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Quality Stringent y

Offshore softw e ware de evelopment m

Table of Content
1. Introduction................................................................................................................................................... 3 2. Summary of Qualifications ............................................................................................................................ 3 2.1 Overview ......................................................................................................................................... 3 2.2 Experience ...................................................................................................................................... 4 2.2.1 J2EE ................................................................................................................................ 4 2.2.2 .NET ............................................................................................................................... 4 2.2.3 SQL ................................................................................................................................. 4 2.3.4 REPORTING .................................................................................................................... 4 2.3 Certifications/Licenses .................................................................................................................... 4 2.3.1 CMMI Level 2 Appraised ................................................................................................ 4 2.3.2 ISO 90012000 Certified ................................................................................................ 5 2.3.3 Microsoft Certified Partner ........................................................................................... 5 2.3.4 IBM Advance Business Partner ...................................................................................... 5 2.3.5 Sun Associate Partner .................................................................................................... 5 3. Project Approach ........................................................................................................................................... 6 3.1 General Approach ........................................................................................................................... 6 3.1.1 Precontract Phase ........................................................................................................ 6 3.1.2 Post Contract Phase....................................................................................................... 6 3.1.3 Post Delivery Phase (maintenance) ............................................................................... 7 4. Technosoft FAQs ........................................................................................................................................... 8 4.1 What are the skill sets you provide?............................................................................................... 8 4.2 What is your rate structure? ........................................................................................................... 8 4.3 What services do you provide? What are your programming specialties? .................................... 9 4.4 What are your qualifications? What professional certifications do you have? .............................. 9 4.5 How do you charge for your services?............................................................................................ 9 4.6 Why should we use you for our programming needs? ................................................................... 9 5. Clients List ...................................................................................................................................................10 6. Testimonials ................................................................................................................................................10 6.1 ELM Insurance Brokers .................................................................................................................11 6.2 Atlantic Decisions Inc. USA ...........................................................................................................11 6.3 Chart Links LLC., USA.....................................................................................................................11 6.4 PdMA Corporation ........................................................................................................................11 6.5 Queens University, Ontario Canada..............................................................................................11 6.6 Greener Printer .............................................................................................................................12

Thanks for taking the time to download this document. In the sections that follow, we have provided basic information, about our company, for your consideration.

1. Introduction
Technosoft is an ISO 9001:2000 certified company, a Sun Microsystems Partner, an IBM Advanced Business Partner, and a Microsoft Certified Partner. We have a passion for quality centric, process driven software development. We specialize in application design and development. Our goal is to provide cost effective scalable, easily maintainable and secure applications on time and within customer budget. We ensure that developed applications match customer vision and requirements. We focus on functional as well as non functional properties of applications by using proven software engineering frameworks and techniques. With stateoftheart communication facilities and infrastructure, our offshore centers work as a virtual extension of our client's development environment. We guarantee quality of our output. Excellent references are available upon request.

2. Summary of Qualifications
2.1 Overview
Technosoft Solutions Inc. is a leading offshore softwareoutsourcing provider based in Connecticut. Since 2002, Technosoft has been providing software development services to many clients based in US and Canada. It is a young and agile company with big aims and broader vision. The delivery models are adjusted such that we become an extension to our customers business. As a result of this ability to mould our style of working we are working on many reengineering and maintenance projects, in addition to the classical software development projects. US Office mainly comprises of a team of business analysts who are skilled in gathering client requirements and translating them into system level functional specifications. The offshore office has resources with diverse skills like management, software architecture, software design, development and testing. Experts of each area excel in their specific fields and cross functional teams are created for client projects looking at project requirements. Onshore and offshore team are wellconnected and they use la test technologies to communicate different client needs/project dynamics. The right mix of onshore and offshore services gives Technosoft the unique ability to offer very attractive rates to its customers without any compromise on quality. Technosoft development follows all best practices of software engineering. Our focus is on documentation, process, ease of use, ease of deployment, frequent and effective communication, effective technical project management and extreme focus on skill set. Being an ISO certified company we have templates available for different artifacts that are to be produced at different stages of project life cycle. Artifacts produced at different stages are inspected and reviewed. Our team of Architects/Designers with many years of development experience in java and .NET technologies is skilled at creating scalable, efficient and reliable system architectures. This team has very good understanding of different architectural patterns and has extensive experience designing, developing and implementing ntiered application architecture. Technosoft Software Development Teams are geared towards timely and quality delivery. Development teams strive to produce software utilizing known best practices. Development teams strongly believe in producing quality outcome. The focus is more on bug prevention as we develop rather than bug detection

after software is written. Thus quality, at Technosoft, is every developers responsibility. Our quality driven company has a very highly qualified QA, Quality Assurance, department. QA department conducts manual and automated testing. These tests cover all types of functional and regression testing. QA department is involved in projects from day one of the project. They start developing test cases as Development department gathers requirements, to make sure that requirements are tested correctly. Quality plan is developed before coding starts. QA department does not strive for just conformance to requirements. They make sure that all the requirements are actually what end users really need/want. They also make sure that all non functional attributes are given proper attention. SPI, Software Process Improvement, department ensures that we are constantly working and improving our processes. This department also ensures that all the teams adhere to quality standards and processes.

2.2 Experience
Technosoft has many years experience of working in the healthcare domain. Our analysts are well versed in health care standards like HL7, HIPAA, Rehab, and Scheduling. We have delivered projects using technologies like J2EE, Java, Struts, SQL Server, Crystal, Domino Web Conversion, and VB.

2.2.1 J2EE
On the J2EE front, we have successfully developed and deployed Java, Struts, Tapestry, Java Server Faces (JSF), Hibernate, Spring, GWT, AXIS projects. We have Sun Certified Java Architect and Programmers. Technosoft offers one of the best quality J2EE development services in the market on a very reasonable price.

2.2.2 .NET
We also have expertise in .net technologies. We have delivered, C#,, Active Server Pages, LINQ, DNN, WCF projects successfully. Our Microsoft tent consists of Microsoft Certified Solution Developers (MCSD) and Microsoft Certified Professionals (MCP).

2.2.3 SQL
We have solid relational database design and development background in SQL Server and Oracle. We provide expert relational database design services to some of the offshore software companies as well. We have Oracle Certified Application Developers (OCP/OCAD) and Microsoft Certified Professional (MCP SQL Server) in staff.

Building on top of the relational expertise, we also provide Crystal Reports development services.

2.3 Certifications/Licenses
2.3.1 CMMI Level 2 Appraised
The Capability Maturity Model, CMM, was developed to help identify process areas that reduce business risk for the customers and suppliers of software or softwarerelated services. It was created by the Software Engineering Institute (SEI), a research center within Carnegie Mellon University. The CMM helps ensure our customers that they are dealing with

A professional software organization with proven best practices of software development and management in place. A company whose processes are successfully appraised by an independent federally funded software engineering organization. A company committed to software quality and on time delivery.

2.3.2 ISO 90012000 Certified

The ISO 90012000 is a general system of product quality criteria that focuses on key elements, such as product functionality, reliability, usability, maintainability, portability and efficiency. This certification supports our customer's buying decision by ensuring a fully functional quality management system being in place and a world recognized body confirming that we say what we do and we do what we say.

2.3.3 Microsoft Certified Partner

Being a Microsoft Certified Partner, Technosoft has access to the latest technology updates, cutting edge trainings, pre released software and level 2, 3 support directly from Microsoft. Each Microsoft Certified Partner must employ a minimum number of Microsoft Certified Professionals (MCPs) who have a demonstrated level of technical expertise and the proven ability to deliver solutions featuring Microsoft products. This partnership provides our customers indirect access to a technology leader and enables us to deliver high quality solutions to our customers unique problems.

2.3.4 IBM Advance Business Partner

As an IBM Advance Business Partner, Technosoft has access to the latest technology updates, cutting edge training and level 23 support from IBM. Technosoft also has complete access to IBMs Virtual Innovation Center and IBMs extensive knowledge base. This partnership helps our employees deliver high quality solutions to our customers unique problems.

2.3.5 Sun Associate Partner

Technosofts Sun Microsystems partnership helps our employees direct access and trainings to the open source industry leaders software and new technologies; in turn providing our customers with cutting edge technology solutions.

3. Project Ap P pproach
3.1 General App G proach
Projec related activities at Tech ct hnosoft falls into three major phases i.e the precon e. ntract phase, post contra phase and the post delive phase (mai act ery intenance).

3.1.1 Precontract Phase t

A typical project at Technosoft s t starts with ct In ll projec scoping. I a nutshel scoping includ des understan nding busines needs, ss system characterist m tics, project b boundaries and acceptance crit teria. After basic system rstanding is c complete we draw an under initial Architecture of the sy e ystem to This initial visualize the eventual product. T tecture include high level t es technology archit and framework decisions and helps us in f proceeding with th next phase which is he e ation. At Technosoft estimation is estima done using accepted industry t techniques F d like FP, SKLOC and Cocomo II. Elaborate estima ation templates are internally develo oped at Technosoft which ha helped ave us perform estimat tion in a more scientific e and repeatable manner. Estimation d processes involves size, cost and schedule ates. FP or K KLOC are used for size d estima estima ation while C Cocomo II is used for transf forming this siz into effort. ze

Precont tract Phase

Effort is then transla ated into schedule looking at the resource available and other constr es d raints. Now we are e echnosoft Prop posal Template. ready to create the proposal document using Te

3.1.2 Post Contrac Phase ct

After the contract is signed a te eam of Busine Analysts, A ess Architects, Des signers or Managers is form med. ng ect s, allenges and o other Lookin at the proje nature, quality requirements, usability requirements technical cha relate factors this team will first establish an appropriate d ed t development li ifecycle for th project. Pro he oject lifecy can be eith one of the following or a derivative of it ycle her t: 1. Seq quential Lifecyc Models cle a. Waterfall Model b. V Model 2. Pro ogressive Lifecy Models ycle a. Iterative g b. Incremental Prototyping c. Spiral

For th HRS system the Overlap he m pping Waterfall model seem to be the right lifecycle model. After the ms select tion of lifecyc an elabora project pla is created and distribute among all s cle ate an ed stake holders for s review Plan is finalized after all p w. parties agree o the project timelines. Tas are decomposed and WB is on sks BS create in this phase Task depend ed e. dencies are ide entified and cri itical path is de etermined. Now we are ready t start analysi design, deve w to is, elopment and testing activiti Following is the sequenc of ies. ce these activities: 1. 1 Analysis 2. 2 Design 3. 3 Developmen nt 4. 4 Testing. Each of the a E above activities will be plan nned and a executed. As in the typic waterfall model cal an a elaborate a analysis and de esign phase will be completed c before de evelopment. In progressive de p evelopment models the ana alysis and a design act tivity is done t a specific p to point and rest is left for the next iteration or a n increment. Tec i chnosoft is op to any and all pen d type of dev t velopment lifecycles mo odels depending upo project nee but we usu d on eds ually use u overlapping waterfall model in rou utine projects where we are fami p e iliar with business domain, techn d nology and w want to o we offer competitive fix price. c xed

Post Contract Phase

e se ering techniques to understa functional and and In the Analysis phas we use the latest Requirements Enginee non functional req quirements. W prefer having JAD sessio with the c We ons client in this p phase to create a set ments. These requirements are then prop perly complete, unambiguous, concise and testable s of requirem nd anges. managed to track an trace all cha sign phase we focus on cre e eating a solut tion using industry best pra actices. We ex xtensively use the In des standard design pat tterns to solve problems. We focus on late framework and technologies to make the e est ks e cations compatible to future needs ensuri that it doe e ing esnt become obsolete very soon. Applica ation applic design also caters f ease of ma n for aintenance, pe erformance, sc calability, security and other important de r esign relate attributes. D ed Design is alway reviewed to resolve issue at the earlie and not let ys o es est tting design iss sues ooze to the develop t pment phase. Development team works as per o coding standards to develop very high quality code. Code reviews and our h spot audits are cond a ducted to ensu that the qu ure uality of code i superior. De is evelopers are t trained to unit test their code compreh hensively ensuring minimum leakage of de efect to the te esting phase. W Wherever requ uired we us Unit Testing Tools or create our own unit testing stubs. se t Testin team starts understanding the system d ng g during the ana alysis and desig phase. They create their test gn plans and test cases before the development w s work gets comp plete. They log defects in de g efect tracking t tools nerate reports at the end of the project. T s f They are trained on automa ated testing tools and have u used to gen tools successfully fo regression te s or esting.

3.1.3 Post Delivery Phase (maintenance) y


Technosoft provides maintenance services after the launch of the system. We have a specialized team which excels in implementing change request on systems that are already in production. They work in accordance with the Service Level Agreements signed with the client against problems of different severity levels. They have implemented the process of Impact Analysis and Root Cause Analysis for problem identification and resolutions. They have the ability to maintain different versions of the systems through the use of elaborate SCM processes and tools. They ensure that baselines for different changes are properly identified and changes to code are properly monitored and controlled. Following is the basic flow of a change request.

Start of CR

Impact Analysis (IA)


IA* Review

IA Approved

Test Case Creation


Test Case Review

Code Review

Unit Testing



* Impact Analysis (IA)

End of CR

4. Technosoft FAQs
4.1 What are the skill sets you provide?
Relational database design & development: SQL Server, Paradox, Access, Oracle. Reporting: Crystal, Business Objects, and SQL Analysis Services. J2EE: Java, Struts, Java Server Faces (JSF), Shale, Tapestry, Hibernate, Spring, JDBC, Beans, Applets, GWT. .Net and Microsoft Technologies: VB.NET, VB6, C#, ASP.NET, COM/DCOM, MTS, Web Services, Excel Programming, DotNetNuke (DNN), Active Server Pages, LINQ, WCF. Others: Lotus Domino, WebSphere, Weblogic, LEI, TIBCO.

4.2 What is your rate structure?


Average Technosoft engagements require 8095% offshore development charges and 5 20% onsite charges. Offshore charges range from $15/hour to $40/hour. On site charges range from $35$100/hour. Technosoft can provide fixed cost, time and material estimates as well as can setup a complete back office. In back office setup, client pays a low monthly fee for the number of resources hired offshore.

4.3 What services do you provide? What are your programming specialties?
Custom Software Development. Reverse Engineering & Technology Migration. Database Design & Development. Business Automation. Structured Software Maintenance Services. HIPAA Compliant Application Design. Requirement Analysis & Software Requirement Specification Development. Reports & Data Warehouse Development.

Specialty: Java/J2EE, .Net, VB6, Domino, SQL, Oracle, Crystal

4.4 What are your qualifications? What professional certifications do you have?
IBM Advanced Business Partner Microsoft Certified Partners Sun Associate Partner Certified under ISO 9001:2000 Quality Management System Standard

Employees Hold Following Certifications: Oracle Certified Application Developer Microsoft Certified Solution Developer Sun Java Certified Programmer/Architect Principal Lotus Certified Professional HIMMS Certified in Healthcare Security

4.5 How do you charge for your services?

We accept check, money order, approved company purchase order (PO), wire transfer, Pay Pal and all major credit cards through Pay Pal.

4.6 Why should we use you for our programming needs?

A. B. C. D. E. F. Offshore Advantage: Availability of hard to find resources at affordable price. Software Development following Software Engineering Principals. Highly Skilled Resources. Dedicated QA Department with ability to create manual & automated tests. Functional & Load Testing. Focus on Process, Quality & Communication Clarity. Passion for Software Development.

5. Clients List C t


6. Testimonials
6.1 ELM Insurance Brokers
Working with Technosoft has been an absolute delight. Their product quality and attention to detail have far exceeded our requirements and expectations. Communication is always clear, concise and prompt. I look forward to working with them in the future. Jose Tores |Director, MIS |

6.2 Atlantic Decisions Inc. USA

The quality of work is excellent, above my expectations. The Functional Specification and Design documents were delivered on time. Best of all, they were written to satisfy not an audience of fellow engineers, but an audience short on time and not necessarily too technical. That, to me, is the real intent of UML or other similar techniques: bridge the gap between the techies and the business people. The database work showed what I was told skilled modeling. Best of all, they do not ask question for which the answer can be found readily in the existing documentation or through independent sources. They ask questions to resolve doubt, ask for a decision or whenever they know that we can answer it significantly faster than it would take them. Outsourcing is about working smart, and they've shown this throughout all the projects they worked for us. Francois K outchouk | President and CEO |

6.3 Chart Links LLC., USA

We have worked with Technosoft for almost five years. They work as a virtual extension to our inhouse team. They deliver very high quality work. The staff has a broad range of technical expertise that delivers the right solution for the problem faced. Technosoft is highly recommended. Dr. Ronald Miller, MD | President & CEO |

6.4 PdMA Corporation

Technosoft was able to produce a software solution for our company in a matter of weeks. Technosoft provides economical, yet comprehensive, solutions for businesses. Their communication skills are thorough, and more importantly, they support you after the delivery of their product. I would definitely recommend them. Charles Boswell, CMRP | Technical Director |

6.5 Queens University, Ontario Canada

Your Team's Interface development skills are truly the best. I have been very much satisfied and impressed with the services provided by Technosoft Solutions. They have created completely error prone interfaces for our mining department instruments. Its been more than one year that we have been using these interfaces without a single glitch.

I highly recommend their services. Aman Khan | Mining Department |

6.6 Greener Printer

I found Technosoft Solutions QA services very professional throughout our relationship. The team at Technosoft maintained good lines of communication from project inception to the final report out. The project was delivered on time, on budget, with thorough documentation. James Kellerman | CEO |

6.7 Phyz Biz Inc.

I am impressed with Technosoft solutions work ethics and understanding of projects, even with complicated and foreign projects such as EDI Specifications, HIPAA protocols and HL7 standards. Their dedication to their customers is unmatched so it was very easy for a Healthcare Technology company like mine to transition the development projects from another company in India to Technosoft Solutions and I am very happy that I did do that. Technosoft Solutions is a team of people a with wide range of expertise which is helpful in offshore projects. Riffat Chughtai | President | Phyz Biz Inc.


.: Corporate Office 871A Florence Road, Branford, CT. USA 06405 Tel: (800) 9800786 Email:


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