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cecos 8CMC1lCn Cl nLSCAlL 8yM!unald cecos unlverslLy eshawar

8CMC1lCn romoLlon ls Lhe lasL buL noL Lhe leasL of Lhe four facLors of promoLlon lL furLher conslsLs
of four elemenLs called lacLors Cf romoLlon" AdverLlslng ersonal selllng Sales promoLlon ubllclLy
CollecLlvely Lhese four elemenLs form Lhe romoLlon Mlx"

lMC81AnCL romoLlon play a very lmporLanL role ln boosLlng up a producL lmage and creaLlng
demand for lL ln Lhe markeL WlLhouL sufflclenL and approprlaLe promoLlon no producL can become a

cecos romoLlon 1he nescafe ls heavlly promoLed LhaL's why Lhe lmage ln Lhe eyes of consumer ls very
hlgh 1he besL selllng coffee (lnfanL cereal) brand lLs lmage ls consLanLly boosLed up Lhrough dlfferenL
promoLlonal acLlvlLles from Llme Lo Llme

LlemenLs used by nescafe
LlemenLs used by nescafe lrom Lhe elemenLs of promoLlonalmlx all Lhe oLher Lhree use for Lhe
promoLlon of nescafe excepL personal selllng AdverLlsemenLs Sales promoLlon ubllclLy

romoLlonal managemenL
cecos romoLlonal managemenL nescafe have dlfferenL brand managers for Lhere dlfferenL producL aL
Lhelr head offlce ln Lahore and Lhey are busy ln Maklng new ldeas roducLs romoLlonal Lechnlque
for Lhere respecLlve brands brlng some changes ln 1asLe ueslgn leaLures CuallLy packlng

Sllde 7
cecos 1he nescafe brand mangers who generaLe develops and apply an ldea for boosLlng up nescafe
Pe/she Lhen arranges Lhe flnances selecLs Lhe medla Lo be used SelecLs and Lhen conLacLs Lhe a
adverLlslng agency and lnlLlaLes and launches Lhe promoLlonal campalgn 1hey have also goL Lhe
consumer servlces" and medlcal delegaLes" deparLmenLs aL Lhelr every 8eglonal Sales Cfflce 1hey
work for Lhe publlclLy of Lhe producL

LlemenLs of promoLlonmlx
cecos LlemenLs of promoLlonmlx now we wlll dlscuss one by one Lhe 4 elemenLs of promoLlon mlx
LhaL are used for promoLlng nescafe by nesLle AdverLlslng ersonal Selllng SalesromoLlon publlclLy

AuvL81lSlnC Lye caLch adverLlsemenLs 8lll boards 1v adds osLers use Lvery medlum whlch convey
Lhelr producL massage

ersonal Selllng
ersonal Selllng 1here ls no personalselllng" used ln case of nescafe because 1he producL ls of low unlL
value 1hey do noL have Lhelr own chaln of reLall sLores

cecos SalesromoLlon 1hey promoLe Lhe producL heavlly by lmplemenLlng dlfferenL schemes nescafe '
ls promoLed by glvlng LradedlscounLs Lo dlsLrlbuLors proflLmarglns Lo whole sellers and reLallers by
sampllng and promoLlon acLlves aL schools colleges eLc nesLle sponsored 1sL 1v world awards
show" aL naLlonal level and an ArLs LxhlblLlon" ln a local lnsLlLuLe 1he lnsLlLuLe of llneArLs
eshawar" lasL week 1hey arranged sLalls ln all Lhe women colleges of eshawar

cecos publlclLy 1hey have Lhere own medlcal delegaLes whlch keep check on Lhe lngredlenLs nuLrlLlonal
values quallLy eLc 1hese docLors and nuLrlLlonlsLs arrange meeLlngs programmers lnLervlews eLc
wlLh people and Lell Lhem abouL Lhe hlgh quallLy of nescafe lf any laboraLory docLor nuLrlLlonlsL or
any organlzaLlon wanLs Lo LesL Lhe producL Lhey are always mosL welcome because Lhey know very well
abouL Lhe besL quallLy of Lhelr producLs !ournallsLs are also welcomed Lo see such LesLs ln Lhls way
nescafe ls publlclzed

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