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Attack Iran before they attack us! This article is a parody.

i cannot endorse any form of violence: mental, verbal, physical, or spiritual. Christians unite against the Muslim threat! Jews and Christians unite! Fight! Kill! Destroy Islam before it destroys you! Never before have we seen such a threat! Not the Rooskies! Not the Chinee! No Commie compares to these insaniacs who strap bombs to their babies and throw them at us! They force their youngens to read that toilet paper Koran, which fills their retarded heads with gobledeegook, then when they can barely walk, wrap their mutilated bodies in explosives, and tell 'em to run at Washington! Nuke Iran before they throw more baby-bombs at Washington! The only solution (that we can afford;) is to nuke them before they develop nukes themselves! Why.. when we get done with Iran, there ain't gonna be nothin' left but a greasy spot! Next.. Syria and anybody else who dares to oppose damn freaking America! We gonna kick some Arab ass! Yehaw! They's a bunch of towel heads anyways! Who the freak cares about a bunch of towel heads! Just think of the oil we get if we nuke them bastards! :) Do you know they'd rather take a piss on our Nativity scenes? Their idea of a picnic includes burning the American flag! They publicly burn effigies of our presidents! They have no respect for us! Why should we give a rat's ass about them or their retarded religion! F Islam! F towel-heads! Piss on them for a change! ..You know.. when I was a cadet at the academy, I lived in married housing, a bunch of towel-heads lived nearby cuz you could smell them stinky bastards. Their food's not fit for a pigtrough! Anyways, this Arab kid decides to take a piss on me for real! He waited for me to cross under him, under a walkway.. The little f'er took a piss on me! Just for that, they deserve to be nuked! F'ing nuke Iran! Nuke 'em!!! .. i really was peed on by a little Arab boy when i lived in married housing at Michigan State. It enraged me the fact his parents did not control him or teach him to respect other adults regardless of their ethnicity/religion. But even if my finger rested on the red button, i conscionably could not push it. Violence only begets more violence. Violent thoughts beget violent words which beget violent actions which only destroy your spirit. Every time you give into violence, you destroy your soul. The sad truth of our existence is that many of us truly feel the parody described above.. How can we ever have peace when we allow violence to dominate us? It's impossible. No, the only way to ever have lasting peace is to obliterate violence from our: thoughts, speech, and actions. Only this way can we heal our spirits and grow as a race. Every time i give in to violence, i feel so ashamed.. Each time i let violence dominate me, at least three things happen: the other person hates/resents me, i destroy the relationship, and i cripple my spirit. What's the f'ing point? ..Every time you feel compelled to be violent, realize there's another path a more peaceful path full of love and hope. i've had to learn the hard way so has humanity.. Don't let's repeat forever in an infinite loop of violence.. Break free the yoke.. Break free humanity :)

Part 2 Buy American i never thought i would ever write this article about buying American. Some years ago, the quality of American vehicles simply did not come close to say Japanese vehicles.. So you were basically paying for a piece of shit, through the nose, when you bought an American car.. Things have changed. American quality has improved thank god! :) Thanks in part due to quality manufacturing overseas. :) But enough is enough. We've lost too many jobs to overseas production this is the single most important reason to purchase American made products. Part of this new equation is the fraction of the workforce performing unskilled labor. Do we really care about having those jobs in America? It's arguable. i'm sure most of us would agree the designers and decision-makers about hotly purchased automobiles should reside in America. For instance, if we're truly green-minded, we'll design and purchase cars which use the new technology called regenerative braking (when you push on the brakes in a vehicle, some of that braking energy can be captured and reused for acceleration). i have a particular design in mind for a second generation hybrid vehicle. The hints were in the concept: energy is always lost when you convert form.. So, when you convert braking energy to electric, as we do in a commercially available hybrid, we lose a tremendous amount simply in the conversion process. :( ^^ What's the solution? Don't convert the form; keep the energy mechanical in a flywheel. Most engineers will shake their pretty heads at this but they'd be wrong. The flywheel must be placed judiciously and interlinking must be performed efficiently using ECVT. Why this digression about a particular hybrid design? Because it's an example of how we need to keep innovating in America, we need to keep making the critical decisions, we need to be the wise ones,.. :) i'm not saying Japanese or Chinese can't or shouldn't be wise or 'in control'.. America has a tradition and reputation for innovation and authoritativeness (NOT the same as authoritarian) ;) There's nothing wrong with keeping a good tradition alive :) My brother informed me Hyundai came out with a luxury vehicle at half the price of others.. ^^ i know the temptation's extremely difficult.. i was married to a Korean and felt it my duty to help her country's economy.. So i bought one.. But that was before the economy had blown apart.. Before we realized the consequences, as a nation, for buying foreign goods, for wasting resources on silly military endeavors, for taking the easy/quick way,.. i know you could buy double the fleet of Hyundai vs say Mercedes or Lexus.. ^^ [he] My point should be clear: forget foreign made entirely; buy an American hybrid! :) Buy a hybrid over luxury and buy American over foreign. :) And for god-sakes, encourage American innovation such as my design above! :) Don't 'poo poo' it; prove me wrong! :) In the very least, show me in simulation why my design 'won't work'. ;) ^^ As the new MagicJack is a good example, i have many marketable ideas! :) Let's do it America! :) Lead innovation and wise decision-making! :) i know in my heart America has the capacity for almost unimaginable greatness if we only apply ourselves! :) Focus on America! :) Focus on innovation! :) Focus on wisdom! :) And we cannot go wrong! :) A video version of these articles can be found at:

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