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8 February 2012 8.

00 AM Breakfast

9.05 Am for the interfaith Prayer: Taon friend from Vietnam response to the, he started with telling the story about women in Vietnam and explain that situation to other. After that everybody keep silent and pray for those people 9.10 AM Centering activity: Tha Wa present the story call Sound of Peace from the story we can summary that the actors in the story a gun, dynamite and harp. All of them are different Ideas, workguns and dynamite try to kill the people but the harp wants to make people happy with music. The gun and dynamite cooperate to fight with the harp. 9.20 AM Ella and Oaune presented the Dairy Report

9.35 AM Max presented: Dont BE BUSY BE EFFECTIVE (You) dont have to do a lot of things to get something accomplished, try to understand and learn. And he tried to go back to the last activity (Tuesday) 9.45 am We talked about the small group conversations the previous evening regarding the two questions. 1. How do you define the poor? 2. How do we find reliable resources?

Conclusion: we can not define who is poor but the poor people can difine it for themselves from their needs or their wants. The poeple who can not support their basic needs Conclusion: We can not define who is poor but the poor people can define it for themselves from their needs or their wants. The people who can not support their basic needs (house, food, medicine, clothes and education). Happiness isnt just about having money. Explain about the vocabulary.
- Prophet: Talks about the future, sees a situation and says it needs to stop in present situation, helping people to see. - Education - helps us/people understand their reality - help us/people tell/write their our history

Small group discussion:

- Conform - Reform - Transform 10.10 AM Finish class in the morning 10.15 AM Meeting between SOP and VCC

Mr.David: Facilitated a game for us to try to remember each others names 10.50 am David had each student from VCC point to their areas they came from and had each student from SOP show the country they are from. 10.55 AM: Break: We partnered with a student from VCC to learn 5 Kanada words and they would learn 5 new English words and share with the entire group. 11.45 AM David gave each person in the group a piece of paper with a number on it, either 50, 300 or 1000. He then played music and we had to run around the circles. When the music stopped we had to find our number and stand inside the circle. As the game continued, they made the circles smaller and the 1000 group stayed the same and got chairs to sit on. After we finished he asked a few questions: How do you feel? What did you learn? How did this game relate to your society or your countries?

Discussion: Some people feel angry, tired and hot. What did they learn?: The game is the same as living conditions for many people. The people with the money control the living conditions of the poor, although they are more in number. They have money and power and can make policy to be useful for them but they dont.
Mr.David: gave an example about the income of people in India. The important things are cooperation and changing together. 1.10 pm Finish class

2.30 pm Start class from Mr. Max: We divided into three groups to talk about diversity

-Diversity: many things are different Questions: 1. When do you feel comfortable within diversity? -We feel comfortable when: we share, learn and understand each other 2. When do you feel uncomfortable within diversity? -We feel uncomfortable when: we compare something, when people are trying to change you, when he was in a party with people we dont have anything in common with. Identity: Who we are??

Max showed a powerpoint about his identitiy and other information on how the identity of people can cause conflict.
-Biases: when we favor something over another thing because of our identity - Stereotypes: exaggerated belief, image or distorted truth about a person or group. - Prejudice: (Pre-Judge) aimed at the other accompanied by ignorance, fear or hatred. - Creating label Examples:-prostitute in reference to blonde people, terrorist in reference to Muslim people, uncivilized in reference in Indigenous people * Using these labels to justify war, killing and discrimination because we dehumanize people through the use of labels. - Discrimination: (action) treats people unequally because of their group membership Heavy change >> Stereotype, Prejudice, Bias, labels arrogance Small group: 1. Share our experience about stereotypes, prejudice, bias and labels From friends: The fact in Indian were kills 5 hundred thousands.

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