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Colegio Alberto Blest Gana Jvenes emprendedores para el siglo XXI Coordinacin Acadmica

______________________________________________________________________________________ SUBSECTOR DE APRENDIZAJE: Ingls PROFESOR: Rodrigo Pereda Rathgeber NIVEL:3MEDIO DIFERENCIADO OBJETIVOS GUIA Y/O MODULO DE APRENDIZAJE N 3:

Hacer referencia a hbitos, rutinas y lo que sucede al momento de hablar (present simple) Leer textos comprensivamente, identificando ideas principales y detalles

Part 1: Reading Comprehension

Women and Clay

Her grandmother, mother, aunts, sisters and some nieces are now or have been clay artisans, the same as Delfina Aguilera. She is part of a long tradition known as Loceras de Piln, in a small rural town near Cauquenes, in the Maule region. She is one of the typical artisans who year after year participate in a traditional handicrafts fair in Santiago. Delfina Aguilera, with her long braids, bright eyes and refreshing smile receives all visitors who reach her stand and talks about her work. There, they can see the work of the loceras, which has been part of this fair since the beginning. What visitors can see are clay figures and tools, made by her and some of her relatives, completely by hand. Our main talent is that we make everything by hand; no wheel, says Delfina, who learnt this craft as a small girl from her mother, and then continued working with her grandmother. My grandmother, mother and aunts have also worked with clay. When my mother was still alive, I began making small figures, but then felt confident to do bigger things. My fathers mother also worked in this and with her I learnt the most, because my mother died when I was only seven years old. Of the twelve children that Delfina had, only one of her daughters continued with the ceramic tradition, but now she rarely touches clay: she is a car mechanic and works at a car-repair place. She can change car wheels all by herself, says her mother proudly. Delfina knows that her granddaughters are not going to be into handicrafts. Nevertheless, she knows that this feminine tradition is still deeply rooted in her native town, and expresses itself in an eternal vocation. There are very old ladies there; some are still in this, some are not. I have nieces and sisters also working in clay. If you go to Piln youll see that all the women work in clay. Not the men, because they think they should be doing other jobs, she explains. So to me it is a real honour to still be part of this tradition. I will keep doing it as long as my hands let me. Its been a whole life, and Im willing to teach all the kids who are willing to learn I) Choose the best option to fill in the blanks in each sentence (Elige la mejor opcin para llenar el espacio de cada oracin.) a. Where in Santiago can you see Delfinas work? _______________________________________________________________________________ b. What does Delfina look like? _____________________________________________________________________________ c. What happened when Delfina was seven years old? _______________________________________________________________________________ d. What does Delfinas daughter do now, instead of working with clay? _______________________________________________________________________________ e. Do the men in Piln work with clay? Why _______________________________________________________________________________

Part 2: Present Simple


Colegio Alberto Blest Gana Jvenes emprendedores para el siglo XXI Coordinacin Acadmica


[VERB] + s/es in third person Examples:

You speak English. Do you speak English? You do not speak English.

USE 1 Repeated Actions (Acciones repetidas)

Use el presente simple para expresar la idea de que una accin es repetida o usual. La accin puede ser un habito, un pasatiempo, un evento diario, un evento programado o algo que regularmente ocurre. Tambien puede ser algo que una persona a menudo olvida o usualmente no lo hace Examples:

I play tennis. She does not play tennis. Does he play tennis? The train leaves every morning at 8 AM. The train does not leave at 9 AM. When does the train usually leave? She always forgets her purse. He never forgets his wallet. Every twelve months, the Earth circles the Sun. Does the Sun circle the Earth?

USE 2 Facts or Generalizations (Hechos o generalizaciones

El presente simple tamien puede indicar al hablante que cree que el hecho fue verdadero antes, es verdadero ahora y ser verdadero en el futuro. No es importante si el hablante esta correcto acerca del hecho. Es tambin usado para hacer generalizaciones acerca de personas y cosas Examples:

Cats like milk. Birds do not like milk. Do pigs like milk? California is in America. California is not in the United Kingdom. Windows are made of glass. Windows are not made of wood. New York is a small city. It is not important that this fact is untrue.

USE 3 Scheduled Events in the Near Future (Eventos agendados en un futuro cercano)

Colegio Alberto Blest Gana Jvenes emprendedores para el siglo XXI Coordinacin Acadmica


Ocacionalmente los hablantes usan el presente simple para conversar acerca de eventos agendados en un futuro cercano. Esto es la mayora comnmente hecho cuando se est conversando acerca el transporte pblico, pero puede ser usado con otros eventos agendados tambin. Speakers occasionally use Simple Present to talk about scheduled events in the near future. This is most commonly done when talking about public transportation, but it can be used with other scheduled events as well. Examples:

The train leaves tonight at 6 PM. The bus does not arrive at 11 AM, it arrives at 11 PM. When do we board the plane? The party starts at 8 o'clock. When does class begin tomorrow?

USE 4 Now (Non-Continuous Verbs) (ahora, verbos no continuos)

Los hablantes a veces usan el presente simple para expresar la idea que una accin esta ocurriendo o no esta ocurriendo ahora. Estoy puede ser solo hecha con verbos no continuos y ciertos verbos mezclados Examples:

I am here now. She is not here now. He needs help right now. He does not need help now.

Part 3: Exercises Write the correct verb form (Escribe la forma correcta del verbo)
1) (she/play) ___________ tennis every week? . 2) They (go) ___________ to the cinema every Wednesday. . 3) (she/be) ____________ a singer? . 4) You (find) ___________the weather here cold. . 5) I (be) ________________ in a cafe now. .

6) (they/be)________________ on the bus? .


Colegio Alberto Blest Gana Jvenes emprendedores para el siglo XXI Coordinacin Acadmica


7) Lucy (ride)________________ her bicycle to work. . 8) Why (he/be) _______________in France? . 9) I (not/play) __________________the piano very often. . 10) It (not/be)_________________ cold today. 11) We (be) _______________from Portugal. . 12) (we/make)______________ too much noise at night? . 13) Where (Harry/study)? _________________ 14) (it/be)_____________- foggy today? . 15) We (not/be)_____________ late. . 16) They (not/like)______________ animals. . 17) Where (you/be)? _________________. 18) He (not/be)________________ an accountant. .

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