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University of Pennsylvania 2926 Johns Hopkins University 5332 Worcester Polytechnic Institute 3969 Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 2757

University of Massachusetts,Amherst 3917

Essay 1: Not only is Boston University ranked highly nationally, but it also possesses something I love, school spirit. Whenever I am in Boston I can always pick out the BU kids on commonwealth ave with their red school gear on. Even when the admissions representative, Andrea Chivakos came to my high school she was the most energetic admissions representative I have ever met. I love the school spirit in my small suburban high school and I was afraid I could not find a large urban college to match that same school spirit, but I was wrong. Boston University not only has endless amounts of spirit, but it is also a large urban school with amazing facilities and a history of academic excellence.

Essay 2: As a student at Boston University there is a lot I could bring to the table. One of my best talents I have developed in high school is my ability to get involved. I started my high school career with one JV sport and I am now leaving as captain of two sports, with major leadership roles as rally MC, vice president for both my class and Junior Statesmen of America in addition to being heavily involved in science club and link crew. On top of that I have worked my way up to line chef at a restaurant over the past 1.5 years and I referee 3-5 soccer games a week in the spring and fall. I did not join these clubs and activities simply for an activity, but because I actually care and feel that I can make a difference. In cross country we lost 13 seniors last season, but working with the other captains more people joined than ever and a team that has always dreamed of numbers now has an entire bus with every seat full. In JSA we ended the year with 10 members. This year through creating mock debates and creating a professional looking information table that incorporated technology 75 people signed up and 30 of which have shown up to meetings. As class vice president my group has organized the first ever homecoming and successfully pulled off the most spirited senior weekend yet. Boston University has a lot of extra curriculars to offer and I know that I will make a significant impact on at least one of them.

On my visit to Boston University the first thing that jumped out at me was the school spirit. From Andre Chivakos the admissions officer who visited my school and was the most energetic admissions officer I have ever met to the hordes of BU students with their Ray Bans and terrier gear on Commonwealth ave in Boston, the school spirit is always prevalent. I am also a very spirited student and have repeatedly shown this in my high school beyond just getting involved in school. In Rally Committee we are in charge of getting the student body excited for rally and organizing the rallies. During the rallys another student and I act as the MCs and keep the energy up throughout the rally. For my sports I am always the one who gets the rest of the team standing and cheering on the sidelines. Along with my captainship I was also named team cheerleader for wrestling. I would love to transfer my school spirit to a school like Boston University and get involved in some of the exciting extra curriculars BU has to offer like the outdoors club and quidditch. Beyond being allowed to succeed academically BU would allow me to explore outside interests in other subjects and get involved in the terrier community.

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