. S. M. Wong, Computational Methods in Physics, World Scientific (1992).
3. W. H. Press, S. A. Teukolsky, W. T. Verlling and B. P. Flannery, Numerical Recipes in C,
Cambridge (1998).

n-312 Measurement 1echn|ques (2-0-3-7)

Sensors: 8eslsLlve, capaclLaLlve, lnducLlve, elecLromagneLlc, LhermoelecLrlc, elasLlc, plezoelecLrlc,
plezoreslsLlve, phoLosenslLlve and elecLrochemlcal sensors, lnLerfaclng sensors and daLa
acqulslLlon uslng serlal and parallel porLs.
Low ressure: 8oLary, sorpLlon, oll dlffuslon, Lurbo molecular, geLLer and cryo pumps, Mcleod,
LhermoelecLrlc (Lhermocouple, LhermlsLer and plranl), pennlng, hoL caLhode and 8ayard AlperL
gauges, parLlal pressure measuremenL, leak deLecLlon, gas flow Lhrough plpes and aperLures,
effecLlve pump speed, vacuum componenLs.

Low 1emperaLure: Cas llqulflers, Cryo-fluld baLhs, llquld Pe cryosLaL deslgn, closed cycle Pe
refrlgeraLor, low LemperaLure measuremenL.

AnalyLlcal lnsLrumenLs: x-ray dlffracLomeLer, SpecLrophoLomeLers, l1-l8, uSC, lock-ln ampllfler,
specLrum analyzer, fluorescence and 8aman specLromeLer, scannlng elecLron mlcroscope, aLomlc
force mlcroscope, lnLerferomeLers.

LaboraLory ComponenL: physlcal parameLer measuremenL uslng dlfferenL sensors, low pressure
generaLlon and measuremenL, callbraLlon of secondary gauges, cryosLaL deslgn, CC8 operaLlon,
daLa collecLlon from analyLlcal lnsLrumenLs ln Lhe deparLmenL.

1. A. D. Helfrick and W. D. Cooper, Modern Electronic Instrumentation and
Measurement Techniques,

Prentice-Hall of India (1996).
2. J. P. Bentley, Principles of Measurement Systems, Longman (2000).
3. G. K. White, Experimental Techniques in Low Temperature Physics, Clarendon
4. A. Roth, Vacuum Technology, Elsevier (1990).
5. D. A. Skoog, F. J. Holler and T. A. Nieman, Principles of Instrumental Analysis,
Saunders Coll. Publ. (1998).

n-330 Advanced hys|cs Laboratory (0-0-6-6)

Experiments based on modern optics, lasers, solid state physics, microwave, nuclear
physics and advanced measurement techniques.

1. C. Isenberg and S. Chomet (eds.), Physics Experiment and Projects for Students,
vols. I, II and III, Hemisphere Publishing Corporation (1998).
2. G. L. Squires, Practical Physics, Cambridge University Press (1999).

n-413 Lasers and hoton|cs (3-1-0-8)

- 14 -

Laser hyslcs: 8aslc prlnclple of laser, opLlcal ampllflcaLlon, laser raLe equaLlons, galn coefflclenL,
Lhreshold condlLlon, llne broadenlng, opLlcal resonaLors, longlLudlnal and Lransverse modes,
opLlmum ouLpuL coupllng, roperLles of Laser, C-swlLchlng, mode locklng and pulse compresslon,
varlous common laser sysLems and appllcaLlons. Laser modulaLors: LlecLro-opLlcs, AccousLo-opLlcs
modulaLors, deflecLors, Lunable fllLers.
nonllnear CpLlcs: nonllnear opLlcal suscepLlblllLles, Parmonlc generaLlon, frequency converslon,
phase maLchlng, blsLable devlces, opLlcal swlLchlng. hoLonlc uevlces: CpLlcal deLecLors, CpLlcal
waveguldes, lnLegraLed opLlcs, llber-CpLlc communlcaLlon sysLems, CpLlcal compuLlng.

Text Books:
1. O. Svelto, Principles of Lasers, Plenum Press (1998).
2. R. W. Boyd, Non Linear Optics, 2nd ed., Academic Press (2003).
3. K. Iizuka, Elements of Photonics, John Wiley & Sons (2002).
4. B. E. Saleh and M.C. Teich, Photonics, John Wiley (2002).

1. A. E. Seigmen, Lasers, University Science Books (1986).
2. A. Yariv, Optical Electronics, 4th ed., Saunders College Publishing (1991).
3. Y. R. Shen, The principle of Non Linear Optics, John Wiley (1984).
4. G. Keisser, Optical Fiber Communication, McGraw-Hill (1991).

n-S0S So||d State hys|cs (3-1-0-8)

CrysLal physlcs: SymmeLry operaLlons, 8ravals laLLlces, olnL and space groups, Mlller lndlces and
reclprocal laLLlce, SLrucLure deLermlnaLlon, dlffracLlon, x-ray, elecLron and neuLron, CrysLal
blndlng, uefecLs ln crysLals, olnL and llne defecLs.

LaLLlce vlbraLlon and Lhermal properLles: LlnsLeln and uebye models, conLlnuous solld, llnear
laLLlce, acousLlc and opLlcal modes, dlsperslon relaLlon, aLLenuaLlon, denslLy of sLaLes, phonons
and quanLlzaLlon, 8rlllouln zones, Lhermal conducLlvlLy of meLals and lnsulaLors.
LlecLronlc properLles: lree elecLron Lheory of meLals, elecLrons ln a perlodlc poLenLlal, 8loch
equaLlon, kronlg-enny model, band Lheory, meLal, semlconducLor and lnsulaLors, bandgap,
lnLrlnslc and exLrlnslc semlconducLors, Pall LffecL, p-n [uncLlon.
ulelecLrlcs: olarlzablllLy, Clauslus-MossoLLl formula, ulelecLrlc consLanL, ferroelecLrlcs.
MagneLlsm: ulamagneLlsm, paramagneLlsm, ferromagneLlsm, anLlferro magneLlsm and
SuperconducLlvlLy: Melssner effecL, London equaLlons, coherence lengLh, Lype-l and Lype-ll

Text Books:
1. H. P. Myers, Introduction to Solid State Physics, Viva books (1998).
2. M. A. Omar, Elementary Solid State Physics, Addison-Wesley (1975).

1. C. Kittel, Introduction to Solid State Physics, John Wiley (1996).
2. A. J. Dekker, Solid State Physics, Macmillan (1986).
3. N. W. Ashcroft and N. D. Mermin, Solid State Physics, HBC Publ. (1976).

n-417 Sem|conductor Dev|ces (3-0-0-6)

Lnergy bands ln sollds and Charge carrlers. SemlconducLors: LlemenLal and compound

- 13 -
semlconducLors, lnLrlnslc and exLrlnslc maLerlals, ulrecL and lndlrecL band-gap semlconducLors,
Peavlly doped semlconducLors. Charge carrler ln semlconducLors: moblllLy, lmpurlLy band
conducLlon, nonllnear conducLlvlLy, excess carrlers ln semlconducLors. SemlconducLor 8loch
equaLlon, LransporL properLles.

-n !uncLlons: fabrlcaLlon, sLaLlc and dynamlc behavlor of p-n [uncLlon dlodes, !uncLlon
breakdown ln p-n [uncLlons, Lunnel dlode, SchoLLky dlode. 8lpolar !uncLlon 1ranslsLor:
fundamenLals of 8!1 operaLlon, 8!1 fabrlcaLlon, carrler dlsLrlbuLlon and Lermlnal currenL,
generallzed blaslng, swlLches, frequency llmlLaLlons of LranslsLors. lleld LffecL 1ranslsLors: !lL1,
MCSlL1. MeLal SemlconducLor [uncLlons: SchoLLky effecL, recLlfylng and Chmlc conLacLs.
lnLegraLed clrculLs, fabrlcaLlon meLhods. ower devlces: p-n-p-n dlode, Slllcon conLrolled recLlflers.
CpLoelecLronlc uevlces: phoLodlodes, llghL emlLLlng dlodes, semlconducLor lasers, phoLovolLalc

Text Books:
1. S. M. Sze, Physics of Semiconductor Devices, 2nd ed., John Wiley (1982).
2. Michael Shur, Introduction to Electronic Devices, John Wiley (2000).
3. J. Singh, Semiconductor Devices--Basic Principles; John Wiley (2001).

1. M. S. Tyagi, Introduction to Semiconductor Materials and Devices, John Wiley
4. Ben G. Streetman, Solid State Electronic Devices, 5th ed., Prentice-Hall of India

n-414 Nanoe|ectron|cs and Nanophoton|cs (3-0-0-6)

nanoelecLronlcs: Lnergy levels, uenslLy of sLaLes. 8ond sLrucLure, coulomb blockade, quanLum
wlre, elecLron phase correlaLlon, slngle elecLron Lunnellng, quanLum doL, molecular moLors, nano-
LranslsLors and lL1 and nLMS and sensors.
nanophoLonlcs: nano scale fleld lnLeracLlon, nanoconflnemenL, near fleld mlcroscopy, plasmonlcs,
nonllnear opLlcal phenomena, nano-scale dynamlcs, quanLum well laser, phoLonlc crysLal and
wave gulde. CrowLh meLhod and characLerlzaLlon of maLerlal, nanollLhography, nanphoLonlcs for

Text Books:
1. Rainer Waser (ed.), Nanoelectronics and Information Technology: Advanced
Electronic Materials and Novel Devices, Wiley-VCH (2003).
2. P. N. Prasad, Nanophotonics, Wiley Interscience (2004).

1. A. S. LdelsLeln and 8. C. CammaraLa (eds.), Nooomotetlols. 5yotbesls, ltopettles ooJ
Appllcotloos, lnsLlLuLe of hyslcs ubllshlng (1996).
2. Z. L. Wang (ed.), cbotoctetlzotloo of Nooopbose Motetlols, Wlley-vCP (2001).
3. 1. Pelnzel, Mesoscoplc lecttoolcs lo 5ollJ 5tote Nooosttoctotes, Wlley-vCP (2003).
4. Charles . oole and lrank !. Cwens, lottoJoctloo to Noootecbooloqy, Wlley-lnLersclence

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