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Colegio Alberto Blest Gana Jvenes emprendedores para el siglo XXI Coordinacin Acadmica

______________________________________________________________________________________ SUBSECTOR DE APRENDIZAJE: Ingls PROFESOR: Rodrigo Pereda Rathgeber NIVEL: 3 MEDIO OBJETIVOS GUIA Y/O MODULO DE APRENDIZAJE N 3:

Expresar adicin (moreover, in addition) Hacer referencia a hbitos, rutinas y lo que sucede al momento de hablar (present continuous)

Part 1: Reading Comprehension

According to the results of the October 2009 competition organised by the London Museum of Science, the X-ray is the most important modern scientific achievement, beating Apollo spacecraft and DNA. Nearly 50,000 members of the public voted in the museum or online on ten of the greatest achievements in science, technology and engineering, selected by the museum curators. The X-ray machine topped the poll, which marks the London museums centenary. The discovery of penicillin antibiotics came second, followed by the DNA double helix. Penicillin transformed the treatment of infectious disease and saved countless lives around the world. The first of our modern antibiotics, it was a powerful weapon against diseases such as pneumonia. In the case of the DNA, Francis Crick and James Watson revealed the structure and beauty of DNA to the world and established DNA as the code for life on Earth. Next in the poll came the Apollo 10 space capsule. It was 40 years ago that three astronauts travelled to the Moon and back, inside this capsule. The success of the mission paved the way for the Apollo 11 Moon landing two months later humankinds first steps on another world. Following Apollo came the V2 rocket engine, which launched us into space. However, as the power behind the first long-range missiles, it also threatened to destroy our world when used by the Nazis to threaten the skies over London and other European cities. In the next place came Stephensons Rocket steam locomotive. The Rocket was the worlds first modern steam locomotive and its design set the standard for 150 years. After Rockets success, the railways expanded quickly and for the first time huge numbers of people were able to move across the world - many in search of a new life. The other inventions include the first computer, the steam engine, the first family car and the electric telegraph. Im thrilled to see the incredible development of the X-ray machine recognised in the museums centenary year, said Katie Maggs, the Science Museums associate curator of medicine. X-rays have radically changed the way we see and understand our world our bodies in particular. X-rays revolutionised how doctors detected disease and injury. For the first time we could see bones and other structures inside the living body - instead of relying on symptoms, samples or surgery. Today, new kinds of imaging technology allow us to see inside our minds as well as our bodies. In the future, brain scanners might be used to record our dreams or even to detect what we are about to think - before we think it Read the text and write the names of the ten inventions mentioned according to the winning order (Lee el texto y escribe los nombre de los 10 inventos mencionados segn el orden ganador) 1)______________________________ 3)______________________________ 5)______________________________ 7)______________________________ 9)_____________________________ 2)_____________________________ 4)_____________________________ 6)_____________________________ 8)_____________________________ 10_____________________________

Colegio Alberto Blest Gana Jvenes emprendedores para el siglo XXI Coordinacin Acadmica


True or False, Justify the false one (Verdadero o falso, justifica la falsa) a. ____ Nearly 5,000 people voted in the survey. b. ____ Penicillin has saved millions of lives. c. ____ The Apollo capsule was launched into space 20 years ago. d. ____ Stephensons Rocket was a space ship. e. ____ Thanks to new technology, doctors can see into peoples minds

Part 2: Expresing addition

Los conectores de adicion sirven para expresar ideas en las cuales uno desea agregar informacin con respecto al mismo. En ingles, tenemos las siguientes expresiones: And = y: I like apples and oranges (me gustan las manzanas y las naranjas) Also = tambien, I like trains, also y like airplanes (Me gustan los trenes, tambin los aviones) With = con, You are with me (T ests conmigo) Then = entonces Then, we are going to the party (Entonces,nosotros vamos a ir a la fiesta) Moreover = adems Moreover, there are a problema (adems, hay un problema) Besides = adems Besides she is pretty, shes intelligent (Ademas de que es linda, es inteligente) in addition to = adems In adittion of your strenght, you are brave (adems de tu fuerza, eres valiente) (Moreover, besides y in addition significan lo mismo y pueden ser usados en el mismo contexto)

Part 3: Present Continuous

Este tiempo verbal podemos usarlo para expresar distintas cosas; y en diferentes circunstancias: Para referirnos a acciones que se estn desarrollando en el mismo momento en el que se habla. I am reading a book -> Yo estoy leyendo un libro (en este preciso instante) Tambien utilizamos el presente continuo para describir cosas que suceden alrededor del momento al que estamos hablando. She is studying English -> Ella est esstudiando ingls (no precisamente ahora) Podemos usar el presente continuo para referirnos a acciones que se vienen produciendo con cierta frecuenca. You are always working -> Ests siempre trabajando (lo hace frecuentemente)

Colegio Alberto Blest Gana Jvenes emprendedores para el siglo XXI Coordinacin Acadmica


FORMA AFIRMATIVA I am studyng Yo estoy estudiando you are studying Tu estas estudiando he is studying l est estudiando she is studying ella est estudiando it is studying l est estudiando we are studying nosotros estamos estudiando you are studying Vosotros estais estudiando they are studying ellos estn estudiando CONSIDERACIONES

FORMA NEGATIVA FORMA INTERROGATIVA I am not studying am I studying? Yo no estoy estudiando estoy yo estudiando? you are not studying are you studying? Tu no estas estudiando ests tu estudiando? he is not studying is he studying? l no est estudiando est el estudiando? she is not stuying is she studying? ella no est estudiando est estudiando ella? it is not studying is it studying? l no est estudiando est el estudiando? we are not studying are we studyng? nosotros no estamos estudiando estamos nosotros estudiando? you are not studying are you studying? Vosotros no estais estudiando estais vosotros estudiando? they are not studying are they studying ellos no estn estudiando estan ellos estudiando?

- Cuando el infinitivo termina en consonante precedida de una sola vocal pronunciada ms fuerte, la consontante ltima se duplica: To sit sitting (sentarse)

- Cuando el infinitivo termina en '-e' muda, sta desaparece. To write writing (escribir) - Cuando el infinitivo termina en 'ie' cambia a 'y' + 'ing' To lie lying (mentir)

Part 4: Exercises
I) Complete with present continuous (Completa con presente continuo) 1) John _______________ (read) a book now. 2) What _______________(you do) tonight? 3) Jack and Peter ______________ (work) late today. 4) Silvia __________________ (not listen) to music. 5) Maria ________________ (sit) next to Paul. 6) How many other students ________________(you study) with? 7) The phone _____________ (not ring).

Colegio Alberto Blest Gana Jvenes emprendedores para el siglo XXI Coordinacin Acadmica


II) Translate the following sentences (Traduce las siguientes oraciones) 1) Adems de practicar deportes, Jaime es un ingeniero _______________________________________________________________________________ 2) Me gustan las novelas de polica, tambin las de miedo _______________________________________________________________________________ 3) Entonces me voy a la casa de paula _______________________________________________________________________________ 4) Amo los perros y los gatos _______________________________________________________________________________ 5) No solo es guapo, tambin es divertido _______________________________________________________________________________ 6) Yo estoy pensando en ir contigo _______________________________________________________________________________ 7) Adems de tener las mejores notas, es el mejor en deportes _______________________________________________________________________________

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