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29 June 2001

Chemical Physics Letters 341 (2001) 535±539

Non-monotonic decay of transient infrared absorption in

dilute HDO=D2O solutions
G. Gallot a, N. Lascoux a, G.M. Gale a, J-Cl. Leicknam b,*,
S. Bratos b, S. Pommeret c
Laboratoire d'Optique Quantique, Ecole Polytechnique, Route de Saclay, 91128 Palaiseau Cedex, France
Laboratoire de Physique Th eorique des Liquides, Unite de Recherche Associee au CNRS, Physique Theoretique des Liquides,
Universit e Pierre et Marie Curie, Case courrier 121, 4 Place Jussieu, Tour 16, 75252 Paris Cedex 05, France
CEA/Saclay, DSM/DRECAM/SCM/URA 331 CNRS, 91191 Gif-sur-Yvette Cedex, France
Received 7 December 2000; in ®nal form 15 February 2001

Transient infrared absorption of diluted HDO=D2 O solutions is measured with 150 fs laser pulses. The signal in-
tensity decays in a heavily non-exponential way, and its variation is often non-monotonic; no quantum beats are
observed. These e€ects are ascribed to the simultaneous presence of solvent and population dynamics in low lying
vibrational states, and to a partial cancellation of the bleach and absorption intensities. Ó 2001 Elsevier Science B.V.
All rights reserved.

1. Introduction and excited electronic states of the system is ob-

tainable in this way.
The short time relaxation of photoexcited The laser excitation may also be infrared.
molecules in dense phases, immediately after ex- However, a number of technical diculties had to
citation, has been a subject of considerable inter- be overcome to proceed further. The published
est. Most often the excitation is in the visible work mainly refers to the diluted solution
spectral range. If the laser pulse duration is com- HDO=D2 O, an isotopic variety of liquid water.
parable to the vibrational oscillation period, mol- The OH    O motions were `photographed' in real
ecules are excited coherently and they oscillate in time, but no oscillations were observed: they are
phase. Damped quantum beats may then be ob- too strongly damped to be `seen' [1,2]. The loss of
served by the help of various non-linear spectros- the initial phase coherence is due to three mecha-
copies such as spontaneous ¯uorescence, nisms: the population relaxation, spectral di€usion
transmission correlation, transient absorption, and orientational relaxation. (i) The vibrational
transient birefringence and dichroism. Informa- population relaxation time sp , was measured by a
tion concerning vibrational motions in the ground number of authors [1±4]; values between 1 and 2 ps
were reported. It exhibits a pronounced tempera-
ture [5] and frequency [6] dependence. (ii) Spectral
Corresponding author. Fax: +33-1-44275100. di€usion evolves over time scales of the order of
E-mail address: (J.-C. Leicknam). sX , the mOH frequency shift correlation time; it was
0009-2614/01/$ - see front matter Ó 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 0 0 9 - 2 6 1 4 ( 0 1 ) 0 0 5 2 4 - 3
536 G. Gallot et al. / Chemical Physics Letters 341 (2001) 535±539

found equal to 0.7±0.8 ps, both by theory [7] and of 150 fs and a spectral width of 65 cm 1 . The
experiment [1,2]. (iii) The orientational relaxation angle between the pump and the probe beams,
time so was provided by the NMR and molecular polarized in the same direction, is 15°. The pump is
dynamics studies; values of the order of 2.5 ps were chopped at 500 Hz to obtain di€erential spectra,
proposed in the literature [8±11]. Although there with and without excitation.
are still controversies, there is an overall agreement Temporal evolution of the system was followed
on this picture. over several ps. Three pump frequencies X1 were
The purpose of this Letter is to reexamine the employed at 3510, 3420 and 3300 cm 1 ; and in
decay of the transient infrared absorption of di- each of these three cases, spectral transients were
luted HDO=D2 O solutions with 150 fs resolution. recorded for a large set of probe frequencies X2 .
A large number of pump and probe frequencies Typical results are illustrated in Fig. 1a; the
were employed. The absorption was shown to following observations merit attention. (i) Initial
decay in a heavily non-exponential way and often decay of the signals is always heavily non-
is non-monotonic. The `reading' of the spectra is exponential. A narrow component with a width of
dicult, and their interpretation requires a con- the order of 1 ps coexists with a broad component
siderable theoretical e€ort. The observed e€ects extending over 2 ps or more. (ii) The decay is not
are ascribed to the simultaneous presence of sol- necessarily monotonic; an overshoot from the
vent and population dynamics, and to a partial initial absorption to the ®nal bleach is often
cancellation of the bleach and absorption intensi- observed. (iii) The maxima of the bleach and
ties. For earlier work on this problem, see [12]. absorption transients do not coincide. The
absorption component peaks at earlier times than
its bleach counterpart; however, the positions of
2. Experiment their maxima depend distinctly on X2 . (iv) The
spectra do not vary very much with the excitation
The experimental set-up employed was de- frequency X1 .
scribed elsewhere [1,2]; it is only sketchily
redescribed here. Its central element is a titanium±
sapphire ampli®er which drives an optical para- 3. Theory
metric ampli®er system producing a 10 lJ pump
pulse and a 1 lJ probe pulse. They are both The theory is based on an expression for the
tunable from 2800 to 3800 cm 1 , have a duration pump±probe signal recently proposed by Bratos

Fig. 1. Time-resolved pump±probe infrared spectra of a diluted HDO=D2 O solution. The wave number of the pump is 3510 cm 1 , and
those of the probe are 3510, 3380, 3360, 3340, 3320 and 3300 cm 1 . Experiment is illustrated in Fig. 1a, and theory in Fig. 1b.
G. Gallot et al. / Chemical Physics Letters 341 (2001) 535±539 537

and Leicknam [13]. If S…X1 ; X2 ; s† is de®ned as where H is an adiabatic Hamiltonian of the liquid
temporally integrated probe absorption in pres- mixture, and C the Pauli relaxation matrix. (iii)
ence of the pump minus the probe absorption in its The correlation between vibrational and rotational
absence, then motions is neglected. (iv) The pump and probe
electric ®elds E1 …X; t† and E2 …X; t† are given a
S…X1 ; X2 ; s† Gaussian form and random phases, /1 …t† and
Z 1 Z 1 Z 1 Z 1
2 /2 …t†, independent of each other.
ˆ 3 Im dt ds1 ds2 ds3
h 1 0 0 0
The detailed calculations are described in [13];
they are only sketchily reproduced here. The di-
 hE_ 2 …r; t† E…r; t s3 †E…r; t s3 s2 †
pole moment correlation function hM…0†‰M…s1 †;
 E…r; t s3 s2 s1 †iE ‰M…s1 ‡ s2 †; M…s1 ‡ s2 ‡ s3 †ŠŠi is calculated by: (i)

determining the time evolution of M…s† by the help
 hM…0†‰M…s1 †‰M…s1 ‡ s2 †M…s1 ‡ s2 ‡ s3 †ŠŠiS :
of Eq. (2), (ii) employing the cumulant expansion
…1† theorem and (iii) considering time scales inherent
to this problem. The resulting correlation function
Eq. (1) contains two 4-time correlation functions: then appears as a sum of terms proportional to
the correlation function of the total and probe  
electric ®elds E and E2 , and that of the electric a…s2 † exp 2
s21 ‡ s23 b  s1 s3 b…s2 ‡ s3 † ; …3†
dipole moment M of the system. The average h iS is
over the states of the non-perturbed liquid sample, where a…s† ˆ hu2 …0†u2 …s†i is the rotational corre-
and the average h iE is over all possible realizations lation function of the unit vector ~u along the OH
of the incident electric ®elds. The symbol [ , ] de- bond of HDO; b…s† ˆ hx…0†x…s†ic is the frequency
notes a commutator, the dot a time derivative and shift correlation function, where the index c indi-
s the time delay of the probe with respect to the cates a cumulant, and b ˆ b…0†. In conformity
pump. For a description of higher-order correla- with computer simulation results of [7,9±11], the
tion functions, see [14]. decay of a…s† and b…s† is supposed to be mono-
The present problem was modeled as follows. (i) exponential with time constants so and sX .
The spectrally active OH vibration of a HDO The electric ®eld correlation function hE_ 2 …r; t†
molecule is assimilated to a three-level quantum E…r; t s3 † E…r; t s3 s2 † E…r; t s3 s2 s1 †iE
system perturbed by stochastic solvent±solute in- may be evaluated by (i) decomposing E1 and E2
teractions; the energy level diagram is illustrated in into individual exponentials, (ii) neglecting non-
Fig. 2. (ii) The dipole moment of the molecule is secular contributions to it and (iii) treating the
governed by the equation random phases /1 …t† and /2 …t† by the help of the
cumulant expansion theorem. The ®nal result then
dM i appears as a sum of terms proportional to
ˆ ‰H ; M Š C M; …2†
dt h
exp… c…t12 ‡ t22 ‡ t302 ‡ t402 ††
1 2 1 2
 exp… …t
2 1
t2 † / …t
2 3
t4 † /†; …4†
where t1 ; t2 ; t3 and t4 are the various combinations
of times t; t s3 ; t s3 s2 ; t s3 s2 s1 .
Moreover, t0 ˆ t ‡ s, / ˆ h/_ 21 i ˆ h/_ 22 i whereas c
determines the temporal width of the pump and
probe electric ®elds.
The last step of the calculation consists in
performing multidimensional integrations over
Fig. 2. Low lying OH stretching energy levels of an HDO
molecule. The frequency of the v ˆ 0 ! v ˆ 1 transition is t; s1 ; s2 and s3 in Eq. (1). They were realized
equal to X01 , and that of the v ˆ 1 ! v ˆ 2 transition is equal numerically by the help of a specially written
to X12 . algorithm. No approximations were required to
538 G. Gallot et al. / Chemical Physics Letters 341 (2001) 535±539

do it; in particular, the overlap of the pump and lation relaxation time sp . The situation is di€erent,
probe pulses was fully accounted for. The spectra, if this state is replaced by a continuous sequence of
calculated by using this model, are shown in excited vibrational states (Fig. 3b). The pump then
Fig. 1b; the agreement with experimental data of generates a wave packet propagating in the liquid
Fig. 1a is extremely satisfactory. at scales of the order of the solvent relaxation time
sX . Transient absorption will exhibit two decay
times, sp and sX . Let us ®nally assume that the
4. Discussion vibrator contains two continuous, well-separated
sequences of states (Fig. 3c). The pump±probe
The following picture of non-monotonic pump± signal remains comparable to that just described,
probe absorption in HDO=D2 O is suggested by but may have a positive or a negative amplitude
this work. Let us ®rst suppose that the lowest ex- (induced absorption or bleach). A partial com-
cited vibrational level is non-degenerated and well pensation of these two components of the signal
isolated from all other states (Fig. 3a); the decay of may stop its decline, or even produce its ampli®-
transient absorption is then basically mono-expo- cation! This last case is closely related to the ex-
nential, with a time constant equal to the popu- perimental reality. As the OH vibrational
frequency depends on the OH    O bond length,
the continuous sequences of excited states in Fig. 3
are those of individual OH vibrators, captured in
OH    O bonds of di€erent lengths.
The observed material entirely conforms to this
picture; see Fig. 1a. The short time component of
the signal is generated by the solvent relaxation
and decays with a time sX ; and its long time
component is due to the population relaxation and
decays with a time sp > sX . Their relative intensi-
ties are X1 , X2 dependent; the solvent relaxation
dominates if X1 X2 ˆ 0 or X1 X2 ˆ X01 X12 ,
whereas the population relaxation dominates
otherwise; this point is discussed in [15]. Finally,
analyzing computer generated data con®rms that
the non-monotonic time evolution of S…X1 ; X2 ; s†
mainly results from a competition between the
bleach and the induced absorption.
The calculated values of time constants are
sX ˆ 0:7 ps, sp ˆ 1=C ˆ 1:3 ps and so ˆ 2:5 ps;
they are exactly the same as those given by [1,2]. It
is also noteworthy that a good agreement between
theory and experiment was reached by maintain-
ing the population relaxation time sp equal for the
Fig. 3. Decay of transient infrared absorption (schematically).
v ˆ 1 $ v ˆ 0 and v ˆ 2 v ˆ 1 transitions;
(a) The excited vibrational state is isolated; the decay of the these two times are probably not too di€erent in
signal exhibits the time sp . (b) The excited state takes part in a reality. The theory is the simplest for the 3510
continuous sequence of excited vibrational states; the signal cm 1 series; additional degrees of freedom, such as
decays on two time scales, sp and sX . (c) There exist two con- OH bending, are involved in the 3420 cm 1 and
tinuous sequences of vibrationally excited states; depending on
the choice of the pump and probe frequencies, X1 and X2 , the
3300 cm 1 series.
signal intensity may either decrease or increase with the time Comparison with the literature data brings out
delay s. the following points. (i) Although shortly men-
G. Gallot et al. / Chemical Physics Letters 341 (2001) 535±539 539

tioned by Woutersen and Bakker [12], it is the ®rst References

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the CNRS.

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