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Poema en Ingles Do the dead know what time it is?

Kenneth Patchen (1911-1972) The old guy put down his beer. Son, he said, (and a girl came over to the table where we were: asked us by Jack Christ to buy her a drink.) Son, I am going to tell you something The like of which nobody was ever told. (and the girl said, I've got nothing on tonight; how about you and me going to your place?) I am going to tell you the story of my mother's Meeting with God. (and I whispered to the girl: I dont have a room, but maybe...) She walked up to where the top of the world is And He came right up to her and said So at last you've come home. (but maybe what? I thought Id like to stay here and talk to you.) My mother started to cry and God Put His arms around her. (about what? Oh, just talk...well find something.) She said it was like a fog coming over her face And light was everywhere and a soft voice saying You can stop crying now. (what can we talk about that will take all night? and I said that I didnt know.) You can stop crying now.

Carta en ingls

Ken's Cheese House 34 Chatley Avenue Seattle, WA 98765 Tel: Fax: Email: October 23, 2006 Fred Flintstone Sales Manager Cheese Specialists Inc. 456 Rubble Road Rockville, IL Dear Mr Flintstone: With reference to our telephone conversation today, I am writing to confirm your order for: 120 x Cheddar Deluxe Ref. No. 856 The order will be shipped within three days via UPS and should arrive at your store in about 10 days. Please contact us again if we can help in any way. Yours sincerely, Kenneth Beare Director of Ken's Cheese House

Cancion en Ingles FALL TO PIECES by Avril Lavigne I look away. Then I look back at you. You try to say The things that you can't undo. If I had my way, I'd never get over you. Today's the day, I pray that we make it through.

Make it through the fall. Make it through it all. [Chorus:] And I don't want to fall to pieces. I just want to sit and stare at you. I don't want to talk about it. And I don't want a conversation. I just want to cry in front of you. I don't want to talk about it. 'Cos I'm in love with you. You're the only one I'd be with till the end. When I come undone, You bring me back again, Back under the stars, Back into your arms.

Mail en ingles Date: Wed. 5 May 1993 10:45 From: Raul <> To: John <> Hi John: I'm glad to know that you are visiting Valencia these faults. I remember you said: > Maybe just might be the weekend for reasons of > Work.

Do you think if you stay a while when it comes?. In fact, I planned a couple of things that you really like. Contact me by Sunday and we will see how do. A hug, Raul --Raul Tamarit User-id: Computing Service, University of Valencia Doctor Miller, s / n Burjassot (Valencia) Tel: (96) 386 43 10

Articulo de peridico en Ingles

Entrada del edificio de The New York Times en Nueva York.

The New York Times fue fundado el 18 de septiembre de 1851 por Henry Jarvis Raymond yGeorge Jones. Raymond tambin fue director fundador de la AP en 1856. Adolph Ochs adquiri el Times en 1896 y, bajo su direccin, adquiri renombre internacional. En 1897 ide el lema del peridico, All The News That's Fit To Print (Todas las noticias aptas para ser publicadas), que es frecuentemente interpretado como un ataque a sus competidores neoyorquinos (el New York World y el New York Journal America) conocidos por su amarillismo. Luego de mudar la sede del diario a una nueva torre en la calle 42, el rea tom el

nombre de Times Square en1904. Nueve aos despus, el Times abri un anexo en el 229 de la calle 43, su actual sede, vendiendo finalmente la torre Times en 1961. El Times originalmente se publicaba todas las maanas, excepto los domingos. Posteriormente, durante la Guerra Civil, el Times comenz a publicar ediciones dominicales. Gan su primer Pulitzer por reportajes y artculos sobre la Primera Guerra Mundial en 1918. En 1919 hizo su primer entrega trasatlntica a Londres. El crucigrama empez a aparecer en 1942 como seccin, y el diario compr la estacin clsica WQXR el mismo ao. La seccin de moda fue aadida en 1946. El Times tambin comenz una edicin internacional en 1946, pero dej de publicarla en 1967. Se uni a los dueos del New York Herald Tribune y el Washington Post para publicar el International Herald Tribune en Pars. La seccin Op-Ed comenz a aparecer en 1970. En 1996, el New York Times cre su sitio web. Lectores de todo el mundo tendran, as, acceso al peridico ( La nueva sede para el peridico, un rascacielos diseado por Renzo Piano, se encuentra en la interseccin de la calle 41 y la Octava avenida en Manhattan y fue inaugurado a fines de 2007.

Instruccion en ingles An Intruction To The Beginners Course

This course has been designed for students with no previous knowledge of English. The Beginners Course will take the learner to a level where he/she can begin the Basic Course of La Mansin del Ingls.

Manoli is a Valencian housewife who would love to learn English. Her son is now at university, and she has some time to sit at her computer and study. Follow Manoli as she studies step by step, and listen to her voice as she practices Beginners English lesson by lesson. Despite her errors as a pure beginner, Manoli makes steady progress and gains in confidence during the course.

The Beginners Course consists of 10 interactive lessons, 3 revision sections and a final test. The lessons are fully integrated to practise reading, writing, grammar, vocabulary, listening and pronunciation.

Everyday expressions have also been included in realistic dialogues to help prepare beginners for coping with basic English in real-life situations.

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