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Book Summary of Cheears Cheears (Paperback, Marathi) by V. P.

Once, the Badshah announced that anyone who stands in the water of river Yamuna throughout the night will be rewarded with 1000 golden coins. One very poor and needy man did dare to stand in the water throughout the night. In the morning he came to the palace to claim his reward. The Badshah asked him, \"how did you manage to stand there?\' Oh! Simple, I just kept on looking at the light coming out from your palace\'. Badshah refused to give him the reward. We all are aware of the story of \"Birbalki Khichdi\' that followed later. We all know that Birbal\'s Khichdi will never get cooked in this way. Because there are limitations to the fire itself. Actually, every burning coal has a fixed temperature. It does not burn us or give us heat required. We decide the intensity of the fire. If we sit too close to it, then we end up in burning ourselves, if we succeed in maintaining the distance then it gives us required warmth without burning us. But this rule is not applicable to friendship. A person can either give you intense heat to burn you or enough heat to prass you warm. We cannot avoid the distance as we have to hold the letter in our hands or keep the receiver of the phone very close to our ear. Rajeev, doctor by profession is one such person who showers his love upon me with such intensity that the distance makes no sense at all. Once he phoned me from Raver realizing that I was feeling lonely. He said, \"I know, many a times, you skip your lunch because of loneliness. Hereafter, I will write you a letter every day, just read it during your lunch and you will not feel lonely.\' Rajeev kept his word. His latest letter read, \"I have come from a visit just now. While on my way home, we came across an accident. All the passengers in the matador had left this world. Their bodies were so smashed that it was difficult to identify them. We crept back to our own vehicle without being able to say anything. After a while one of my friends asked, \'Rajeev, if you meet such an accident with many other bodies, how would any one recognize you from others?\' I answered, \'simple, the body holding one of Va Pu\'s books in hands will be mine.\' \"My dear Rajeev, we need lot of courage to receive such love. Needless to say, I was unable to eat further after reading this. Rajeev, when we are too tired or too happy or to sad, then our mind is full, we forget the basic essential needs of a body like thirst, hunger and sleep. When I receive such a letter from you, I tell myself \"Cheers\'. I dedicate this book to your love and affection for me.\' Va Pu.

Book Summary of Mi Manus Shodatoy Mi Manus Shodatoy (Paperback, Marathi) by V. P. Kale

Chiyochan, born to a fisherman, an innocent girl of nine years, enjoying her childhood at the sea side. Her poor father sold her at that young age and she reaches the world of geisha. A market where every single penny spent on the geisha is extracted back by exploiting not only their bodies but also their souls. This story is of Chiyochan, who later came to know as Sayuri when she became the proprietor of a Thouse in New York at the age of 30 on the merits of her beauty, wit, and luck. Her journey from 9 years

to 30 years was full of extortion, torture, hard work, starvation and contempt. Sayuri tells us the stories of others like her in the flow of her narration. Her story with her affection for her elder sister, her love for nature, her immense love and adoration towards her chairman who is 31 years older than her; all these have a great impact upon us. They enchant us. This unknown side of Japan with its cultural life, the devastating effects of the Second World War, and the secret night life going on for ages mystifies us.

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