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J A N U A R Y 2 0 12

a letter from


If the answer is yes, then you will have your dreams in a heartbeat. If it is Gods best for you. And for the world. Theres always a catch, isnt there? He owns the cattle on a thousand hills (Psalm 50:10); he sets up kings and deposes them (Daniel 2:21). He owns it all and he delegates all responsibility everywhere, for all times. Its all his. And in a sense, its all yours too, right now, this very moment, because youre his child, living on his estate. Let that sink in: everything in your wildest dreams is yours, in the other room, down the hall, around the corner. Well, its all yours and it all isnt yours. Its not not yours, at least for now. If you are meant to take care of those heads of cattle for a time be prodder, brander, rancher you wont have to strive and struggle and worry your way to achieving that dream. Its all yours, but its all his to assign. I know its tough. It really is. Its hard to relax in a Good Father who gives gifts to his children even as he woos a dying world. But just think, your disappointment and setbacks and struggles and unmet expectations might just be whats required for someone else to find God to find wholeness. Restoration. To enter the estate. Its a squirrelly jigsaw puzzle, this business of God sovereignty, and sometimes you dont get to be the corner piece. Sometimes youre the beige piece in the meandering middle and you cant see how you matter. But there is great joy when we take time to linger, looking at the face of our redeemer, who works in us little us! to do his work of world restoring. So forget the gifts, for 2012 at least. We have the Giver.

Well, its 2012. The end of the world as we know it. Though I am optimistic the feral cats in our neighborhood will survive anything the Mayans can throw at them. Its funny how at the beginning of 2012, were thinking about the end of civilization. Or maybe its just me. Do you ever get fatalistic this time of year? Where has the time gone, what have I done with my time, who have I been becoming in the meantime, and why didnt I lose that last 10 pounds in time? The temptation for disgruntlement and melancholy can be hard to resist. If its not difficult for you, let me ask: what did you accomplish in 2011? Did you live the kind of life you are proud of? Was it one for the record books? Ah, but dont let me lead you there. Those questions are all based on a false premise, one we believe so easily it slips by us like moments and years: that we have either accumulated or lost out, either accomplished or failed, either made a mark or faded into the background. Its a premise that suggests we dont already have all we could ever want or need already (Phil. 4:12). That we havent been equipped for every good work (2 Cor. 9:8), that we dont have a God capable of doing unimaginable things (Eph. 3:20), or that its up to us to validate our existence in the first place (Titus 3:5). Heres a little exercise you might try. Write down your dreams and goals for 2012, the ones you didnt do in 2011 or the new ones knocking around your soul, and just imagine. Imagine what it would be like to fit into those jeans, to hold that trophy, to stand at that podium. Feel the warmth of that. Picture it. Then ask, I wonder why this hasnt happened for me yet? Then ask, Have I been faithful in these pursuits, relying on Gods strength and seeking his kingdom first?

Editor Julie Rhodes Art Direction, Design & Goodness Josh Wiese, Dennis Cheatham, Lindsey Sobolik The Final Say Julie Pierce Admin Extraordinaire Victoria Andrews

Photography David Farris (Epiphany)* Amanda Guevara (From Falling to Found)* Trey Hill (Inside the Steeple)* Patty Thompson (Womens Christmas Dinner)* Editorial Assistance/Proofing Summer Alexander*

Writers Jeff Jarrell* Barry Jones* Jason Fox* Peggy Norton* Thoughts, comments, ideas? E-mail Chatter at *Most beloved and indispensable Chatter Volunteer.

Irving Bible Church: a community on a journey.

Thanks for picking up Chatter. Chatter is a publication of Irving Bible Church in Irving, Texas.
Why are we here?
IBC is on a journey committed to growing in Christ, connecting in community and joining the mission. This commitment comes from Jesus words in the Great Commandment (Matthew 22:36-39) and Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20).

How do we do this?
Growing in Christ At the heart of the journey is the gospel of Jesus Christ, the story of the Son of God coming into our dark world to bring light, life, hope and transformation. The journey begins when we trust Christ, but it doesnt end there. Gods desire for each of us is for our hearts and lives to become more like the one who has saved us. (Ephesians 4:11-13) Connecting in Community The gospel story draws us into a community of people whose lives have been transformed by Jesus. This journey is not one that we undertake alone. We are designed to do life together as a community of Christ-followers. It is essential that we walk with one another on the journey. (John 13:34-35) Joining the Mission The gospel tells us that one day God will take all that is broken in this world and make it whole. Those of us who are on the journey together are called to be people who do what we can to make glimpses of that day show up in our day. We do this by telling the gospel story and demonstrating gospel-shaped love to a needy world. (Matthew 28:18-20)

Contact IBC

Irving Bible Church | 2435 Kinwest Pkwy, Irving, TX 75063 | (972) 560-4600 Web | Twitter @ibcvoice | Facebook irvingbible Sign up for the IBC eLetter, a weekly e-mail update for key ministry event information and announcements, along with a short devotional by Pastor Andy to encourage you on your journey week-to-week. Subscribe today at New to IBC? Turn to page 18.

Update: Womens Christmas Dinner

On Tuesday, December 6, almost 900 women gathered for IBCs annual Womens Christmas Dinner, an evening complete with beautifully decorated tables and a festive concert with IBCs own Jenny Simmons and Addison Road. More than $4,400 was raised to support 15 women and their microfinance businesses in Goma, Congo.

heres a popular song by Josh Wilson called Fall Apart. The lyrics tell the story of a life turned upside down, and how its during those times of upheaval that we find God closer and more real than we ever imagined. One of the lines says, I find you when I fall apart. This is how Lucy Alejandro found God. Lucys world came crashing down around her ten years ago. With two kids and one on the way, Lucy found herself in an abusive relationship. She had left her husband many times, each time finding herself in and out of domestic violence shelters. But Lucy always went back. With no family nearby and having been isolated from friends, she felt she had no other choice. Lucy had two children and five others from her husbands previous marriage. She felt overwhelmed emotionally, financially and physically. One day she and her kids were put in a life-threatening situation that would convince her once and for all that it was time to leave this time for good. She was four months pregnant. She filed for divorce and began her journey as a single parent. Lucy once again moved into a domestic violence shelter, which would later help in transitioning her to apartment life. But when her son was born with a heart condition that required immediate surgery, she had to spend countless hours in the ER and was forced to take time off work. Eventually, her son was able to come home. With that battle behind her, she called her employer to return to work; but to her amazement, she was told she no longer had a job. It felt like she was taking one step forward and two steps back. As her struggles continued, she tried to settle in with her three young children. Feeling isolated with no sense of belonging, she recalled a church she had visited while at one of the domestic violence shelters. Lucy had started attending a parenting class offered by IBC but had never gotten the chance to finish. Her husband had found her at the shelter, and she was asked to leave as a safety precaution but IBC had left its mark. Lucy was now in desperate need of some help, and that help would come inside the doors of a church that would come to mean home and family. Lucy remembers fondly when she first attended the Home Builders class at IBC. She says, I loved the teaching and the people, but one day I looked around and realized I was the only single person in the room! Lucy laughs as she recalls one of the leaders telling her, By the way, there is a class for single parents. So the following week, Lucy walked into the On Track class. Lucy recalls, I was welcomed with smiles and open arms. It felt like visiting an old friend. It was there she found guidance and friendship that have had a great impact in her life. She explains, We celebrate each others success. We share in our times of joy. We lift each other up when were down; we hold hands through tough times. We pray for one another, but most of all were there for each other. Thats just how it works. We help each other out. Lucy has found that the truest community happens only when people are transparent and authentic it is only then that others can understand how to help. And it is then we see the hand of God. Again, Josh Wilsons lyrics come to mind: Blessed are the ones who understand weve got nothing to bring but empty hands; nothing to hide and nothing to prove; our heartbreak brings us back to you.* Over time, Lucy has received many blessings from IBC ministries. After totaling her car, she received a van from the Car Care Ministry, which she still
Josh Wilson grew up in Lubbock, Texas. Were sorry, Josh. 8 out of 10 preschoolers prefer face painting over clowns. The other 2 are a little off.

drives. I know God smiles when I load up our van and were able to bring a few more kids with us to IBC. When asked about my car, I smile and say its a gift from God, Lucy said. Lucy was also blessed by the On Track Bible Community when it recently came together to put a new roof on her house. The biggest blessings come not when one is blessed, but when you are a blessing to others, Lucy added. I want to be Gods hands and feet. When I give of myself, I show my kids what our purpose is: to love one another and to spread Gods word. Lucy puts her words into action. She is a part of the Sunday meal team at IBC, and you can also find her volunteering at the IBC Medical Clinic on Wednesday nights. She translates for those who are unable to communicate in English. Being able to help patients who only speak Spanish reminds her of translating for her dad who was a migrant farm worker that went from place to place every summer looking for work hoeing sugar beets and picking cucumbers. Lucy also uses her artistic ability to minister to others at Laundry Love, the IBC Laundromat ministry in south Irving. As other IBCers help with loading washers and dryers and folding clean laundry, Lucy is the one painting the kids faces they call her the painting lady. But her journey at IBC has not been without times of great despair. After years of family therapy and counseling, Lucy was still seeing no end to the violence in their home caused by her out-of-control son. Its not easy to accept or acknowledge mental illness in ones family, says Lucy. The situation drove her to a class at IBC NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness) where she came to realize that her son wasnt just misbehaving, but was dealing with a mental illness that would require counseling, medication, and lots of love. Her son was eventually diagnosed as bipolar. Our journey with this illness continues, and knowing that were not alone gives me hope, Lucy says. Another ray of hope for Lucy and her son is the Single-Parent Mentoring Ministry, where both her sons have mentors. In the absence of their father, its a great blessing; they get to do guy stuff going to sporting events, doing service projects or just hanging out. Basically, they do life together. These men from IBC are willing to give of themselves and invest in the lives of kids that otherwise dont have a male role model. Her kids have not seen or heard from their dad since the divorce. Lucy is hoping that the commitment of these mentors will be an example to her boys, and that they will grow into men that put God first and give back as their mentors do. Lucys life fell apart more than once, but it brought her into community that she so desperately needed, and even more importantly, it brought her closer to God. For that, she is extremely thankful. So the next time you donate a backpack, give a Thanksgiving basket or volunteer to be a mentor and you wonder whom you might be serving, remember Lucy. Peggy Norton has 40 first cousins, three of which are double-cousins.
*Lyrics from Fall Apart, by Josh Wilson.

Sebewaing, Michigan is known (to Americans) as the sugar beet capitol of the world. (Citation needed, big time.)

Chatter | 5

Hint: All wok and no filet makes Jack a dull boy.

Hint: A jolt of Jesus. And something else. Hint: Microbes, beware.

Hint: Trash can light fixtures. Ever noticed?

5 3

InsIde the steeple

IBC is a big place. Theres a lot going on around here every week that you might not know about. How well do YOU know your way around? (key on pg. 10)

Hint: Bring your noise-canceling something-or-others.

The town of Ravenna, Italy is home to an

ancient mausoleum that was built to be the final resting place of one of the most powerful women in the Roman Empire in the fifth century. The mausoleum contained the remains of Galla Placidia, daughter, sister, and mother to three Roman emperors. The walls and ceiling of the small, cross-shaped building are covered with intricately designed mosaics that are some of the most stunning and well preserved examples of early Christian art. The focal point of the ceiling is the depiction of Jesus, the Great Shepherd, surrounded by his flock. Experts describe it as the earliest and best preserved of all mosaic monuments, and at the same time one of the most artistically perfect. But visitors who have set out to the mausoleum in hopes of getting a glimpse of the Great Shepherd may be surprised upon their arrival to find the beautiful mosaic veiled in darkness. The building only has a few tiny windows, and the light that does enter is often blocked by the crowd of tourists. The beauty is present but hidden by the darkness. Then suddenly, without advanced notice, a set of spotlights on the ceiling comes on, illuminating the tiles of the mosaic, revealing the picture of Christ that everyone has come to see. The room is filled with sounds of surprise and delight, and then after a few fleeting seconds, the darkness returns. The imagery of light and darkness dominates the ancient Christian season of Epiphany. The word epiphany comes from a Greek word that means manifestation or appearing, and has come to be used in our everyday language to describe those light-bulb moments when something obscure becomes clear to us for the first time. Our brothers and sisters in the faith began using this word centuries ago in association with the weeks between Christmas and the beginning of Lent. For them, it was a time to commemorate the appearing, the manifestation of Jesus as the savior of the world and to be reminded of their mission to make Christ known to a world lost in darkness.

In John 8:12, Jesus says, I am the light of the world. And in Matthew 5:14 he says to his disciples, You are the light of the world. The season of Epiphany is about recognizing the life-altering truth of both of these statements. Jesus has come into the world to bring light to our darkness. But he has also sent us to bring his light to those who so desperately need it. This year the season of Epiphany will last seven weeks, from January 8 to February 19. Over the course of these weeks, the IBC Teaching Team will focus our attention on characters who encounter Jesus in the Gospels and have their own epiphany moments. We will see how their lives were changed as they marvel at his goodness, beauty and truth and how they are compelled to tell others what they have seen, heard and experienced in him. According to Scripture, the kingdom of God is very much like the mosaic of the Great Shepherd in Ravenna its beauty is present but hidden by darkness. One day, at Christs second appearing, the darkness will fully and finally be dispelled forever. But as we await that day, we are called to be people who bring light to the darkness and put the beauty of the kingdom on display. Christ, the Light of the World, is made manifest as we live out our calling to be the light of the world on his behalf. As Thomas Merton writes, We who have seen the light of Christ are obliged, by the greatness of the grace that has been given to us, to make known the presence of the Savior to the ends of the earth not only by preaching the glad tidings of His coming; but above all by revealing Him in our lives. Every day of our mortal lives must be His manifestation, His divine Epiphany, in the world which He has created and redeemed. Barry Jones recently shaved his beard only to discover a fiestier, more ardent, second beard.
Join us Sundays in the Worship Center at 9 a.m., 10:45 a.m. or 5 p.m. For audio from the IBC Teaching Series, visit

come and see. Go and tell.

We Three Kings

The biblical story most strongly associated with Epiphany is the story of the visit of the Magi (Matthew 2:1-12). In fact, the Feast Day of Epiphany (January 6) is sometimes referred to as Three Kings Day. These visitors who came to honor the newborn king are the first Gentiles to encounter Jesus. This story is significant because its makes clear that Jesus was not just the Messiah of the Jews but the Savior of the world.

there were three of them and that their names were Caspar, Melchior, and Balthasar. One longstanding tradition associated with Epiphany is a blessing of the home. For centuries, Christians have used chalk to write the following inscription above the doorframe of their houses: 20+C+M+B+12 The numbers represent the year in which the inscription is made. The letters have a double meaning. They represent the names of the three wise men, but they also represent a Latin prayer for blessing: Christus mansionem benedicat, which means, May Christ bless this house.

The Bible does not record the names of the wise men from the East or even how many of them there were. But an ancient Christian tradition suggests that

The Irish call Epiphany Little Christmas.

Ive had an apostrophe. Wait. It still does.

Chatter | 7

The unlikely belief and extraordinary ministry of Sukhwant Bhatia

Sukhwants father chased him out of the house with a loaded pistol when he found out that

It was then Sukhwant fell to his knees and prayed for hours, and finally found peace in the Jesus of the Bible. I really didnt know what to do now that I was a Christian. When I went back home to my parents and told them I had become a Christian, thats when my father forced me out at gunpoint. One of the Sikh customs is uncut hair, which Sukhwant wore tightly wrapped in a turban on top of his head. To identify himself as a Christian, he wanted his hair cut off, and he wanted to get baptized. I lived in a very close-knit community. After becoming a Christian, I couldnt find any barber who would cut my hair. They were afraid that my family would burn their shop down. I also couldnt find a pastor that would baptize me. I spoke with several pastors in my home town and no one wanted to baptize me because they were afraid. Sukhwant soon had to flee for his life to New Delhi where he slept outside on a park bench. To understand how Sukhwant went from being a rejected homeless man to the founder of several worldwide Christian ministries, you have to begin (ironically) with his parents, Amrik Singh Bhatia and Dalbir Kaur Bhatia. Amrik Singh Bhatia was born in what is now Pakistan, and became a major of infantry in the Indian army. He had seen action in eight different wars. Amrik was 22 when he married Dalbir, who was only 14 years old at the time. All the wars and bloodshed my father had seen in the army made him an atheist, really. He was Sikh by culture but was not a religious man. But thats the paradox he taught me biblical disciplines like working hard, honesty and punctuality. His father also had an enormous impact on Sukhwants skills for running organizations. Ill never forget how my father taught me how to think strategically about anything Im doing. Whenever hed assign me a task to do, hed always ask me if I could have done it any better, faster, or cheaper. Being disciplined and knowing how to do things efficiently might help Sukhwant run successful organizations, but he needed more than discipline and organizational skills to find the path God had in mind for his future. I was homeless after I fled for my life when I became a Christian. I remember
Sikhism was founded during the 15th century in the Punjab region of India. The current enrollment at Baring Union is 381. The current enrollment at DTS is 2,024, with over 57 countries represented.

Sukhwant had become a Christian. Sukhwant Bhatia (49), founder of Seek Partners International, a global partner of IBC, was born to Sikh (pronounced seek) parents in the Indian city of Darjeeling. Sikhism combines teachings from both Hinduism and Islam and is the fifth-largest organized religion in the world. Sukhwants journey to Christianity started when his mother encouraged him to go and find a Sikh mentor during his teenage years since she didnt know who else could teach him more about God and Sikhism. That was one of the big differences about me and other teenage boys I knew. I was obsessed about finding the truth about God and no one in my family could answer all the questions I had, he says. After an unsuccessful search for a spiritual mentor, Sukhwant made up his mind he was an atheist. He began debating his friends and family, and anyone else that would pay attention. I knew all of the religious teachings of the day. I was very good at debating until one of my friends asked me what I knew about the Christian Bible. Christianity in India is mostly a religion for the poor, because thats whom the missionaries and Christian relief agencies have targeted. There are very few upper class Christians in India, which of course is one of the main problems with the Gospel there. Since my family was very well off, I had to admit that I didnt know much about Christianity. I didnt even know where to find a Bible. When he went off to college at Baring Union, Sukhwant met another student that had an English Bible. Since English was not one of the ten or so languages Sukhwant was fluent in, his friend graciously offered to teach Sukhwant English using the Bible. They started off in the Gospel of John. I read the Gospel of John several times that semester. There was just something about it that penetrated my soul.

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praying, asking God if I had missed something. I distinctly heard God say that he had done the hard part already dying for my sins. That finding a place for me to sleep isnt really that big of a deal. After five nights of homelessness, a friend of a friend took him into his house, allowing Sukhwant to finish his degree in math at Baring Union. Even as a young Christian, I always said that the second best decision Ive made after accepting Jesus is to live by my Christian faith, Sukhwant says. After graduating, he worked in advertising while attending Delhi Bible Fellowship (DBF). Sukhwant then applied to Dallas Theological Seminary (DTS). DTS would not allow Sukhwant enroll because of the language barrier, but he did attend one semester on probation. After eighteen hours of course work, some of the professors thought Sukhwant might be cheating since they had never had a non-English speaking student make a 4.0 grade point average before. After more scrutiny, Sukhwant was awarded a scholarship to finish his Masters of Theology, and at graduation was awarded the H. A. Ironside Award for Best Expository Preacher, which at the time was unheard of for a student whose primary language was not English. Sukhwant was also awarded the J. Dwight Pentecost Award for Best All-round International Student at DTS, and then went on to complete a PhD and won the Presidents Scholarship for Academic Excellence from North Texas University.

Sukhwant met Vinita, his future wife, at DBF and they were married in 1988. He led his younger sisters and brother to the Lord, as well as his mother all during the period of time he was legally disowned from his father. But after several years, Sukhwants father had a change of heart and formally accepted Sukhwant back into the family despite the fact the other Sikhs in his town had turned against him, causing him to lose his business. Tragically, he suffered a blood clot in a fight with some radical Sikhs that led to his death shortly after he and Sukhwant were reconciled. Not being able to spend more time with my father after he legally accepted me back into the family is one of my lifes greatest disappointments, says Sukhwant. But perhaps Sukhwants father is still having an impact today by having taught his son to do things better, cheaper, and faster. When asked about his vision for the future of his ministries, which include Seek Partners International, a seminary in India, as well as Bible translations, church planting, and writing books on ministry and parenting, he says, I want to expand everything Im doing now. Sukhwant admits hes sometimes discouraged about the progress of the Gospel in India. But I also know there must be thousands like me in India who are open to and want to hear the truth about Christianity. Jeff Jarrells family moniker is Camel, which he tries to live up to by giving rides and not drinking the bottled water on family outings.

More aBoUT SPI

Seek Partners International Inc. is a partnership development and implementation ministry that supports Christian initiatives, evangelizes the unreached, and equips church leaders so that the least Christian regions of the world embrace the Kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ. For over 10 years, IBC has partnered with SPI to spread the Gospel around the world. Visit to learn more. Quick Fact: One of SPIs current initiatives is planting the first church in Ladwa, Haryana. Haryana is one of the wealthiest states of India and has the third highest per capita income in the country, including the largest number of rural millionaires in India. The majority of the people in Haryana are Hindus (90%); Sikhs are 6.2%, Muslims are 4.05%, and Christians are barely 0.10%.

The first (Old) English translation of the Gospel of John is attributed to the Venerable Bede in 735 A.D.

Chatter | 9

In s I d e th e stEeKE Y p l e e A NSW R
(from page 6)

1. KItchen

4 years of Sunday meals + 20 years of Wednesday night meals = around 1,248 family dinner nights held at IBC to date. Chatter estimates that 50,000 of Bob Downeys famous chocolate chip cookies have been baked and served.

How IBC smart are you?

2 . t h e A lc OV e

The myth. The legend. The multi-purpose room with a vibe. Welcome to The Alcove, home of: Merge AM, The Point, Niche, The Hub, SWAG, and The Gathering. See This Month to learn more about these fancifully named ministries (pg. 14).

3 . h VA c R O O M

For an audio-visual assault, visit the HVAC room at IBC. Its complete with table saws, air conditioning monstrosities, and a moose head. In February alone, IBC will heat and/or air-condition its space to welcome over 5,400 visitors from around the nation for conferences and events.

4. the tubes

Estimated number of moms kept sane: hundreds. Estimated number of cleaning staff kept insane: thousands. Average number of holey tube socks: millions. And millions. The Tubes are open to the public any time the IBC building is open.

5. the MO

Think YOU like coffee? IBCers consume as many as 30 gallons of coffee every Sunday at The Mo 45 if its Easter.

Chatter | 10

Womens Bible Study at IBC

The What and the Why
Do you long for a deeper, more intimate relationship with Jesus? Do you want to really know and be known by other women? Youll find opportu-


nities for both at Womens Bible study at IBC. You can expect to be challenged not overwhelmed by your weekly homework, encouraged by insightful and inspiring biblical teaching from wise women teachers, and connected in community with other women as you engage with your small group. This year, we have split the semester into Winter and Spring sessions. Heres more about what well be learning.

Sometimes our lives are upside-down, backwards, and sideways. Have you ever been there? Rounds of difficulties come our way, hitting like a boxers left hook, making our legs weak and eyes blurred. This is the world we live in a place where there is beauty, majesty, love, color, pain, and loss. How do we navigate those times when pain becomes so loud we cant hear anything else? The book of Ruth provides a window into the lives of two women who are dealing with some really, really hard things. But in the midst of their struggles, God is there; hes got them in his hands. It may be hard to see, but hes in process of caring for their needs and providing a hope and a future. Ruth teaches us the old, but very true axiom that life is hard, but God is good. Maybe youre in a place in life where thats exactly what you need right now: a deep breath and a little hope. Ruth: A Study of Life, Loss, and Love is for you.

Maybe youve heard people say, I just want to be more like Jesus, but you dont know what that looks like because you dont really know Jesus in the first place. Knowing Jesus is the foundation the very center of our faith, and understanding who he is helps us understand who we are and how we should live. Pauls letter to the Colossian church is focused on Jesus, and the Womens Bible Study at IBC would like to invite you to explore it and him together. This is a special opportunity for you to dig into Pauls letter, absorb his unique insights, and take a fresh look at the Savior. Find out why Jesus makes a life-changing difference in who we are as individual believers and as a community of faith.

registration Information
Sessions meet on Tuesday mornings from 9:30-11:30 a.m., or Tuesday evenings from 6:30-8:30 p.m. KidZone, our excellent childrens program, is available by advanced reservation. You will be able to register for KidZone when you register for Bible Study. For more info or to register, visit


a study through colossians

January 10March 6
Knowing Jesus is the foundation the very center of our faith. Join us as we explore Pauls letter to the Colossians and get a fresh look at the Savior. Tuesday mornings from 9:30-11:30 a.m., or Tuesday evenings from 6:30-8:30 p.m.
torie reynolds ministry participant & volunteer

Beyond Me

Torie can only sit in even numbered rows on airplanes and has been nicknamed Tortilla.

KidZone, our excellent childrens program, is available by advanced reservation. You will be able to register for KidZone when you register for Bible Study. For more info or to register, visit
The name Ruth means friend. Or full-grown candy bar of dubious flavor.

The city of Colosse was known for its wool production. (Probable cause: colossal sheep.)

Chatter | 11

with Dan Webster

What: Half-day parenting conference When: February 4, 8:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Where: Irving Bible Church The Commons registration Info: Visit To register for KidZone visit Because childcare will be outsourced, we ask that you please register at least a week prior to this event. Space extremely limited, please consider alternative childcare arrangements for your family if possible. Cost: $10 per person Contact: Day BreakDoWn 8:309 a.m. Registration and breakfast 910 a.m. General session 1010:30 a.m. Break with refreshments 10:30 a.m.12 p.m. Breakouts aBoUT Dan WeBSTer Dan Webster is an author (6 books), teacher, communicator, mentor, and founder of Authentic Leadership, Inc. Dans passion is to train and inspire leaders to live authentic lives of great impact. Dan has 30+ years of experience working with leaders from all walks of life. Since 1989, Dan has been a visiting professor at graduate schools in Illinois, South Dakota, and Canada. Dan is obsessed with understanding people and how they develop. aBoUT ParenTIng aT IBC Whether youre a first-time parent of a newborn or a seasoned pro with teens, the ongoing challenge of parenting only seems to increase with time. With resources for parents diminishing as children grow older, Parenting at IBC is committed to providing resources and training for parents every step of the way.

helping kiDs Discover Who they are

Every life is a mystery to be solved, not a mistake to be erased. Entering adulthood with clarity about who we are and what we are impassioned to do is priceless for a childs heart, and investing the needed time and energy for this all-important task is just plain smart. KidUnique will equip parents to meaningfully care for their kids by clarifying the four windows through which we see them observation, exploration, affirmation, and revelation and present a simple system for collecting insights that a child will carry into their future. For parents of children birth through early twenties.
Brought to you by Parenting at IBC

In the meantime, check out these great titles on parenting, recommended by Parenting at IBC:
Shepherding a Childs Heart by Tedd Tripp Parenting is your Highest Calling: And 8 Other Myths that Trap Us in Worry and Guilt by Leslie Leyland Fields Real World Parents: Christian Parenting for Families Living in the Real World by Mark Matlock

Early Childhood Open House

Chatter | 12

The Early Childhood Ministry at IBC would like to invite parents of preschoolers to come worship together on Sunday, January 22. This is an opportunity to experience the storytelling and music that your child enjoys each week, and get to know the amazing team of volunteers that serve our preschoolers. Times: 9:30 a.m., 11:10 a.m., 5:30 p.m. Locations: Zone Jr. parents will meet in Zone Jr.; Adventure Zone and Comfort Zone parents will meet in AZ 20.

A Note from our Speaker Mark Westmorland recently traveled to South Sudan with Water is Basic to get a first-hand look into the plight of those needing clean water. We emerged from the 9 a.m. service a few months ago and proceeded to the Water is Basic kiosk on Town Square. After several questions and a few phone calls later, I took a dive with unwavering support from the family and joined the ranks of a fabulous group committed to supporting the WiB mission. The goal of Water is Basic is to put clean, safe water within reasonable access of every person in the Republic of South Sudan. They do this by funding and monitoring the drilling of clean water wells across the region.

Local missions. Global missions. Both are vital to our Great Commission calling. But sometimes its hard to understand the most pressing issues facing our community and world; sometimes its hard to grasp what our IBC partners are trying to accomplish and how we can support them in meaningful ways. Lunch on a Mission is a new monthly event designed to encourage, educate and provide opportunities for the body of IBC to engage in the work of making disciples through our strategic partnerships, both locally and around the world. When: Sunday, January 29 at 12:30 p.m. Where: West D Topic: Water is Basic Trip Debrief with IBCer Mark Westmorland

Our family involvement in post-Sunday activities, other than periodic service projects and Bible study groups, has vacillated since we began attending IBC in 1997. Between marriage, parenting 3 kids, a traveling job, and the usual life stuff we humans deal with, we have been sufficiently busy. Recently, however, the overwhelming prospect of active involvement with an organization that provides lifesaving drinking water and soul-saving ministry to thousands of Sudanese, has removed whatever obstacles remained to committing time and energy to the cause. The appeal was always there, but something changed. At Lunch on a Mission, Mark will be sharing words and pictures to paint a richer picture of the challenge before Water is Basic and the people of Africa.
Contact for more information.

Looking ahead: Lunch on a Mission for February will honor the contributions made by western cross-cultural missionaries, with a look at the 50-plus IBC missionaries that have served faithfully through the years.


Four times a year, the IBC staff gathers to honor the amazing volunteers who serve, lead, and shepherd the body of IBC along the journey. Its a chance to recognize those who have invested their time and energy for ministry, and to fill them in on the focus and dreams of IBC moving ahead. We call this The Summit. But January 28 will be unique because The Summit will combine with the IBC Annual Meeting, a time when elders present the nuts and bolts of the operating budget and share current issues facing the leadership. You do not need to be an IBC member to attend. So if youre a current IBC volunteer, or just someone interested in whats happening at IBC in 2012, we invite you to join us. Its a cant-miss gathering!

The Summit/IBC Annual Meeting Saturday, January 28 in The Worship Center, 911 a.m.


A light breakfast and coffee will be provided. We invite you to join us at 8:30 a.m. in the Town Square to munch and mingle. Because childcare will be outsourced, we ask that you please register at least a week prior to this event. Because space is so limited, please consider alternative childcare arrangements for your family if possible. Visit
MoRE INFo Contact Victoria Andrews at

Kraft began marketing Lunchables in the U.S. in 1988, whereupon Mrs. Bairds launched the awkward and unsuccessful counter-slogan Lunchareyousures?

The national motto of the Republic of Sudan is Victory Is Ours.

Chatter | 13

Bible Communities
Communities on Sunday
theres always something new going on in Bible communities! heres a taste of whats happening this month:
Crossroads 10:45 a.m. High School Room Couples in their 20s & 30s. Come join us for biblical teaching on relevant topics in a small group setting. on Track 10:45 a.m. West C Single Parents. January: discussion of the IBC Teaching Series. We sit together at the 9 a.m. service (lower right hand side). Renew 10:45 a.m. Training Center Diverse, All Ages & Stages. Finishing Fitness for Body and Soul and on January 15 start God Provides, facilitated by financial coach Carl Koenen. Thrive 10:45 a.m. West D Singles, 30s & 40s. The beginning of January will be focused on how to identify, avoid or defuse 9 key landmines the Enemy uses in a believers life to keep us from both God and others. And then we will start Crazy Love by Francis Chan. Legacy Builders 6:45 p.m. Zone Jr. All Welcome. Join us for fellowship, prayer and in-depth Bible teaching.

grade. For more info, contact Beth at


Bilingual Ministry
Traduccin del servicio dominical Ser suspendida temporalmente. Checa Chatter para futuros detalles. Sunday Service Translations Transaltions will take a temporary hiatus. Watch Chatter for details. Estudio Bblico en invierno: Colosenses, Enero 10-Marzo 6. Estudio Bblico en primavera: Rut, Marzo 20-Abril 17. Winter Bible study: Colossians January 10-March 6. Spring study: Ruth, March 20-April 17.

Alpha Wednesdays, 6:30 p.m. Begins Jan. 18. Alpha is an opportunity to explore the meaning of life and a safe haven for all honest questions. Contact Kym at kyeichner@ for more information.

Laundry Love first Saturday of the month, 9 a.m.-12 p.m.

Hope & Healing

Community Care
DivorceCare Thursdays, 6:30-8 p.m. A weekly support group designed to help you rebuild your life. Visit Recovery at IBC Thursdays, 68:30 p.m. West Wing Youth Lounge Do you deal with perfectionism, pride, overeating, inappropriate anger or control? Recovery is confidential and all are welcome. Join us for a light meal at 6 p.m. for just $4. Shelter from the Storm Tuesday/Wednesday evenings A 16-week confidential small group study for women who have experienced the trauma of sexual abuse. We will experience what it means to find hope and healing. For more info, contact Michelle Robinson at Grace for the Wounded A confidential small group that explores the wounds weve received and the healing journey Gods prepared for us. Female groups offered. Contact Bernadette at (678) 860-4575 or

Located at Amigo Laundromat, 3349 Country Club Dr. in Irving (just down from Sam Houston Middle School). Please join us as we provide free laundry cycles and detergent, strike up conversations and build relationships. For more info visit llpirving. org or contact


Growing Together
Marriage at IBC Sunday nights, 6:45 p.m. West C/D A small group-based marriage series designed to help couples reconnect in the context of community. Visit to register. KidZone is available, but you must register your child. For more information see ad on pg. 16.

Faith & Belief

Events and Resources

Baptism ServiceSunday, Jan. 29 On Sunday, January 29 , IBC will conduct baptisms for those who have committed their lives to Christ. We will have two baptism celebrations: one immediately following the 10:45 service and another following the 5 p.m. service. Registration is Jan. 214 at


Events and Resources

KidUnique Conference: February 4, 8:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Featuring Dan Webster of For more information see article on pg. 12 or e-mail Mary Ann at

Mandatory Classes: Childrens class: Sunday, Jan. 15 at 5 p.m. in the Training Center (located adjacent to The Tubes in the Town Square). A parent is required to attend. Make-up class: 4 p.m. on Wednesday, Jan. 18. Middle School/High School class: Please contact Mary Ann Connor at (972) 560-4617 by Jan. 15 to schedule a meeting with the Middle School and/or High School Pastor. Adults class: Sunday, Jan. 15 at 9 a.m. in West C. Make-up class: Wednesday, Jan. 18 at 6:30 p.m. in AZ15. Contact Donna oreilly at (972) 5604600 for more info.
Baby Dedications on February 12 Registration is Jan. 16Feb. 3. Register at babydedication.irvingbible. org. Space is limited, so if you have a preference of service times, please register early. Photos of children being dedicated should be sent to Donna OReilly at and received by Feb. 3. Hard copies are also acceptable.

For more info or to find out about our other Bible communities, visit or call Sherri at (972) 560-4614. Please visit page 20 for more Sunday Bible Communities.

Seniors Men
Ministry to Men
First Watch Fridays, Tuesdays Where are you in your journey with Christ? Where would you like to be? Join the men of First Watch for Momentum: Moving Closer to Christ. The winter study will be focused on the book of Colossians. First Watch Xtra Meets Wednesdays at 6:30 a.m. in the Training Center

For Folks Ages 55+

Potluck Lunch and Fellowship Sunday, January 15 Immediately following the second morning service in the Commons Annex adjoining the Haven. Dinner and a Show Saturday, January 21 5:458:30 p.m.: Movie night at the Virtual Reality Theater at TBN Broadcasting. Movie begins at 6 p.m. and is free. Dinner to follow at Spring Creek BBQ at Airport Freeway and Beltline Road.


Infants Through 5th Grade

Early Childhood open House Sunday, January 22 9:30 a.m., 11:10 a.m., 5:30 p.m. For more info contact Melissa at or see ad on pg. 12. Respite Care every fourth Saturday For families that have children with special needs. For info on how to register or to volunteer, contact Diana at MyZone Wednesdays, 6:30-8:30 p.m. Zone/Zone Jr. A mid-week event for kids. Bring friends! K-5 grade. Contact Beth at Zone 6:30 Tuesdays, 6:30-8:30 p.m. in The Zone A weekly Bible study for kids. K-5

visit for info.



Single Parents

Local and Global

Lunch on a Mission January 29, 12:30 p.m. Join us in West D for the Water is Basic trip debrief with IBCer Mark Westmorland. For more info see article on pg. 13 or e-mail Dieula at

Community and Resources

Sit with us on Sunday! Join single-parent families worshiping together in the 9 a.m. service. We sit in the lowest right-hand section, Rows 5 & 6, facing the stage.

New Parent Orientation: Feb. 5 at 9 a.m. in the Sr. High room. Orientation is not mandatory but strongly encouraged. Well explore what it means to dedicate your child and answer questions about parenting issues and childrens ministry at IBC.

For more info e-mail Marsha at

Chatter | 14

Small Groups
Community at IBC
Small Groups: Community at IBC Interested in joining a Small Group? They start back January 22. For more information contact Ryan Sanders at or see ad on pg. 17. Marriage at IBC Sunday nights, 6:45 p.m. West C/D A small group-based marriage series designed to help couples reconnect in the context of community. Visit to register. KidZone is available, but you must register your child. For more information see ad on pg. 16.

Mondays 10 a.m.12 p.m or 6:308:30 p.m. Listen to My Life is designed to help women see how God is weaving their story together and where he may be calling them.

See for more information.

have been issued a Permanent Resident Card. Well guide you through the N-400 paperwork and prepare you for the main components of the new citizenship test. Contact Michael at 2435citizenship@
Computer Literacy Class A hands-on class that teaches internet and Microsoft office basics, including how to navigate the Internet, social media (Facebook, Twitter, etc.), and the basics of the Microsoft office programs (Word, Excel, etc). Please contact Charles at IBC Career Transition Ministry Wednesdays, 6:308 p.m. Want to find a job? Come learn how to craft a rock-solid resume, use the Internet and LinkedIn to network, and ace the interview. For more info, contact Anna Heil at aheil@

New Year. Reminder: No childcare available. For more about NICHE:
Stitches of Faith Mondays, 6:308:30 p.m. in Town Square/Mo Contact Wendy Vera at or (214) 5332781 with questions. IBC Crop Night January 6, 5-10 p.m. Training Center For more info contact Nikki at Financial Peace University Wednesdays, 6:30 p.m. Begins Jan. 18. FPU is a 13-week program that will help you make the right money decisions.

Young Adults
20s and Early 30s
The Gathering Kick-off January 12, 7 p.m. The Alcove See ad on pg. 17 for more information.

For more info e-mail:

register at
Budget Coaching Do you ever run out of money before you run out of month? Weve all been there. Sign up for a personal budget coach at and learn practical stewardship skills. Hearing Assistance Hearing Assistance is available during all three worship services. You can stop by the Journey Lounge for instructions. New Arrivals Congratulations to the following families on the births of their children:


Middle/High School and College

High School Winter Retreat January 20-22. Come laugh, play, and catch a glimpse of the extraordinary adventure we were designed to live. Cost is $165. Register online or contact Mary Ann at mconnor@irvingbible. com for further info. Middle School Sundays MERGE AM Meets in the Alcove, 10:45 a.m.-12:05 p.m.

2435 Kinwest

Wednesday Nights at IBC

Vox Humana Choir Wednesdays, 6:30-8:10 p.m. IBC Worship Center The choral community of IBC is always looking for new singers of all levels beginner or pro. All are welcome. You can join at any time! No auditions necessary. Contact Crystal at ESL: English as a Second Language Wednesdays, 6:308:30 p.m. AZ14 & 15 Do you want to learn English? Improve your English? Practice all four skills: speaking, listening, reading and writing. For more info, contact Corey at FREE Citizenship Class Wednesdays, 6:308 p.m. For those at least 18 years old who

visit for a list of other activities and ways to get involved.


A Little Bit of Everything

In His Image Bible Study A small group for adults (18+) with special needs. If you know of someone who would benefit from this group, please contact Shannon Miller at NICHE (North Irving Christian Home Educators) Monday, Jan. 16, 79 p.m. in the Alcove. Guest speaker Bobbi George, veteran homeschool mom of 6 kids (and counting), will share her heart and encourage us as we pack away the holidays and boldly face the

Life Groups meet in the Commons, 6:45-8 p.m.

Middle School Wednesdays The W Meets in the Student Ministry area, 6:30-8 p.m. High School Sundays Life Groups Meets in the Student Ministry area, 6:45-8 p.m. High School Wednesdays SWAG (Students Worship and Gathering) Meets in the Alcove, 6:30-8 p.m. IBC College Ministry Meets Tuesdays, 7:30 p.m in the Alcove.

Ben and Heather Crane and their daughter Saylor Mackenzie, born October 17, 6 lbs 7 oz and 20.5 inches. Kathy and Dave Alisentono and their daughter Caroline Elizabeth, born October 27, 7 lbs 6 oz and 21 inches. Even and Tera Chavez and their son Reese Raye, born November 21, 7 lbs 7.8 oz and 18.9 inches.

Are You New to IBC?

Youre probably wanting to learn more about who we are, what we believe and how to get plugged in.

IBC serves a delicious meal each Wednesday and Sunday night for $3. Contact


Newcomer Gathering is for you.

If youre new to IBC, here for the first time or have even been here awhile, we would love to invite you to our next Newcomer Gathering on Thursday, January 26. Well talk about who we are at IBC, what we believe, and how to get plugged in. Meet Pastor Andy and other church leadership, ask questions, and get to know other new people in a relaxed, informal environment.
Date: Thursday, January 26 Time: 6:308 p.m. Location: Zone Jr. Registration Info: Stop by the Town Square kiosk or visit KidZone: Register at least 48 hours in advance. (Registration available on the Newcomer page.) Contact for more info.
Chatter | 15

Ministry to Women
Winter Bible Study: Colossians January 10March 6. See article on pg. 11. Spring study: Ruth March 20April 17. Listen to My Life January 23April 9 in West D

Seriously. Think about it for a second.

Do you have credit?

Or does credit have you?

If you had to rate your marriage on a scale of one to ten, where would it rate?

Marriage at IBC is a collection of couples small groups working in community to strengthen their marriages and move towards oneness. Whether your marriage needs to be reignited or resurrected, Marriage at IBC is a safe place for you to reconnect with one another among friends. When: Sunday nights, 6:30-8 p.m. Kick-off: January 8 Where: West C/D Weekly meetings include either a time of large group teaching, or a time where a couple shares their story of experiencing success in the midst of hard times. This is followed by a time of focused small group discussion. Visit to register. KidZone is available by advanced registration.

Take control of your finances.

Financial Peace University is a 13-week program that teaches and empowers you to make the right money decisions to achieve your financial goals and experience a total money makeover. When: January 18 April 18 at 6:30 p.m. Where: West D Cost: $89 lifetime per family. A $3 meal is available at 6 p.m. KidZone is available by reservation at least 48 hrs. in advance at For details and to register, visit Space is limited.

Where h Christ? urney wit r jouryour jo m in you re you in momentu atch. Where a be? Gain at First W u like to n of IBC would yo uary 6 g the me inin rting Jan ney by jo a.m., sta g January 10 at 6:22 ornings ., startin Friday m nings at 6:30 p.m eve Tuesday


are you in an iBc small group?

REGISTRATION INFO Anyone can sign up by filling out the registration form at smallgroups. Click the green Sign up to Join a Small Group button. (To apply to be a small group leader, please fill out the short application at HOW GROUPS ARE FORMED Small Groups at IBC are closed unless the group itself decides otherwise. New groups form three times a year just before each of the three 10-week sessions. IBC staff and small group leaders place new members into new groups with new leaders. Members dont shop for their groups. SPRING DATES Jan. 1 Online posting of weekly discussion guide resumes; First week for existing groups to meet Jan. 7 leader training Jan. 22 First week for new groups to meet Mar. 4 last week of session Mar. 12-16 Spring Break CONTACT INFO For more information contact

The gathering kicks off Jan 12, Thursdays at 7 p.m. in the alcove.
The Gathering is for 20s and early 30s singles and marrieds. Contact for more info.

you are cordially invited to

A Valentines Dinner Dance

for single-parent families

Saturday, February 4 69 pm in The Commons

dinner and dance horse and carriage rides limo rides family photos more $20 per family (you may pay online or at the door)

Mental Health Support at IBC

Winter 2012
NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness) Family-to-Family Education Class* To help family members, friends and caregivers understand and support individuals with serious mental disorders while maintaining their own wellbeing. Winter Session (12 weeks) begins Monday, January 23. Contact Joey Petruzella at (972) 6725896 or *We recommend that you attend this class before joining the Family Grace Group. Support GroupS: Family Grace Group for relatives and caregivers of those with mental illnesses Living Grace Group for those who have a mental illness Support groups kick off Monday, January 23. They are ongoing and meet every other week. Contact Joey Petruzella at (972) 672-5896 or

rsvp online at under Valentines Dinner/Dance. KidZone provided if needed. Register online when you rsvp. Questions? E-mail Jennifer at

First Worship Service: 9 a.m.
Childrens Classes (all ages) The Tree (young marrieds and families), West D Synergy (30s, 40s and 50s couples), Middle School Room

My time, talents & skills
Respite Care Volunteers By giving a few hours of your time to do crafts, play games, and spend time with special needs children, you give their parents a few hours for themselves. Contact Diana at Missions at IBC Volunteer Missions at IBC is looking for a volunteer 5-10 hours per week to help with the details of the ministry. Contact Tricia for more information at tkinsman@ if you have a passion to serve in this capacity. Mentor Kids in Single-Parent Families Men mentor a boy, and women mentor a girl from a single-parent family. Contact Marsha at mtribbett@ Valentines Dinner Volunteers Single Parent Ministry needs volunteers to help with the annual Valentines Dinner on February 4. Contact Jennifer at for more information. Kids Night Out Volunteer Kids Night Out, a ministry for single-parent families, meets the third Saturday of each month from 6-9 p.m., to give parents a much needed evening to themselves. For a fun night of serving these kids, contact Jennifer at

My Resources
Laundry Soap and Dryer Sheets Laundry Love is collecting laundry soap and dryer sheets for their monthly events in Irving. Please bring these to the Laundry Love box in the donation area by the Training Center. For more info visit or contact Care Packages for Armed Forces Help send care packages to those IBCers deployed in our armed forces. If you are interested in joining this team, or if you are a friend or family member of a deployed service man or woman and would like to add them to our list, please contact A. Gayland Leddy at (817) 320-3990 or Cars for Missionary Families Do you have an extra car to loan a missionary family on furlough? Contact the Missions Ministry at or Online Giving Option If you would find it more convenient to donate to the ministries of Irving Bible Church online, please visit

Second Worship Service: 10:45 a.m.

Childrens Classes (all ages) Crossroads (mid 20s-30s couples), High School Room On Track (single parents), West C Journey (all welcome), Middle School Room Renew (multi-generational), Training Center Thrive (30s & 40s singles), West D

Third Worship Service: 5 p.m.

Childrens Classes (all ages)

Community Dinner: 6 p.m. Community Events: 6:45 p.m.

The Point (20s singles and marrieds), The Alcove Legacy Builders (all welcome), Zone Jr. 7 Middle School, The Commons High School, Student Ministries Area

Sunday Community Meals

Join us in the Town Square for our community meal on Sundays at 6 p.m. Meals are $3 per person or $10 max./family. 1/1 1/8 No Meal (Happy New Year!) Fajita Madness: chicken fajitas, chips and hot sauce, awesome salad bar

Interested in learning more about IBCs budget for 2012 or other financial nuts and bolts? Visit

1/15 All-American burgers and brats, chips, salad bar 1/22 Baked Potatoes and fixins, salad bar 1/29 Spaghetti and meat balls, breadsticks, salad bar If youd like to serve on a Sunday night meal team, contact Pat oreilly at (214) 289-6176 or

new to Ibc?
Have questions? Were here to help.

Were so glad youre here. Sometimes its hard to know where to begin, but we want to make the process of connecting and feeling at home as easy as possible. Here are some ways to start. Journey Lounge is a great place to get your questions answered, find help and encouragement for your personal journey, or just have a cup of coffee and settle in. Our team of volunteers would be happy to help you, and our goal is to make you feel at home. Journey Lounge is open every Sunday after all three worship services. The Newcomer Gathering is an informal get-together for those new to IBC and/or those wanting to learn more about who we are, what we believe and how to get plugged in. Meet other newcomers, ministry leaders and elders. Cant seem to figure out what IBC is all about or how you fit into the larger picture? Want free breakfast every Sunday for four weeks? Propel is designed to help you figure out how to best plug in to IBCs culture and calling. Well talk about what it means to grow in Christ, connect in community and join the mission and what that might look like for you. Youll also learn more about membership at IBC. Small groups exist to cultivate deep relationships that advance the kingdom of God in dark places dark places in our world, in our relationships and in our hearts. We do this in the context of sermon-based Bible studies that meet in homes. Groups are comprised of 12 people or fewer and are formed by leaders who have completed small group leader training. To sign up for a group or get more info, contact Ryan Sanders at rsanders@

Journey Lounge

Wednesday Midweek Meals

Each Wednesday night from 56:20 p.m., IBC prepares dinner for anyone wanting a good, hot meal. PB&J sandwiches are also available. Cost is $3/meal or $10 max./family. Just come by The Commons and grab a plate! 1/4 Chopped BBQ beef sandwiches, cole slaw, baked beans, pickle spears, chips & dessert Hosted by Marlene Brittons Team

Newcomer Gathering
Learn more about IBC and meet others like you.

Ready to get plugged in?


1/11 Ham, scalloped potatoes, mixed veggies, salad, rolls and dessert Hosted by Pat Downeys Team 1/18 Enchiladas, refried beans, tacos, chips, salsa and home baked cookies Hosted by Barbara Wittes Team 1/25 Baked chicken breast, chuckwagon veggies, tater tots, salad, rolls and brownies Hosted by Bob Downeys Team Changes to the menu may be made depending on cost and availability and Bob Downeys whim. If youd like to serve on a Wednesday night meal team, please e-mail Chatter | 18

Connect with others on the journey.

Small Groups

Roswell, New Mexico. Sverdlovsk, Russia. The swampy marsh behind your Uncle Leons shed. These are the worlds most famousish locations of UFO activity. Now, A History of IBCs Ironic joining that list is the parking lot of Irving Parking Lot Feature Bible Church. Specifically, the area housing what has alternately been described as a sculpture, a thingamabob, a wangazoid, an eyesore and something-my-kindergartnercould-make-except-it-would-have-a-lot-more-glitter. Yes, the gleaming metal whatchamacallit has been confirmed to house extra-terrestrial technology of the third or fourth kind.

Phoning It In

It is, dramatic pause, an intergalactic, inter-dimensional, temporal planeshifting portal or, time phone of unknown power and suspect origin. As in, scientists suspect it came from a semi-intelligent species not of this world. Why semi-intelligent? Because, sadly, scientists have also concluded that this species has a soft spot in their probably nine-chambered hearts for members of a certain soft-core punk movement with a penchant for manufactured melancholia. Thats right, folks, the E in E.T. stands for emo. In a perfect world where odd scientific discoveries precisely mesh with idealized memories of youthful days gone by, the E would stand for Elmo. Instead, we are left to pontificate about whether Pete Wentz is really a shapeshifting anthropoid from Betelgeuse Five, forced to marry a Simpson (not Marge) in a misguided attempt to blend in. While the otherworldly architects of what could be the wreckage of Doc Browns De Lorean did not leave us with an instruction manual or even a pictogram-heavy quick-start guide scientists did unearth a bit of assumedly intergalactic detritus buried under the third handicapped parking spot from the left. (The one Mrs. Kulwitzki always parks in by mistake.) Such material may shed light on our moody spacefriends intentions. Concert T-shirts for the band Jimmy Eat World While many of us banged our heads (or pouted morosely) in the early Aughts to J.E.W.s paean to muffin tops The Middle, our guests became the emo equivalent of Deadheads (Sleepyheads?), racking up shirts from every tour beginning in 1994 and ending with the Back in Black Goatees Tour Sponsored by Just For Men in 2033. The question is, why Jimmy Eat World? Is it just a love of pop-infused emo melodies or something more sinister? Perhaps Jimmy Eat World isnt a band name after all, but a command meant for an interstellar devourer of planets. How to Serve Man, indeed. Pearl Onyx guyliner Just because youve crossed the void to the tune of 640 light years doesnt mean you cant get your metrosexual on with the best of the homo sapiens. While some scientists posit this particular tube of guyliner can be carbon dated to 1984 making the owner more a fan of hair metal than mope rock most other scientists dismiss such assertions as U.S.D.A. Prime Bunkola, pointing to the lack of spent Aquanet bottles that no Cre or Leppard fan would be without. And making E.T. not just the poster boy for cuddly ALFs (sorry, Gordon Shumway), but also a Cover Girl. A purposefully tattered Moleskine diary Said diary appears to have been carefully, artfully, though possibly fitfully, dog-eared to attain a desired level of anthropomorphic sadness. It also includes 21 pages with nothing but IMorrisey, 24 pages of IRobert Smith and 112 pages of Team Edward
The major voice work for E.T. was performed by Pat Welsh, an elderly woman who lived in Marin County, California. In October 2011, The DeLorean Motor Car company announced its first all-electric DeLorean. So much for plutonium.

4Eva! Experts believe this diary shows that the alien life forms were either evolving in their love of proto-emo and emo-related things, or that they had a 13-year-old daughter who aged very, very slowly. At this point, youre probably thinking, Could these aliens fire up the Shimmering Wangazoid and emerge some Sunday morning just in time to invite themselves to Dennys? And would their manscara stain my upholstery? The answers are no and yes, although since the first answer is no the yes is moot. It appears, according to an unmailed Business Reply Card found amongst the studded belts and mix CDs, that the portals warranty expired right around the time Tom Cruise and Val Kilmer played the lamest and/or hottest game of beach volleyball ever. So, whatever our unidentified time bandits motives may be, you, Kulwitzki clan, dont sweat some three-eyed sulkster horking your Moons Over My Hammy. No, we do not yet possess the technology, or even an iPhone app, to fix these E.T.s phone. Although Im guessing its nothing a little glitter couldnt fix. Jason Fox hopes plain Chapstick does not count as lipgloss.
In an undisclosed NASA report, scientists estimate there to be approximately 14-17 moons over my hammy.

Chatter | 19

The Eppalapalli family and Chatter in front of the Red Fort in Delhi, India.

Chatteryou CAN take it with you. Send us your Chatter photos on location, and you may see yourself in an upcoming issue. E-mail us at

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