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[20:08] <~ShadowDM> FADE... [20:08] <~ShadowDM> .TO.... [20:08] <~ShadowDM> ..

BLACK [20:08] <~ShadowDM> When we last left our heroes, they had just recently left their homes in Sunagakure to travel to distant Konoha where they would undertake the challenges waiting for them in the Chuunin Exams. After making good time, they decided to stop in one of the larger towns in eastern Sunagakure and do some shopping and sightseeing. [20:08] <~ShadowDM> So with Motoharus little shopping venture out of the way, the team moves to head out after a brief lunch and continue on their journey north. [20:09] <Ishida_Motoharu> How many groups were still with us? [20:10] <~ShadowDM> You seperated during the last game [20:10] <~ShadowDM> It's just your two groups. [20:10] <~ShadowDM> Traveling is rather uneventful as you are passing near major roads and more hostile creatures are less likely to be seen. [20:10] <~ShadowDM> (( lucky encounter dice... )) 01[20:11] <Tanshin_Yori> 1d6 AP [20:11] <Knucklebones> Tanshin_Yori, AP: 2 [1d6=2] [20:12] <~ShadowDM> You spend the next night in a small waystation at a place where your highway intersects with another. [20:12] <~ShadowDM> The next morning you may decide how to continue traveling. [20:13] <Ishida_Motoharu> "How much longer do we have to go, sensei?" [20:13] <~ShadowDM> Land Hop would be faster but wear you out quicker, whereas walking would be longer. 06[20:14] * ~ShadowDM :SASORI -> "We've traveled roughly ninety miles, so there's about four hundred more to go." [20:15] <Ishida_Motoharu> "Well, we did waste some of our time in the village, mostly in part to my suggestion. I say we make up for that time and Land Hop." 06[20:15] * Tanshin_Yori seems to think that's fair. 06[20:16] * Rairaku nods [20:16] <Chikamatsu_Tanaka> "I'm fine with that" [20:17] <Nawa_Yasu> Yasu nods, "Might as well." 06[20:17] * Ishida_Motoharu chuckles. "For once, I'm not in the minority." [20:18] <~ShadowDM> Very well. You take off at ninja speeds, traveling accross the desert landscape with ease. Four hours later, your legs are aching from the strain of pumping chackra into them and you decide to rest in the shade of the mountains. 03[20:18] * ChanServ ( has joined #sunad20 03[20:18] * * sets mode: +o ChanServ 06[20:19] * ~ShadowDM :SANGO -> "We'll be traveling north through the mountains on our way to Rain Country after this." [20:19] <~ShadowDM> Who's keeping watch?

[20:19] <Rairaku> "Longer till in leaf?" [20:19] <Ishida_Motoharu> "We're closer, but we have a ways." 06[20:19] * Tanshin_Yori will take first watch if nobody volunteers fast enough. 06[20:20] * Ishida_Motoharu offers to watch first. [20:20] <~ShadowDM> It looks like Yori was too fast. [20:20] <Nawa_Yasu> Yasu grimaces at the mention of the rain country. 06[20:20] * Ishida_Motoharu agrees and offers to take second watch. [20:21] <Chikamatsu_Tanaka> "I'll go third". [20:21] <Ishida_Motoharu> "Is there anything we should expect from Rain Country? The place was home to some major battles in the Second War... there's got to be some remnants of that." [20:22] <~ShadowDM> SASORI "Our trip through Rain Country should be relatively quick. I doubt we'll spend more than a day in it, two at the most." [20:22] <Nawa_Yasu> Yasu nods abrubtly, "Good." [20:22] <Ishida_Motoharu> "Something the matter, Yasu-san?" [20:22] <Chikamatsu_Tanaka> "Why are we going to a place with so much water?. ....and so much isolationism". [20:23] <Nawa_Yasu> Yasu glares at nothing in particular, "Not gonna talk about it." 06[20:24] * Ishida_Motoharu stares at Yasu for a little while longer, before turning his attention elsewhere. 06[20:24] * ~ShadowDM :SANGO -> "Each of the groups are taking different paths to Konoha. One is heading south to the sea and then taking a boat to south Fire Country and then traveling north. One is heading through East through river country to Konoha, and we are taking the northern route, through Rain into Fire." [20:25] <~ShadowDM> Eien volunteers to take the last watch. [20:25] <Ishida_Motoharu> "Seems we aren't beating around the bush..." Motoharu comments. [20:27] <~ShadowDM> Anything else? [20:27] <Ishida_Motoharu> Nope. 01[20:27] <Tanshin_Yori> "Why have we separated into groups anyway? One would think it would be safer to travel in numbers." [20:27] <Nawa_Yasu> "Is there a reason that we're takign different routes, or is it just a matter of preference?" 01[20:27] <Tanshin_Yori> ninja'd. [20:27] <Chikamatsu_Tanaka> "Any idea what to expect there?". 06[20:29] * ~ShadowDM :SASORI -> "We are ninja, in too great a number it compromises our ability to travel in stealth. There is also a certain tradition... though I'm not sure what it has to do with anything." 06[20:30] * ~ShadowDM :SANGO -> "We each travel through water. Ocean, River, Rain. I think it has something to do with that, but I'll admit, I can't really remember what it has to do with anything." [20:31] <~ShadowDM> Tanaka, you seem to recall them mentioning before that they can't talk about.

[20:31] <Nawa_Yasu> "I'm sure it has soemthing to do with our living in the desert, where water is scarce and the msot valueble commodity." [20:32] <Chikamatsu_Tanaka> hold on [20:32] <Chikamatsu_Tanaka> 1d20+7 Nin lore [20:32] <Knucklebones> Chikamatsu_Tanaka, Nin lore: 27 [1d20=20] [20:33] <~ShadowDM> What are you trying to remember? 06[20:33] * ~ShadowDM :SANGO -> "That's possible, though it may have to do with quenching Fire or something... seems kind of silly when a country's name could possibly change." [20:33] <Chikamatsu_Tanaka> What they couldn't talk about [20:34] <~ShadowDM> There are no written records of the Chuunin Exam and you have never been to one before, so you don't know what to expect once you are in Konoha. [20:36] <~ShadowDM> If that is all 01[20:36] <Tanshin_Yori> Hhhhhuh. [20:36] <~ShadowDM> I'll need 2 perception checks from Yori as the firs watch begins! 01[20:36] <Tanshin_Yori> 2#1d20+7 Awareness [20:36] <Knucklebones> Tanshin_Yori, Awareness: 18 [1d20=11], 23 [1d20=16] 01[20:36] <Tanshin_Yori> (Watchin' like a boss.) [20:38] <~ShadowDM> It is still early in the afternoon, so you have no trouble seeing quite a distance. During the second half of your shift you see something moving in the desert, but decide that it's probably just some type of lizard. [20:38] <~ShadowDM> After that, the shift is Motoharu's! [20:38] <Ishida_Motoharu> 2#1d20+8 [20:38] <Knucklebones> Ishida_Motoharu, 2#1d20+8: 27 [1d20=19], 23 [1d20=15] [20:38] <Ishida_Motoharu> (Even more boss!) [20:40] <~ShadowDM> motoharu [20:40] <~ShadowDM> can you recieve private messages? [20:40] <~ShadowDM> It may appear as another tab in Mibbit. [20:42] <Ishida_Motoharu> 1d20+8 E&L [20:42] <Knucklebones> Ishida_Motoharu, E&L: 18 [1d20=10] [20:42] <~ShadowDM> you might want to AP that. [20:42] <Ishida_Motoharu> 1d6 [20:42] <Knucklebones> Ishida_Motoharu, 1d6: 6 [1d6=6] 02[20:43] * Nawa_Yasu ( Quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds) [20:46] <~ShadowDM> And so, Motoharu's shift comes to an end. [20:46] <Ishida_Motoharu> Upon recognizing the lizards as Lightning Rod Lizards, Motoharu goes to wake up Tanaka early in order to inform him of their presence. [20:47] <Ishida_Motoharu> "...They become most active shortly before and after lightning storms as the spines on their neck and back are capable of absorbing ambient electricity." [20:47] <Ishida_Motoharu> "But, the weather is currently fine, so we have nothing to worry about at the moment. But, keep an eye on the, Tanaka-san." [20:47] <Chikamatsu_Tanaka> "cute,maybe we should give Yasu one as a pet".

06[20:48] * Ishida_Motoharu chuckles at the comment. "I don't think they would make for good pets..." [20:49] <Chikamatsu_Tanaka> "how much farther,do you think?". [20:49] <Ishida_Motoharu> "What do you mean?" 03[20:49] * Nawa_Yasu ( has joined #sunad20 [20:49] <Chikamatsu_Tanaka> "Till we reach Rain country". [20:50] <Ishida_Motoharu> "No idea... You'll have to ask one of the Jounin." [20:50] <~ShadowDM> (( Does Motoharu have Navigate? )) [20:50] <Ishida_Motoharu> ((No)) [20:50] <~ShadowDM> (( Then he has no idea, really )) [20:51] <~ShadowDM> And so as Motoharu goes to sleep... [20:51] <~ShadowDM> Tanaka! 2 Awareness checks! [20:52] <Chikamatsu_Tanaka> 2#1d20+9 Awareness [20:52] <Knucklebones> Chikamatsu_Tanaka, Awareness: 17 [1d20=8], 27 [1d20=18] [20:54] <~ShadowDM> On your first shift, you don't seem to see the lizards Motoharu was referring to, but eventually you notice them moving around off on the horizon. The sun is no longer above you as the afternoon drags on. [20:54] <~ShadowDM> And then your shift is over. [20:55] <~ShadowDM> Sango says you can rest as she didn't even break a sweat keeps watch for the rest of the time until it is Eien's shift. [20:56] <~ShadowDM> And the weather stays fair as you collect your things to begin traveling again. [20:57] <Ishida_Motoharu> "How shall we travel today? Land Hop or Walking?" [20:57] <Nawa_Yasu> Yasu seems uncharacteristically grumpy at this time. [20:58] <Ishida_Motoharu> "Are you sure you are alright? Are you not feeling well, Yasu-san?" [20:58] <~ShadowDM> It is fairly late in the evening and the sun is beginning to dip toward the horizon. [20:58] <~ShadowDM> Land-hopping is entirely possible. [20:59] <Chikamatsu_Tanaka> brb,have to walk dog [20:59] <Rairaku> we do so then [20:59] <~ShadowDM> True to her word, Sango leads the group north for a ways before the group turns into a path leading into the heart of the mountains between you. [20:59] <~ShadowDM> The mountains rise on either side of you as you enter the path and a cool breeze gently blows as if to alleviate the cursing glare of the setting sun. [20:59] <~ShadowDM> As your travel through the mountains, the number of people you run into significantly decreases until the only life you see consists of lizards and a few birds. [21:00] <~ShadowDM> Perception checks! [21:00] <~ShadowDM> Hearing-based. [21:00] <Ishida_Motoharu> 1d20+8 [21:00] <Knucklebones> Ishida_Motoharu, 1d20+8: 10 [1d20=2] 01[21:00] <Tanshin_Yori> 1d20+7 Awareness [21:00] <Knucklebones> Tanshin_Yori, Awareness: 18 [1d20=11]

[21:00] <~ShadowDM> Yasu? [21:00] <~ShadowDM> Rai? [21:00] <Rairaku> 1d20+13 [21:00] <Knucklebones> Rairaku, 1d20+13: 32 [1d20=19] [21:01] <~ShadowDM> Even as the sky darkens due to the setting sun, Rai catches a glimps of rainclouds to the east as she catches a view through the peaks. [21:02] <~ShadowDM> Thunder claps in the distance. [21:02] <Nawa_Yasu> 1s20+10 [21:02] <Nawa_Yasu> 1d20+10 [21:02] <Knucklebones> Nawa_Yasu, 1d20+10: 24 [1d20=14] 06[21:02] * Ishida_Motoharu isn't thrilled about the storm. [21:02] <~ShadowDM> As the group continues on, Rai notices the sounds getting louder, closer. [21:02] <Rairaku> "Storm coming, Should find shelter." [21:03] <Ishida_Motoharu> "I'm more worried about the wildlife becoming an issue..." [21:03] <Nawa_Yasu> Yasu nods, "Mountain storms are bad. We need to be out of the way of flooding." [21:03] <~ShadowDM> The mountain thus far has been fairly bare as far as shelter is concerned. The mountains are tall, gently sloping and there is little to no vegetation. [21:03] <~ShadowDM> *mountains [21:03] <~ShadowDM> *have [21:04] <Ishida_Motoharu> Survival checks? [21:04] <~ShadowDM> go for it. 01[21:04] <Tanshin_Yori> "Shelter is a nonissue." [21:04] <Ishida_Motoharu> 1d20+5 [21:04] <Knucklebones> Ishida_Motoharu, 1d20+5: 23 [1d20=18] [21:04] <Rairaku> 1d20+13 [21:04] <Knucklebones> Rairaku, 1d20+13: 17 [1d20=4] [21:06] <Nawa_Yasu> 1d20+7 aurvival [21:06] <Knucklebones> Nawa_Yasu, aurvival: 9 [1d20=2] [21:06] <~ShadowDM> Motoharu: You are fairly certain this is not a good place to be in a storm. It's fairly bare and open and the valleys would be prone to mudslides. Any shelter one could find in crevasces would likely also flood. [21:07] <~ShadowDM> There is a chance that by landhopping, you could avoid the storm. [21:07] <Ishida_Motoharu> "Risk trying to outrun the storm?" 06[21:07] * Rairaku nods 06[21:08] * Tanshin_Yori isn't opposed to the idea. 06[21:08] * ~ShadowDM :SANGO -> "That could work if we hurry." [21:09] <Ishida_Motoharu> "I say we get to it, then... I'd rather avoid any lightning-powered lizards." [21:10] <Nawa_Yasu> "Let's go now. We're in a bad place." 01[21:10] <Tanshin_Yori> "Then what are we waiting for? Let's get a move on."

[21:10] <~ShadowDM> And so the group takes off at ninja speeds as thunder booms in the distance. The group travels through ever taller passes and across rickety bridges on their way north, but still, the sound of falling rain harries them. Eventually, the downpour begins. [21:10] <Ishida_Motoharu> "Great..." [21:11] <~ShadowDM> Due to the time in the evening and the angry black clouds above, darkness falls across the mountains. Both Sasori and Sango create floating balls of light as the group speeds across the mountain. [21:11] <~ShadowDM> Everyone! Roll me a d%! 01[21:11] <Tanshin_Yori> 1d100 [21:11] <Knucklebones> Tanshin_Yori, 1d100: 16 [1d100=16] [21:11] <Ishida_Motoharu> 1d100 (Also, I can do Chakra Light...) [21:11] <Knucklebones> Ishida_Motoharu, (Also, I can do Chakra Light...): 38 [1d100=38] [21:11] <Nawa_Yasu> "We're going to the Rain country, I hope none of you expected good weather." 01[21:11] <Tanshin_Yori> that... could be bad? [21:11] <Nawa_Yasu> 1d100 [21:11] <Knucklebones> Nawa_Yasu, 1d100: 95 [1d100=95] [21:11] <Ishida_Motoharu> May I use Chakra Light? [21:12] <~ShadowDM> You may if you wish. [21:12] <Rairaku> 1d100 [21:12] <Knucklebones> Rairaku, 1d100: 76 [1d100=76] [21:12] <Ishida_Motoharu> Doing so. [21:12] <Nawa_Yasu> You know? I'll use that Low-Light vision technique I have. [21:12] <~ShadowDM> 1d100 for Tanak [21:12] <Knucklebones> ShadowDM, for Tanak: 57 [1d100=57] [21:14] <~ShadowDM> The three tiny lights, beacons in the darkness, do their best to give the group enough light, but their feeble flickering is barely enough to guide you along the treacherous path. Lightning strikes briefly light up your world, with several striking nearbysome close enough to momentarily deafen you. [21:15] <~ShadowDM> Sight-based Awareness checks! [21:15] <Rairaku> 1d20+15 [21:15] <Knucklebones> Rairaku, 1d20+15: 22 [1d20=7] [21:15] <Nawa_Yasu> 1d20+10 [21:15] <Knucklebones> Nawa_Yasu, 1d20+10: 12 [1d20=2] 01[21:15] <Tanshin_Yori> 1d20+7 Awareness [21:15] <Knucklebones> Tanshin_Yori, Awareness: 23 [1d20=16] [21:15] <Ishida_Motoharu> 1d20+8 Awareness [21:15] <Knucklebones> Ishida_Motoharu, Awareness: 19 [1d20=11] [21:16] <Chikamatsu_Tanaka> 1d20+9 Awareness [21:16] <Knucklebones> Chikamatsu_Tanaka, Awareness: 20 [1d20=11] [21:16] <~ShadowDM> Yori, Ria, and Tanaka just barely manage to make out a light in the distance as they pass a fork in the road! [21:17] <~ShadowDM> *Rai [21:18] <~ShadowDM> No comment? [21:18] <~ShadowDM> heading towards it? [21:18] <Rairaku> Yes

[21:19] <~ShadowDM> At the fork, Sasori momentarily stops you as he examines the remains of a sign. 01[21:19] <Tanshin_Yori> "Are we close to the border yet? That could be a patrol up ahead." [21:19] <~ShadowDM> The wood is charred and smokes slightly, as though just recently hit by lightning. [21:19] <~ShadowDM> Any words are unrecognizable. [21:20] <Ishida_Motoharu> "I suppose we should approach it cautiously." [21:20] <~ShadowDM> The light seems to be stationary, and is higher than one would expect a person to stand. [21:20] <~ShadowDM> As you approach, you see that it is actually a latern born aloft by a tall pole. [21:21] <Ishida_Motoharu> Is there any indication of a path near the light? [21:22] <~ShadowDM> Behind the light, you see a tall gateway through which a steep set of stairs lead. [21:22] <~ShadowDM> Climbing up the mysterious stairs? [21:23] <Ishida_Motoharu> It's no illusion, is it? [21:23] <~ShadowDM> Not that you're aware, the steps certainly seem stable. [21:23] <Rairaku> ... [21:24] <Rairaku> "Witch way to leaf from here?" 06[21:24] * ~ShadowDM :SANGO -> "The fastest way would be East, but we're traveling North." 01[21:24] <Tanshin_Yori> "Anyone have a map?" [21:25] <~ShadowDM> It's raining... [21:25] <~ShadowDM> Hard. [21:25] <Rairaku> Its still raining isnt it? 06[21:25] * Rairaku looks at the steps then activates Byakugan 01[21:25] <Tanshin_Yori> That... doesn't answer my question. -_-; [21:25] <Rairaku> I spy far away [21:25] <~ShadowDM> Give me a perception check. [21:25] <~ShadowDM> *Awareness [21:25] <Ishida_Motoharu> "Can you see anything, Rairaku-san?" [21:26] <Rairaku> 1d20+15 [21:26] <Knucklebones> Rairaku, 1d20+15: 23 [1d20=8] [21:26] <~ShadowDM> Even with your amazing eyes, it's far too dark to see very far. [21:27] <Rairaku> "Still Dont trust the stairs... Read Jun's weird books, And this seems like a trap that was in one of them... 06[21:27] * ~ShadowDM :SASORI -> "Weird... books?" [21:28] <Rairaku> "Yeah pictures not alot of words..." 06[21:28] * ~ShadowDM :SANGO -> "Let's just go, I'm getting soaked." 06[21:28] * Ishida_Motoharu 's face turns into a puzzled look at the mention of weird books. 06[21:28] * Rairaku begins walking up the stairs

06[21:29] * Tanshin_Yori sighs and attempts to create a canopy of sand to shield the party from the downpour. [21:29] <Ishida_Motoharu> "Rai-san... wait up!" Motoharu says in pursuit. [21:29] <Rairaku> "Yeah girl walks up shadowy path, opens the door and eventually the guy who owns the house kept wanting to wrestle with her..." [21:30] <Rairaku> "Said she was stuck there..." 01[21:30] <Tanshin_Yori> "... I knew there was something wrong with that kid." 06[21:30] * Rairaku makes a eerie voice "Foreeeevvvveerrr" [21:30] <~ShadowDM> As you climb, the rain falls harder, soaking you to the bone. Some, like Rai, have probably never been this wet. Eventually, you reach the summit and you notice something slightly odd... trees. In the distance, there are more lights hanging from the rafters of a patio where a woman is sitting, watching the water fall from the sky. 02[21:31] * Nawa_Yasu ( Quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds) [21:31] <Ishida_Motoharu> "...what the?" Motoharu utters in awe. 06[21:33] * Rairaku finishes walking up the stairs and gets under the patio 06[21:33] * Ishida_Motoharu will keep his distance. [21:33] <~ShadowDM> The woman seems quite astonished at your sudden appearance, probably having not heard your steps due to the sound of drops hitting the tiles rooves. 06[21:34] * Rairaku shakes her head much like a wet animal does his fur [21:34] <Rairaku> "Hello..." 06[21:34] * ~ShadowDM :WOMAN -> "Oh my goodness! Where did you come from? You're absolutely soaked!" 06[21:34] * Tanshin_Yori pulls his travel cloak around him closely as he waits and watches. [21:34] <~ShadowDM> She rushes over to Rai, pulling the blanket off from around her shoulders and wrapping it around Ria. 06[21:34] * ~ShadowDM :WOMAN -> "You poor thing! Come inside and get dry by the fire... TARU!" [21:35] <Ishida_Motoharu> "It's as if the sky is falling out there... not even a cloak can keep that rain out." Motoharu commented. [21:35] <Rairaku> "Thank you." Rairaku attempts a smile to be freindly "I have a few others with me.." [21:36] <~ShadowDM> A young but well muscled man slides open the japanese-style door of the mansion and looks wide-eyed at Rai. "She's not one of the gues-- a few more???" 06[21:36] * Tanshin_Yori shrugs. "It can't be helped. Complaining won't make it any better." 06[21:36] * ~ShadowDM :WOMAN -> "Where are they? Don't tell me they're stuck in the mountains in this weather!" 06[21:36] * Rairaku nods

06[21:36] * Rairaku points twoard the group down the stairs [21:37] <Ishida_Motoharu> "I'm not complaining...," Motoharu comments before mumbling "... not much." [21:37] <~ShadowDM> The woman squints as the man moves over to the railing and looks out, they are having great difficulty seeing them apparently, and you realize that even you are having some difficulty seeing them now that you are in the light. [21:38] <Rairaku> "Come up, They seem fine and not wanting to wrestle with me!" Rairaku shouts down the stairs [21:38] <Ishida_Motoharu> "Wrestle...? Nevermind..." [21:39] <Ishida_Motoharu> "Seems like sex isn't a topic she is familiar with..." Motoharu commented. 01[21:40] <Tanshin_Yori> "Should she be? She's been a desert hermit for most of her life. That and it could cause problems if her family found out." 01[21:41] <Tanshin_Yori> "We're all probably better off that way. Come on, let's go inside. She's probably going to keep standing there until we do." [21:41] <Ishida_Motoharu> "I suppose you are right... But given her age, one would suspect she would at least be informed.." 06[21:41] * Tanshin_Yori approaches the pavilion, drawing back his hood as he steps beneath it. 06[21:41] * Ishida_Motoharu follows behind Yori. [21:42] <Chikamatsu_Tanaka> Tanaka follows suit 01[21:42] <Tanshin_Yori> (I'm assuming Sasori and Sango are still with us?) 06[21:42] * ~ShadowDM :WOMAN -> "Oh dear! You poor things! Get out of the storm, for goodness sake! TARU! Get them some dry things to change into..." [21:43] <~ShadowDM> As the group appraoches both Sango and Sasori arrive last. They glance around, seeming relaxed but taking in everything of the surrounding area. 06[21:43] * ~ShadowDM :WOMAN -> "Are you two their... parents??? How could you travel with these children in this weather!" 06[21:43] * Rairaku blinks 06[21:43] * ~ShadowDM :SANGO and SASORI -> "Certainly not." 06[21:44] * Rairaku looks at Sango and sasori [21:44] <Rairaku> "Yes?" 06[21:44] * ~ShadowDM :WOMAN -> "Well, whatever you are, it's down right irresponsible! Everyone! Inside and get warmed up!" [21:45] <Ishida_Motoharu> "Ye... Yes ma'am!" 06[21:45] * Rairaku turns her gaze to the woman, "Whats your name?" 06[21:45] * Tanshin_Yori nods almost imperceptibly and doffs his cloak as he enters. 06[21:45] * ~ShadowDM :SANGO -> "But I-- yes ma'am!" ._.;

06[21:46] * Tanshin_Yori glances at Sango. "You wanted to get out of the rain, didn't you?" 06[21:47] * ~ShadowDM :WOMAN -> "Oh dear! Where are my manners?"- she blushes slightly -"I'm Amemoto Yuri and the younger man that was just here is Taru-kun, my brother." 06[21:47] * ~ShadowDM :SANGO -> <"I just don't like being yelled at..."> ;-; [21:47] <Ishida_Motoharu> "Pleased to meet you both. I'm Ishida Motoharu." 06[21:47] * Tanshin_Yori seems amused by this. [21:48] <Chikamatsu_Tanaka> "I'm Chikamatsu Tanaka, Nice to meet you". [21:48] <Rairaku> "Rairaku." She nods as she walks in taking her pack off [21:49] <~ShadowDM> You find out in short order that the mansion in which you are now sitting is an old family home of Yuri and Taru which has recently been made into a sort of get-away resort. Yuri serves each of you steaming bowls of leek and potato cream soup and spare robes the group can change into while their clothing and things dry. [21:49] <~ShadowDM> Yuri sits you down in the kitchen area beside the radiating heat of the stoves and ovens. The chef is not particularly happy, but doesnt bother complaining after a hard look from Yuri. [21:49] <~ShadowDM> The house itself is quite beautiful with ornately decorated walls and exquisite detail and relief carved into most surfaces. 06[21:49] * Rairaku sits down on a chair clothes still soaked [21:50] <~ShadowDM> As the only young woman in the group, Yuri latches onto Ria. 06[21:50] * Ishida_Motoharu takes it all in. He is reminded of his home back in Sunagakure. 06[21:50] * Tanshin_Yori fidgets a bit with the robe. It's certainly not as well-worn as his regular clothes... 06[21:51] * ~ShadowDM :YURI -> "Here, Rai-chan! Let me help you change out of these things while Taru sees to getting you all some rooms!" 06[21:51] * Rairaku sinks into the comfortable chair before sitting up straight as Yuri starts talking [21:51] <Chikamatsu_Tanaka> Tanaka misses the feel of his new outfit,and makes a mental not to have it waterproofed. [21:52] <Ishida_Motoharu> While feeling a little awkward, Motoharu tries not to show it. [21:52] <~ShadowDM> In short order, Yuri drags Rai into a changing room down the hall and helps her change into a warm robes before returning her to eat. She even wraps the young Hyuuga's hair in a towel. 06[21:53] * ~ShadowDM :YURI -> "So~! What brings you guys to the mountain?" [21:53] <Rairaku> "Why is this on my head?" She says pointing to the towel on her head 06[21:53] * Tanshin_Yori changes and begins eating quietly.

06[21:54] * ~ShadowDM :YURI -> "To help dry your hair! You don't want it getting all nasty, do you? I'll help you brush it later~!" [21:54] <~ShadowDM> Sango and Sasori look at each other. 06[21:54] * ~ShadowDM :SASORI -> "We're-06[21:54] * ~ShadowDM :SANGO -> "A TRAVELING CIRCUS TROUP!" 06[21:54] * ~ShadowDM :SASORI -> *glare* 06[21:54] * Rairaku looks at both sango and sasori 06[21:55] * Rairaku looks at yuri in a deadpan manner 06[21:55] * Ishida_Motoharu takes a sip of the soup, the warm liquid helped to remove the chill from the rain. As he readied a second spoonful, Sango's reply caused him to quickly make a mess as he tried to hold back his laughter. 06[21:55] * Tanshin_Yori pauses and gives Sango an odd look. <She certainly doesn't seem to hold up well under pressure...> [21:55] <Chikamatsu_Tanaka> Tanaka raises an eyebrow at the decalration. [21:56] <Rairaku> "Ignore them, We are just traveling to the land of fire." [21:56] <Chikamatsu_Tanaka> and calmly drinks his soup 06[21:57] * ~ShadowDM :YURI -> "Oooh~ That's such a long way! What takes you there?" 06[21:57] * Ishida_Motoharu quickly goes to clean the mess after realizing his actions. <Far from acting proper, Motoharu. Genpaku would surely scold you for that!> 06[21:57] * ~ShadowDM :TARU -> "Yuri-chan... stop pesteri--" 06[21:57] * ~ShadowDM :YURI -> *glare* 06[21:57] * Tanshin_Yori shakes his head disapprovingly at Rai's flagrant disrespect for her superiors and returns to eating. 06[21:57] * ~ShadowDM :TARU -> o.o; [21:58] <Rairaku> "Honestly? Havent the foggiest idea, ask them again." 06[21:58] * Rairaku points to sango 06[21:59] * Tanshin_Yori thinks this ought to be entertaining. [21:59] <~ShadowDM> Yui looks at Sasori expectantly. 06[22:01] * Ishida_Motoharu wonders what Sasorisama will say. It seemed like he wanted to keep things under wraps before Rairaku-san spoke up. 06[22:02] * ~ShadowDM :SASORI -> *sigh* "We're--" 06[22:02] * ~ShadowDM :SANGO -> "GOING TO BE PERFORMING AT THE FESTIVAL IN IMABARI FESTIVAL OF LIGHTS!" 06[22:02] * ~ShadowDM :SASORI -> -_-; <"Would you cut that out?">

06[22:04] * ~ShadowDM :YURI -> "Ooooh! I'm sure the guests would love to see some of your performances when the rain lets up!" 06[22:04] * ~ShadowDM :SASORI -> *facepalm* [22:04] <~ShadowDM> Sango innocently eats her soup... 06[22:05] * Rairaku smiles lightly 06[22:05] * Ishida_Motoharu facepalms. [22:05] <Chikamatsu_Tanaka> Tanaka continues to eat his soup [22:06] <Rairaku> "Yuri, How come this place is so nice?" [22:06] <Ishida_Motoharu> He was all for making friends and being a bit more out there, but pretending to be in a circus troupe is a bit much.... 06[22:06] * ~ShadowDM :TARU -> "We have a few spare rooms right now. They're not anything special, but they're dry." [22:08] <Ishida_Motoharu> "How much longer do you think this storm will last?" 06[22:09] * ~ShadowDM :YURI -> "Oh! This is our old family manor. A couple years ago we spruced it up and began hosting retreats out here. The mountain air is good for you and it's nice to get away from the hustle and bustle of city life." 06[22:09] * ~ShadowDM :TARU -> "It's hard to say... Storms like these usually don't last long. It should be over by tomorrow morning." [22:10] <Ishida_Motoharu> "Who will be rooming with who?" [22:11] <Rairaku> 'Ill sleep here.." She says pulling her feep up to her chest and sitting on the chair in a ball 06[22:11] * ~ShadowDM :TARU -> "Well, we have four rooms available, so I guess two to each would be fine. They're not too large, but it should be fine." 06[22:12] * ~ShadowDM :YURI -> "Don't be silly! Kitchen stools aren't for sleeping!" 06[22:12] * Tanshin_Yori doesn't seem to have an opinion on the matter, as he continues eating quietly. [22:12] <~ShadowDM> Now would be the opportune time to throw lots in for roommates. [22:12] <~ShadowDM> Eien notes that he would prefer to stay with Motoharu. [22:13] <Ishida_Motoharu> Motoharu is for that. [22:13] <Ishida_Motoharu> Naturally... 06[22:13] * Rairaku looks at the stool she is sitting on. "I dont need a bed to sleep.." 06[22:13] * ~ShadowDM :EIEN -> <"These guys are kinda strange..."> [22:14] <Ishida_Motoharu> <"Definitely..."> 06[22:14] * ~ShadowDM :YURI -> "But what about your spinal alignment! Sleeping in a chair is terrible for you!" 06[22:14] * ~ShadowDM :TARU -> "... plus, I doubt the kitchen staff would appreciate it." 06[22:15] * ~ShadowDM :YURI -> "That too!" [22:15] <Rairaku> "Ive slept on worse..."

06[22:15] * Tanshin_Yori glances at the Ishida clansmen. "You know I can hear you, right? I mean, I'm sitting right here." 06[22:17] * ~ShadowDM :EIEN -> <"..."> 06[22:18] * ~ShadowDM :CHEF -> "Can I get my kitchen back? Please?" 06[22:18] * Ishida_Motoharu re-adjusts himself, deciding to drop the conversation for fear of being heard again. 06[22:18] * Rairaku jumps off the stool and begins walking out of the kitchen [22:19] <~ShadowDM> As the group finishes up their meals, the chef shoos everyone out of the kitchen and Taru guides you to the spare rooms. Yuri reveals that they used to serve as servants quarters, but were recently used for storage. 06[22:20] * Tanshin_Yori waits for everyone to figure out their rooming arrangements. He's liable to get stuck with whoever's the slowest to decide... [22:20] <~ShadowDM> Each room is fairly small, just big enough to comfortably house two sleeping matts side by side. 06[22:20] * Rairaku walks into one of the rooms [22:20] <Ishida_Motoharu> When no one else is around, Motoharu wishes to pull Eien aside. [22:20] <~ShadowDM> Eien is easily pulled aside. [22:22] <Ishida_Motoharu> "By guys, where you meaning our current hosts?" Motoharu asks quietly. 06[22:22] * ~ShadowDM :EIEN -> "Both." [22:23] <Ishida_Motoharu> "Understandable. Just try to be a bit careful about those comments. Okay?" [22:24] <~ShadowDM> Eien nods. [22:24] <Ishida_Motoharu> "We don't want to hurt their feelings, after all" 06[22:24] * ~ShadowDM :EIEN -> "Who's?" [22:25] <Ishida_Motoharu> "Honestly, all of them. But especially our teammates! We'll have to be collaborating with them for a while, so it would be best to keep good relations with them." 06[22:25] * ~ShadowDM :EIEN -> "True, though you're not the one on the team with a demon." 06[22:26] * ~ShadowDM :EIEN -> "I think I'll spend half my time doing my best to keep good relations with my internal organs." [22:27] <Ishida_Motoharu> "Just remember, Eien, we're doing this for the clan..." 06[22:27] * ~ShadowDM :EIEN -> "I'm... aware..." *sigh* "We should get some sleep, Haru-sama." 06[22:28] * Ishida_Motoharu nods. "Yes, let's try to get some rest, Eien-san." [22:28] <~ShadowDM> Alright! [22:28] <~ShadowDM> Sleeping arrangements? [22:28] <~ShadowDM> Eien/Motoharu is already decided. [22:29] <Rairaku> Rai aaand [22:29] <Rairaku> i dunno Tanaka? 01[22:29] <Tanshin_Yori> I'm assuming Rai/Sango.

01[22:29] <Tanshin_Yori> Unless you want to stick her with me. [22:29] <~ShadowDM> Yasu/Yori and Sasori/Tanaka ? [22:29] <Rairaku> Sure [22:29] <Chikamatsu_Tanaka> That's cool 01[22:30] <Tanshin_Yori> Which would keep up the trend of Yori being surrounded by large-breasted women. 01[22:30] <Tanshin_Yori> That's fine, too. [22:30] <~ShadowDM> That's not a trend, that's a dream. [22:30] <~ShadowDM> oh wait... [22:30] <~ShadowDM> I started this trend. Damnit! 01[22:31] <Tanshin_Yori> Hey. Girls go for the bad boys. 01[22:31] <Tanshin_Yori> XD [22:32] <Chikamatsu_Tanaka> They dig the shades man. 01[22:32] <Tanshin_Yori> So what are we doing? Rai/Tanaka, Yori/Sango, Sasori/Yasu? [22:33] <Rairaku> yes yes...and uhh yes 01[22:33] <Tanshin_Yori> Gotta dig out my Kanye shades. [22:33] <~ShadowDM> I guess that's fine. [22:33] <~ShadowDM> It's up to you guys [22:34] <Rairaku> *wipes to next mornin* [22:35] <~ShadowDM> And the next morning arrives. The pitter-patter of rain is still heard striking the tile rooves. As you open your doors, you find your dry cloths and things waiting outside neatly folded. 06[22:36] * Rairaku gets dressed [22:37] <Chikamatsu_Tanaka> Tanaka pulls on his now dry outfit and touchs up his facepaint. [22:37] <~ShadowDM> As you get up and wander about, you find Yuri outside on the patio where you found her the night before, watching the rain. It is not quite as dark as last night but the light is still heavily diminished. The grey clouds above cast everything in twilight, so now you can see your surroundings. On every side you are surrounded by mountains and oddly enough, pine trees. [22:38] <Rairaku> "Rain Still isnt gone huh?" She says walking up behind Yuri [22:38] <~ShadowDM> Inside, Taru is hosting a rather large group of older people ranging from early fourties to rather elderly ages. 06[22:39] * ~ShadowDM :YURI -> "No... it's kind of strange. We had some outdoor activities planned today too..." [22:40] <~ShadowDM> Breakfast is being served in a square-dining room with a large staple-shaped table where they are all sitting. 02[22:40] * Ishida_Motoharu (Mibbit@ED3168.BBE6A7.3DAC7D.D26C76) Quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client) Session Close: Fri Aug 12 22:41:00 2011 Session Start: Fri Aug 12 22:41:00 2011 Session Ident: #sunad20 02[22:41] * Disconnected 02[22:41] * Attempting to rejoin channel #sunad20

03[22:41] * Rejoined channel #sunad20 06[22:41] * Rairaku hmms lightly 06[22:43] * Rairaku walks back inside and eats with the rest [22:43] <~ShadowDM> Players! Any Actions? Schmoozing with the guests? [22:44] <Rairaku> Gonna talk to Sasori or Sango see if we should keep going or not 06[22:44] * Tanshin_Yori enters the dining room and asks for a cup of coffee, black. 06[22:44] * ~ShadowDM :SASORI -> "I think it's too dangerous in this weather. The mountain passes are treacherous to begin with withou the added trouble of rain." 06[22:45] * ~ShadowDM :SANGO -> "We've got time, enjoy yourself!" 06[22:45] * Rairaku nods and walks back out to HANG OUT WITH YURI AFTER EATING [22:45] <~ShadowDM> A cup of coffee is served in short order to the young jinchuuriki. [22:45] <Rairaku> whoops caps 06[22:46] * ~ShadowDM :YURI -> "So~ Rairaku-chan, how did you sleep last night? I hope the rooms weren't too cramped for you." [22:46] <Rairaku> "Anything is better than what im used to, Thanks." [22:46] <~ShadowDM> Tanaka finds himself recieving odd glances from the guests. 06[22:47] * ~ShadowDM :YURI -> "That's good. I wonder when this rain will let up..." [22:47] <Rairaku> "Soon... We kind of need to get going soon." [22:48] <Chikamatsu_Tanaka> Tanaka notices the odd glances and pays them no mind. Instead he attempts to chat with one of the diners near him [22:48] <Chikamatsu_Tanaka> "Good morning". 06[22:49] * ~ShadowDM :ELDERLY GUEST -> "Good morning, Sonny, are you one of those circus performers we heard tail about?" [22:49] <~ShadowDM> *tale [22:49] <~ShadowDM> Damn Fairy Tail and their ruining of my sense of spelling. 06[22:50] * Rairaku looks at Yuri [22:50] <Chikamatsu_Tanaka> "Why yes I am, I'm a puppeteer". 06[22:51] * ~ShadowDM :YURI -> "Oh yea, you need to get that Festival in Imabari. It's quite a ways off. What's your routine~?" 06[22:51] * Rairaku Sighs Deeply 06[22:51] * ~ShadowDM :ELDERLY GUEST -> "Oh my, that's quite impressive! I should have known by your dress and facepaint!" [22:52] <Chikamatsu_Tanaka> "Yep, family tradition". [22:52] <Rairaku> "The one with the Paint on his face Is a puppeteer... The one with the glasses does magic tricks with sand, And me...Well."

06[22:53] * ~ShadowDM :ELDERLY GUEST -> "Well, I hope you'll grace us with a show or two before you go, young puppeteer!" [22:55] <Chikamatsu_Tanaka> "If we have time, I'd be happy too." 06[22:55] * Rairaku looks at Yuri [22:55] <~ShadowDM> The elderly man seems quite pleased with that and turns back to his breakfast of oatmeal. 06[22:56] * Rairaku Clears her throat and stands in the exact fashion Yuri is currently 06[22:56] * Tanshin_Yori sips his coffee in silence. [22:56] <~ShadowDM> Yuri looks are Rai before blushing and turning away, blushing slightly. [22:56] <~ShadowDM> *looks at 06[22:58] * Rairaku Speaks up, "Welcome to my Humble resort PLease stay las long as you want!" She says sounding exactly like Yuri 06[22:58] * ~ShadowDM :YURI -> "Owah~ That's amazing!" [22:58] <Rairaku> "Owah~ That's Amazing!" 06[22:59] * ~ShadowDM :YURI -> :3 06[22:59] * Rairaku Begins mimicing Yuri as a mirror would [22:59] <Rairaku> 1d20+17 [22:59] <Knucklebones> Rairaku, 1d20+17: 24 [1d20=7] [22:59] <~ShadowDM> Yuri leans back against the railing and then realizes what Rai is doing before standing up and looking confused. 03[22:59] * Ishida_Motoharu (Mibbit@ED3168.BBE6A7.3DAC7D.D26C76) has joined #sunad20 [22:59] <~ShadowDM> She steps closer to Rai. [23:00] <Rairaku> "Thats pretty much my only talent..." 06[23:00] * ~ShadowDM :YURI -> "That's incredibly Rai-chan, but how can you mimick my movements when you're..." 06[23:01] * Rairaku Continues mimicing Yuri's movements as she explains [23:01] <Rairaku> "I know how to Read people exactly..." 06[23:02] * ~ShadowDM :YURI -> "I've heard when people lose one of their senses their others heighten to make up for it, but I had no idea they could be so sharp." 01[23:03] <Tanshin_Yori> (hahaha, she thinks you're blind! XD) [23:03] <Rairaku> "What do you mean?" 06[23:04] * ~ShadowDM :YURI -> "Well... you're... you know..." 06[23:04] * ~ShadowDM :YURI -> <"... blind..."> [23:04] <Rairaku> "I am?" 06[23:05] * ~ShadowDM :YURI -> "A- aren't you?" [23:05] <~ShadowDM> Yori! Give me an awareness check. 01[23:05] <Tanshin_Yori> 1d20+7 Aware [23:05] <Knucklebones> Tanshin_Yori, Aware: 26 [1d20=19]

[23:06] <~ShadowDM> You notice one person here that is quite younger than the others and appears to also be a guest. She is also wearing far simpler clothing than the other seemingly wealthy visitors. [23:06] <Rairaku> "Why do you think im blind?" 06[23:07] * Rairaku looks at Yuri inquisitivly 06[23:07] * ~ShadowDM :YURI -> "Well... your eyes... My grandmother lost her sight in her mid thirties due to an accident and... her eyes looked milky and pale, but not quite as white as yours! ... were you born that way?" [23:08] <~ShadowDM> *this [23:09] <Rairaku> "Yup." [23:10] <~ShadowDM> Yuri looks slightly confused, "Ah, I see..." [23:10] <Rairaku> "Somthing wrong?" [23:10] <~ShadowDM> She blushes, "N-nothing, I just don't want to say something rude or make you uncomfortable..." 06[23:11] * Rairaku Shrugs [23:11] <Rairaku> "Cant say anything to upset me, or make me uncomofortable." [23:12] <~ShadowDM> Yuri laughs lightly, something akin to tinkling silver or charms in the wind, "Well, that's a good trait to have. I wish some people I knew were so thick skinned, I tend to say things I shouldn't or at innappropriate times." [23:13] <Rairaku> "Say whatever is on your mind." She says looking at the rain 06[23:14] * ~ShadowDM :YURI -> "What is it like to walk around in a world of darkness? Do you ever lose your way?" [23:14] <~ShadowDM> Yuri turns to look at the rain as well, this time mirroring Rai instead of vice-versa. [23:16] <Rairaku> "I like to think im not walking in darkness, There are some who remain still and accept the darkness as it is." 06[23:17] * Rairaku looks at Yuri with an eyebrow raised" You do know we've established im not blind right?" 06[23:17] * ~ShadowDM :YURI -> "A-ah... no I... so you're not blind?" She blushes far harder than before and doesn't look direclty at Rai. 06[23:19] * Rairaku sighs 06[23:20] * Ishida_Motoharu mumbles "That was awkward..." [23:21] <~ShadowDM> (( motoharu is likely not in earshot of this )) 06[23:21] * Rairaku Looks at Yuri and sighs again, "Look im sorry." She walks back inside back up to her room. 06[23:22] * ~ShadowDM :YURI -> "Ah, it's ok... I've just never seen eyes like yours..." [23:23] <Rairaku> "Im not sorry about that i just hate lying to people..." She says before she walks inside. [23:23] <~ShadowDM> As the day passes on, the guests move off to play board games such as shogi, mahjong, or go, while others occupy themselves with other diversions such as poetry or music. [23:23] <~ShadowDM> Yuri looks more confused than before. [23:23] <~ShadowDM> The rain continues to pour, luckily, the manor is built fairly high on the mountain, and there is a lot of room for runoff and little threat of mudslides.

[23:25] <Ishida_Motoharu> ((My bad)) 06[23:26] * Ishida_Motoharu would probably gravitate towards music. Having it in the background while reading a set of medical notes is what he is accustomed to back at home. [23:27] <~ShadowDM> And so, the heavy downpour pounds the rooves as the sky turns black as the night rolls around. 06[23:28] * Ishida_Motoharu is going to ask Sasori-sama in private how many days they had before they needed to arrive. [23:30] <Chikamatsu_Tanaka> Tanaka busy is fighting a losing battle between his shogi opponent. [23:31] <~ShadowDM> Sasori informs Motoharu that they had two weeks to arrive in Konoha, so they are not quite desperate for time... yet. [23:32] <~ShadowDM> Tanaka's opponent is an elderly man missing a few of his teeth. He grins as he takes one of your pieces and redeploys it before assuring you that one day you'll get the hang of this game. [23:33] <Ishida_Motoharu> Following his short discussion with his sensei, Motoharu would make his way towards a source of music. Music had always been a form of escapism for him and it always allowed him to study more intently when it was in the background. [23:34] <~ShadowDM> Motoharu would find a small group on a patio. An older man gently strums a melody on a mondolin while a couple others follow in accompanyment on woodwind. [23:35] <Chikamatsu_Tanaka> Tanaka has retire as a loser from the game, and is among the small crowd around the musicans. 06[23:35] * Ishida_Motoharu tries to locate a seat where he can watch each of them play, while skimming through a small booklet of medical notes in order to keep his knowledge as sharp as possible. [23:38] <~ShadowDM> As evening turns to night, their music continues to blend beautifully with the falling rain, but in due time they need to 'rest their old bones'. [23:40] <Ishida_Motoharu> As the music begins to wind down, Motoharu closes his booklet before heading back to be with the rest of his peers, but not before complimenting the players and bidding them a goodnight. [23:40] <~ShadowDM> And so, the guests head to bed thanking you, and you are left to do likewise if you wish. Both Sango and Sasori sit on the patio, watching the driving rain despondantly. 06[23:42] * Ishida_Motoharu decides to stay awake for a while longer, making his way towards his superiors inquiring about their plans for the next day. 06[23:43] * ~ShadowDM :SASORI -> "I hate rain... This is why I live in the desert." 06[23:44] * ~ShadowDM :SANGO -> "It's just too dangerous, what with mudslides and rough trails..." [23:44] <Chikamatsu_Tanaka> Tanaka heads towards his senseis to join in on the coversation. [23:45] <Chikamatsu_Tanaka> "Does it ever stop?". 06[23:45] * ~ShadowDM :SASORI -> "It hasn't even let up a little since we arrived..."

06[23:45] * ~ShadowDM :TARU -> "It should... I'm surprised it's lasted this long. It's one of the heaviest storms I've seen in some time..." [23:45] <Ishida_Motoharu> "I suppose this is why it's called Rain Country..." [23:46] <Chikamatsu_Tanaka> "I hate the rain country". [23:47] <Ishida_Motoharu> "Don't let the rain make you as miserable as Yasu. But, I do hope this storm ends soon. We don't want to risk arriving late." 06[23:48] * ~ShadowDM :EIEN -> <"And you're the one that said I shouldn't say things like that about our teammates..."> 06[23:49] * ~ShadowDM :TARU -> "Rain country? No, this is River Country close to Wind's boarder too." 06[23:50] * Ishida_Motoharu turns towards the direction of Eien's voice, giving a small smile. "I didn't mean it in a negative connotation. Yasu-san truly seemed miserable... about what, I don't know." 06[23:50] * ~ShadowDM :EIEN -> "That is true... it was kind of out of character for him, too." [23:51] <Ishida_Motoharu> "But, you mean we aren't in Rain Country? Did we stray off course?" 01[23:52] <Tanshin_Yori> d20-1 01[23:52] <Tanshin_Yori> 1d20-1 [23:52] <Knucklebones> Tanshin_Yori, 1d20-1: 17 [1d20=18] 01[23:52] <Tanshin_Yori> d6 for shits 01[23:52] <Tanshin_Yori> 1d6 for shits [23:52] <Knucklebones> Tanshin_Yori, for shits: 6 [1d6=6] [23:53] <Chikamatsu_Tanaka> "If we did,then how long do we have to get on track?". 06[23:54] * ~ShadowDM :TARU -> "Well, I don't know where you're coming from, but if you go back out to the main path and take the Northeast trail at the fork, you shouldn't have any trouble getting to Rain." [23:56] <Ishida_Motoharu> "Well, we did get sidetracked by finding the stairs which lead to here. Of course, the rain started pouring at that time, which puts us where we are today." 06[23:56] * ~ShadowDM :TARU -> "Ah, I see. Anyways, I'm going to head to bed. Hopefully this rain'll let up so I can get some more firewood... I'm not desperate enough to make a run for the shed just yet." 06[23:59] * Ishida_Motoharu wishes Taru-san a goodnight. [23:59] <~ShadowDM> You guys heading to bed as well? [23:59] <Rairaku> yup [00:00] <~ShadowDM> Soon enough Sasori tires of staring at the rain and heads back to his room as well. [00:00] <~ShadowDM> Yasu and Eien also head to bed. [00:00] <Ishida_Motoharu> Unless there is anything urgent to tend to. [00:00] <~ShadowDM> Not that you're aware of. [00:00] <Chikamatsu_Tanaka> Tanaka does the same. [00:01] <~ShadowDM> And so the group heads to bed.

[00:01] <~ShadowDM> I need d% rolls from everyone! [00:01] <~ShadowDM> 1d100 Yasu [00:01] <Knucklebones> ShadowDM, Yasu: 72 [1d100=72] 01[00:01] <Tanshin_Yori> 1d100 [00:01] <Knucklebones> Tanshin_Yori, 1d100: 91 [1d100=91] [00:02] <Ishida_Motoharu> Indeed. [00:02] <Chikamatsu_Tanaka> 1d100 [00:02] <Knucklebones> Chikamatsu_Tanaka, 1d100: 85 [1d100=85] [00:02] <Ishida_Motoharu> 1d100 [00:02] <Knucklebones> Ishida_Motoharu, 1d100: 80 [1d100=80] [00:02] <~ShadowDM> 1d100 Eien [00:02] <Knucklebones> ShadowDM, Eien: 78 [1d100=78] [00:02] <~ShadowDM> rairaku [00:03] <Rairaku> 1d100 [00:03] <Knucklebones> Rairaku, 1d100: 24 [1d100=24] [00:05] <~ShadowDM> The next morning, the sound of rain can still be heard as well as a man's voice screaming outside. [00:05] <~ShadowDM> "YURI-CHAN! YURI-CHAN!" [00:05] <~ShadowDM> You quickly identify it as Taru and hear someone racing down the hallway. 06[00:06] * Tanshin_Yori pokes his head out the door. 01[00:06] <Tanshin_Yori> "What's going on?" 06[00:06] * Rairaku does the same 02[00:07] * Ishida_Motoharu (Mibbit@ED3168.BBE6A7.3DAC7D.D26C76) Quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client) [00:07] <~ShadowDM> Rairaku sees Taru run by yelling. 06[00:08] * Rairaku runs behind Taru following him 01[00:08] <Tanshin_Yori> 1d20+3 [00:08] <Knucklebones> Tanshin_Yori, 1d20+3: 4 [1d20=1] [00:09] <~ShadowDM> He stops once he reaches the dining room, panting heavily. Inside you see a lot of guests huddled together looking scared. [00:10] <Chikamatsu_Tanaka> "what's wrong?". 06[00:11] * Rairaku looks at all he guests 06[00:11] * ~ShadowDM :TARU -> "Yuri-chan... *pant* She's just... gone! So are some guests." [00:12] <~ShadowDM> A few of the visitors nod in agreement as more file into he dining area from their rooms. 03[00:12] * Ishida_Motoharu (Mibbit@ED3168.BBE6A7.49537E.B0EFA2) has joined #sunad20 06[00:13] * Rairaku looks at Tanaka, "Get more info ill go look around." [00:13] <Chikamatsu_Tanaka> "right,Did anyone see where she wen or who was with her?". 06[00:14] * ~ShadowDM :TARU -> "Nobody's seen her since last night... Same as with the other guests that are missing, they just disappeared..." 06[00:14] * Rairaku dashes off searching

[00:15] <Ishida_Motoharu> ((Assuming I'm near all of this)) "Have any of the rooms been searched for signs of anything unusual?" 06[00:18] * ~ShadowDM :TARU -> "We've all searched the mansion, but haven't found any of the missing people..." 06[00:19] * Ishida_Motoharu , thinking to himself <"How could we have missed noticing something was wrong?"> [00:19] <Chikamatsu_Tanaka> "Yori,did you see anything?". [00:20] <~ShadowDM> Yori isn't here. 06[00:20] * Ishida_Motoharu whispers to Tanaka. "Is there anyone amongst us who can sense chakra. If so, we may find something out..." [00:20] <~ShadowDM> In fact... you haven't seen Yori all morning. [00:21] <Chikamatsu_Tanaka> "Yasu can,has anyone seen Yori?". 06[00:21] * Rairaku comes back ino the dining room [00:21] <Ishida_Motoharu> If it hasn't been done already, Motoharu suggests everyone that can be accounted for should be gathered together in one room. [00:22] <~ShadowDM> It would seem that most are making their way to the dining room. [00:22] <Rairaku> "They dissapeared, in their rooms." [00:23] <Ishida_Motoharu> "Did you use your eyes to notice if anything was strange, Rairaku-san?" Motoharu was pulling at straws. Also, is Eien missing? If so, Motoharu is definitely starting to panic. [00:24] <~ShadowDM> Eien is not missing and is just as perplexed as the rest of you. [00:24] <Chikamatsu_Tanaka> "Find Sango and Sasori-sensei and tell them what happend". [00:25] <Rairaku> "outlines of their bodies on the an explosion leaving a anti-shadow" [00:25] <Chikamatsu_Tanaka> "What?". 06[00:26] * Ishida_Motoharu is perplexed. "I've never heard of such a thing, before... " [00:26] <Rairaku> "Its... Hard to explain." 06[00:27] * Rairaku ill try and go back and keep trying to find somthing...but otherwise Yori and Yuri are gone." 06[00:27] * Rairaku goes back to searching [00:27] <Ishida_Motoharu> "I believe you, Rairaku-san. I'm just racking my brain trying to understand what could cause such a thing to happen...." [00:29] <Ishida_Motoharu> Hearing Yori's name sent a shock to Motoharu's system. "Yori is gone, too?!" Already, things weren't looking so great for Motoharu's first assignment with Team Sasori. [00:30] <Chikamatsu_Tanaka> "Where ever he is I hope he isn't asleep". [00:31] <Ishida_Motoharu> "Let's just hope that whatever happened to them, they are okay. If we can get a lead as to what may have happened to them, we can surely find them." [00:32] <~ShadowDM> And as you begin to ponder the oddities of this mysterious occurrence, [00:32] <~ShadowDM> Your journeys and your lives end in morning-breath induced death as we... [00:32] <~ShadowDM> FADE...

[00:32] <~ShadowDM> .TO.... [00:32] <~ShadowDM> ..BLACK

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