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Lajukan Mozilla Firefox dlm 3-30x laju!!! CARA 1 ...............................

Type "about:config" kt address bar n tekan enter pas2 korang taip bnde2 kt bawah ni plak ( taip satu-satu k.. ) network.http.pipelining network.http.proxy.pipelining network.http.pipelining.maxrequests Set "network.http.pipelining" to "true" Set "network.http.proxy.pipelining" to "true" The easy way to win movie tickets. Just click here and answer! Set "network.http.pipelining.maxrequests" 30. Maksud 30 tu utk request page dlm satu mase. Last buat yang baru New-> Integer. Name it "nglayout.initialpaint.delay" & set value to "0". [align=center]...OK...[/align] ................................................................................ ..............

CARA 2 ............................... Ader cara lg senang, gunakan addon firefox bernama " Tweak Network ". Sume yg ad er kat atas akan diapply, tp ader lg tweaks yg lain selain diatas: 1. CONTENT INTERRUPT PARSING Right-click anywhere in the about:config window, select New and then Boolean fro m the pop-up menu. Then: A. Enter content.interrupt.parsing in the New boolean value pop-up window and cl ick OK B. When prompted to choose the value for the new boolean, select true and click OK. 2. Right-click anywhere in the about:config window, select Newand then Integer f rom the pop-up menu. A. Enter content.max.tokenizing.time in the New integer value pop-up window and click OK B. You will be prompted to enter a value. Enter 2333333 and click OK. 8. CONTENT NOTIFY INTERVAL Right-click anywhere in the about:config window, select New and then Integer fro

m the pop-up menu. A. Type content.notify.interval in the New integer value pop-up window and click OK. B. You will be prompted to enter a value. Enter 849999 and click OK. Yg nie lak akan set mininum time tuk tunggu webpage reflows. 3. CONTENT NOTIFY ONTIMER A. Right-click anywhere in the about:config window and select New and then Boole an from the pop-up menu. B. Type content.notify.ontimer in the New boolean value pop-up window and click OK. C. You will be prompted to choose the value for the new boolean. Select true and click OK. Yg nie lak akan set reflow webpages ker nilai yg tinggi tuk content.notify.inter val 4. Notify Backoffcount Right-click (anywhere in the about:config window and select New and then Integer from the pop-up menu. A. Enter content.notify.backoffcount in the New integer value pop-up window and click OK. B. You will be prompted to enter a value. Enter 5 and click OK. 5. CONTENT SWITCH THRESHOLD Right-click anywhere in the about:config window and select New and then Integer from the pop-up menu. A. Enter content.switch.threshold in the New integer value pop-up window and cli ck OK. B. You will be prompted to enter a value. Enter 849999 and click OK.

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