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The A-list plan that wi I give you a flat stomach in under a week!
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hen a client comes to me and says they
need to look


ready by the rveekend, this is

what I prescribe,' of Clean & Lean Ftat Turnmy Fast (Ky1e Cathie) and the celebrity trainer behind the scuipted bodies of Eile McPherson and the cast of the new X-Men movie, among others. 'There's no crash dieting or lveird liquid diets involved, so it's safe and healthy. It is tough. You have ro stick to the rules religiousiy if you rvant to see results. But it only lasts six days, so it's doabie, and best of all, the resuits are phenomenal.'
says James Duigan, author

Limit your salt rntake - it holds onto wate( rryhich carrses tur-rmy otoaring, No spicy herbs - chiili can inflame the gut and make it stick out. ,-ii The only caffeine you can have is in green tea, which is so full of antioxidants it helps reduce slress on the body (stress = a fat tummy). No fat - except a fish oil capsule at each meal. :li Lean white meat only - ihat means chicken, turkey and white fish. (lf yoLr can't get hold of turkey, it's okay to substitute with chicken or fish.) ,:i Ali food has to be steamed, baked or grilled with no added oil. ';' Drink at least 2-3 litres of still filtered water a day, but not too close to meais. ir."t Get plenty of fibre - this will come from the veggies in the meal plan, but also from a scoop of fibre each morning. Try Bodyism Fibre from, but if you can't get this try a good-quality fibre supplement (available from health food stores) in water. ii Supplernent with one multivitamin after each main meal. ;: ii Foilow the exercise plan on page BB.

NOTE: During the 6-Day Tummy Transformer, you'll be eating around 6300
kilojoules a day. This isn't advisable for pregnant or breasl-feeding women.*

*Doctor doctor! Consrlt medical advice before maklng any health 0r diet changes.

86 FairladyiAugust20ll


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Morning cardio

Have a 60-second rest after each

airn,,i{. ^^-^t^+ai uur I t|/tvLvu uil vurL.

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1. 15 squats with a 3O-second hold

2. 3. 4. b. 6.


Monday, Wednesday and

Friday mornings.
1. Three minutes of brisk walking 2. Two minutes of jogging (where you

can still hold a conversation) 3. One-minute sprint (as fast as you can) 4. Repeat the above six times fthe whole thing should take you 24 minutes) 5. Have a S-minute cool-down (walking and getting your breath back)

after last the rep 15 push-ups 15 squat jumps 15 forward lunges 15 tricep dips 15 (each leg, so 30 in total)
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7. 15 front bridges 8. 2 minutes of jumping jacks

Resistance training {This page to page 90) You'll need two dumbbells for these
exercises - anything between 1 and Skg is okay, depending on your strength and fitness levels. Wlren? Tuesday and Thursday evenrngs.

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Fat-burning circuits
{This page to page 90)
LYI:pri1) Monday, Wednesday and

Friday evenings. f"*!*l':ei*y ev*ning Do each exercise one after the othet then stad again, a total of three times. Have a 4S-second rest after each completed circuit:

Tu*sei'*y eveningS Do each exercise one after the other, then stad again, a total of five times. Have a 60-second rest after each
nirnr rit.

1a Start in a push-up position with your weight equally distributed between your hands and feet. 1 b Jump your feet towards your hands and then stand skaight up, your hands in the air and jump. As you land, ensure that your weight is equally distributed on each foot and that your landing
is soft.


1. 10 push-ups 1O squats with a 3O-second hold after the last rep 3. 10 squat jumps 4. 10 tricep dips 5. 10 lunges 6. 10 (each leg, so 20 in total)


1. 12 dumbbell overhead squats 2. 12 push-ups with rotation 3. 12 squat jumps 4. 12 split squats to press 5. 12 dumbbell bent-over rows

1c 0nce you have finished the jump, place your hands on the floor beside your feet and then iump your feet back into the original push-up positi0n, keeping your back straight when jumping back and your abs tight.

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7. 10 abdominal leg lowerings 8. 1 minute of jumping jacks Llferir":**dc*y cv*i* in g Do each exercise one after the other, then stad again, a total of three times. Have a 4S-second rest after each
nirnr rit.

6. 12 reverse lunges to curl 7. 12 burpies

8. 2 minutes of jumping jacks

T?rur*d*y *v*1":ir:g
Do each exercise one after the other, then start again, a total of 15 times. Have a 60-second rest after each completed circuit. 1. 15 dumbbell overhead squats 2. 15 push-ups with rotation 3. 15 squat jumps 4. 15 split squats to press 5. 15 dumbbell bent-over rows

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1. 12 squats with a 3O-second hold after the last rep 2. 12 push-ups 3. 12 squat jumps

4. 12 reverse lunges 5. 12 tricep dips 6. 12 (each leg, so 24 in total)

split-squat jumps 7. 12 side-bridge holds with leg raise 8. 2 minutes of jumping jacks

6. 15 reverse lunges to curl 7. 15 burpies

8. 2 minutes of jumping jacks

2a Stand with perfect posture and both feet facing

out. Feet should be hip-width apart, with straight froni shin. 2b Hold the weights out as shown at shoulder level. Lower your body by bending your back knee, which should just touch the floor 2c Push up, putting weight through the heel oi the front foot to a standing position. 2d As you push up to a standing position, complete the press by pushing the weights above your head.

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Do each exercise one after the other, then stari again, a total of five times.

After five days of exercising every day, you need to rest. This will lei your body regenerate.







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4a Starl olf ltolding a

bench or wrlatever yOu can find i,vith your feet slightly elevated. SlowlY lower yourself bY bending from

4b 0nce your lorearms

have touched your biceps, straighten your arms back to the staft Position,



the elbows so they go backwards and remain close to your sloes,

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5a Stand with pefect posture

with your hands on your hips. 5b Lower your body by bending your back knee (your back knee should just touch the floor). 5c Push up, putting your weight through the heel of your front foot back to the start position.




3a Stad off in a squat

position and slowly lolrlier .thighs yoursell so your are at least parallel to the ground.

3b Jump up and land

with soft feet and your back in the squat position.

6a Stand teet-width apad, then step back with one leg. Y0ur iront shin should be straight and
oeroendicular to the floor. 6b Push up with your back leg returning to the standing position.


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9a Starl off in the split-squat

10a Lie on your back with your legs straight up

in tront of you at right angles t0 the fl00r, 10b Slonrly tighten your abs and rotate your pelvis stightly back and down. 10G Slowly l0w0r one leg, so the thigh is perpendicular to the floor, and then switch legs.


position, then slowlY lower yourself down and as 1lou nse

up, lump.

9b Slowly and softlY land back in the splilsquat Position.

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Complete each lunge by bringing dumbbells up to your cnest.
1 1a Lie on Your side with your elbow under Your shoulder and Your legs straight and on top of

11b Bridge up so tl'le

weight of your body is on your forearm and feet.

1c Slowly lift your leg uP about 30cm iowards the sky, then slowly return to the bridge position.

each other,


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FairladylAugust 2011 8.9



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12a Get into the push-up position. Set your hands one and a half shoulder-widths apart and in line with your nipples, not your shoulders. 1 2b Contract your stomach muscles and lower yourself so your nose almost touches the ground, keeping your body straight, then iiti yourself back up to the start position. l2c Once you reach the top position, rotate on your side so that all your body weight is on one arm and boih feet. 12d Hold lor one second and then return to the start nosition.

Frsnt bridg*



Lie face-down on the floor with your forearms and elbows touching the floor, and with your hips and legs on the ground. 13b Raise your body, hips and legs and toes off the floor, keeping y0ur head aligned wlth your upper back and hips. 13c lmagine a straight line from your head t0

youf anKIes.

44 j-t*, ; urel6eirrg jacks

14a Stand with your feet together and your arms raised above your head, and set your core. 14b Bend your knees and jump, moving your feet apart until they
are wider than your shoulders. Simultaneously lower your arms.

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14c Keep your knees bent while you iump again, bringing your feei
together and your arms back to your sides.

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15a Start ofi h0lding dumbbells in each hand, fists facing
foruards, with knees bent and postural alignment as shown. 15b Slowly c0ntract your abdominals and shoulder blades and row the dumbbells to your chest. l5c Slowly lower; ensuring conci posture is maintained.


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cverhead squats
Squat while holding your weights above your head in line with your ears. 16b Slowly squat down, so your thighs are parallel to the floor, keeping your arms above your head.



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FairladylAugust 201'l

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.{,:;,lri'.ttr:} i:J t'i ri.l

As soon as you wake uP: A mug
0f slightly cooled boiled lvater uJitn freshly squeezed lemoil or lime and 1 scocl o{ Bodytsm Iible. aYa;'able at
1,,rhite rneat anci a quarler of a cucumller, sliced, Lunch: 1 chicken breast \,xriffl steanred green beans,


frbre in a glass of v;ater ttt th Body Serenity,

Snack, mid-morning: 1009 lean

r,.rhite meat and a quafter of a

Snack, mid-afternoon:

009 lean

Breakfast: A tlo-egg-white
omelette wiih steamed splnach.

Snack, mid-morningl 1009 lean

whrte meat and a quarter of a cucumller, sliced. Lunch: 1 chicken breast lvith sieamed asparagus,

white meat and a quarter ol a cucumber, sltced. Dinner: Steamed haddock'rvith sieanted green vegetailles,

t:::,ri.,i I As soon as You wake uP: A mug of s{ightly c00led bciled water wilh freshly squeezed lenon or linte and
1 scoop of Bodyism Fibre.


cucun'lller, sliced. Lunch: 1 baked vihite {ish fillet with steamed broccoli,

Snack, mid-afternoon;

00g lean

Belore bed: 1 scooP of BodYisnt

fibre in a glass of uJater with
Body Sereniiy.

Breakfast: A i!'ro-egg-white onrelette uiiih broccoli. Snack, mid-morning: i 009 lean r,,rhite meat and a quafter ol a
cucumber, sltced, Lunch: l chicken breast uiith steamed asparagus,

white nreat and a quafter of a cucunrber, sliced, Dinner: I grilled chicken breast and steamed asparagus.

Before bed: Body Serenity,

(Aliernatively, a glass o{ water nrith freshly squeezed lemon or lime.)

Snack, mid-afternoon; 1 009 lean white meat and a quarter of a

cLrcumber, sliced.




As soon as You wake uP: A mug

of slightly cooleci boiled water vrith {reshly squeezed lenron or lime and '1 scoop of Bodltism Fibre, Breakfast: 1 50g turkey breast rilitn steanred sPinach,

Dinner: Steamed hake fillel and

steamed green vegelables. Before bedl 1 scoop of BodYisttr Fibre in a glass ol irrater l'riih Body Serenity, available ai r'^ium,bodyisnr, com. (AlternativeU, add 1 sc00p g00d quality fibre io a glass of water.)

Snack, mid-afternoon: 1009 lean I vrhite meat and a qllaner ol a

:-l:.,'J' iiil,r. As soon as you wake uP: A mug oi slightly cooled boiled uiater with
freshly squeezed lemon or lime and 1 scoop of Bodyism Fibre, Breakfast: 1 509 turkey breast and steamed sptnacn,

cucumber, sliced, Dinneli Stearred hake and steamed

1 scoop of Bcdyism fibre in a glass of !'iater vrittr

Snack, mid-morning: 1009 lean

rrihlte meat and a quarier of a


Snack, mid-morningl 1009 lean

white nieat and a quarter of a cucumller, sliced, Lunch: 1 chicken breasi uJith spinach.

cucumbef, sliced, Lunch: Baked sea bass with steanred broccoli,

Body Sereniiy,

As soon as you wake uP: A ntug


Snack, mid-afternoon;

009 lean


As soon as You wake uP: A nrug

of slightly cooled boiled urater \\riin freshly squeezed lemon or lime and I scoop of BoCYisnr Fibre. Breakfast: 1 ba(erl cl'ickerr b'easi and sieamed green lleans,

sl;0ntly c00 erl boired 'Jate" ;rjti' orlenjon anci l scoop Bodyism Fibre.


Breakfast: 1 509 iurkey breasi with

steamed spinach.

Snack, mid-morning: 1009 lean

v/hite meat and a quaner ol a cucutttber, sliced. Dinner: 1 chicken breast and stearned Brussels sProLtts Before bed: 1 scoop of Bodyism

Snack, mid-afternoon:

009 leai

, j

uihite meat and a quarter of a cucumber, sliced. Dinner: Steamed sole and mangetout Before bedt BodY Serenity,

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